E606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2017 Fairfield, AL, Fire Chief Kevin D. Sutton. Chief tion. To that end, my colleagues and I have in- ‘‘Casey had a servant’s heart,’’ Paula said. Sutton was a native of Birmingham, AL, who troduced a bi-partisan resolution expressing ‘‘She wanted to serve, and the military allowed tragically passed in an auto accident on April support for the people of Ethiopia and asking her to do that.’’ 30, 2017. His seasoned leadership, engaging the Ethiopian government to take solid steps Paula says her daughter’s death was a trag- personality, and heart for his community will to address these many violations. edy, but triumph rose out of tragedy during a certainly be missed. On March 9th, the House Foreign Relations memorial service attended by more than 1,000 Chief Sutton attended Birmingham public Subcommittee held hearings to discuss this people. The service was held at New Heights schools and was a 1981 graduate of Phillips important issue and what the United States Baptist Church in McComb. High School. Upon graduation, he pursued can do to bring about positive change in Ethi- ‘‘It became so huge and overwhelming,’’ higher education at Mississippi Valley State opia. Among those who testified is a man from Paula said. ‘‘My community was and still is so University on an academic and football schol- my own district, Deacon Yoseph Tafari of the amazing.’’ arship. Chief Sutton would later receive a St. Mary’s Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo This summer, a portion of Highway 98 in Bachelor of Science degree in Public Safety Church located in Aurora, Colorado, who grew Pike County will be named in LCpl Casa- Administration from Athens State University. up in Ethiopia and has seen first-hand the nova’s honor. Chief Sutton served with the City of Fair- daily struggle of those living in abject poverty LCpl Casanova is survived by her mother, field, AL, for 23 years, the previous 13 years and under government oppression. Deacon Paula Carruth, and grandparents, John Paul as Fire Chief. Prior to serving as Fire Chief, Yoseph was forced to flee Ethiopia in 1976 and Kitty Carruth. he served the city as a firefighter then as the and came to the U.S. as a refugee. Since LCpl Casanova devoted her life to military city’s Fire Marshal. Under his leadership, Fair- then, both he and all of the courageous mem- service. Her determination to serve will not be field Fire Department became an integral part- bers of the Ethiopian community in my district, forgotten. ner with the Fairfield community. Chief Sutton including the Oromo and Amharas, have f coordinated several programs in the city for worked tirelessly to organize and help those seniors and children, including the annual still suffering from repression in their home IN RECOGNITION OF MRS. ‘‘Safety is Fun Day,’’ which involves all city country, and to bring crucial international ROLLINS’S 3RD GRADE CLASS and private elementary schools in Fairfield. awareness to their plight. Chief Sutton also led the department’s involve- Every day, Ethiopian-Americans bring im- HON. DAVID A. TROTT ment in charitable works such as the Muscular portant contributions and valuable diversity not OF MICHIGAN Dystrophy Association’s ‘‘Boot Drive,’’ which only to my district, but all across America. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES collects money for Jerry’s Kids. want to make clear that we support them and Thursday, May 4, 2017 Previously, Chief Sutton served on the Ex- stand by them in these times of hardship. I ecutive Committee of the State Fire Marshal’s represent the largest Ethiopian community in Mr. TROTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Association and was the past President of the Colorado, and I will continue to monitor the sit- recognize the bright young artists in Mrs. Central Alabama Fire Chief’s Association. He uation in Ethiopia closely as well as continue Rollins’s 3rd grade class at Garfield Elemen- also served on the Executive Committee of working with local community leaders to raise tary in Livonia, Michigan. the Alabama Fire Chief’s Association, and was awareness of this important issue and bring I know that artists get their start long before the immediate past president of the Board of relief to the Ethiopian people. high school and college, learning to expand Directors for Better Basics, a nonprofit that f their imagination and foster their creativity in provides literacy intervention, enrichment pro- classrooms just like Mrs. Rollins’s. grams, and educational opportunities for ele- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- In an effort to highlight young artists from mentary and middle-school students through- EN MISSISSIPPI SOLDIER MA- across Michigan’s 11th Congressional District, out Alabama. Chief Sutton was also a proud RINE LANCE CORPORAL (LCPL) this year, I announced the 1st Annual ‘‘Color member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. CASEY LYNNE CASANOVA my Capitol’’ Program. Chief Sutton is survived by his wife, Phyllis, Brimming with talent, Mrs. Rollins’s students and daughters, Tabathia Norman, Karmen HON. TRENT KELLY were eager to showcase their amazing artistic Patterson, and Taylor Sutton. OF MISSISSIPPI skills and take part in this one-of-a-kind pro- On a personal note, I will also remember IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gram. Let me tell you, Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Rollins’s Chief Sutton’s warm smile, generous heart Thursday, May 4, 2017 and servant leadership. Although he left us too 3rd graders did not disappoint. Their creations soon, his family should find comfort in the ex- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, are unique, innovative, and imaginative. Their emplary life he led. Chief Sutton made a tre- today I rise in memory of Marine Lance Cor- colorful artwork embodies our country’s bright mendous impact on our community that will poral (LCpl) Casey Lynne Casanova who paid and promising future with these sharp young have a lasting significance. Chief Sutton will the ultimate sacrifice while defending our great minds leading the way. live on in the hearts and minds of the many nation on May 2, 2008, during Operation Iraqi It is my utmost honor to have their artwork people he touched. Freedom. LCpl Casanova was killed along displayed in my Congressional District office in On behalf of the 7th Congressional District, with three other Marines when a roadside Troy, Michigan for everyone who visits to the State of Alabama, and this nation, I ask bomb was detonated while they were on patrol enjoy. Each and every time I walk into my of- my colleagues to join me in recognizing Fire in Karmah, Iraq. Also killed were Sergeant fice, I am reminded of their talent. Chief Kevin D. Sutton—an outstanding servant Glen E. Martinez of Boulder, Colorado; Cor- Congratulations to Mrs. Rollins and the leader who faithfully served the Fairfield, AL poral James Kimple of Amanda, Ohio; and young artists she has the pleasure of teach- community. Corporal Miguel A. Guzman of Norwalk, Cali- ing. f fornia. f LCpl Casanova was assigned to the Com- SUPPORT FOR THE PEOPLE OF bat Logistics Battalion 1, Combat Logistics CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF ETHIOPIA Regiment 1, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Ma- JOSEPH S. MILLER rine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, HON. MIKE COFFMAN California. LCpl Casanova served as a field HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO OF COLORADO radio operator. This was her first deployment OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Iraq. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LCpl Casanova grew up in McComb, Mis- Thursday, May 4, 2017 sissippi, where she sang in the chorus at Bass Thursday, May 4, 2017 Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Memorial Academy in Purvis and played mul- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- call attention to the continued and troubling tiple musical instruments in the high school memorate the passing of a Capitol Hill icon, pattern of repression committed by the Gov- band. Joseph S. Miller, described by The Oregonian ernment of Ethiopia against its own citizens, LCpl Casanova’s mother, Paula Carruth, in 1987 as the dean of lobbyists in the nation’s and to express our support to the people of shared that Casey decided to enlist in the U.S. capital who specialized in Pacific Northwest that country in their efforts to bring about Marine Corps while she was attending South- issues. Joe was a seminal figure in Northwest peaceful reform to ensure their basic human west Community College in Summit, Mis- politics and became well-known in Wash- rights as guaranteed by the Ethiopian constitu- sissippi. ington, D.C. His career spanned over 70 VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:41 May 05, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K04MY8.003 E04MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 4, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E607 years, and he earned a reputation for having OPPOSITION OF TRUMPCARE’S Wisconsin, and his more than five decades of great political insight and courage. HIGHER COSTS, LESS COVERAGE, service to the people of Northeast Wisconsin. Joe was a respected journalist and came AND FEWER PROTECTIONS When he graduated from at the University of from the infamous Class of 1943 at the Uni- the Witwatersrand in South Africa, he couldn’t versity of Oregon, which included Les Ander- HON. TERRI A. SEWELL have known how far his journey as a physi- son, Jeff Kitchens, Aaron U. Jones, and Bill OF ALABAMA cian would take him or how many thousands Roth, Jr. After serving in the Army in the Aleu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of lives he would touch.
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