DIRECTORY. 391 BREMHILL. [WII.TS.] There are also a Baptist chapel and National and Britislt are manufactured. GRANTS is 1 mile south; Sonthdown, schools. Wool spinning and carding are carried on, and there 2 miles south--east. is an extensive iron foundry, where agricultnral implements PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Boulter John, boot & shoe maker & N ewman John, White Horse Anderson Mr. Hugh post office Pearce J acob, farmer Pyper Rev. Richard Brent Samuel! wool t::er &:. carder Penny Solomon, grocer & draper Seagram William Ballard, esq. .T.P. Calloway Benjamin, er Pocock Isaac, mrmer Bratton house Calloway William, market gardener Reeves Robert & John, manufacturers Snelgrove Mr~ David Clevmey William, farmer ofpatentliqnidmanmedrills, manur& Snelgrove Mr. George Cross J oseph, watch & clock maker&; distributors &; economical wiltshire Snelgrove Mr. John shopkeeper drills, ironfounders &e Snelgrove Mr. Natbaniel Emm Jane (Ml"'!.}, shopkeeper Smith Henry, miller Wbitaker Joshua, esq Foyle John, smith & farrier Snelgrove J®n, Nathaniel & David, Whitaker Mrs. Philip Llewellin Lewis, schoolmaster :filrtnffl'S Whitaker Mrs. Thomas Lloyd Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Snelgrove William, Du~ COMMERCIAL. & baker Whitaker Joshaa, farmer Brent George, farmer, Luccomb Mead Benjamin, tailor PosT OPFICB. John Boulter, receiver. Letters arrive at Iwhen they are dispatched through Westbury to Chippen• 8 • a.m. ; delivered at 9 a. m.; received until 6·10 p.m. ham. The nearest money order office is at W estbury BB-EMIIIL'L, or BREMBLE, a township, village, and Henry Dl'lll'Y, M.A., vicar. Here are chapels for the large parish, with the hamlets of Charlcutt, East Tytherton, Primitive and W esleyan Methodists; also a Moravian settle­ Foxham, and Wick~ 2i miles north-west from Calne, and ment at East Tytherton. The Berks and Wilts canal runs 4 east from Chippenham, in Chippenham hundred, Caine through this parish. The Marquis of Lansdowne is lord of union, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Wilts, and the manor. Population, in 18.51, was 1,421; acres 5,920. deanery of Avebury, and within 4 miles of the station of the FoxHA.M is a chapelry 3 miles north, the duties of which Great Western railway. The church of St. Martin is in the are voluntarily supplied by the vicar of BremhilJ. Stanley, Early English style. The living is a vicarage, with Foxham Hazeland, Wick,.. Cadenham, Spirthill, and Hanger, are and Highway annf'.xed, joint annual value .£5()6, with re- other places~ sidence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury; the Rev. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clifford Thomas, farmer, Studley Morrell Joseph, fanner, Stanley Alderman Miss, East Tytherton Crook John, farmer & miller, Stanley Palmer John, carpenter & wheelwright, Brown Mrs. East Tytherton Freegard Thomas, furmer, Charlcutt & post office Coury Mr. W. P. East Tytherton Freeth William, farmer, .Brembill field Palmer William, Dumb Post Dawson Rev. Arthur [ew'Rte] Fry Edwartl, farmer, Cadenham Pinniger Ann (Mrs.), grocer Dmry Rev. Henry, K.A. Vicarage Fry Thomas, farmer, Cadenham Pinninger Broome,farmer,F..astTytbertn Hughes Mrs. & Miss, East Tytherton Fry WiiJiam, farmer, Stanley Pocock Edmund, farmer, Hazeland :frm J ohnson hiiss, East Tytherton Gough Edward, farmer, Vicarage farm Powney William, parish clerk l..ong Mrs. East Tytherton Gregory Nicholas, fanner, Spirthill Rogers John, farmer, East Tytherton Male Rev. A:rthur, East Tytherton Gregory Wm. coal merchant, Stanley Stiles Stephen, farmer, Charlcutt Schwartz Rev. J. East Tytherton Hammond George, farmer, Charlcu1t Strange Geo. shopkeeper, EastTythertn Waugh Miss Sarah, East Tytherton Hammonds Daniel, farmer, Underdown Thomas Simeon, carpenter & wheel.. Wood Mrs. Bambridge Hammonds George, fanner, Underdown wright, East Tytherton COMMERCIAL. Hammonds lsaac, baker&:. farmer Vines Charles, farmer, Spirthill Archer Jacob, miller, Hazeland mill Hand Francis, blacksmith Vines J aoob, farmer, Charlcutt hill Aspeck Louis William, fanner, Bencroft HatherallGrorge,basket maker,Spirthill Whittle Isaac, fanner, Ben(,TOft Bull David, coaldealer, East Tytherton Hodges Edward, mrmer, Wick Woodward James, boot & shoe maker, Bull 'Villiam, baker, East Tytherton Jefterys James, furmer, East Tytherton Charlcutt Chesterman Patience,farmr.F..a. Tythrtn J efferys Stephen Stiles, farmer, Spirthill Yeo James, blacksmith. East Tytherton Cleverley George, shoemaker Jenner Wm. farmer, Bremhillgrovefrm Letterd through Chippeu.ham. The Cleverley Stephen, farmer, Wick Large John, farmer, Wick nearest money order office is at Calne National School, Miss Mary Powney, mistress BR.EM%LBAM, or CowAGE, a small parish in the the gift of the Hon. and Rev. R. Bowles; the Rev. Arthur hundred, union, and parliamentary borough of' Malmesbury, Evans is the present reetor, and the Rev. Lewis Way, B.A., in the diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, archdeaconry of is curate. The parish church is a small and very plain Bristol, and deanery of Malmesbury north, from which place structure. R. S. Holford, Esq.~ is lord of the manor. The it lies 2 miles west-south-west, and 10 north-west from area is 420 acres, and the JW>pnlation 46. Chippenham. The living is a rectory, valued at £150, in Hillier William, fanner I Thompson Matthew, tanrrer Letters through Malmesbury, which is the nearest money order office BB-%1\TB:.WOB-Tll, English style, consisting of a square tower and 5 bells, nave, with the Ba.mlet of GR%TTE:NHA'M. aisle, and chancel. The Independents have a place of wor- BRINKWORTH is an extensive parish and village, pleasantly ship here. There is a school, partly endowed, the deficiency situated on the road :&om Wootton Bassett to Malmesbury, being made up by voluntary contributions. The population, distant from W ootton Bassett station 5 miles north-west~ from in 1851, was 1,3.39, the area in acres 5,440; rateable value, London 88, and from Malmesbury 6 ; it is in the hundred, £6,646. The charitiett amount to £10 peT annum ; also union, and parliamentary borough of Crieklade, North Wilts, Miss Nieholls' gift, which is distributed, in the shape of diocese of Gloucester and Eristol, archdeaconry of Bristol blankets, for the benefit oftbe poor. The Earl of Suffolk is and deanery of Malmesbury north. The livin~ is a rec- lord of the- manor of Erinkworth; Lord Holland is lord of tory, in the patronage of Pembroke College, Oxford, value the manor of Grittenham. Penn's Lodge li mile north £742 per annum, besides the glebe land, with residence. The east, once the property of the famous Penn. incumbent is the Rev. Charles Wightwick, B.D. Thechnrch GRITTENHAM is a tithing and manor, with 212 inha- of St. Michael is an ancient and large structure, in theEarly bitants. Brinkwortb. Dixon Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer, Wai- Matthews William, baker PRIVATE RESIDENTS. dron's fru:nt Matthews William, farmer, Woodside Stratton Mr. Robert, Boxbush house Fry Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer Morse Edward, farmer, Hundred acres Wightwick Rev. Charles, B.D. [rector] Gagg David, bricklayer Ody John, farmer, Loogman street COMMERCIAL. HalfMary (Mrs.), farmer, White house Ody Noah, farmer, Latimer's farm Ady 3" ohn, farmer, Lodge farm Hayward John, carpenter Reynolds Robert, til.rmer,. Bames fiu...mrn Barnes Benjam in, miller & baker HaywardThomas,farmer,Maltbouse frm Sainsbury Joseph, farmer, Rookery Bath Benjamin, carpenter &:; beer retlr Horsell Abraham, farmer, Sunday's hill Sly .r oseph, shopkeeper Bath Jacob, carrier & beer retailer Horsell Joseph, shopkeeper Smith Abraham, parish elerk Brooks Joseph, blacksmith Hunt Isaac, farmer, Woodside Smith Jacob, fa• mer, Elborough farm Burcbell John, carpenter & eooper Hunt Jacob, beer retailer Smith John, farmer & timber dealer, Clark J acob, farmer, Sunday farm Lewis Sarah( Mrs. ),farmer,Sunday's hill GiJes fann Collingborn Caleb, fanner, Clifford's frm Mapson William, butcher Spencer John, farmer, East end Collingborn John, farmer, York's farm Matthews Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stratton James, Three CrQWJUJ Collingborn Wm. farmer, Hovey's farm Matthews Robert, bootmaker Stratton William, saddler & harness mb 26* .
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