Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK workshop \SZ-e®ect and ALMA\ Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay BjÄorn Malte SchÄafer (MPA) [email protected] Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.1/14 outline: SZ-clusters with PLANCK ² try to cover every aspect of SZ-observations ² SZ-physics: hydrodynamical simulations of clusters deviation from scaling-laws, asymmetry, non-isothermality ² include (Galactic) foregrounds: synchrotron, dust, free-free, carbon monoxide, infra-red emission of planets and asteroids ² SZ-detection with PLANCK non-uniform detector noise, scanning, beams ² ampli¯cation and extraction of the weak SZ signal matched and scale-adaptive ¯ltering, multifrequency observations, spherical geometry thanks to: M. Bartelmann, C. Pfrommer, M. Reinecke, R. Hell Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.2/14 thermal and kinetic SZ-maps −51 −51 4 6 3 5 2 −50.5 −50.5 g] g] 1 [de 4 [de β β 0 −50 −50 3 −1 latitude latitude −2 2 ecliptic ecliptic −49.5 −49.5 −3 1 −4 PSfrag replacements PSfrag replacements −5 −49 0 −49 99 99.5 100 100.5 101 99 99.5 100 100.5 101 ecliptic longitude λ [deg] ecliptic longitude λ [deg] thermal SZ kinetic SZ ² complex substructure, orbiting clusters ² 50 clusters per square degree ² halo-halo correlation, (evolving) mass distribution ² velocities correspond to densities ² deviation from idealised scaling relations Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.3/14 Galactic foregrounds free-free carbon monoxide ² Galactic foregrounds: dust and synchrotron ² new foregrounds: Galactic free-free and carbon monoxide ² infra-red emission from (moving) planets and asteroids ² assumption: isotropic spectral properties (likely violated) Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.4/14 sky at sub-mm frequencies 44 GHz 100 GHz 353 GHz 143 GHz German virtual observatory (try yourself!): http://gavows2.xray.mpe.mpg.de:8080/planck/ Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.5/14 optimised ¯ltering: basics ² convolve sky map s(®) with ¯lter kernel Ã[R](®) 1 +` w(®; R) = d­ s(θ)Ã(θ ¡ ®) = s`mÃ`0[R] ¢ Y`m(®) Z `X=0 mX=¡` ² ¯lters should meet 3 (2) requirements 2 2 1. variance σw(R) = 4¼ ` Ã`0[R] ¢ C` is minimal at scale R0 P 2. hw(®; R0)i = 4¼ ` Ã`0[R] ¢ s(`) is an unbiased estimator for the peak height sP(®) 3. there exists a scale R0, such that hw(®; R0)i = max ² functional minimisation for obtaining scale-adaptive ¯lter Ã(®) (1-3) and matched ¯lter Á(®) (1+2) ² pioneered for flat geometry and analytical pro¯les by Sanz et al.: ApJ 552:484 (2001), and Herranz et al.: MNRAS 336, 1057 (2002) (great read!) Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.6/14 matched and scale-adaptive ¯ltering 0.5 1000 800 0.4 600 0.3 400 ) ,ν 0 θ ` ( ν 0.2 200 filter filter 0 0.1 −200 matched 0 matched −400 −600 −0.1 −800 PSfrag replacements PSfrag replacements −0.2 0 1 2 3 4 −1000 10 10 10 10 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 multipole order ` angle θ [arcmin] Y`m-space real space ² extended to spherical geometry ² gives ¯lter kernel shape as function of ² model pro¯le (¯-pro¯le works reasonably well) ² spectral dependence of signal (SZ spectral dependence) ² power spectra Cº1º2 (`) (45=36+9 spectra) Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.7/14 ¯ltered maps: visual impression ¡¸ ² ¯lters optimised for various (θc; ¸)-pairs (y(θ) / (1 + θ/θc) ) ² signi¯cance varies much! (try to get best lock on cluster) Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.8/14 number of recoveries 4 4 10 10 3 n 10 n 3 10 2 10 detections detections 1 2 10 10 1.4 1.2 32 1.2 32 16 16 1 1 PSfrag replacements 8 PSfrag replacements 8 0.8 4 0.8 4 2 2 slope λ 0.6 1 slope λ 0.6 1 core radius θc core radius θc matched ¯ltering scale-adaptive ¯ltering ² total number: 6000 to 8000 (above 3σ) ² 25% lost when including Galactic foregrounds ² watch out: ¯gures not corrected for multiple detections! Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.9/14 signi¯cances and position accuracy 4 10 180 160 3 10 140 σ )d σ ∆ ( 120 n )d ∆ ( n 100 2 10 clusters ution 80 of 60 distrib 1 number 10 40 20 PSfrag replacements PSfrag replacements 0 10 0 3 10 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 detection significance σ ∆ = θ2 2 squared distance arc [arcmin ] signi¯cances position accuracy ² scale-adaptive ¯lter: many detections at threshold (3σ) ² matched ¯lter: highly signi¯cant detections ² position accuracy: most of clusters within 100 Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.10/14 mass-redshift plane 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 z 0.4 redshift 0.3 0.2 0.1 PSfrag replacements 0 13.6 13.8 14 14.2 14.4 14.6 14.8 15 15.2 15.4 15.6 cluster mass log(M=(M =h)) ² fairly well-de¯ned region in M-z plane ² population of low-M; z clusters not included in analysis Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.11/14 distributions in mass and redshift 1000 2000 900 1800 800 1600 z m )d 700 )d 1400 z ( m ( n n 600 1200 500 1000 clusters clusters of 400 of 800 300 600 number number 200 400 100 200 PSfrag replacements PSfrag replacements 0 0 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 13.6 13.8 14 14.2 14.4 14.6 14.8 15 15.2 15.4 15.6 redshift z cluster mass m = log(M=(M =h)) redshift distribution mass distribution ² high-mass end fairly well sampled ² no detection beyond z = 0:8 ² large di®erences between ¯ltering schemes Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.12/14 SZ-observations: PLANCK and ALMA ² ALMA con¯guration for SZ-observations: compact, ¹K-sensitivity, 10 arcsec resolution, 1 arcmin fov ² resolution: improvement compared to PLANCK by 30! ² tiny fov ! position of PLANCK clusters too coarse for follow-up ² interesting topics: ² cluster substructure, non-pressure equilibrium features ² internal dynamics and turbulence via kinetic SZ Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.13/14 summary and conclusion ² PLANCK will yield a unique cluster sample with » 8000 entries (more than Abell's catalogue, larger than all X-ray catalogues) ² very realistic simulation, observational + instrumental issues included ² all-sky Sunyaev-Zel'dovich maps will be publicly available soon ² 3 new foregrounds: carbon monoxide, free-free and planets/asteroids will be made public in the near future ² fancy ¯ltering: scale-adaptive and matched multi¯lters ² possible to perform calculations with up to 5 £ 107 pixels and ` ' 4096 with PLANCK simulation tools ² paper submitted to MNRAS (see astro-ph/0407089 and astro-ph/0407090), 3rd paper to follow SZ SKY IS GOING TO BRIGHTEN UP! Optimised detection of SZ-clusters with PLANCK { p.14/14.
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