---------------- --- ---- Mother's Day pp.12 & 13 VOLUME LXXVIII, NUMBER 24 IYAR 3, 5752 /THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1992 35¢ PER COPY Schechter Selects Director The Ruth and Max Alperin Ms. Rubel has had ten years of Chestnut Hill, Mass. She holds Schechter Day School has taken teaching and administrative degrees in Elementary Educa­ great pleasure in announcing experience at the Charles E. tion and an advanced degree in the appointment of its new Smith School in Rockville, School Administration. Ms. Director, Myrna Rubel. Accord­ Md., one of the largest day Rubel and her husband, Gene ing to Sam Shamoon, chair of schools in the country. There Rubel, have four children and the Search Committee, the her special expertise was to currently reside in Wellesley, appointment of Ms. Rubel was coordinate the International Mass. unanimously endorsed by the Student Program which pro­ The Search Committee Director Search Committee, vided both Judaic and secular found in Myrna Ru bel the rare which initiated its search last educational opportunities to combination of professional August, soon after the School's new Ameri cans and visiting and personal traits that include first Director, Rabbi Alvan H. Israelis. She earned a reputa­ excellent teaching and admin­ Kaunfer, resigned to accept the tion as an indefatigable prob­ istrative skills, a warm and car­ position of Rabbi at Temple lem solver and able adminis­ ing personality, a deep and life­ Emanu-El in Providence. After trator. She is credited by senior long commitment to Judaism, (L. to R.) Sidney Goldstein, Ph.D, Ritual Committee co-chair, months of reviewing twenty­ level administrators, teachers and the concept of K'lal Warwick Mayor Charles Donovan, President Stephen Sholes three candidate applications and parents with fostering a Yisrael. Above all, she ex­ and Ethan Adler, principal of Hebrew school. from throughout North Amer­ climate that encouraged col­ pressed her vision of the Al­ ica and Israel, and after legiality among the teachers. perin Schechter Day School as interviewing seven well-quali­ She also designed a process an institution dedicated to the Am David Holocaust fied candidates, the Search that integrated Judaic and finest education for the Jewish Committee concluded that Ms. secular studies to educate the American child. The Commit­ Rubel stood out as the candi­ "whole" Jewish American tee was also impressed by her Commemoration date with the combined skills student. energy and enthusiasm. Her by Kathy Cohen the six million slaughtered Eu­ of educator, administrator and While teaching and adminis­ appointment officially begins Herald Associate Editor ropean Jews, and the seventh leader with a vision for a Con­ trating programs at the Smith on July 1, 1992, but, at her Last Tuesday evening, April recalling the righteous nations servative Jewish day school. School, Ms. Rubel also was the request, she will be available 28, at Temple Am David, stu­ who helped save the lives of As part of the search pro­ Judaic Studies Coordinator at through a transitional period dents of the temple's religious many victims. cess, the Committee set rigor­ the Congregation Har Shalom beginning on June 1 to the end school were called upon to start Yorn HaShoah is commemo­ ous standards that included Religious School in Potomac, of the school term. Her pres­ the observance of the Yorn ·rated each year on the 27th day instructional leadership, ex­ Md. There, in addition to teach­ ence during this transitional HaShoah program by lighting of the Hebrew month of Nisan. perience in teaching in a day ing, her responsibilities in­ period will insure a smooth seven candles, six representing (continued on next page) school setting, administrative cluded curriculum develop­ beginning when the School re­ experience in complicated ment and special involvement opens in the Fall. The Com­ tasks, and above all, a strong with the teenage Mechina pro­ mittee joins the Board of Direc­ commitment to Jewish educa­ gram. Most recently, she has tors and the en tire Schechter 100 Years, And More! tion within the framework of been the Principal of Temple community in welcoming by Beth Hellman the Conservative movement. Emeth Religious School in Myrna Rubel to Providence. A few years ago, Peter Strelow changed his name to Pesah Chaim Strei. This might Yom HaShoah Around The World be considered unusual, but for Strei, who celebrated his 100th Compiled From JT A Reports grants who died when their Foley (D-Wash.) and Senate birthday on Friday, May 1, it's ships, the Struma and Mef­ Majority Leader George just another phase of a remark­ Israel kure, foundered enroute to Mitchell (D-Maine) were able life. Thursday, April 30th - The Palestine during World War II. among a few dozen lawmakers Born in Russia, in the village sirens sound at 10 a.m., bring­ who attended the 75-minute of Soraha, Strei escaped to the ing the country to a halt to Washington, D.C. ceremony, which also included United States, and says that he observe the two minutes of Bill Clinton, the Democratic several Hebrew prayers. enlisted in the US Army be­ silence that traditionally usher presidential front-runner, went The U.S. Holocaust Memo­ cause President Wilson in Holocaust Remembrance to a synagogue in the nation's rial Council, which sponsored promised to permit his daugh­ Day. capital to mark Holocaust the event, also presented its ter to emigrate if he did. During Ceremonies were held Remembrance Day. annual Eisenhower Liberation the war, he fought in the Wednesday evening at Kibbutz Standing on the front steps Medal to Gerhard Riegner. trenches, and on the French Pesah Chaim (Peter) Strei Lohamei Hageta'ot, the home of Adas Israel, a Conservative This was the first time the front near Bordeaux. Maze/ Tov! of many Holocaust survivors, congregation, Clinton said the award was given to a Jew, said When he returned to the opinionated, but he's always a and at Yad Vashem, the Holo­ admonition "never again" was council spokesman Sam United States, Strei, who was gentleman." caust memorial and museum not just for the Holocaust but Eskenazi. already an experienced tailor, Even today, Strei lives on his in Jerusalem. "is an admonition for daily liv­ Gerhard Riegner is " best worked hard for his fa mily. He own with his son, takes walks, There were also ceremonies ing for all of us." known for his chilling cable," opened the "New York Tailor­ and rides public transportation in the plaza outside the Also in Washington on in 1942, "that warned Ameri­ ing Company" on Camp Street to wherever he needs to go. Knesset building. Knesset Thursday, outgoing German can and British Jewish leaders and then Hope Street. A member of Congregation workers lit six torches in mem­ Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich about the Nazi program to " He likes to joke that he was Mishkon Tfiloh, Strei does not ory of the 6 million Holocaust Genscher and Israeli Deputy murder all European Jews," a C. P.A.," said Jerry Connis, a attribute his long life to fad di­ victims. House Speaker Dov Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Harvey Meyerhoff, chair­ friend, "Cleaning, pressing, ets or exercise plans. Shilansky, himself a survivor, were among the close to 1,000 man of the council. and alterations." "I've got a good G-d. That's placed a wreath at the foot of people who packed the U.S. Riegner, who at the time At the Jewish Community my secret," he said. "Like any­ the torches. Capitol Rotunda for the 12th was the World Jewish Con­ Center of Rhode Island's birth­ body else, I eat everything, and Prime Minister Yitzhak annual commemoration there. gress's Switzerland represen­ day party for him, Strei was never complain. It isn't the Shamir said the message of They were joined by Ger­ tative, sent cables to Rabbi surrounded by admirers. food; it's the guy upstairs. Holocaust Day to the Jewish man President Richard von Stephen Wise in the United Lola Schwartz, Executive Di­ "It's not just the G-d of the people was that no one should Weizsaecker, who was on a States and to Sidney Silver­ irector of the )CCR!, has known Jews. It's the G-d of the Jews surrender even in the direst state visit here, and dozens of man, a Jewish member of the !Strei for nearly 30 years. and the Christians. It's all the circumstances. Israeli delegates who are here British Parliament. "There aren't many people same G-d." The prime minister spoke at for the peace talks with Arab At the ceremony here, Rabbi li ke Peter," Schwartz said, To Pesah " Peter" Strei, a a memorial ceremony in Ash­ and Palestinian delegations. Alfred Gottschalk, president of " He's very fiesty, he's very hearty Maze! Tov! dod for the 1,069 illegal immi- House Speaker Thomas (continued on page 6) 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1992 FOCUS Women In The Rabbinate: Beyond Egalitarianism matter of. time before women by Rifka Rosenwein ing Talmud; and finally, in the pulpit. puses, in congregations, and in infiltrate all walks of rabbinic (Part I of Ill) Impact Felt life, even in the Orthodox And yet as more women community life - though much "Lost: Half of Judaism. movement, which does not have stepped into these roles "There's a feeling within the remains to be done. Even in We're Forming a Search Com­ permit women in the rab­ Reform movement that we've the Reform movement, where mittee for Women In Judaism," And yet as more women binate. In community work, on accomplished everything the women have been rabbis for the announcement read. have stepped into these role college campuses and in chari­ feminist movement has asked 20 years, " there are still glass The sheet of paper was from which they were formerly table activities, Orthodox men of us, in that women and men ceilings" as Rabbi Sally Fine­ tacked onto the wall of an ele­ excluded, they have found it and women are coming into are equal," says Jordan Mill ­ stone, the Reform rabbi and vator last fall at the Hebrew unrewarding merely to mimic contact with women rabbis.
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