MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE Publlahed Monthly by MASJID TUCSON MARCH 1988 RAJAS 1408 Editor: Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D. We provide heretmder more evidence that the Muhammadan leadership., represented by AL-AZHAR, has rejected the Qur'an, deceived the Muslim masses and duped them into committing the only tmfor­ givable sin., idolatry. This statement written by Dr. Saad Zalaam, Dean of Al-Azh~ Arabic Language College. • I.J \ \, .// • , '\ t l. /./ ~} • . \ · > ) · · " / " / · tl~ J,~ tJ.J \(A, t~\ ·~!/!\I 'i.P / ~..7 ~ '1.,1 .Y, ~ ':' fe.U ~ tr ~ / .,..~J c0 t;A /(;;; ( 1\' /\'( '<f; d r!!r' '~ ~ ';._; t r' J c::, I l tu.J . ·,. .. ~ [ • · /t;, ~ · 1n his own handwriting, Dr. Zalaam whose name ,. \ f If; ':~ ~ means ndarknessztl officially rejects two clear ttY../.P ..!.-J.: .L. ___; ~· ~,"' • :~ ' and major doctrines of the Qur'an by: / · ./_._.....-/ -~~ft.;. ... ,~~ (1) claiming infallibility for the prop~ets., and \1 . \; ,_ ..: q • (2) claiming the power of interces."Don for Prophet ( ~\ ~~-:~~~~ ("" ...___....., .J;r-- .J...f- .J.A...- .J ~~. £:·<-l Muhammad. Knowing the human tendency to .idolize ~eli~~~ r ~ U .;._ ~ L; J ·· J ·" t leaders, the Qur'an repeatedly emphasizes that • the prophets were not infallible: • "' • ,a - 1 1 > ,a 1 1 > 1 $ ..l.---11 1. Moses killed a man (28:15), "'"" u .· _,..; 2. Jonah abandoned his duties (21:8'1), ':.....--.:--=m=T=E=R:-;:C:::;ESS=:;-:;IO:;:-;N~;-e-:=h.;;;;•-:-!-::-1---- 3. Muhammad feared the people, instead of fearing The basic Qur'anic law is that, for all practical God (33:37), worshiped idols before being guided purposes, there will be NO INTERCESSION (40:66 &: 93:7), and ignored the poor blind man on the Day of Judgment. Every human being in favor of the rich man (80:1), will go into the Hereafter with the soul's 4. Abraham asked forgiveness for his idolatrous degree of growth already decided, and irrever- father (60:4), and defended the evil people sible. 2:254, for e:mmple, states that THERE of Sodom (11:'16), WILL BE NO INTERCESSION. However, every- 5. Noah asked God to save his disbelieving son one in Heaven will wish that his or her beloved (11:46), ones were in Heaven too; this is "intercession.n. 6. Adam ate from the forbidden tree (20:115}, If your beloved ones happen to be saved, 7. Jacob grieved excessively for Joseph (12:84}, then your intercession works. Otherwise, 8. Solomon was distracted by his horses (38:33), vour intercession cannot save them. Thus. and for all practical purposes. there •.vill be ~ 9. Joseph sought help from other than God (12:42}. intercession on the Day of Judg-ment. Sura Yet, Al-Azhar is driven by idol-worship to reject 21 informs us that the prophets ?ossess no the$e clear teachings. power to intercPrie. ::_.~t..ll J &:..,1.5 ~j. • ·~I::JI J &:.,1.5 ~1· • • C::.JI::JI ..} ~.,IS ~j. • • ~..,I:.JI ...s' &:.,1.5 ~t ·t ' THE INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCES AL AZHAR LEADS THE MUHAMMADAN WORLD TO UTTER DESTRUCTION EGYPT DIES BY 1990 ' w w 4 - .. _. -·Jai. t : u }l_,i.IJ ~ ~ j;} J c.l:-= ;J ..~·1 ">.. - ·~.r=-J I ~ ,r::;J \ o._ \ • r J.s; ~_,..; .;..-......~--· _.. The evidence is glaring that Al-Azhar, repre- And here are excerpts from CRESCENT INTER­ senting all religious institutions in the Muham- NATIONAL, February 1-15, 1988, Page 1: madan world, has rejected the word of God. Following the near-famine conditions The Qur'an tells us exactly what the inevitable in the Thar area in the southern consequences are: utter destruction. The immi­ province of Sind. the rest of Pakistan nence of such a catastrophe is particularly note­ is faced with severe shonfalls in food production. As a result of a prolonged worthy since the message has been so effectively drought over most of the country, delivered to the Muhammadan world by this caused by the failure of the monsoon Masjid's publications, and through·· my books, rain~ for two consecutive years. lectures, and Friday sermons. This message has And here is what the Almighty Creator says: been vehemently rejected by Al-Azhar and its blind followers. Soon, the warning signs appeared, r:':l·-: .n~'...:f~''f~~ f:, ::f~ iJ!('; declaring that the dire consequences are indeed v~~t-!.YV~~j~jJfij · imminent. Specifically, the inevitable consequences ~':' ;-t\:r.J-'~:'~~J~~~... ~f~'7~_.,.t. ,., ..... :'~.~g:;~'-~ '-"~IN ~~j_.a~\il ~bU... • \9 are: .. ,.,,_ ~~ ..,.~ •-" .,. 1. Egypt will die by the year 1990. 2. Egy-pt will take with her the rest of the Arab ®5~fJt'V&5~ \~\~~'~\.;' :f~t-!.JJ~ world. ....... ~ .. .... .., ~.!)t'"' :.- ... ;..- ~-':. ..., 3. Pakistan and the rest of the Muhammadan world will die around the same time. (~' &;_;.r-) e ~~\bJ~\;-~~\~1; HERE IS THE EVIDENCE "They schemed their schemes, but then we Shown below are excerpts from the LOS too schemed our scheme, while they do not ANGELES Tll\IES, December 26, 1987, Page perceive. Note the consequences of their schem­ 20: + ing: we utterly destroyed them and their people. "13y next July, the walcrin the Thus, their homes stood empty, because of !h·c !'tcrage area of Lnke Nasser "It's one of those pro­ their injustice. This is a lesson for people who Will be \lScd \!D. and they will be blems too horrible to contem­ know. And we saved those who believed and down to a level where they no plate .. :· said the Western dip· longer can guarantee reliable gcn- Jomat. "When there is no solu­ obset"Ved righteousness." [27:5D-53) cration oi power.'' one specialist tion except · adjusting for satd. disaster, you get a reluctance (~..raJ~~) For Egypt's·· anemic. econ?f!!Y· to work on it." .::!ready burdened by .1 S45·bilhon t flreign debt. the impiicat~ons are cev astating. And here are excerpts from the TEHRAN TIMES, December 30, 1987: It is common knowledge that '§gypt is the gift of the Nile: the drying up of the Nile means certain death for Egypt. Egypt's Foreign Minister, Butrus Ghalv declared on NBC TV a couple of weeks ago: ·"We know that a great catastrophe is coming. and we can do nothing, nothing at all. about it.'1 THE MIRACLE IS NOW AVAILABLE ~lj}J_~":""------;-~. ! ON FLASH CARDS . ..., Absolutely the simplest and fastest way to understand and appreciate this great Miracle. MASJID TUCSON jt...::::) ~; A MUST FOR EVERY MUSLIM ... 60 FLASH CARDS (English &. Arabic) 739 E. 6th St., Tucson, AZ 85719 for· only $12.00 [ 35 mm Color Slides also available (inauire) ] MASJID TUCSON COMES TO YOU Video Tapes of Dr. Khalifa's Friday Khutbas VALUABLE LESSONS FROM THE QUR'AN MIRACLE OF QUR'AN **Minimum Requirements !or Salvation. 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