TER ; Issued Weeklr; ««Ured ae (etoDd-ciue Hatter at the Poet- , VOLUME frLvny NO. 12. «»eea» EeiBank, N, J.'oniler the Aoi o( HaiBb Id. t!7». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1925. , $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES'! TO ; J1LI OF A WAR VETERAN. SHOOTING AT LEONARDO. ; P^RTir^ND!; SHQWER.'.- AR SMASHES A GARAGE. MIDDLETOWN'S MYSTERY, STRIVING FOR A CUP. Map? Giftt - JMade~~to' Mr...Harold Union and WetUide Companies to MESSAGES FROM SPIRITS, EXCITEMENT OVER POljg $jp$iiiafciuq^ JOSEPH SOLBAbl DIES AT HOS- 1 Riddle of Red B.ok. , NEW CAR OWNER STEPPED ON VILLAGE EXCITED ABOUT Ploy at Horseshoes. v IEW RELIGION AT PORT MON- ELECTRIC COMPANY AND MIP« f' PITAL FROM WOUND. A party ind' shower was given THE WRONG PEDAL; MIDNIGHT RINGING OF BELL. Last winter tho -Red Bank. flra i 3g GET?; I^C^E^^iPST'Ate.:;' for Mr. and:Mrs. Harold Riddle, a MOUTH GAINING GROUND. DLETOWNERS CLASH. ''" Several Persons Arrested «i Ma- epartment won a prize of a silver nawiyJjnarrleSi: caupleVof.^ Rector, Th« .Car Shot^Abead Instead of Someone Did It as a Joke, but It vinftibthbi iifirVtJHir^ikii^ terial Witnesses—One Story if gpy_tha._bBsiDfii !hs_P«jtor,_jL_Woinan, JUpealtI Botlv Si(l«l_Jiired_iTh«iri-atorIiIS place, last Thursday .night at tho Stopping—The Rear Wall of the Did Not Seem Like Such a Joke men's association for the best ap- !|4i?'Mr..:;;paaKA:^».ck"of-;AtUntl«i That Man Wte Wounded while In Meatage. which She Saya, Come Befor"-<-••e tho Townshi- .<•«""»p Committee • home of the "bride's father, Charles Garage Waa. Knocked .Down and to tho Middletowiiera Who were earing organization.' By common from the Dead and She also ;^;|'JHI^issnit,'«ni)i;;Mrlt''iyiar7^Ay>ei. 'Boat—Detective* Investigating. H. Mitchell". of^Chestnue street. a Nelghbor'a Garden Ruined. Awakened from Their Slumbers. Last Week—William M. Greenv;| If^fTjtediwJfk' Ilerrnwnn-of. Eaton- gre'ement of all the companies of Claims to Cure Through Prayer. wood Has' a SpeelaI,Ser<ip/-:1( .'y^;^| Joseph SolbaJI of Water Witch Card£ame?,refreshinents and vari- A loud- crash of splintering wood Shortly before midnight Sunday he department the cup was placed ; iSjHbwnV.aclylliwaryeterani who died Park died at the Lo.ig Branch hos- ous other features were enjoyed, the bell of Christ Episcopal church Messages and news which are al- A controversy, veryj much ln»i? {?about a.month ago,;mado a wllliast awoko.residents on Elm place and in the keeping of Independent fira eged teepme from the dead and plved and with many ramlflcBtioil«»iU pital, early Friday morning from a •Mrii.RlddH "'received- many fine Linden place one night last week. at Middletown villago rang'out loud ompany. It Was agreed that this I^Aprll. Ho loft $6 to his son, John bullet in the body. Solbadi was gifts.: ./The'-'-guests.' were Mr. and ind clear. The good" folks.of-Mia-' Tom the spirit world have been at- letween the Jersey Central-.lightl* • Frederick Hormann, nn'd all the rest 1 Persons got up and dressed and left ompany was to defend the cup intracting large numbers of Port nd power :compnny nnd cortai4"5? found In the yard of Casmlrn Wes- Mrs . Alvln Mitchell,-Mr. and Mrs.their homes to Had out what hap-dletown got out of their .beds and any kind Of an athletic contest.to • tik- his "estate, he left to his wife, kowiy's hoUBB at Leonardo by Frank' E. Mitchell, Mrs. John Rid- ruBhed to the nearer.t windows to Jonmouth, Bel ford and Keansbur^ •esidents of Mlddletown towMhipif, )i\Mary Doll Herrmann, to use as long pened. In a garden lit the rear of which it might be challenged by any oiks to a Spiritualistic church at as aired before tho township coin-;*! 1 John R. Sncdekor, former chief of die,. Mi»8 Viola Mitchell,. Mrs. John William deBirmintham's house on :can the landscape for signs of fire. ther company. Last spring Union K as she lives.; The will also'gives her police at Atlantic Highlands, who H. • White, Mrs. Joseph, Collins, Mrs. t is a custom in the village to ring 'ort Monmouth. The church was mittee at a special meeting lii($; -the privilege. of using as - much of Elm place they found a new Star ire company challenged Independ- itarted four years ago as a summer ; went to the place in response to a Thomas Cornpton, Mrs. John Kear- touring car and in the car was Sam- :ho church bell when thero is a fire. :nt company'to a game of baseball. iVednesday night. Tho Jerae^l 'the principal of the, estate as shetelephone call. Snedeker took the noy.lMrs. Joseph.Cooper, Mrs. Mat- But , the. Middletowners who :hurch for residents of Jersey City Central light awl po'.ver company t£% ii; may think- necessary/ without.riialt- uel Famulary of Linden place. He Union company won tho game and .nd vicinity who are believers in wounded man to tki hospital. thew Connors, Mrs. Flpyd Emley, had driven tho automobile straight {rushed to their windows Sunday it now has possession of the cup. Mie concern which "recently b.oujjlijf'^; , ing an accounting, to anybody. At County Detectives Smith and RueMrs. Joseph Eschelbach, Mrs. Edith night saw. no signs of fire. Every- ho Spiritual religion and who;he business of. the,Public Sorvlc*,1'; ivKer death, if thera is, anything left through a garage, tearing down tha Westsidd firs company has chal- ipend the summer in the Bay Shore went to the place and interviewed ieggett, Mjssea Nora and -Elizabeth rear wall of the building, and had hing apparently v.as in its wonted •lectric company.- .'••/-•/--.•;'•'•$, ;:-io.f,|the estate.it is to go in equal several persons found at the house. Eyari,. Miss Grace Simpson', Miss state of calm. The general thought enged Union company to a series lection of Middletown township and '•• shares -to:.ithreo children, Maty landed in Mr. deBirmingham's gar- f quoits or horseshoe games and t Keansburg. Middletown town-' Several week', ago'tho companjrjj: It is understood they were Informed Grace Baker, Mrs. William Layton, den, " , . was that something even worse than tnrtcd to put down a line of pole". | ;ft Louisa H. Murphy, George Horr- that Solbadi had been carried into Miss: • Jidith Winning, Miss, Minna a firo had occurred. Perhaps there his battle,for the cup will bo staged hip folks scarcely 1'new that such v .rtiann' and "William Henry Herr- The car had been bought the at twilight next Tuesday on the n Middletown township, between'!;; the, yard by some men,w|io' stated Wishaupt, Miss-Ella Snyder, Mrs. had been a terrible accident, or s church existed until this year, Cooper's bridge and New Mon«|' mann. George Herrmann was made iia hdd been wounded •while in a Morrell, MIBS Anna Donohue, Miss same day by Mr. Famulary and hodisaster, or a riot Lights soon ap- grdunSs of Union firehouse on his season, for some reason, a 'Kexeeutor of the .Will and the wit- was not entirely familiar with the Shrewsbury avenue. If the Union, mouth. This -was done to. pTovide| Caroline Hughes, Miss Wilhelmina peared in houses and men rushed great interest in 'spiritualism has lectricity for Red. Bank and all?' nesses ' were Thomas Wood and Eschclbach, Miss Edna Hughes, method of running the machine. through a pouring rain to, thefiremen win the most games they :ropped up,-in the township and James S. Rose of Eatontown; >' Later on, Friday it/was'learned When he drove thp car into tho will keep the cup and if Westsida :his section of Monmouth county*, that-coast guards from the Sea-Miss Julia' Hagcn, Miss Josephino church. The only unusual thing the services have, been almost as with a high tension line running f:•;;i••••.Wti; Ida. P. Peck of Atlantic Fen.ton, Mrs. Harry Br9wer and garage instead of stepping on thothey saw was that the church door makes the best showing that.com- argely attended By native-, as sum- ;:; Highlands', in a will which she made brjght station' had pursued a forty- brake to stop the car ho stepped on, pany will get possession of the cup. "rom Perth Amh'oy. A'tcr thisliriffji : foot boat eighteen mile's. Several Miss Edith Herrold. was open. No one was inside. mer residents. • ;p lastJIay,. named as her executors the foot apcelerator, which fed *t is said that one company is s established tho electric plant' ot. ; shots jwere fired at the boat and it \ Mr.Riddle is a clerk at ^the Red Some one* had entered the church Remarkable stories of messages •> her* son, Charles B^qnaon .Derby; Bank postofflce. His wife'was the more gas to the motor, and the au-through a window, rang the bell, raining some of its members as Red Bank will be abandoned. ' • ''• and the National Newark and Essex -was finally • beached iear Water tomobile shot ahead. It went runners to challenge for tho cupirom the Great Beyond are told in The company started tu put tholj v, the crew escaping. It car-third member of the Mitchell fam- Unlocked the door and fled. The onnection with the services at the i! banking company, of Nowark.. Mrs, ily to • be married within three through the. rear wall as if the ntruder evidently thought it was a and that another company is plan- poles on the state highway in Mid; v •£; PBCk-left n'l her wearing apparel, ried 200 cases of liquor and these boards were pieces.of paper.
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