err C EUROPEAN ROMA RIGHTS CENTRE The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is an international public interest law organisation working to combat anti- Roma Rights Romani racism and human rights abuse of Roma. The approach of the ERRC involves strategic litigation, international Journal of the european roma rights Centre advocacy, research and policy development and training of Romani activists. The ERRC has consultative status with the Council of Europe, as well as with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The ERRC has been the recipient of numerous awards for its efforts to advance human rights respect of Roma: The 2013 PL Foundation Freedom Prize; the 2012 Stockholm Human Rights Award, awarded jointly to the ERRC and Tho- mas Hammarberg; in 2010, the Silver Rose Award of SOLIDAR; in 2009, the Justice Prize of the Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation; in 2007, the Max van der Stoel Award given by the High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Dutch Foreign Ministry; and in 2001, the Geuzenpenning Award (the Geuzen medal of honour) by Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet of the Netherlands; Board of Directors Robert Kushen – (USA - Chair of the Board) | Dan Pavel Doghi (Romania) | James A. Goldston (USA) | Maria Virginia Bras Gomes (Portugal) | Jeno˝ Kaltenbach (Hungary) I Abigail Smith, ERRC Treasurer (USA) Executive Director Dezideriu Gergely Staff Adam Weiss (Legal Director) | Andrea Jamrik (Financial Officer) | Andrea Colak (Lawyer) | Anna Orsós (Pro- grammes Assistant) | Anca Sandescu (Human Rights Trainer) | Ailsa Spindler (Director of Organisational Devel- opment) | Crina Morteanu (Legal Trainee) | Csilla Kacsó (Legal Administration Officer) | Darya Alekseeva (Law- yer) | Dóra Eke (Programmes Assistant) | Dzavit Berisha (Publications Officer) | Djordje Jovanovic (Research Coordinator) | Hajnalka Németh (Office Coordinator) | Hajnal Vernes (Financial Director) | Judit Gellér (Lawyer) | Julianna Oros (Financial Officer) | Kieran O’Reilly (Research Officer) | Marek Szilvasi (Research and Advocacy Officer) | Marcello Cassanelli (Legal Fellow) | Marianne Powell (Communications Officer) | Michal Zalesak (Legal Fellow) | Sinan Gökcen (Information Officer) | Stephan Müller (Programmes Director) | Stefan Luca (Lawyer) | Tefik Mahmut (Legal Trainee) roma Consultants Anna Daróczi (Hungary) | Tomáš Sivák (Slovakia) | Mustafa Asanovski (Macedonia) | Atanas Zahariev (Bulgaria) | Marek Baláž (Slovakia) | Manon Fillonneau (France) | Hacer Foggo (Turkey) | Vladimir Kondur (Ukraine) | Rosalia rights Mangiacavallo (Italy) | Marija Manic´ (Serbia) | Robert Matei (Romania) | Július Mika (Czech Republic) | Markus Pape (Czech Republic) | Tatjana Peric (Serbia) | Corina Ajder (Moldova) | Erika Bodor (France) | Victoria Vasey | (Senior Consultant) | Tara Bedard (Senior Consultant) n ational Recent Interns Jonathan Moore (USA) | Katarina Medlova (Slovakia) | Giorgi Maruashvili (Georgia) | Cristina Marian (Moldova) | Dominik Hávor (Austria) | Ana Ruiz (Spain) | Snezana Dimic (Serbia) | Veronika Czutor (Hungary) | Yanina Fyudr (Ukraine) | Erika Bodor (France) | Radosav Besic (Serbia) | Alexandra Drimal (USA) | Camille Allamel (USA) | Zoe r Billington (USA) | Manuel Spornberger (Austria) oma i ntegration The ERRC was founded by Mr Ferenc Ko˝ szeg. s trategies: W NatioNal Roma IntegRatioN stRategies: what Next? MAJOR SPONSORS OF THE ERRC 2013 Swedish International Development Agency | Open Society Institute | The Sigrid Rausing Trust | Microsoft Hungary (special licence status) hat ne X t ? Challenging DisCrimination promoting equality Challenging DisCrimination promoting equality 2013 editor-in-chief: dezideRiu geRgely guest editor: dR maRtiN Kovats editor team: KieRaN o’Reilly aNd maReK szilvasi language editor: maRiaNNe powell layout: dzavit BeRisha © december 2013 european Roma Rights Centre ISSN 1417-1503. the opinions expressed in authored pieces are not necessarily those of the european roma rights Centre. the contents of this journal may be reproduced or disseminated on condition that the source is mentioned and that reproduction and dissemination is free of charge and for non-commercial purposes. all other uses of the contents suppoRt the eRRC require the express written consent of the ERRC. the ERRC requests that three cop- ies of any reproduction be sent to the editors. the european roma rights Centre is dependent upon the generosity of individual donors for its continued existence. please join in enabling its future with a Roma Rights is published in Budapest, hungary, by the european roma rights Centre. contribution. gifts of all sizes are welcome and can be made via paypal on the errC website (www.errc.org, click on the Donate button at the top right of the address: 1074 Budapest, madách tér 4, hungary home page) or bank transfer to the errC account: office tel: +36 1 413 2200 office Fax: +36 1 413 2201 Bank name: Budapest BaNK e-mail: [email protected] Bank address: BáthoRi utCa 1, 1054 huNgaRy www.errc.org Bank account holder: euRopeaN Roma Rights CeNtRe usD bank account number: 99p00-422686 Cover photo: © european Roma Rights Centre – Discussion of national strategies (usD iBan: hu21-10103173-40268600-00000998) during hungarian presidency of eu, Budapest, hungary 2011. eur bank account number: 30p00-402686 (eur iBan: hu21-10103173-40268600-00000998) Design: anikó székffy sWift (or BiC) code: BudahuhB printed by: molnár és Faragó Bt., Budapest, hungary Table of Contents introduction Foreword dr Martin Kovats 3 notebooK What Future for the EU Framework? What Prospects for Roma Inclusion? bernard rorke 5 Empowerment and the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies thomas Acton, Andrew ryder and iulius rostas 11 ERPC’s Assessment of National Roma Integration Strategies: 2012 Report and Recent Developments carolina Fernández díez and belén Sánchez-rubio 15 National Roma Integration Strategy: Do Good Intentions Fail? Joanna Kostka 23 Streamlining the Decade of Roma Inclusion and the EU Framework Aleksandra bojadjieva 31 Roma Women’s Voices and Silences on Unjust Power Regimes eniko Vincze 35 Fighting Discrimination and Promoting Equality in the Context of the Roma Inclusion Policies in Europe dezideriu Gergely 45 case reViewS Horváth and Kiss v Hungary - The Misdiagnosis Case Judit Gellér 53 Sulukule: Renovation or Destruction? Hilal Küey 57 booK reViewS Katharine Quarmby - No Place to Call Home - Inside the Real Lives of Gypsies and Travellers, One World, London, 2013 reviewed by Marianne Powell 61 Some EU Roma-Focused Documents and Events1: • Third EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in Brus- 2013 sels on 17th June 2010 • Council Conclusion of 27 May 2010 on advancing • European Parliament Resolution of 12 December Roma inclusion 2013 on the progress made in the implementation of • European Commission Communication of 7 April the National Roma Integration Strategies 2010 on the social and economic integration of the • Council Recommendation on effective Roma inte- Roma in Europe gration measures in the Member States on 5 De- • Second EU Roma Summit held in Córdoba on 8-9th cember 2013 April 2010 • European Commission Communication of 26 June • European Commission Staff Working Document of 2013 on Steps forward in implementing National 7 April 2010 - Roma in Europe: The Implementa- Roma Integration Strategies tion of European Union Instruments and Policies for • Eighth EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in Brus- Roma Inclusion - Progress Report 2008-2010 sels on 27th June 2013. • European Parliament Resolution of 25 March 2010 on the second European Roma summit 2012 2009 • European Commission Communication of 21 May 2012 on National Roma Integration Strategies: a first • Second EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in step in the implementation of the EU Framework Brussels on 28th September 2009 • Extraordinary Meeting of the EU Platform for Roma • Council Conclusion of 28 May 2009 on the inclusion Inclusion held in Brussels on 22nd March 2012 of Roma • First EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in Brus- sels on 24th April 2009 2011 • European Parliament resolution of 11 March 2009 on the social situation of the Roma and their improved • Sixth EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in Brus- access to the labour market in the EU sels on 17-18th November 2011 • Fifth EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in Buda- 2008 pest on April 7-8th 2011 • European Commission Communication of 5 April • First EU Roma Summit held in Brussels on 16th 2011: An EU Framework for National Roma Integra- September 2008 tion Strategies up to 2020 • European Commission Staff Working Document of • European Parliament resolution of 9 March 2011 on 2 July 2008 on Community instruments and policies the EU strategy on Roma inclusion for Roma inclusion 2010 2007 • Fourth EU Platform for Roma Inclusion held in Brus- • European Parliament Resolution on a European Strat- sels on 13th December 2010 egy on the Roma (B6-055/2007) 1 Source: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/discrimination/roma/index_en.htm. NaTioNal Roma IntegRaTioN Strategies: WhaT NExT? Foreword d r M A r t i n K o vat S 1 There was a certain inevitability about the arrival of the EU’s for grass roots Roma involvement in projects and pro- Roma integration framework in 2011. Since the eastward grammes, while Eniko Vincze argues the need for greater enlargement of the Union took place, pressure had been consideration to be given to the role of Roma women. mounting from Roma organisations and activists for an EU Belén Sánchez-Rubio and Carolina Fernández Díez pro- Roma policy.
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