THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN ALASKA: - ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING 1983 Susan Bartsch-Winkler and Katherine M. Reed, Editors U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 945 Short papers describing results of recent geologic investigations DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director .. - . - .. I Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 76-608093 Free on application to Distribution Branch, Text Products Section, U.S. Geological Survey, 604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 CONTENTS Page mm........................................................................1 STATEWIDE Evidence that gold crystals can nucleate on bacterial spores, by John R. Watterson, James M. Nishi, and Theodore Botinelly ........... 1 Trace elants of placer gold, by Warren Yeend ........................................................ 4 N(I1THJ3N ALASKA Buried felsic plutons in Upper Ikvonian redbeds, central Brooks Range, by Donald J. Grybeck, John B. Cathrall, Jams R. LeCorrpte, and John W. Csdy. ................................... 8 New reference sect ion of the Noatak Sandstone, Nimiuktuk River, Misheguk hbuntain Quadrangle, central Brooks Range, by Tor H. Ni lsen, Wi l l iarn P. Brosgh, and J. Thornas l3.1 tro, Jr ........... 10 mcm ALASKA New radiametric evidence for the age and therml history of the mtamorphic rocks of the Ruby and Nixon Fork terranes, by John T. Dillon, WilliarnW. Patton, Jr., Sarmel B. Mukasa, George R. Tilton, Joel Blum, and Elizabeth J. W11 ..................... 13 Seacliff exposures of mtamrphosed carbonate and schist, northern Seward Peninsula, by Julie A. hmulin and Alison B. Till...,..,....... 18 Windy Creek and Crater Creek faults, Seward Peninsula, by Lbrrell S. Kaufmn ............................................... 22 Metarmrphic rocks in the western Iditarod Quadrangle, by hkrti L. Miller and Thorns K. Rundtzen .............................. 24 mcmALASKA Studies of gold in the Chandalar and Koyukuk Districts, Wisemn and Bett les Quadrangles--A progress report, by John C. Antweiler, Richard B. Tripp, John B. Cathrall, and Elwin L. Raosier.. .................................................. 28 New concepts of the l&sozoic flysch belt in east-central Alaska, by Robert M. Chapman, James H. Trexler , Jr ., Michael Churkin, Jr.,and Florence R. Weber ............................. 29 ajor rock packages of the Ray Mountains, Tanana and Bettles Quadrangles, by Jams FI. Dover and Ronny T. Miyaoka ................................. 32 Metamrphic rocks of the Ray Mountains--Preliminary structural analysis and regional tectonic implications, by James H. Dover and R. T. Miyaoka .................................... 36 Tertiary(?) folding in the Tanacross Quadrangle, by Eklen L. Foster and Grant W. Cushing ................................ 38 Statistical discrimination between potential tin- and uraniun-bearing areas in east-central Alaska on the basis of stream-sediment trace-elmn t geochemistry, by Gai 1 M. Jones, W. David Menzie, and Helen L. Foster.. ............... 40 Peridotite-layered gabbro cmplex of the southeastern Yukon-Koyukuk ophiolite belt, by Robert A. hncy and Glen R. Himnelberg .............................. 46 iii mJ'llwFmEAN ALASKA Kaguyak Formtion--h Upper Cretaceous flysch deposit, by Robert L. Dettermn and John W. Miller.... .......................... 49 'Ihe Buchia zones in Qper Jurassic rocks on the Alaska Peninsula, by John W. Miller and Robert L. Dettemn.......... .................... 51 Jurassic Radiolar ia from the Lim Hi 11s Wadrangle, by Katherine M. Reed, Charles D. Blm, Wyatt G. Gilbert, and Diana N. Solie ..................................................... 53 Preliminary description of a Miocene zone of structural conplexity in the Port ilbller and Stepovak Bay Quadrangles, by Freder ic H. Wilson, Jams E. Gse, and Robert L. lktterrmn.. ........ 55 Digital image processing techniques for detecting surface alteration-- An application on the Alaska Peninsula, by James E. York, Frederic H. Wilson, and Bruce M. Garrble .............. 56 Eruption in the ice-filled caldera of Mount Veniaminof, by M. Elizabeth Yount , Thms P. Miller, Richard P. hnuel, and Frederic H. Wilson....... .......................................... 59 Newly discovered Holocene volcanic vents, Port hller and Stepovak Bay Quadrangles, by M* Elizabeth Yount, Frederic H, Wi lson, and John W. Miller .......... 60 smmAZASKA Age of intrusion and metamrphism of a granodiorite in the Lake George terrane, northeastern Mount Hayes Quadrangle, by John N. Aleinikoff and Warren J. Nokleberg.............. ............ 62 Geophysical data errphasize inportance of the 'hlkeetna fault system relative to the lknali system, by David F. Barnes and Wla Csejtey, Jr ............................... 65 Magnetic profile across the Denali Fault, Mount Hayes Quadrangle, Eastern Alaska Range, by mvid L. Carrpbell and Wsrren J. Nokleberg ................ .. ........ 68 Lead isotopes in sulfide deposits frun the Jarvis Creek Glacier and Wrangell ia terranes, Mount Ihyes Quadrangle, eastern Alaska Range, by Anne P. Lhray, Stanley E. Church, and mrren J. Nokleberg.. ....... 72 Petrography of sandstone frun the Yaku tat Group, Malaspina district, southern Alaska, by John S. Lull and George Plafker .................................. 73 Volcanogenic rmssive sulfide occurrences, Jarvis Creek Glacier terrane, wstern Wunt Myes Quadrangle, eastern Alaska Range, by Warren J. Nokleberg and fan M. Lange...................... ......... 77 The Colurrbia Bay earthquakes of 1983, southern Alaska, by Robert Page, Christopher D. Stephens, Kent A. Foglermn, and Richard P. &ley.. ...............................80 Kayak Island--Analysis of a geochemical ancm-aly, by William J. Pickthorn, Richard J. Goldfarb, Richard M. OILeary, Stephen J. Sut ley, and Sarah Weaver ....................................................... 82 Se isrnic ity in southern Alaska, @ tober 1982-Septmber 1983, by Christopher D. Stephens, Kent A. Foglemn, Robert A. Page, and John C. Lahr ....................................... 83 rn'IHE;ASTERN Awx.4 Re-interpretat ion of age of Kuiu-Etolin belt volcanic rocks, Kupreanof Island, southeastern Alaska, by hvid A. Brew, Susan M. Kar 1, and mgene F. Tobey.. ................. 86 Biogeachernical response at the Greens Creek mssive sulfide deposit, Mrniralty Island, by Jams A. Erhn and Jerry M. Motooka... ............................. 88 (;hemica1 zonation of garnet in peli t ic rocks of the Coast plutonic-metamorphic conplex near Juneau, by Glen R. Himlberg, Arthur B. Ford, avid A. Brew, and Stephen Van Horn ...................................................... 91 Relations between the tidal-flat environment and upstream mineralization, Petersburg Quadrangle by Lorraine H. Filipek, lheodore Botinelly, and Walter H. Ficklin... ... 92 Lead isotopes fran volcangenic rmssive sulfide deposits frun the Alexander terrane, southeastern Alaska, by Anne P. Lehray, Harold S. StowII, and Stanley E. Church ........... 95 Sphalerite geobaromtry in the &st Range megalineament zone near fblkham Bay, southeastern Alaska, by hrold S. Stawell ................................................... 96 0mmE Character and irrplications of new ice gouges in eastern Harrison Bay, Beau fort Sea, by Dauglas Rearic .................................................... 99 Late Quaternary geology of the Beaufort Sea inner shelf near Prudhoe Bay, by Peggy hith .........................................................100 LISTING OF REFEilXES BY SUBJET MAm........................................ .I04 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1.--Regions of Alaska used in this circular.............. ................ 2 2.--SHW photograph of part of a tiny gold nugget found near Sacramento, California ........................................................ 3 3.--X-ray diffraction patterns of B, cereus spores after overnight exposure to 1000 mi crogram/ml aqueous gold chloride solution and a gold standard from Cripple Creek, Colorado .................. 4 4.--SEM photographs of resultant gold-coated B. cereus spores after 36-hour exposure to 1000 microgram/ml aqueous gold chloride. ...... 5 5.--Map showing areas in northern Alaska discussed in this circular... ... 8 6.--mp showing lmation of suspected buried felsic plutons in Survey Pass Buadrangle, Brooks Range. ............................. 9 7.-Geologic mp showing location of measured sections of the Noatak Sandstone........ ................................................. 10 8.--New reference section of Noatak Sandstone measured in 1983 .......... 11 9.--khp showing areas in west-central Alaska discussed in this circular ..........................~.+.......................... 13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS-continued 10.--Sketch mp of the geology of the Yukon-upper Kuskokwim Rivers region ............................................................ 14 11.-ancordia diagram for zircon sarrples from the Ruby geanticline and Nixon Fork terrane ................................................ 17 12.--Map showing distribution of carbonate rocks and schist, Kotzebue A-1 and A-2 auadrangles ........................................... 19 13.--Photograph of flat-lying, well-layered rmrble, with alternating fine and coarse crystalline layers (carbonate turbidites?) ........ 20 14.--Photograph of carbonate breccia (debris flow?) ....................... 20 15.--Map showing regional relationships of rock units observed in Kotzebue A-1 and A-2 Qadrangles and similar rocks in central and western Seward Peninsula .....................................
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