Tuskegee Women Win Title In National AAU Track Meet FEATURES - STATE Second Section 39 THEATRICALS GENERAL ! AND SO IT COES- ttroW^HbimcwocaAttmo Niof.ysttirv ar g.e^.oAN^Htg SPORTS SPECIALS BY KI NS! 111 I . r r OWN' —NO. 18 lot XXIV DETROIT, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1947 PAGE NINE I McQuillar vs Willis: Re{eree s[m | vs Eddy McC | eHand D;eJ Race } Friday Night Boxers Can v a rJUS :■ 11 i Broad lump, Now , n| : • Dash Hold Titles In England McQuillar, Bussey, favored in T>vin Bout3 50-Meter Olympia 1 LONDON__The stewards of thr NICK LONDES. nt h** carded I Bi itish Boxing Hoaid of Control heat the champion In fact, they TURPIN BENEFITS tw o ?en-round windup bout- f"r hrda v, July 3 and Team ls.-.ued a Institute’s ( statement last week could not be contestant in a The piineipal benefit to cur- will feature lho states four leading lißh* v.cuph’ S £ aj'irff which spells the of a rule, regularly rnd scheduled champion- rent colored boxers in England th«* mort imoprtant role of th«;r career. |jles Up Points which has heretofore prohibited ship match. ! will fall apparently to the crack Negro fighters from Bobby of becoming John Lewis, member of Par- middleweight, Randolph Turpin. The bout.-,1 which will feature <*QtilI!ai* British boxing . <•" |i Two Divisions champions The liament became responsible He was born here in England Port Huron, atid I.*my Willi- I>etr , *„ Ta’rradgq Bnt- statement said, ‘ for th« stewards the change when he the of a West Indian father and a Detroit, and Kddv of Fur.\ are WTONIO, Tex—Captur- have decided to nindifv the raised se\ of Bill Ma’chmaker ■ icg- question of the ’color bar" in white mother. He will now be tight ■l r .l of 97 points in the ulation which laintlrs” for hi> « arc!. • r the soul purpo»« 3 tnt insists that cham- the House of Commons He said eligible to fight for the cham- selection* on Friday night, pionship uncovering Kior contestants must be commenting upon the revision, pionship when lie is 21. of a suitable opponent for lk<- William*;, NBA K| points in taking the son- born of white . !>• 17 parents." "any change which will have the j Boxers from the West Indies lightweight champion. 50011 to **•<; n he>e, ‘ crown on Saturday i on In the past * K do boxing champion- effect of raising the color bar or the Dominions are not ex- • * ■chi, the Tuskegee Institute ships in England have been the in British boxing will meet with pected to benefit unless the rule ■oirt-n’s track team won the exclusive privilege of white pu- broadened. This will elimin- The McQuillar-Willi* bout will he a rematch. Their U: title last week. gilists, warm approval in government lis ■itional A There have been many circles, particularly in view of ate such boxers as featherweight previous duel, which was staged here in April, 1946, wa* there were no record- excellent colored fighters in thy Cliff Anderson of British Gui Theufh Colonial Secretary Creech Jones' won by Bobby when W'illis sustained a dislocated shoul- ■hcaking performances, the Tus- i history of the British ring but iana who meets A1 Phillips for none coyld aspire to statement on the effect of the the der. ■ Ih; mc» dominted the field hold the Empire title at Olympic next K placir in nearly all events. championship even though they bar on inter-colonial relations." Tuesday IN DEFEATIN'; W:l!.e ,;y|- rank*tig light- ■ Thp individual star of the weight challenger in < dumb .s. (»h • la-* week. McQuiLar Alice however. Coachman. has again f |, for W «rr.s‘ crow? . Tuskegce. who now become a h"t rente.. With .'52 wins iin :iT fig’ll!- M< Qu;.i *• w til he t iddn g j,rhr> h>ol at Albany State Abrams Takes (L. to r.) Father H. S. McNeil, Coach Edward McGee, and Pitcher nSI Coachmen won the for a second crack at Ike William'. ]D lost a clove de- a leap of 5' 1” and Sports Guy Sullivan, of the Sacred Heart CYO Softball Catholic League 2 p with Courtin’ cision to the latter last year. H,.. the .■'(> meter dash in 6.8 who are bidding for first place honors. Savage Beating Leroy Willis will lie making fir* 4 Par* b> re «:nr* .la inita Waston of Tus- organized His Htond? LKT'S GET OFF to a healthv baseball it at bene* losing TK(> upset Miss Coachman in start toriav and talk baseball. j ficial to the morale of Ne- 1 a four-round to M« Quillar a* Are nr. Garr.er.x ir-o dash, which the BEN MARK and MAX OS gro players at to that of the la-t April. r .n in 13.1 seconds. NOS, businessmen who sponsoi in i, mer 1 white. Friendly competition From Belloise a local hoy. he remembered f <r } > many the Detroit Baseball City’s Invitational Willi*. w.!l Another upset almost occurred Federation amateur baseball on a bi-racial 1 A picture- of pain was painted during year- ■ teams may have to Negro benefit victories as a featherweight the war thi 200 meter dash when admit basis would both." last Friday night at Now York's be ■ • Heading the other ten feat'tfe bo 1* u Tal- Bcihi W.dsh. veteran Polish players lor the first time in its With Negro teams in the Amn | Madison Square Gardens when round was tunning behind history, il has been revealed ' it an Legion and the Department middleweight* Goorgie Abrams ma dge Bussey, the most discussed fight' rin• f • ;ghtv. eight Krncr. pattern Leagues,’ Tourney Kid:re Patteison of Wiley Col- The in which the Ma- Inf Parks and Recreation and Steve Belloise clashed. Net Aug. 4 div is ion. put jor League has >f t is the cause i a request to remove this ban Kpr, managed to on a Abrams kayoed in the * but was Special The serious Mr. Bussey. wb< V..- •rlad a ama- la mir.uti spurt to win by a lor tins chang* i was slated to take place with fifth round, after taking the Correspondence 1 Federation officials have been the Directors Tries- Bn knell has indicated that he the na Id'.* ."nee Krp n 2b 2 seconds. Board of worse heating of his career from Manv of the nation's ton ten- teur fig: broke into pr»fe*«;. icquested to erase the ban on day. No additional action will will return to defend his crown his follow ship mate. nis stars will be mi hand inl)e- that time he has had 35 bouts. IF- rtick.u.g right bar and Tw.-kegee 400-meter II ' Negro stars, up Other v hiu sta-s expected to ■T: and let them enter he taken before that time. Belloise trounced on his foe trnit. Aug fm- kayoes. ■ Mabel Walker, Juan- as Ballengri 4-10. the sec- jplav are Gene Rum 11, 104»> Pub- ha« won tram as soon possible. DBF’ officials. John in the lirst frame and sent him Bessie Haves, and ond annual Cent al Motor Citv lic Parks lunnei-up: Alex Hot-' I W.itson "Amateur leagues no the police commissioner and I to canvas a two-count. In discussing Talmadge with Roy Bussey at Will- ■, have the for Invitational tennis tournament. juntoi J , posted a TO 3 ■ Mayor Edward J. Jeffries are /cck. state < hampion Ger- gym day, was told that logical reason for excluding In the second, both fighters which will be held at the Club Gurn an ~nc! A! iams’ the other I his brother B-, in winning that event. them. Mark told his to receive a letter to this es for a four irv Gross from public. went down count Courts, Frederick and St. An- Wayne I'nivr- -it\ crack tennis brolte his right hand in his fourth pro fight, and had to Marian Barone of the Phil- "Furthermore." his partner ad- i feet. The final knockdown came in the toine. ■ Are other such baseball towns squad, and other net luminai- quit boxing for eight months Since his return to the ■flptua Turners won the base- ded. "this is especially true in fifth, whereupon Belloise himself, •Already such established stats ties who will be lat- with toss where Neqroes (reacting in this manner also? asked the referee to stop announced ring, he is right-hand craxy. Kll throw a of 232 communities the as Richard Cohen Jimmie Mc- ’ er. f, up part ilf so, I'd like to know about ■r inches. The Polish A C. make an important of contest. Daniels, George Stewart, Jimmy Homan S Simms. Club pres- BILL EDDY, who became ’he State welterweight >t- The wj»s a rematch in which ■ Ctov<-‘and was second in the the population. We also hold hout Rickncll, Lloyd Scot aie ai- I ident. stated last week that lo- champion. June 17, when he defeated title holder. Willie Bert w.tli a total of 33 points. that participation in amateur Abrams drew' first blood. ready in the fold while invita- cal star- Del iWi t Russell .1n ■ 1 Edmonds m Grand Rapids, w ' try *o end RuW-v's ex- DAWSON CATCHES RATFORD tions to scores of otheis have : Graces, highly Philadelphia Louts both rank* Eddy won hi« last five starts, Dropping over to been mailed. led bv the American Tennis As- tended winning *treak. has lin our latest discovery, the fly j Last vein's tourney assumed will nm ticipat'’ land holds wins over Emmett Grier.
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