FRESHMAN CLASS EDITION • f VOL.• XIV KA LEO 0 HAWAII., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1936 NO. 36 Spanish Movie Freshmen Class Officers Council Elections Opens Run at Set for May 22 Farrington Hall By ASUH Heads Don Quixote Shows at Two Twenty-Seve1,1 Candidates Performances This Compete for Posts Evening . On 'Friday "Don Quixote," a Spanish picture, Twenty-seven members of the will open a two-day engagement in University student body will com­ Farrington halh t<might, two shows, pete for nine oftl.ces i~ the student 6:30 and 8:30 o'clock. council at a general election of the The picture will be repeated to­ ASUH scheduled for Friday from morrow. 8:30. a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Voting will · Sponsored by 1;he University take place in the tent set up at Ha­ Adult Education division, a part. of waii hall. the proceeds of the show will go to Nine competitors for these oftl.ces the student union fund, which the were petitioned by eligible mem,bers ASUH is raising at prese~t. of the ASUH while the remainder Mrs. Ella Washburn, director of Peggy ]ames was nominared by the student coun­ the Adult division, ·has reported a Bert N. Nishimura I sa bel H ustace James W. Carey cil at a meeting last Wednesday President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer complete sell-out for the reserve evening. tickets for both performances. The Those running for the sophomore general admission is 40 cents. Tic­ positions include K.aliko Burg·ess, kets can be obtained a.t Farrington James Carey, Isabel Hustaee, Peggy hall, Patterns, or Honolulu Paper Co. Freshman Students Observe 'Class !Week' J ames, Charles MacClean, Katsuso Acclaimed as one of the out­ <>-+o . <>-+o Miho and Bert N. Nishimura. Two standing art pictures of Europe and <>-+o will be elected by the student body. with an imposing record of capa­ city audiences at the Universities Committee Arr~nges Varied and Interesting Program Abraham Akaka, defeated candi­ and Art Theatres of the mainland, date in the g~neral election for the the motion picture film "D'on ' secretarial post of ASUH, Edward Grand Opening· of Ca-•::------------;· Hamaishi, Robert Jarrett, Kenneth Quixote" will have it.~ Honolulu pre­ mier at Farrington hall, under the baret La Senior Ends To the members of the l(a Leo Honors To ·the Freshman class: Lau, Thomas Kaulukukui, Edison It has been a real pleasure to Tan, Lucia White and Molly Web­ auspices of the Adult Education Di­ w ee,k's Pro.gram Class of '39: vision of the University of Hawaii. I wish to take this opportunity Frosh Worlrers'- have worked with such capable srer are candidates for tlfree junior With the freshman-senior dance ot thanlcing members of tfte class officers who were sincere in pro­ positions. Sponsored by Inrernational House {3aturday night and the freshman individually and severally for the moting the best program tor the Edison Tan was one of the final­ of Madrid, Spain the film "Don o C •tt 1 class one-act plays Friday night as cooperation they have given me. Offiffi} class of 1939. They have given i~ts in the vice-presidential race of Quixote de la Mancha" was produc­ n ees principal features, activities for the I wi::t.; to than'k the class officers . their time willingly rto produce the student body. ed in seven different languages. The week were under way Monday. Bert and the committee members. for Incomplete List Is Given only the best. English version was directed by G. For senior councillors there are Nishimura is general chairman and the successstul manner in which Of Members of Many I want to congratulate the W. Pabst and stars Feodor Chalia­ Shogo Abe, Ruth Aki, Stanley Ben­ Peggy James, class president, is as- this week is being handled. Committees class tor their excellent partici­ pin, the famous opera singer and to, Lydia Chun, Anastacio Luis, Cal­ sisting. , In looking back through the pation in every phase of the acti­ dramatic actor. The cast includes vin C. McGregor, Ralph Matsumura, A varied program of events is un- activhties Of the year, we can Responsible for the diversified vities in the University. You have Sydney Fox, George Robey, Frank Seido Ogawa, Robert Louis Steven­ der way for the celebration of fresh- well look back with pride. When program of activities being present­ more than contributed to the Stanmore, Miles Mender and a son and Taro Tanaka. McGregor was man week. Activities have been ar- we leave the University, we ed this week as a feature of "Fresh­ program of the school academic­ score of popular English and Ameri­ the runner-up in the recent student ranged for every day through Sat- ilwuld leave cleavages that will man Class Week" is Bert N. Nishi­ ally and social14J. Will your suc­ can players now on the continent. body presidential race. urday. Also, an outstanding feature leave memories of our presence mura, vice-president, who is gene­ cess be even greater as you reap Lavishly moUnted in settings of All regular members of the. ASUH this year are the two freshmen edi- in the sclwol. ra.! chairman. Assisting him are the helpful knowledge from your singular loveliness the picture de­ are eligible to vote for student coun­ tions of Ka Leo. The second edition With three years of active work class officers Peggy James, presi­ experiences gained this year. picts the story of thli Spanish clas­ cil members of every class. Voters · will be edited Saturday morn'ing. left, we Bhould do dur beBt to dent; !sable Hustace, secretary; and sic so well known to the world, and Calvin C. McGrt}gor will mark ballots for two sophomores, Bert Nishimura is editor and is be- cooperate with the class officers James Carey, treasurer. boast o( Cha.liapin's superb perform­ Freshman Student Adviser three juniors and four senior coun­ ing assisted by Jam\ls Carey. and officers ot the student in The central committee handling ance in the title role of "Don cillors. Many sports events will continue promoting campus activities for the different details of the week in­ Quixote." . The AWS campaign will be cli­ through the week as added attrac- the best interests ot the Univer- clude Joan de Vis-Norton, produc­ Hat Contest Prizes maxed this Friday with the regular The background of Spanish music tions, of the freshman observance. sity and the community. tion; Beverly Koch, hat day and and the splendid photography of the election. Ruth Aki, Mary Ainy Bech­ M;usical programs, dances and dra­ Yours truly, noon-day dance; John Spencer; mu-. Awarded at Noon original locale of the Cervant~s ert and Lydia Chun are running for matics are scheduled to be pre­ Peggy /ames sic:;~-1 half-hour; Pearl Kaya and cla,.ssic makes o~ this picture a real the office of presidency . sented. President Kay Clark, tea; Peggy James, con­ Dance Yesterday work of cinema. ' The freshman class plays will be vocation; Nishimura, editor of Ka Miss Hattie Lindsay, Miss Dora­ staged Friday night in Farrington Leo, assisted by James Carey; Gil- thy Vierra and Everett Robison Freshmen Present Fr.eshmen Students fiall. Joan de Vis-Norton, class dra- Bracelet Is Lost mer Shingle, field day; Iwalani were winners of a hat contest span­ "hl matic committee chairman, is in Smith, general chairman of the sored by the freshman class mem­ Three Short Plays Hold Responsi e charge of the productions. Three At ASUH Carnival Freshmen-Senior Dance; Carol b'ers of the University yesterday at •t• ,famous one-act dramas will be pre- Rose, decorati<L_ns ; and Samuel noon. The contest was held as the On Friday Night · P On Saturday Night Amalu, entertainment. Campus OSI lOllS sented at 7:45 p.m. major event during a noon dance at Friday night will, mark the pre­ From the class of 1939 we list ele- Committees in charge of the Finders of a gold bracelet, lost "The Grande Opening of Cabaret which the freshmen were hosts at sentation of three one-act dramas at tlie gytn last Saturday night dur-' La Senior" is being handled by ven students who hold responsible freshman-senior dance Saturday Atherton House. in Farrington hall by the freshman positions as oftl.cers of campus or- night are being directed by Chair­ ing the La Fiesta carnival are re- Elaine Barter, entertainment; El­ quested to return the same to the len Coxhead, hostesses; Shirley Ka- More than 100 students on the cla~s. Joan de Vis-Norton, as chair- ganizations. man Iwalan_i Smith. The dance will Manoa campus joined in with the man of the class dramatics commit­ Officers of the freshman class are begin at 8 o'clock in the gymnasium dean of women's office. mioka, refreshments; . Samuel Ama­ lu, orchestra and program; Carol underclassmen to dance to the mu- tee, is in charge of production of foremost in activities. Prexy Peggy and will continue until 12 o'clock. An adequate reward will be made sic of Al King and his orchestra. the dramas. Ross, decorations; Iwalani Smith, James is head with Bert Nishimura It will be the outstanding single to the honest one. The bracelet has The social was part of the celebra­ invitations; James Carey and Fran- All three of the plays are widely as vice-president; Isa~l Hustace, freshman event of the year. thirteen gold links. tion of freshman week at the uni- known and a large crowd is expect­ secretary; and James Carey,. treas- (Continued on page 2) No questions will be asked.
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