the very best of saxony 1 SAXONY? “Why Saxony?” No one would have But since German reunification more asked this in the time before the and more people are discovering that Second World War, when Saxony the things that attracted people to was the economically strongest and Saxony earlier are still there: specta- most prosperous region in Germany. cular architecture, art collections of Business people came to Chemnitz, world renown, a deeply rooted love of the city with the highest industrial music, living traditions, and locations production in Germany, or to Leipzig, of world history, the strong attachment the center of commerce in Europe, a of the Saxons to their home, precious cosmopolitan city like London and skills and their love for life. But what Paris. And tourists came to Dresden, does Saxony have that other places do the richest and most beautiful city in not have? We will try to explain that Germany. But then Saxony fell behind on the following pages. We will not the Iron Curtain. For many people all present everything, but just the best, over the world, 1000 years of history the unique, the special, the things that fell into oblivion, 829 years of which make a trip to Saxony an authentic and saw Saxony ruled by a single family eye-opening experience. Welcome to and playing a leading role in Europe. the world of Saxony! 2 FIFTEEN REASONS TO VISIT SAXONY: THE GREATEST MUSICIAN OF ALL TIME 17 THE MOST UNUSUAL CAR FACTORY IN THE WORLD 35 THE FIRST PROTESTANT CHURCH BUILDING 50 A Paradise for Music Lovers Adventures on Four Wheels The Motherland of the Reformation ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD 4 EUROpe’s FIRST PORCELAIN 23 THE LARGEST AND OLDEST PADDLE STEAMER FLEET IN THE WORLD 39 EUROpe’s LARGEST MONUMENT 54 The Baroque Splendor of Augustus the Strong The White Gold from Saxony Historic Means of Transport in Everyday Use Landmarks of the World’s Military History GERMany’s LARGEST AREA OF ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS 9 THE SUMMIT OF WATCHMAKING 27 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAIRY SHOP IN THE WORLD 43 NUCLEUS OF GERMAN REUNIFICATION 59 The Picture Book Charm of Saxony’s Historic Towns A Tradition of Excellence in Craftsmanship Witnesses to Saxony’s Great Industrial Heritage The Peaceful Revolution of 1989 THE MOST FAMOUS ANGELS IN THE WORLD 13 EUROpe’s FIRST WINERY EXPERIENCE 31 ETERNAL CHRISTMAS 47 EUROpe’s highest fORTRESS 61 Collections of Outstanding Art 850 Years of Winegrowing Joy to the World from Saxony An Awe-Inspiring Landscape 3 4 5 6 THE BAROQUE ONE OF THE MOST gustus had most of Dresden’s fortifica- ser, who also created the pulpit of Dres- A PALACE FOR THE MISTRESS later extended several times, the Taschen- those days outside Dresden’s city walls, lia in Europe, which even has its own FAMOUS BUILDINGS tions razed to the ground and created a den Cathedral, the former Church of Augustus the Strong is credited with bergpalais is now home to Dresden’s lea- it seemed a perfect setting for court fes- house to protect it in the cold months. SPLENDOR OF IN THE WORLD ceremonial square next to the Dresden the Royal Court, in which the heart of fathering more than 300 illegitimate ding hotel. The Countess of Cosel, a wise tivities. The Saxon ruler commissioned Augustus liked to travel to his “pleasure Trying to explain what kind of building Castle, in the “Zwinger”, the area where Augustus the Strong is buried. The Zwin- children, but though he had many mis- and educated, but also power-hungry Pöppelmann to build both the Riversi- castle” in a boat that looked like a gon- AUGUstUS the Dresden Zwinger is will tend to get the outer and inner defensive walls had ger was heavily damaged during World tresses, only eight of the children were re- woman, fell into disgrace and was later de Palace (Wasserpalais) and the Upper dola, a replica of which can be admired THE STRONG you into trouble. The plans of Elector stood. It began in 1709 as an orangery, War II but rebuilt immediately after- cognized as his descendants. On learning exiled to Stolpen Castle, where she spent Palace (Bergpalais). The New Palacein the park. Today’s preferred transporta- Augustus II, “the Strong”, who was also was later intended as the forecourt of a wards at the behest of the art-loving So- of his many affairs, his wife Christiane another 49 years of her long life. (Neues Palais) completed the ensemble tion on the Elbe River is offered by the King of Poland, changed too often. Influ- new palace, and is now home to some viet city commandant. Today guests from Eberhardine fled from Dresden. Probably in the 19th century, which is considered much bigger ships of the Saxon Steam- enced by his Grand Tour to France and of the world-famous museums of the all over the world visit the Zwinger to be the only woman he really loved was Anna THE PLEASURE CASTLE a textbook example of the chinoiserie ship Company (Sächsische Dampfschif- Italy, he wanted to remodel his residence Dresden State Art Collections (Staat- infatuated by the perfect harmony bet- Constantia, Countess of Cosel, who bore Elector Augustus the Strong had given style, fusing the architectures of the Ba- fahrt). in Dresden as a modern Baroque city. liche Kunstsammlungen Dresden). And ween architecture and sculpture. Visitors him three of his children. It was for her Pillnitz Castle to the Countess of Cosel, roque and the Orient. This is why the He found an amiable partner in the it became a superb synthesis of Baroque who cross the Zwinger too fast miss the that Augustus had the Taschenbergpalais but after his mistress had fallen into dis- park also features a Chinese teahouse. The architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann. arts. The lavish sculptural design was in most beautiful feature of Baroque zest for built directly next to his home, Dresden grace, the castle became his property gardens are famous for their trees from To the dismay of his army officers, Au- the hands of sculptor Balthasar Permo- life, the playful Nymphenbad fountain. Castle. Designed by Pöppelmann, and again. Located on the Elbe River and in around the world and the oldest camel- 4 5 2 7 8 9 10 11 PERFECT SPLENDOR by the Feather Room (Federzimmer). was part of a construction for reenac- with two orangeries, playful fountains THE NEW CITY down from Neustadt marketplace as the famous “Canaletto’s view” of Augustus’ 1 Saxon Switzerland National Park 2 The Dresden Zwinger More modern, bigger and better – those Originally purchased by Augustus the ting the naval battle of the Dardanelles. and Baroque sculptures. Pöppelmann Augustus vision of a new city, the Venice “Golden Cavalier” (“Goldener Reiter”) Dresden, which can be admired in the 3 Nymphenbad 4 Taschenbergpalais 5 Chinese tea house at were the aims. Out of Elector Moritz’s Strong for the Japanese Palace in Dres- joined the other court architects in re- of the North, was best implemented on onto the radiating streets, which in their Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemälde- Pillnitz Castle 6 Pillnitz Castle 7 Moritzburg Castle small hunting lodge emerged the mag- den, the magnificent bed consists of a A WONDERFUL BEGINNING designing the complex, after Augustus the northern bank of the River Elbe. undamaged parts still have Baroque galerie Alte Meister) in the paintings of 8 Gross-Sedlitz Baroque Garden 9 The Golden Cavalier nificent hunting and summer palace million colorful feathers that have been It was intended to become no less than the Strong had acquired it from his The location was convenient because houses built to those strict specifica- the Italian court artist. 10 The Canaletto View 11 Japanese Palace of Moritzburg. Pöppelmann’s creation intricately woven into images. A glade the Versailles of Saxony, but it remained minister Count Wackerbarth, who pos- the town of “Altendresden” had been tions. They are dominated by the Drei- is situated on an artificial island and in the forest gives you a view to the litt- unfinished, like so many projects of the sibly did not sell it of his own free will. completely destroyed by fire. Now Au- königskirche (Church of the Epiphany) the perfect proportions of the splendid le Pheasant Castle, a masterpiece of the “Sun King of Saxony”. Of the planned It is especially the summer months, gustus ordered a new district to be laid designed by Pöppelmann. But the main construction are reflected in the water Rococo, which, like the Historic Green 240 acres, only 40 were completed and when exotic plants and orange trees fill out systematically and given the name building is the Japanese Palace, which of the lake. Moritzburg Castle is famous Vault in Dresden, can be visited only the castle later burned down. And yet the park with fragrance and color that “New Royal City”, which was soon shor- Augustus built for his collection of porce- for its gilded and painted leather wall by a limited number of people at once. Gross-Sedlitz is one of the most remar- show what Augustus once envisioned. tened by the citizens to “New City” or lain, now a museum. From the northern coverings, which are surpassed only Next to it stands a lighthouse, which kable garden ensembles in Germany, “Neustadt”. Augustus the Strong looks bank of the River Elbe there is also the 6 7 2 3 GERMany’s LARGEST not flourish again until the second half ned widespread demolition of the old THE PICTURE AREA OF of the 19th century. The result, alongside town in GDR times failed, due to lack ARCHITECTURAL the medieval city core characterized by of money.
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