Series II Volume 3 (33), No. 4 December 2007 IB ARMENIAN NUMISMATIC JOURNAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol. 3 (2007) No. 4 Schools 67 Letter Addressed to the Principals, U.S. Armenian Secondary Letters ^ Donations ^ 1-4 69 VARDANYAN, Ruben. Regarding Civic Bronzes Struck in Armenia in A.D. yo Armenian Numismatic Literature Unrecorded Field Letters 79 NERCESSIAN, Y. T. Two Drachms of Tigranes II with Tokatlian of Constantinople ..81 SARYAN, L. A. Trade Tokens Issued by Meguerditch 87 NERCESSIAN, Y. T. Fantasy Euros of Armenia Numismatic VRTANESYAN, Levon and Oztiirk, Husnu. A Note on Armeno-Seljuq Seljuqs of Rum 91 Relations: A Tram of Cilician Armenia Overstruck by the QQ Armenian Numismatic Literature 94 Index ARMENIAN NUMISMATIC JOURNAL Series II Vol. 3 (33), No. 4 December 2007 LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE PRMCIPALS, ITS, ARMENIAN SECONDARY SCHHOLS SOCIETY WANTS TO DONATE BOOKS TO SCHOOLS One of the main objectives of the Armenian Numismatic Society has been the promo- tion and encouragement of the science of Armenian numismatics. To spread the knowledge of Armenian numismatics, for the past few decades, the So- ciety has been shipping numismatic books to Armenia to be distributed to Armenian schools of higher education. Armenian day-schools in the United States are subsidized by donations from parents, benefactors, and members of the Armenian community living within the immediate vicin- ity of the school. Tuition fees cover only a fraction of the total expenses. Tight budget limits the financial allocations for Armenological books; numismatic books are a luxury which is out of the question. Recently, the executive board of the Society decided to donate Armenian numismatic books to Armenian High Schools in the United States. The thought behind this bold ac- tion is very simple, as the American proverb says, “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” In the past a few schools in the Los Angeles area have received our publications from the Society or various other sources. In order to avoid the duplication of the same title, we request that the librarian of each school, examine our publication list (see the enclosure publication list, or visit our website http:// www.ArmNumSoc.orq/ ), compare with their li- brary holdings, and inform the Society secretary about the books that the school would like to receive for their library. The Armenian Numismatic Society secretary may be contacted at 8511 Beverly Park Place, Pico Rivera, CA 90660-1920 or by e-mail at [email protected] . Y. T. Nercessian, Secretary ARMENIAN NUMISMATIC JOURNAL is the quarterly publication of Armenian Numismatic Soci- ety, an educational, non-profit organization. Editor, Y. T. Nercessian, 851 1 Beverly Park Place, Pico Rivera, CA 90660-1920, USA (webpage: www.ArmNumSoc.org/ : e-mail: ArmNumSoc- fflaol.com ). Associate Editors, W. Gewenian and T. Nercessian, Corresponding Editors, L. A. Saryan. Non-member subscriptions $60/70 per year. ISSN 0884-0180—LCCN 85-649443 Armenian Numismatic Journal, Vol. 3 (2007) 67 1 N Letters, Donations LETTERS AND E-MAILS TO THE EDITOR Zentrum Auktion 61, 18 March 1987) auc- I just ran across a catalog from a German (Munz recall having seen you refer to this collec- tion house with an Armenian coin collection. I don't attention. tion in your publications, and thought I'd bring it to your (Collection of the Armenian Kingdom) (pre- They call it Sammlung Koenigreich Armemen is mostly represented by Cilician vious owner unnamed), and it consists of 96 lots. While it minted in Greater II, an "diobol'Vsestertius of Trajan coins, it also contains 4 AEs of Tigranes AE Post-Roupenian AE (which may in tact be a Armenia (which is currently in my collection), and 1 Takvorin of Gosdantin III or IV, judging from the image). coronation tram of Levon I and a tram of The greatest rarities of the sale were a single-lion Gosdantin I. have a references to other auctions. If you did, in fact, not I could have missed this in your photocopies of the appropriate pages. conv of it I'd be happy to send you . ’ Jirair Chnsnaman Maher’s legendary library. For those who don t Edtitor’s Note: I conducted research in Joel housed in a four car garage, book shelves know only the sale and auction catalogues were shows that no one is perfect and we aie around three sides up to the roof and in the middle. This sources very extensive help I had from many different all human beings. I missed it in spite of the excuse.” Please send me a photo copy of it, in- and librarian. As they say in the U.S. Army, “No where the bibliographic information is cluding the text, plates, and the title page of the catalogue shipping expenses. Y I printed And, of course, my bill to cover the photocopying and like to email you about 2 recent Thank you so much for the visit, I greatly enjoyed it. I would it yet. as I am not sure you have heard of numismatic works, . coins in Historic Armenia and Armenian Omer Diler's work on the Ilkhanid dynasty, including English. friend send me a scan ot the Issues of Abakha are covered. It is in Both Turkish and A page on Abakha from the Turkish version. I am attaching it. IlkhV.ipg and Also, a link to the cover and page: http://www.coincoin.com/bDiler http://www.comcoin.com/bDilerIlkhS.jpg Ana seller mio: - ’--^ wmmmm in_an.EngUslN.anguag?. ^ : - ior ciamy pm? catalog by Tiller- and- mint, with: ail types drawmg-mustratea , 12.25", sc, 20,0 Mint Dl with locations; all .known dates listed. 655p r 1 2epl,.S.75x Also, a link on the Shaddadid book: http://www. zeno.ru/showphoto. php?photo=45759&limit=recent T mmn Vrtanesvan bilingual seal from Another publication that might be of interest to you is a description of a and the bibliography. armenia hHn7/www.zeno.ru/showi3hoto.pIro?photo=3507 . Here is a pic Levon Vrtanesyan DONATIONS (rerioa enaing ou dcpiemuci ; $065 Hajinian, Chuck $100 Setian, Charles $015 Rockwell, Thomas P $015 Schott, Donald F Armenian Numismatic Journal, Vol. 3 (2007) 68 REGARDING CIVIC BRONZES STRUCK IN ARMENIA IN AD 1-4 Plate 2 Ruben VARDANYAN that city Recently, * M. Amandry, in reviewing the civic coinage of Artaxata, attributed to 1 coinage of Ar- two new types of coins. Without reviewing the history of the study of the civic 2 ol only two denominations repre- taxata, it is sufficient to summarize that until recently we knew 3 sented by the following three types : Aa. Medium module. a Obv.: Tyche’s head, turreted, right, each turret surmounted by two pellets, her hair in bun above her neck, represented by a curve, under which are hanging two wavy locks, her dress is one of which wraps around her neck and has a bead on it. The upper part of visible, held by a round pin. Pellet border. Rev.: APTAEIZATQN MHTPOnOAEQS, Nike flying left, crowning the name of hi left the city with a wreath in her right hand holding a palm branch in her left hand, field, I; in right field, ZE. Pellet border. of Armenia (hereafter HMA) Inv. No. 1. 5.40 g, 19.1 mm, 12:00, History Museum 19992/77. 2. 5.15 g, 20 mm, 1 1:00, HMA Inv. No. 8926. 4 3. 4.35 g, 19.5 mm, 12:00, HMA Inv. No. 5374 2 and 3 Specimens no. 1, 2 and 3 are struck from the same obverse die, while specimens are also struck from the same reverse die. ’ Originally published in Handes Amsorya (2003), Vol. CXVII, pp. 143-163 (in Armenian). 1 ranslated by Jirair Christianian. Translator’s note: Parentheses represent original author’s notes, while square brackets represent trans- lator’s notes. Whenever referencing Greek or Latin sources, I have tried to refer to existing English transla- tions rather than re-translating from the Armenian paper. A word of caution regarding the cataloging sys- tem: while the author states that he keeps the same numbering system as Amandry in order to make the concordances simpler (see footnote 3), he, in fact, substitutes a lower-case letter for Amandry’ s subtype numerals, such that the author uses Aa, Ba, Bb, Ca and Cb for Amandry’s A.l, B.l, B.2, C.l and C.2, re- spectively. He deviates slightly in the portion of the text concerning group B, where he does use Aman- dry’s nomenclature of B.l and B.2, while he uses Ba and Bb in the catalog and on the plates for the same coin issues. I have opted to use the author’s general scheme of capital and lower-case letters, as it can eas- ily be converted to Amandry’s system by readers. 1 M. Amandry, “Du monnayage d’Artaxisata et des soi-disant monnaies d’Aegospotami,” Bulletin de la Societe Frangaise de Numismatique, No. 9 (Nov. 2002), pp. 173-177. 2 See especially: E. Babelon, “Artaxisata,” Compte-rendus des seances de I'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (1911), pp. 363-374; M.-L. Chaumont, “A propos d’une ere d’Artaxata, capitale de la Grande Armenie,” Revue des Etudes Armeniennes, No. 18 (1984), pp. 394-409; P. Bedoukian, Roman Coins and Medals Relating to Armenia (Vienna, 1971), pp. 191-194 (in Armenian); Kh. A. Mousheghian, th h Monetary Circulation in Armenia (from the 5 C. BC to the I4 C. AD) (Yerevan, 1983), pp. 108-109 (in Armenian, with Russian and English summaries); R. Vardanyan, “On the Dating of Two Groups of Arme- nian Coins of the Hellenistic Era,” Patma-Banasirakan Handes, No.
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