Contr.Univ. MichisanHerb. 2l:37-84. 1997. NOTES ON NEOTROPICAL MALPIGHIACEAE-VI William R. Anderson University of Michigan Herbarium North lJniversity Building Ann Arbor. Michisan 48109-1057 Like the preceding installmentsin this series,this is a miscellany.Many of the new speciesdescribed here are needed for forthcoming floristic treatments. Others are included now, rather than later, just because they took my fancy as being somehow more interesting than the usual undescribedspecies, of which there are many more in the Malpighiaceaethan I can treat in the limited time available to me. I have long assumedthat, as my collaboratorsand I describednovelties in the family, we would find fewer and fewer until they became unusual. I supposethat time must come eventually,but I now realize that it will not arrive any time soon. Collectors continue to find obviously new species,but the more important source is careful study of the specimenswe already have, which never fails to reveal subtle new specieslurking unrecognizedin the piles of widespread,"well-known" species. Bunchosia cauliflora W. R. Anderson, sp. nov.-Type : Ecuapon. Pastaza: Rio Pastaza,between Destacamento Chiriboga and Apachi Entza, 220-32'5, 16"55'-77"08'W,24 Jul1980 fr, B. Qllgaard, E. Asanza C., J. Brandbyge, S. Roth & C. Sperling35203 (holotype: AAU!; isotype:MICH!). Frutex (I-) 2-3 m longus vel arbor 3-10 m alta, ramis glabris. Lamina foli- orum majorum 7-12 (-13) cm longa, (2.5-) 3-5 cm lata, elliptica vel ovata, apice acuminata acumine B-20 mm longo, glabra, abaxialiter utrinque costae(2-) 3-5 (- 7) glandulis seriatis munita; petiolus 4-7 (-9) mm longus; stipulae 0.5-1.3 mm longae. Inflorescentiaecaulinae, 1-3 (-4) cm longae, ex 6-30 floribus decussatis constantes.Petala omnia limbo toto circuito glanduloso-dentatovel petalum exti- mum distaliter eglandulosum.Filamenta sepalisopposita 2-3 mm longa, petalis op- posita I.5-2.5 mm longa; antherae 0.7-I.3 mm longae. Gynoecium 3-carpellatum, glabrum; stylus ut videtur 1, ex 3 connatis constans.Fructus siccus8-10 mm lon- gus et diametro, glaber, granulatus. Shrub (I-) 2-3 m tall or tree 3-10 m tall; stems mostly quite glabrous, very rarely sparselysericeous at first, soon glabrate.Lamina of larger leaves7-I2 (-13) cm long, (2.5-) 3-5 cm wide, elliptical or somewhat ovate, cuneate to almost truncate at base, acuminate at apex with the acumen 8-20 mm long, glabrous, bearing abaxial glandsin a row of (2-) 3-5 (-7) on each side of midrib, proximally near midrib but distally often diverging toward margin, the principal lateral veins few (4-7 pairs) and arching to fuse well within margin; petiole 4-7 (-9) mm long, glabrous or bearing a few appressedhairs and soon glabrate,narrowly winged for much of its length; stipules0.5-1.3 mm long. Inflorescencesborne on old stems after leaves have fallen, never axillary to current leaves, simple or occasionallybasally ternate,without vegetativeleaves, single at nodes or clusteredwith up to 6 or more in a cluster, slender and fragile in flower, becoming stouter in fruit; pseudoraceme 3l 38 CONTR.UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM VOLUME 21 1-3 (-4) cm long, containing 6-30 crowded decussateflowers, + persistently sericeouson axis, peduncles,and pedicels;bracts mostly 0.7-I mm long, triangu- lar. up to 2.5 mm long and linear at lowest nodes: peduncle I-2 (-3.5) mrn long; bracteoles0.5-1 mm long, triangular. one of each pair bearing 1 flat basal abaxial gland 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter, this half or more below free part of bracteole on peduncle; pedicel 5-B mm long in f'lower, up to 12 mm long in fruit. Sepalsca 1- 1.2 mm long beyond glands and 1-1.5 mm wide, broadly obtuse or rounded, abaxially thinly sericeous,ciliate on margin. adaxially glabrous, pressed against filaments in anthesis;glands B (actually 10. apparently 8 through connation of 4 in pairs), 1.1-4 mm long, the anterior 2 shortestand the posterior 2longest, obovate, compressed.glabrous, decurrent onto the pedicel. Petals yellow, glabrous, all 5 with the limb glandular-dentateor glandular-fimbriate all around the margin or the outermost with the distal divisions not or hardly glandular; lateral petals with claw I-1.7 mm long and limb 3.5-6 mm long, 3-J mm wide. the outermost limb largest and cupshaped,the others nearly flat; posterior petal with the thick claw 1.5-3 mm long. the limb 3.5-4.5 mm long and wide. Stamensglabrous; filaments 2-3 mm long opposite sepals, I.5-2.5 mm long opposite petals, ca 112connate, anthers 0.7-1.3 mm long, pressed against styles,the connectivesglandular-swol- len. Gynoecium 3-carpellate,glabrous, ovary ca 1 mm high, cylindrical, 3-locular, style apparently 1. actually 3 completely connate,2-3 mm long, reaching higher than the anthers; 3 stigmas distinct but held together in a tight triangle, each peltate with a ventral indentation and a moderate dorsal extension.Fruit yellow, 8-10 mm long and in diameter (dried), ovoid or globoseor depressed-globose,3- lobed, glabrous,granulate. Anprrrt.rxrL SpEc'tnexsEx,c.MrNF.D. Ecuador. Napo: YasuniForest Reservc. 10 km E of Pclntificia LJniversidadCat6lica station. 0'41 S. 76"28'W. Acevedct-Roclriguez& Cedeiio 755-5(US); Reserva Etnica Huaorani. S of Rio Tivacuno. 0".50'5.76'14'W. Aulestia & Ima 1-5BJ(MICH) & between Rio Tivacuno and Rio Yasuni, 0"50'S.76'1U'W, Aulestia & Gonti /7-1,5(MICH); Parque Nacional Yasuni. S of Rio Tiputini.0'37'5. l6'29'W. Aulestiu 16B9(MICH),0'36'S, J6o29'W.Pitmun & Aulesticr206 (MfCH) & 0"34S.76"31'W, Pitman & Dik.369 (MICH).-Prs'trz,A,: Rio Papayacuat Rio Curaray. lo29'S,76"42'W. Holnr-l\'lielsenat u\.22567 (AALI).-SLlctrl,tRios: Shushufindi (Nueva Loja), Coca (Puerto Franciscode Orellana)-Lago Agrio, 50 krn NE of Coca. Hurling & Andersson 12004(MfCH): Lago Aerio. Lugo S. -11-t2(MICH): Rfo Aguarico, .5km S of Lago Agrio. Lugo S. -llB4 (MICH); Las Sachas.Coca-Lasc'r Agrio. 30-40 km NE of Coca. Lugo S. -l-190(MICH): Guamanyacu. Coca-Lago Agrio. 40 krn NE of Coca, Lugo S. J42-l (MICH). Collected in moist tropical forests at elevations of 235-400 m, with flowers from November to March and with fruits in June and July. Most speciesof Bunchosiu bear their inflorescencesaxillary to leaves of the current year's growth, but in this one they appear only on leaflessstems at least one year old; the epithet cauliflora refers to that peculiarity. In some specimens several pseudoracemesare clustered at swollen nodes on stems that must be several years old, which I take to mean that the stems produce these cauline inflorescencesnot just once at a given node. but several times, perhaps for many years. Bttnchositrcuuliflora is also notable for the glabrous stems,the small, gla- brous, long-acuminateleaves with a row of 3-5 abaxial glands on each side of the midrib, the short slender pseudoracemesof crowded decussateflowers, the glan- dular-dentatepetals, and the glabroustricarpellate gynoecium with the stylescom- pletely connate. The speciesmost like this one is B. pseudonitida Cuatrec.,which 1991 W. R. ANDERSON:MALPIGHIACE,AE, 39 is known from western Colombia and western Ecuador (Los Rios and Guayas).In B. pseudonitidathe leaf glands are fewer (usually 1 or 2 per side) and the inflores- cenceis borne axillary to current leaves. Bunchosia pernambucana W. R. Anderson, sp. nov. -Tvpe: BnazlL-.Pernambuco: Floresta Inaj6, Reserva Biol6gica de Serra Negra, ascent to the forest. B Mar 1995 fl, E. Menez,es,E. M. Villarouco, ,S.S. Lira & E. Rodrigues 33 (holotype:MICH !). Frutex 0.8-l m longus. ramis sericeismox vel demum glabratis. Lamina foli- orum majorum 6.5-9 cm longa,2.3-3.6cm lata, elliptica.mox glabrata,abaxialiter eglandulosavel 2 glandulis basalibusmunita; petiolus 4-6 mm longus; stipulae 1- 1.8 mm longae. Inflorescentia2.5-5 cm longa, ex 6-10 floribus decussatiscon- stans. Petala lateralia limbo eroso eglanduloso, petalum posticum limbo proxi- maliter glanduloso-erosodistaliter eglanduloso.Filamenta sepalisopposita 3 mm longa,petalis opposita 2.3-2.5 mm longa; antherae1-1.3 mm longae.Gynoecium 3-carpellatum, glabrum; styli 3, usque ad medium connati vel cohaerentes,dis- taliter liberi. Fructus siccus8-10 mm longus,7-8 mm diametro, glaber, laevis (i.e., non granulatus)reticulo prominenti. Shrub 0.8-1 m talll stemsinitially thinly to moderately denselysericeous, soon or eventually glabrescentto quite glabrate.Lamina of larger leaves6.5-9 cm long, 2.3-3.6 cm wide. elliptical. cuneate and often somewhat decurrent at base,obtuse or abruptly short-acuminateat apex, initially thinly sericeousbut nearly or quite glabrate at maturity. eglandular or bearing 2 abaxial glands, 1 on each side near base (up to 7 mm above base) and beside midrib or between midrib and margin, the very finc rcticulum and 7-10 pairs of lateral veins usually prominent on both sidcs in dricd leavesbut more strongly so above than below; petiole 4-6 mm long, soon glabrate;stipules 1-1.8 mm long. Inflorescenceaxillary. simple, without veg- etative leaves,looscly sericeousto glabrate,2.5-5 cm long, containing 6-10 decus- sate flowers; bracts 1-2.5 mm long, ovate. often acuminate: peduncle 0.5-2 mm long; bracteoles1-1.5 mm long, ovate.one of the pair (sometimesboth) bearing 1 (sometimes2) raisedeccentric basal-abaxial glands 0.5-1 mm in diameter:pedicel 2.5-5 mm long. sericeousto glabrate.Sepals 1-1.8 mm long beyond glands,1.5-1.8 mm wide. broadly obtuse or rounded, glabrous except for the ciliate margin; glands 8 (actually 10, apparently tl through connation of 4 in pairs), 1.5-3 mm long, thc antcrior 2 shortest and the posterior 2 longest.
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