R.INo. 44 \9S STATISTICAL HAND BOOK OF TAMIL NADU NIEPA DC D08482 1993 ISSUED BY COMMISSIONER OF STATISTICS DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS , V1ADRAS library & DOCUWEMUuOU MqCion>il iDstituie of KducatioadI Pla la ug and Adminiitratjon. 17-.^, Sri Aurcbmdo M ari, DOC, No............. D * t 0 t .................. ... ............... ^ PREFACE This edition of the Statistical Hand Book of Tamil Nadu 1993 contains key Statistical Infomiation relating to different sectors of Tamil Nadu Economy in a brief and concise form. It is designed to sen^e as a ready reckoner for those seeking such Statistical data and such of Uiose who are In need of detailed information may please refer to other similar publications brought out by this Department. The data incorporated in this Publication have been collected from various Heads of Departments of both State and Central Governments, Public and Private Sector Institu­ tions as ive//. I am grateful to them for their kind co-opera­ tion in bringing out this publication. I would like to place my appreciation of the sincere efforts made by the officers and staff of the Publication Section for timely compilation of the Statistical Hand Book. Suggestions for further improvements are welcome. Madras, LAL RAWNA SAILO Dated: 1.10.93. COMMISSIONER OF STATISTICS. CONTENTS PART - A GENERAL INFORMATION Page 1. Governor and Ministers 1 2. Chair Person, State Planning Commission 6 3. Chief Justice of Madreis High Court 6 4. Chief Secretary to Government 6 5. Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service 6 Commission PART - B TAMIL NADU AT A GLANCE 7 PART - C SELECT ECONOMIC INDICATORS PAFTT -D’ STATISTICAL TABLES 1.AREA AND POPULATION Page 1.1. Area, Population, Literates, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Trilies ........... by Districts................................................... 29 1.2. Population by Broad Industrial categories of workers ............................ 41 1.3. Population by Religion 42 1.4. Population by Age Groups 43 1.5. Population of Tamil Nadu - Decennial Growth ............................ 45 1.6. Salient features of census .................... 47 1.7. Area and p>opulation by State 51 1.8. Literacy in India .................................... 53 2.VITAL STATISTICS 2.1. Births and Deaths registered by Districts......................................................... 55 2.2. Birth.Death and Infant Mortality rates in Tamil Nadu and All India ... 57 2.3. Death by causes .................................... 59 2.4. Expectation of Life at birth .................... 60 3.STATE INCOME 3.1. Nett State Domestic Product at factor cost by industry of Origin at Current Prices ..................................... 61 3.2. Nett State Domestic Product at factor cost by Industry of Origin at Constant Prices............................ ... 67 Page 4.CLIMATE AND RAINFALL 4.1. Temperature at select Stations ... 71 4.2. Distribution of districts by range of Rainfall ............................................. 75 4.3. Rainfall by seasons ............................ 77 4.4. Rainfall by districts ............................ 79 5.AGRCULTURE 5.1. Soil Classification ............................ 80 5.2. Land Utilisation ..................................... 81 5.3. Area and Production of Principal crops 83 5.4. Area under Principal crops by Districts ...................................................... 85 5.5. Area under Principal crops as percentage to the total Area sown In the Districts ............................ 91 5.6. Production of Principal Crops by Districts ...................................................... 93 5.7. Agricultural Machinery and Implements 97 5.8. Number and Area of Operational holdings ............................................. 98 5.9. Consumption of Chemical fertilisers and pesticides 106 5.10. Regulated Markets 108 5.11. Crop Insurance 109 6.IRRIGATION 6.1. Sources of Water Supply .................... 110 6.2. Nett area Irrigated by Sources ............ 112 6.3. Area sown and Irrigated by Districts 113 6.4. Area Irrigated by Principsd crops 115 6.5. Water levels in certain Reservoirs 116 6.6. Irrigation potentials created In Tamil Nadu ............................................. 119 /.LIVESTOCK AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 7.1. Livestock and Poultry population 120 7.2. Veterinary Institutions and Animals treated/castrated ..................................... 122 7.3. Animal Husbandry ............................ 125 7.4. Dairy Development ............................ 126 7.5. Poultry Development ............................ 127 8.FISHERIES 8.1. Fisheries Development .................... 129 8.2. Estimated Marine Fish production by Districts ............................ ............ 131 9.FORESTS 9.1. Area under forests ............................ 132 9.2. Out-turn of forests Produce ........... 133 9.3. Forest-Bsised Industries .................... 134 9.4. Wild Life Sanctuaries ............................ 135 9.5. Area under Social F o re s try .................... 136 9.6. Agro Forestry-Tree Planting ............ 137 10.ELECTRICITY 10.1. Installed Capacity and Generation of Electricity ............................................. 139 10.2. Transmission and Distribution of Electricity ............................................. 143 10.3. Consumption of Electricity .................... 145 10.4. Rural Electrification ............................ 146 11NDUSTRIES 11.1. Results of Annual Survey of Industries 148 Page 11.2. Estimates of VeUue of output and Value Added by Manufacture by Industries based on Annual Survey o f Industries ............................................. 149 11.3. Industrial Production ............................ 151 11.4. Production auid Value of Major Minerals In Tamil Nadu .................... 153 11.5. Production of Handloom Cloth ........... 155 11.6. Small Scale In d u s trie s ............................ 157 11.7. Khadi and Village Industries ........... 158 11.8. Number of Printing Presses ........... 160 11.9. Sericulture ............................................. 161 12.FACTORIES 12.1. Registered and Working Factories 162 12.2. Employment in Working Factories 163 12.3. Trade Unions,Industrial Disputes by strikes,lockouts and gheraos. ... 164 13.COMPANIES UMITED BY SHARES 13.1. Industrial Classification of New Registration of Companies limited by shares in Tamil Nadu .................... 165 14.MEDICAL AND HEALTH 14.1. Hospitals,Dlspensaries,Bed strength Doctors and Nurses ............................ 167 15.FAMILY WELFARE 15.1. Progress of Family Welfare Programme 169 15.2. Progress of Family Welfare Programme by Districts ............................................. 169 VII Page 16.EDUCATION 16.1. Universities,Students and Teachers 172 16.2. Colleges for General Education Students and Teachers ........... 173 16.3. Colleges for Professional Education Students and Teachers ........... 174 16.4. Colleges for Special Education Students and Teachers ............ 175 16.5. Schools for General Education Students and Teachers ............ 176 16.6. Schools for Professional Education Students and Teachers ............ 179 16.7. Schools for Special Education Students and Teachers ............ 180 16.8. Institutions tor other Professional Education,Students and Teachers 181 16.9. Hostels and Inmates by Community/ Districts ............................................. 183 16.10. Scholarships to students by Community / Districts........................ 194 17.TRANSPOFTT 17.1. Length of Roads ................................... 197 17.2. Road Accidents by Districts ... ., 200 17.3. Registered Motor Vehicles by Districts 202 17.4. Transport Corporations in Tamil Nadu 209 17.5. Select Indicators of overall performance of State Transport Corporations of Tamil Nadu .......... 212 viii Page 17.6. Reulway Lines and Stations 213 17.7. Port Development 214 17.8. Airports in Tamil Nadu 215 18.COMMUNICATION 18.1. Post and Telegraph Offices 216 18.2. Telepliones in Tamil Nadu ... 216 19. CO-OPERATION 19.1. Number Membership and paid up Share capital of Co-operative Societies 217 19.2. Loans Advanced Outstanding and over due of certain co-operative credit societies 20. REGISTRATION 20.1. Number of Registration Offices Registrations and Aggregate value of properties T ra n sfe rre d .......................... 223 21. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 21.1. Coverage of Integrated Rural Development Programme .................... 225 21.2. PhyslceU Achievements under Community Development Programme 226 21.3. Progress of Community Development Programme ............................................. 227 21.4. Number of Beneficiaries under Integrated Rural Development Programme .............................................. 230 Page 22. EMPLOYMENT 22.1. Working of Employment Exchanges 231 22.2. Employment In Public Sector 233 22.3. Employment by Industrial Divisions 233 22.4. Placements provided by various Recruitment agencies in Tamil Nadu 235 22.5. Overseas Employment ............ 252 23.HOUSING AND BUILDING ACTIVITY 23.1. Dwelling Units completed In New Constructions under Public Sector and number of plans sanctioned under Private Sectors by room units ............ 253 23.2. Building Permits sanctioned by Local Bodies ..................................................... 253 23.3. Amount invested in Housing and Building activity under Public Sector ... 254 23.4. Construction Activity of Tamil Nadu Housing Board ..................................... 255 23.5. Construction Activity of Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board .................... 255 23.6. Index Number of Building Construction
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