ec ronic ngincerin JUNE 1951 3 WAY MIXER Fi• PEAK PROGRAMME METER for recording and large sound installations, etc. One milliwatt output on 600 ohm line (.775 V) for an input of 30 microvolts on 7.5-30 ohm balanced input. Output balanced or unbalanced by internal switch. The meter reading is obtained by a valve voltmeter with 1second time constant, which reads programme level, and responds to transient peaks. Calibration in 2 db steps, to plus 12 db and minus 20 db referred to zero level. Special low field internal power packs supplies 8 valves including stabilising and selenium rectifier, consumption 23 watts. Manufactured by VORTEXION LIMITED 257-263 THE BROADWAY, WIMBLEDON, LONDON, S.W.I9 Telephones: LIBerty 2814 and 6242-3. Telegrams: "Vortexion, Wimble, London ". The VITAL LINK For the to job of connecting the T/V Camera to the trol van something extra in the way of a tra g cable system is needed. This is well provi for in BICC T/V Camera Cables with mould -on Polypole Couplers. Take the 22-core cable for instance :by the use of single wire conductors the diameter is reducej to only •850 in.—two-thirds the size of its conve onal stranded wire equivalent! And the Polypo 1 Coupler, integrally moulded to the cable end, reduces he possibility of conductor breakage to a minimu Truly aperfect combination built for the job— dit bears the BICC hallmark of dependability. Our technical staff will be pleased to discus this new development with you. TIII CAMERA CABLE COUPLE BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER'S CABLES LIMITED NORFOLK HOUSE, NORFOLK STREET, LONDON, W C. 2 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING ii JUNE 1951 aà.e CLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENTS The charge for these advertisements at the LINE RATE (if under l' or 12 lines) is : Three lines or under 7/6, each additional line 1/6. (The line averages seven words.) Box number 2/- extra, except in the case of advertisements in" Situations Wanted," when It is added free of charge. At the INCH RATE (if over V or 12 lines) the charge is 30/. per inch, single column. Prospectuses and Company's Financial Reports £14 Os. Od. per column. A remittance must accompany the advertisement. Replies to box numbers should be add d be : Morgan Bros. (Publishers), Ltd., 28, Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C.2, and marked" Electronic Engineering." Advertisements must be received before the 14th of the month for insertion in the following issue. 4 OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS preferably in electronics is desirable. Salary Service Commission, Scientific Branch, Trini- will be in accordance with the 1951 Burnham dad House, Old Burlington Street, London W.I, ADMIRALTY. Vacancies exist for Electrical (Further Education) Scale for Lecturers (£900 quoting No. S 59/51. Completed application and/or Mechanical Engineering Draughtsmen in x £25—£1,000 for men, £720 x £20—£800 for forms should be returned as soon as possible. Admiralty Research and Development Estab- women). Research Assistant in Physics to work W 2883 lishments located in the vicinity of Weymouth, in the field of ultra high frequency electronics. Portsmouth, Teddington (Middlesex) and Bal- Applicants should have a good Honours Degree SITUATIONS VACANT -dock, Herts. Draughtsmen experienced in light in Physics of a University to which a thesis -current, electro -mechanical, precision mechani- for a Higher Degree (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) may be A NUMBER of Senior and Junior vacancies for -cal and electronic equipment are particularly submitted on the basis of research work con- Radio, Radar, Electronic, Television, etc., needed. Candidates must be British subjects of ducted externally. Applicants should also have Development, Service Engineers, Draughtsmen, 21 years of age and upwards, who have had some knowledge of electronics. The appoint- Wiremen, Testers, Inspectors, etc. Urgently practical workshop experience (preferably an ment will be for two years in the first instance required, 30 Television Service Engineers. Write apprenticeship) together with Drawing Office but may be extended to a third year. Research in confidence: Technical Employment Agency, experience. Appointments will be in an un - Assistants are required to devote some hours 179 Clapham Road, London, S.W.9. (BRIxton 3487.) W 113 established capacity, but opportunities may occur weekly in assisting with laboratory supervision. for qualified staff to compete for established Salary will be in accordance with the 1951 A LARGE AIRCRAFT FIRM in the Midlands posts. The salaries offered, depending on age, Burnham (Further Education) Scale for Grade has vacancies for men with experience in con- experience, ability and place of duty, will 'A' Assistant Teachers (Men: £375 rising by struction and/or maintenance of electronic be within the range £320-£560 p.a. Hostel annual increments of £18 and one final incre- equipment.. Service as radio or radar technician accommodation is available at some Establish- ment of £21 to £630. Women: £338 rising by in H.M. Forces an advantage. Vacancies also ments. Applications, stating age and details annual increments of £15 and one final incre- exist for men with tool room experience and of technical qualifications, apprenticeship (or ment of £16 to £504), plus graduate and train- some interest in electronics. Interesting work equivalents) Workshop and Drawing Office ing allowances where applicable. In fixing the with good prospects. Apply stating age, experi- experience, should be sent to Admiralty commencing salary allowance will be made for ence, etc., to Box No. W 2911. (C.E.II, Room 88) Empire Hotel, Bath, quoting leaching and approved industrial experience. A VACANCY exists in a special laboratory of DM/R.D. Original testimonials should not be Further particulars and form of application a well-known Company for a Telemetry En- forwarded with application. Candidates required may be obtained by sending a stamped gineer. Applicants should have had good prac- for interview (at London or Bath whichever is addressed foolscap envelope to the Registrar, tical experience of the use of telemetry in the nearer) will be advised within two weeks of College of Technology, Suffolk Street, Birming- field. Commencing salary £500-£700 according receipt of application. W 2780 ham, 1. Completed forms should be returned to qualifications and experience. Please write, ADMIRALTY. Applications are invited from to him not later than two weeks after the giving full details and quoting ref. HHE, to appearance of this notice. C. McCaw. Clerk Engineering, Electrical and Ship Draughtsmen Box No. W 2913. for temporary service in Admiralty Depart- to the Governing Body. W 1307 ments at Bath. Candidates must be British ASSISTANT ENGINEER required by large MIDLANDS ELECTRICITY BOARD. Ap- subjects of 21 years of age and upwards, who Engineering Organisation in East London area pointment of General Assistant Engineer. have had practical Workshop and Drawing for Capacitor's design and development. 21 Office experience. Salary will be assessed Applications are invited for the position of to 25 years of age, good opportunities for according to age, qualifications and experience General Assistant Engineer in the Chief Engi- advancement. Degree or Higher National neer's Department. The successful applicant will within the range £320-£545 per annum. Appli- Certificate--Electrical. No previous experience operate from Aston Fields Depot, Bromsgrove. cations giving age and details of technical necessary, Write stating age, qualifications and qualifications, apprenticeship (or equivalents) Applicants should have had considerable ex- salary required to Box No. W 2887. perience in the operation and maintenance of Workshop and Drawing Office experience, V.H F. Radio and Radar equipment and a BELLING 8c LEE LTD., 540 Cambridge Arterial should be sent to Admiralty (C.E.11, Room 88), Road, Enfield, Middlesex, wish to engage a Empire Hotel, Bath. Candidates required for knowledge of maintenance of wired telecom- munication equipment is also desirable. The specialist to conduct aerial research and develop- interview will be advised within two weeks of ment, particularly at television frequencies. receipt of application. W 137 successful applicant will be required to main- tain equipment of this type installed in vehicles Applicants must possess scientific qualifications BRITISH ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY Lon- and fixed stations throughout the Area. The together with considerable experience in the field; don Division. Applications are invited for the conditions of service will be in accordance with must be imaginative and original, and able to following appointments: Assistant R. & the National Joint Board Agreement and the work with minimum supervision. Excellent Engineer (Mechanical)—Acton Lane Generating « salary, subject to negotiation, will be Schedule research facilities are available and an attractive Station. Candidates should have had a sound en- 'C,' Grade 8. Class AX/DX £437/£622 per salary will be offered to the right applicant. gineering training—preferably an apprenticeship annum, the commencing figure being deter- W 134 with a Manufacturer of heavy engineering mined according .1.o qualifications and experience. -CROMPTON PARKINSON LIMITED invite plant. They should also have had considerable Applications s ating age, experience and quali- applications from graduate Physicists or Elec- experience in the inspection, planning and fications should be made within 14 days to trical Engineers with good Honours Degrees supervision of the overhaul of all Power Station The Secretary (Ref. FWC), Midlands Electri- to work in their Lamp
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