...-.-w....-.-, .. ; • U $ $ • •• • , • -, QS. •• a. ,..,.. Section, rosse Pointe ews A ---~----- --~~- ------------------------- Val. 42-NO. 42 P"bll.h.d 'If Second CI" .. M"tl" 01 Ih, 30< Pet Copy Po.t Offlc. at Detroit, Mi<1I190" GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, J 981 $13 Per Y."r 44 Pages-Three Sections --,-------------- ~---------------------------------------- tries again to municipal .court By Gregory Jakub proval letters to Kelly last week but handle incoming calls. On many eve- not without some reservations. nings, dispatchers handle less than a After five months of work by dozen calls per shift-none involving Grosse Pointe officials and State "We approved of the one judge, emergencies_ Park city manager Craw- one district provision but nobody S~IL JViHl I~\.:l~j. l'---bi:;~ut~c~j pt~- ford and other municipal leaders posing a new Grosse Pointe dis- Iiked the grandfather clause," said agree that the dispatCh operatIOn Shores COl'ncilwoman Patricia Galvin, trict court for January, 1983 is could be consolidated out of a single referring to a section of the bill that scheduled to be introduced this court building, especially during eve. says all present court employes must ning hours, week in Lansing, be retained for the new court Galvin But the tough work is just begin- said the team's concern was not great Crawford said he also believes ning for the Pointes which must de. enough to kill approval of the bill costs could be cut by consolidating terminI' where the new court will be which still must be endorsed by the jail cells which all five Pointes cur- located, how it will be funded and five Pointe councils by May 11, 1982 rently maintain, are usually empty, staffed and whether a central dis- before a primary election for district and must meet new state standards. court judge is held. patch and jail can be included. While "the cities determine the de- Last year's efforts to establish the City of Grosse Pointe manager tails of their new court, a problem new court never got off the drawing Thomas Kressbach expanded on Gal. has surfaced for Grosse Pointers board after delays by the cities and vin's concerns. He said he was seeking justice due to D"etroit's con~ political concerns caused court legis- bothered by the absence of state version to the district system on lation to expire. funding through th~ bill to cover the Sept. 1. capital cost of court conversion. He Development of the current court There was a jurisdictional gap cre- was also concerned that the new reorganization effort has again been ated in Grosse Pointe when J)etroit's court could be overstaffed if all sluggish and Park city manager John Common Pleas court was replaced by present municipal court staffers are Crawford said he can't understand the district court leaving civil cases • <- retained . why, originating in - the Pointes with no :,.>;:,:~.~!/.y,~;~,','.tf' "I'd be willing to put (the new Kressbach said he doubts whether court to be heard in. Instead of going Photo by Tom Greenwood courl) in the Park," Crawford said. the new court would turn a profit through a Pointe district court, such "I can clear a space for a 10,000 since court.generated funds would be cases must be added to the docket at All for the fun of it square foot building, secure bonds to used to cover capital costs instead of Wayne County Circuit' Court where fund it through the Wayne Count>. supplementing the cities' general fund the backlog is at least three years Looking just a little grim as they pass the lined Kercheval and J.efferson Avenues to cheer Economic Development Corporation as they do now. long. 17 mile mark of last Sunday's Free Press Inter- their heroes on, A complete list of the Pointe and have the thing in operation wilh. An aide to Sen. Kelly said he plans Park Municipal Judge Beverly national Marathon are two of the more than marathon participants, and more picture~ of out any extra taxes from local resi- to ask the state appropriations com- Grobbel said Pointe civil cases could 4,000 runners who flashed through Grosse the race are on Page IB in Sports. dents. It would be a revenue pro- mittee for funds for the new court be accepted by a Detroit district ducer," added Crawford who was Pointe last weekend, Hundreds of spectators in the statp's 1982 and 1983 budgets court -but defendants have the right city manager in Centerline during its to reject the change of venue. ------------------------------------ ------------ court conversion. but not until the Pointes know what Ihey want in terms of the new court. The problem seems l<1 be in getting Lois Nelson, Park court administra- all five Pointes to agree, "If I could The aide said there are no financial tor, said her city has been forced to, School hoard protests get the War Memorial interested in' provisions in the current bill because turn several attorneys away since the a district court, we'd probably have it is unrealistic to expect state ap- court conversion. propriations for a court thM doesn't one right now," Crawford said. "They "The first call came in about three exist • managed to put together a nice cable days after Detroit changed to the Time story IS hard 'to swallow television package [or five cities and One of the cost-determining fac-tors district system," Nelson said. "When secure $7 million in funding in less that the cities have yet to work out I told the attorney he'd have to go time than it's taken us to organize allow students a reduced lunch for is' whether other services can be to circuit court he was upset. People By Joanne Gouleche er to take parents at their word and the court," he added. dish out the low-cost meals." 40 cents. combined in the new court facility. know what the situation is down- A team of five Pointe councilmen Currently all five Pointes man their town. And they know they'd get fast Grosse Pointe public' school School's ~pir.estor of Support Serv- _ Support Services' Zenn said a local service at a. local court-if we had administrators have labeled this who guided the development of police and fire stations 24 hours a ices Bell Zenn called those -,vords' Time correspondent, Chris Redman Kelly's bill submittea their- final-ap- - - Cf!I)' with a dispatclrer -at-th-e- desk to' one~JJ week's Time magazine cover "a distortion of the facts" and said of Grosse Pointe City, contacted him story about the national school the statements are- "gr(lunds for Ubel- in September"lIbout doing a story on lunch program in which Grosse since no board members were: con. the lunch program in Grosse Pointe. Pointe school cafeteria opera- tacted and no statements from staff Redman, accompanied by a photog- tions are highlighted "errone- members acknowledging this claim- rapher, later watched cafeteria per- Candidates facepllblic in three cit.;es ous, inaccurate and t~tally un- were ever made." sonnel at Grosse Pointe North High School prepare ,lunches. The local LEague of Women four-year terms, the fourth will nave Municipal Judge, incumbent Beverly true," Food Services Coordinator, Ann Voters will conduct candidates' a two-year term, C. Grobbel and Alan R. Devine Jr. Potteiger, said contrary to the Time Zenn said Redman was "noticeably H also is a four-year term. The Time story foc~:ses on the high article, all apP'lications for reduced impressed" with the .operation and- forums in three Grosse Pointe Candidates for Municipal Judge in cost 'of federal entitlement programs, or free lunches are reviewed care- "told everyone so:' The Time reporter cities before thll Nov. 3 election. the Farms are incumbent Robert H_ • Grosse Pointe Woods, Monday, such as the school lunch program fully and added this year's applica. was looking for fraud and abuse in Pytell and Anthony C. Penta Jr. The Od. 26, at 8 p.m, in Woods council and, in part, points the finger at some tions ask parents to disclose more the federal program' and couldn't The forums, sponsored by the term is four years. room, 20025 Mack Avenue. find any evidence of such in the LWV's Voter Service, include school districts for abusing federal financial information than in previ- Moderator will be Shirley Piku . ous years. Grosse Pointe schools, Zenn said, introductory statements by all • Grosse Pointe Park, Thursday, guidelines, including Grosse Pointe Candidates for three, four-year seats schools .. the candidates present and ques- Oct 22, at 8 p.m. in Pierce 'fIliddle on the council are incumbents "If something looks fishy, I call "We thought, quite frankly, he was tion and answer sessions. School auditorium, 15430 Kercheval the Pl!renL We do have the staff to going to educate the public about the Avenue. Thomas J. Fahrner and John Sahol School administrators are particu- and Jean Rice, Michael E. Slomski, check up on the applications," school lunch program," School Deputy The schedule i~ as foHows: larly upset over one paragraph in Potteiger said. As of last month 24 Sup!. JaPJes Hoeh said, Moderator will be Myrt Everett. John L. Stay, Douglas B. Munro and the story that reads: "To subsidize students in the school district q~ali. • Grosse Pointe Farms, Wednesda~', Candidates for three Park council Frederick M. Maddock . meals for these students, the federal fied for the reduced lunch ,,;hile 134 After the article appeared, Zenn seats are incumbent John H_ Fildew Oct. 21, at 8 p,m.
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