g?--V1 % % ^PVV-%^-^ ^pftew. SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1912. $3 PER ANNUM No news of the outcome of the libel trial at Kamloops this A. D. Campbell Succumbs to week has been received here and it is premature to place any LADIES OF SI. Heart Failure In Pool Room reliance in mere rumors that have been industriously circu­ lated about its termination, The same wild rumors were A. D. Campbell fell dead in the cast adrift when the trial first came up at Clinton last spring, Club pool room on Sunday morn­ when the news was flashed broad and wide that accused had ing. He had finished eating an WILL DEDRGANIZE LAND been placed in jail. Subsequent reports demonstrated the orange, and was jesting with POLICY OF HUHSON'S falsity of these early and unfounded rumors. Such reports others, when he he uttered a >,/: were to be expected, but the public should suspend judg­ laugh and fell out of his chair DAY CO. ment till the outcome is given in the columns of a reliable and collapsed. Medical assist­ Sir Thomas Skinner, the chairman of the board of governors of the Hud- . news-gatherer like the Herald and not in a "promoter's bul­ An event of unusual interest ance was summoned, but on arrival of Dr. Lazier the man son's Bay Co., arrived in Victoria last letin of facts." and the first of its kind in this week. In speaking of the anticipated section of Cariboo, is the propo­ was pronounced dead. The re­ changes of the old company in respect 3 sed entertainment and sale of mains were taken to the fire hall to their land policy, he said that and an inquest the following while it was true that in the past the The Peden Brothers Travel work the ladies of Stephen's Hudson's Bay Company had been accu­ church have arranged to take morning ascribed the cause to heart failure. sed of holding its lands, to the detri­ 1000 Miles in Search of Land place on the afternoon and even­ ment of ^rowing communities, that day ing of the 24th October, in the Deceased was a Canadian, a had passed, if it ever existed. "The William J. Peden and his bro­ native of Guelph, Ont, and a re­ company is now in the hands of modern trict. opera house on Fourth street. ther, T. C. Peden, and J. P. Jef­ sident here for the past year. and progressive people, whose policy is The entertainment is novel, for to aid in the development of every sec­ The party will return to their The last work he did was on Mr. ferson, who were schoolmates in land irj the sping. it embraces a multitude of pleas­ tion of the coun t ry w here i t has property, Winnipeg, arrived in Edmonton ing channels for recreative spend­ Hardie's right-of-way camp, out believing that it can best secure added Dct. 1, after a trip of nearly a ing of the day and evening. of town a short distance, and value for its lands by disposing of them on such terms as will build up the thousand miles by canoe, raft The sale of work, the articles quit this three weeks ago to NORTH COAST LAND CO. undergo treatment for heart af­ community and so add to the value of Ind on foot from here into the of which have been the patient the unsold lands. That is our present Pouce Coupe district of the Peace ISSUE A NEW AND UP- and painstaking work of months fection, of which he complained policy and we intend to live up to it at Liver country, where they locat­ of the good ladies of this of severely. He had a pre-emp­ all times, when conditions seem to TO-DATE FOLDER favor that policy. We will not be coer­ ed three pre-emptions. They ex- church, should find a ready sale tion up-river, where last winter he spent in cutting cordwood. ced, but our lands are on sale on fair bect to pass the winter in Edmon­ The North Coast Land Co. have issued among a community so largely terms to anyone who desires to purchase ton. a new, neat and attractive illustrated made up of bachelors whose The funeral took place on Mon­ them for real development purposes. Though the three men were little folder, which is without a doubt haunts and dens bear the un­ day afternoon from the fire hall, It is not our purpose, however, to lend on similar missions their meeting the most reliable of all the numerous mistakable absence of "the hand and was officiated by Rev. Mr. ourselves to any speculative under­ publications issued from a press about that rocks the cradle." The sale Williams. taking," concluded Sir Thomas. at South Fort George in the store northern British Columbia. It was of another brother, Russell Pe­ compiled from observations made and of work will commence at 2:30 in den, on Second street, was pure­ informption collected first hand by. Dr. the afternoon and continue till 6, Jealousy Among Indians the li-- accidental. The brothers start­ H. L. Gordon, who, daring the early when a turkey dinner will be led from Winnipeg in July, going part of this year made a trip from served in the recesses of the Cause of Many Forest Fires westward, while Jefferson left Hazelton to £outh Fort George. The stage, which will go through till folder ia devoid of all that fulsome A provincial fire ranger from Vancouver about the same time. ten o'clock, when dancing will fodder that usually finds its way into the Omineca country recently re­ still more primitive bough as a They compared notes here, ventures of this nature, and pictures be indulged in and continued ported to the department that he means of unifying a trinity of where it was found that the am­ in its true colors the scenes and country throughout the remainder of the feels sure many forest fires are logs—the ground-work of a Fra­ bition of each was to locate upon through which the writer passed. evening. The ladies say the hall caused by jealousy among na­ ser river raft. The length over Ithe most fertile quarter section Two extracts will serve to show in a will be decorated as never before, all of a raft is usually determined concise way the summing up of an tive hunters. If an Indian has a |n the last best west. Finding the scenes and environments en­ by the tree closest the water and argument—the doubt of which there trancing to the eye, the inner good district, where he gets nothing to suit their purpose in does not exist among people who have never exceeds fifteen feet. Very man and the pocket-book, with a plenty of furs, his brother In­ 1MB vicinity they decided to go visited northern British Columbia-of few, if any, go beyond this dians who are not so fortunate |nto the Peace River, the richness of the soil the Transeon- bevy of artistically - arranged length. Some are pyramidical are apt to express their disap­ tinantal passes through on its way to booths on the main floor of the at the bow, built for less resist­ The party of three were con­ the Pacific. Mr. Gordon s..ys: pretty little theatre. That the pointment by setting fire to the veyed from here to Giscomb, "The deep rich soil and the fovorable ance to water and to impel loco­ entertainment will be a success bush. The ranger believes he motion. This feature is seldom where they portaged eight miles c imate fit the country to be one of the is evident by the number of tic­ has found the explanation of grea'est districts for mixed farming on indulged in unless the voyager bf rough country between the kets sold, which have been placed the American continent. All the de­ some fires which have-been put or voyagers consider that time is Praser river and Summit lake. sired crops can be grown marvellously at $1 each, down to lightning or some un­ Crossing the lake they entered the essence of the undertaking. •nd without irrigation." known cause. Railroad navvies never show a Crooked river, following its "The farms of Mr. Charles Barrett ourse northward to McLeod and Mr. A. B. Mclnnes, in the Bulkley COURT OFFENDERS disposition or inclination to rapid lake and passing out into the valley; Dr. Winch at Hazelton; Mr. The Alberta Telephone Co.'s wire to traveling. They believe in taking Milne in the Nechaco valley, and the The precincts of the court­ Blackwater was down three days this Parsnip river to a point where all the leisure out of life's cocoa- Hudson's Bay ranches at Fort George house and jail are undergoing a week. A break near Smith'.) road nut while nomadically inclined, Its confluence with the Findlay house was the cause. "It is a chilly and Fort Fraser are the most notable change, the building having been and consequently build their river form the Peace river. Turn­ of those which have revealed the rich­ wind that does not blow some warmth widened to double its dimensions. in its train," we can hear th'e poor, rafts to suit their inclinations. ing the craft eastward they pad­ ness and productivity of the country.' Yesterday afternoon the steel ded to Hudson's Hope, on the overworked telegraph operator exclaim, One such a raft, in the shape cage was transferred to the new­ when a break occurs.
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