WELLESLEY, MASS., OCTOBER I, 1942 ew Staff of War Chemistry Dr. Lin Yutang Keynote Service Fund Lecture Topic Speaker For Institute Officers and Members of Miss Seikel When the noted author-philo opher, Lin Yutang speaks to­ Chosen. for this Year night at the Welle ley In titute on the Far East, he will open a Demonstrating· chemical agents four day all college conference on Oriental Life and culture. At Final election has been made of used in war, Miss Margaret Seikel 8 p.m. in lumnae Hall, Dr. Lin will discu on "Ea t and West." officer and committee members of the Chemistry Department will Lanting Thur day, Friday, aturday, and unday from who will work together in the Ser­ lecture before the Sigma Xi So­ 0 tober 1-4, the Institute repre ent the combined effort of eight vice Fund Dl'ive and through the ciety at its open fall meeting Tues­ ~college departments and the year. The officers for the year in­ day, October 6, at 7:30 p.m., in major tudent organizations. clude: Head Faculty Advisor, Miss Room 105 Pendleton. Miss Seikel Legenda Although ome of the lectures Charlotte GoodfeHow; Senior has taken a special course recently are being given for the particu- on the various poison gases and Chairman, Ann Campbell '43; Agents Named lar benefit of ce1~tain specific methods of handling them. Junior Chairman, El ie Pavitt '44; Carol Steiner '43, Head of Le­ college clai:: e , the whole stud nt Head Canvasser, Cornelia Jones In her lecture she will discuss genda's Circulation Staff, assisted body will be welcome at all of '43; Secretary, Betty Freyhof '44. particularly the detection of the by Janet Warren '43, has announc­ the meeting .. various g·ases. She plans to illus­ ed the names of the following stu­ Dean Ella Keats Whiting Serving on the World Service trate her points by several experi­ Dr. ueorge Cressey dents who will be in charge of will in~roduce Dr. Lin. Committee are the following: ments and demonstrations. Any­ Institute Speaker securing Legenda subscriptions in Chairman, Jean Colburn '43; Facul-· Conference Program one interested is invited to come, their various dormitories. Friday, October 2, Dr. George ty Advisor, Miss Mary Austin; although science majors in partic­ Class of '46: Crofton, Pat Ed­ M mbers: Sally Ashmun '43, Cressey, Chairman of the Depart~ ular are urged to attend. A.R.P. Members g·erton; Dower, Laurel utl r; ment of Geology and Geography Loui e Marvin '44, Laura Lu Eliot, Ruth Flint; Elms, Mary Bauer '45, Patsy Brown '46. To Hear Lectures at Syracuse University, will peak In the next six weeks four A.R.P. Alice Barrows; Homestead, Made­ on "The Geographic and Economic A sisting Elizabeth Lindh '44, Literary Influence of lectures are to be given for new line Kelly; Little, Barbara Daw­ Foundations of China" in Pendle­ Chairman of the Community Ser­ German Philosophy Is members of the Colleg·e community son; Noanett, Caroline Lamme; ton Hall at 10:40 a.m. He will vice Committee, and Faculty Ad­ Subject of Dr. Frank and building aides and messengers Norumbega, Jacquie Whitehouse; be introduced by Miss Margaret visor Miss Helen Kaan, are Doro­ who did not attend a similar series W,ashington, Elizabeth Thomson; Parker of the Department of thy Waforidge '43, Grace Robson Following a German Depart­ offered last year. Washington Annex, Beverly Hook­ Geology and Geography. '43, Mary ,. ....,,.ze '44, Nancy J. Day ment dinner in Tower Court, Dr. The program is as foll•ows: er; Webb, Dorothy Wolens. Prior to his appointment at '44, Elizab"t!lh Chalmers '45, Betty El'ich Frank, guest of honor, will Wednesday October 7, 4:40, Beebe, Ann Loizeaux '43; Caze­ Syracuse, Dr. Cressey aught for AJ>polonio '45, Ro alie Bacon '46, di cuss the topic Schopenhauer und Pendleton Ha 11 - "Demo!-ition nove, Eleanor Waller '43; Pomer­ a number of years at the Univer­ oy, Eleanor Robinson '43; Davis, and Patricia Smith '46. 'ietzsche im Lichte der Dichtimg Bombs and Fire Fighting" by Miss sity of Shanghai in China. He is Eleanor Shaw '43; Stone, Mary a.t 8 p. m. in Shakespeare House Gladys McCosh. a graduate of Denison Univer ity Koch '43; Severance, GeorganQ.e Joan Haldimand '44 is Chairman Wednesday, October 7. Wednesday, October 14, 4:40, and hold a doctorate in geology Miller '43; Tower East, Hannah of the Education Committee. Miss Pendleton Hall -..,.. "I n c e n d i a r y from the University of Chicago, Now a Research Associate in Goldberg '43; Tower West, Ruth Elizabeth Jones is the Senior Fac­ Bombs and Fire Fighting" by Miss and another in geography from Philosophy at Harvard University, Sawyer '44; Claflin, Elizabeth ulty Advisor and Mi s Ruth Hough­ Harriet Creighton. Clark Univer ity. Research g1·ants Professor Frank formerly taught Phillips '43; Shafer, Ella Viall '44; ton is the Junior Faculty Advisor. Wednesday, October 21, 4:40, have been awarded him from the at the University of Heidelberg Munger, Co1·nelia Jones '43; Non­ Committee members are Jane Pendleton Hall-"Our A.R.P. Or­ Institute of Pacific Relations, the and at the University of Marberg residents, Margaret de le Vin '43. Jones '43, Betty Ann Wilson '43, ganization'' by Mr. Lawrence Social Science Research Couneil, in Germany. In his publications, The price of Legenda, as usual, Jananne Morse '44, Jane Tuttle Smith. and the Carnegie Corporation. U eber Problenie der systematischen is four dollars. Anyone de iring '44, Elaine White '45, Betty Larson Wednesday, November 1, 4:40, In 1924 he served as consultant Philosophie and aus dem Gebiet to sign up for a copy may pay one '46 and Marian Miller '46. Pendleton Hal!L-"Camoufl.age" by to the government of China and der Geschichte der Philosophie, he dollar down to one of the above Miss Agnes Abbot. in 1937, to the Soviet Union.' The Assisting Elsie Pavitt '44, Chair­ has concerned himself especially representatives, and the re t later. Wellesley does not expect to be author of China's Geographical of the Puhl'icity Committee, are with uniting the h i toric with the camouflaged, Mr. Lawrence Smith, I abella Byrne '44, Eleanor. Kojas­ Foundations, and of numerous philo ophic approach. Head Warden, explained in regard Dances Held For geological and geographical ar- sar '45 Patricia Lauber '45, Helen to the fourth lecture, but Miss Toward the beginning of the Naval Supply Men tides, Dr. Cressey is a Fellow of Livingston '44, Ruth Fitch '44, Abbott, instructor in the Art de­ nineteenth century Schopenhauer Pomeroy started off the series the Geographical Society -of Am­ Nancy Forsythe '46, Clara Jean partment, took summer Course u ·hered in a new period in the a of dances for service men with an erica and of the Association of Pe1·kins '46. in camouflage, and tbe lecture will history of philosophy with his shift informal dance and entertainment American Geographers. ( be for general interest rather than Grace Morey '45 and Martha Saturday, September 26. This is Dr. Chih Meng, Director of the in emphasis from the rational to p1·acticality. Grace Ellis '45 are in charge of the being followed by a tea-dance at China Institute in America and 5ubconscious irrational forces alive The wardens would also like to Sunday morning collections. in man and the world. He became Tower Court Saturday, October 3, the author ,of China Speaks: will caH attention to the lecture ''In­ from 4 to 6 p.m. and an informal discuss "The War and American­ the founder of a new realistic con­ troduction to War Gases" by Miss dance at Cazenave that same night ~hinese Relations" at 4 :40 p.m. D r. Janney Will Lecture cept of man, a concept later taken Margaret Seikel, October 6, at at for the Naval Supply school and in Pendleton Hall, Preceding his up by Nietzsche. In his talk Dr. 7 :30, in 105 Pendleton. All A.R.P. T o Senior s on Marriage forty girls. lect~re, Mr. Edward E. Curtis, Frank will discuss this new phili­ members are welcome. Dr. James Janney, of Boston, sophic trend and its broad influ­ Mrs. E. A. Anderson, fo charge Chairman of t he Institute will of the Wellesley branch of the introduce Dr. Meng. ' Mass., will speak on "The Biologi­ ence on the work of Goethe, Hol­ Oberlin Chemist U.S.O., arranged for officers of the } orum Dinner ca1 Aspects of Marriage" Monday, derlin, Klei t and other great Ger­ training schools in and around Forum's first Fall Dinner Fri- October 5, at 4 :40 in Pendleton man writ~rs. His lecture, which Expects Victory Boston to come i<> Pomeroy last day eveni'l1g, October 2, wili fea­ Hall. This will be the second in wil 1 be in German, is open to the Through Science Saturday. The studei:its who at- ture Dr. Lawrence Rosinger, ex­ the series of Marriage Lectures public. Rel a ting Chemistry to the na­ tended the dance provided the en- pert on the Far Eastern Affairs for the serfar class, and the third tional emergency, Dr. Harry tertainment. Naomi Thompson '43 for the Foreign Policy Association time Dr. · tuleY has spoken for Senate Approves Holmes, Head of the Chemistry De­ sang, Dorothy Weaver '44 played .l!(ho was formerly attached to th~ the lecture series. Outdoor Smoking partment at Oberlin College, will the piano, and Barbara Blick '45 (C t. speak at 2 :40 p. m. in Pendleton danced. Mary Lambert '43 was in on inued on Page 4, Col.
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