AnnuAl RepoRt Creating new 2013 dimensions Key figures in € millions 2012 2013 Change in % Orders received Robotics 803.1 793.5 -1.2 systems 1,115.1 1,111.6 -0.3 group 1,889.6 1,881.9 -0.4 Sales revenues Robotics 742.6 754.1 1.5 systems 1,025.3 1,045.9 2.0 group 1,739.2 1,774.5 2.0 Order backlog (Dec. 31) 909.4 991.6 9.0 EBIT robotics 80.2 77.1 -3.9 systems 47.7 60.8 27.5 group 109.8 120.4 9.7 EBIT in % of sales robotics 10.8 10.2 – systems 4.7 5.8 – group 6.3 6.8 – Earnings after taxes 55.6 58.3 4.9 Financial situation Free cash flow 77.1 95.4 23.7 Capital employed (annual average) 339.8 326.2 -4.0 ROCe (eBit in % of capital employed) 32.3 36.9 – Capital expenditure 42.8 74.7 74.5 employees (dec. 31) 7,264 7,990 10.0 Net worth Balance sheet total 1,137.4 1,377.1 21.1 equity 297.5 379.1 27.4 in % of balance sheet total 26.2 27.5 – Share weighted average number of shares outstanding (in millions of shares) 33.9 33.9 – earnings per share (in €) 1.64 1.72 4.9 dividend per share (in €) 0.20 0.30 * 50.0 market capitalization (dec. 31) 938.4 1,154.8 23.1 * subject to approval by shareholders at the annual general meeting THe WOrLD Of KuKA kUka is a global company with sales of about euro 1.8 billion and approxi- mately 8,000 employees worldwide. kUka offers its worldwide customers automation solutions comprising robots, software and assembly systems. the company is one of the world’s leading suppliers of robot technology and systems engineering. kUka’s technologies set standards the world over. kUka has its manufacturing and development headquarters in augsburg, Bavaria and 45 subsidiaries internationally. eurOpe Austria netherlands BelgiUm romania CzeCh repUBliC rUssia FranCe sweden germany switzerland great Britain slovakia hUngary spain italy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 NOrTH / SOuTH AsiA / AusTrALiA AMeriCA China soUth korea Brazil mexiCo india taiwan Canada Usa Japan thailand malaysia vietnam aUstralia eBit margin roCe earnings per share in % in % in € 2011 5.1 2011 21.8 2011 0.89 2012 6.3 2012 32.3 2012 1.64 2013 6.8 2013 36.9 2013 1.72 CreatiNg NeW DiMeNsiONs kUka sets automation trends – trends that will shape the future. one such trend is the increasing sensitivity and safety of robots that are also mobile and can be used more universally than ever before. kUka combines its manufacturing and engineering expertise to make components and design sophisticated production plants, up to and including the associated control systems. the company's products and services are used by a wide range of industrial manufacturers, and even by other industries. For the longest time, kUka products have also been applied in non- industrial sectors such as health care. kUka is developing a new control environment based on mainstream it technologies that will very soon open the door to entirely new applications. our employees’ solutions thus create new dimensions for our customers – across the globe. kUka systems kUka roBotiCs kUka systems is the reliable special- Industrial Robotics KUKA Laboratories ist for innovative joining and forming kUka robotics is one of the world’s kUka laboratories develops and markets processes using all kinds of materials leading suppliers of industrial robots. products for the service robotics and and a provider of automated produc- kUka robotics’ core competence is in health care sectors. the company is also tion and assembly solutions for sustain- the development, production, sales and responsible for the group’s research able industrial manufacturing. as an service of industrial robots suitable for and development activities. international systems integrator for sys- any application and any industry sector, tems, tools and customized mechanical mobile platforms, control systems and engineering, kUka systems is the tech- software solutions. nological leader in its segments and provides optimized, customer-oriented services and solutions. eDitoriAL dr. till reUter ChieF exeCUtive oFFiCer kUka continued to perform successfully in 2013. orders received sought after by general industry companies; for example, in the aero- reached € 1,881.9 million and sales revenues were up two percent space sector. our customers greatly value kUka’s engineering exper- to € 1,774.5 million, building on last year’s results. eBit margin was tise, sound process knowledge and innovative technologies. kUka’s 6.8 percent. Free cash flow reached a record high of € 95.4 million. ability to supply total solutions has earned it new customers in the we hit all of our targets. Both divisions, robotics and systems, aerospace industry. contributed to this excellent growth. kUka has also expanded its presence in the market of the future, asia. already today, China is the world’s second-largest robot On the road to becoming a global automation company market. according to estimates published by the iFr, the international kUka is evolving into a global automation company. Customers Federation of robotics, demand in this region will continue to rise. around the world trust our innovations and products. still, we can now only european premium carmakers, but also more and more only secure our international success if the employees who supply Chinese automotive customers are turning to robots made by kUka. our products and our services are close to our customers and under- right on schedule, in december our colleagues in China were stand their needs. able to move into the new factory in shanghai and assemble the with the acquisition of UtiCa enterprises’ systems business, first robots. the factory has an annual output capacity of over 5,000 kUka systems became the number one car body manufacturer in robots, complete with control cubicles. the location serves as a base north america and expanded our product portfolio enormously. But that enables us to offer local products and services to our customers with 800 extremely well qualified employees, kUka north america’s throughout all of asia. success is not restricted to the automotive sector. kUka’s assembly systems expertise and our proven welding processes are increasingly 00 kUka aktiengesellsChaFt annUal report 2013 Investing in innovation Captivating the future with our employees we continuously invest in our innovation capabilities so that we may to progress along its path as a successful global automation com- always offer our customers throughout the world the latest solutions. pany, kUka continues to need top employees. at hannover messe, this also secures our long-term competitiveness. at hannover messe, we launched a comprehensive employer branding campaign under we showcased the entire group’s products and services, which span the heading “Captivating our future”, which aims to attract qualified, from components to work cells and complete systems. we unveiled motivated people to our company. lBr iiwa, the first sensitive lightweight robot for industrial manu- of course a campaign of this type can only be successful over facturing, at the fair. the product’s sensitivity and integrated safety the long term if we keep our promises. employees all have their own systems will bring an entirely new dimension to manufacturing. idea about what makes a good employer. after all, the needs of our these days, the media is intensively discussing the many aspects employees are as diverse as the various phases of their lives at pre- of human-machine collaboration. For us, the key aspect is safety. our sent. at kUka, we want to accommodate these needs. in this con- product’s integrated sensors and a highly sophisticated safety system nection, i am particularly proud of the orange Care day care center are uncompromising. But the issue of safety becomes even more chal- that opened on kUka’s premises in augsburg. the aim is to enable lenging when a robot is applied in a real world situation, because every parents to better reconcile their families and careers. after a success- application comes with a realm of new considerations. ful re-audit, kUka again received the “Career and Family” certificate at kUka, an entire team is engaged in developing applications awarded by the charitable organization “Beruf und Familie gmbh”. to ensure that robots designed to work with humans are also useful we had to work hard for it, and continue to do so. For example, flex- and safe – without protective barriers or external safety measures. ible work hours and the opportunity to work from home are designed the applications technologies team, in collaboration with our partner to make our people feel good about kUka and continue to deliver daimler, has come up with potential applications in the field of auto- outstanding performance. motive assembly. But potential applications for our lightweight robot go far beyond that. For example, when mounted on a mobile platform, it can be used as an assistant in industrial plants. in other words, it can be moved to exactly where it is needed. mobile platforms enable customers that need to handle large parts to increase the flexibility of their manufacturing facility. kUka presented a conceptual study called “moiros” at hannover messe to demonstrate how this can be done. the company received the trade show organizer’s robotic award for the display. Presence in new sectors the products and solutions i outlined above are only a few of the The execuTive board ones that kUka has developed so that it can grow in new sectors.
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