Established 1878 Vol. LXVII No. 30 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., JUNE 11, 1943 Twenty-five Cents ANDOVER OBSERVES,. 165th COMMENCEM4ENT Dr. Willet L. Eccles Lves P. A.DRECLSNFRWLL CL re MupyA ad To Become St. George's Headmaster Like the members of the Jraune 10,s 1943 17DapraeT ~aa leaving to explore new educational experiences, Mrs. 7 i l m sT r d After thirteen years as a member of the faculty of Phil- -Eccles and I face our move from the Hill with mixedDr- lips Academy, Dr. Willet L. Eccles is leaving the Hill in July emtos ut aualw r xie ytetogtDr. Fuess, .McConaughy Address to assume the headmastership of St. George's School in Mid- of our coming explorations, but it is also true that weMe r dleton, Rhode Island. Since 1930, Dr. Eccles has been an in- are sobered by the realization that we are leaving our Seniors; Name Cum LaudeMe r structor in chemistry at Andover, and from 1931 he has con- friends and the scene of a very important period of our One-hundred and seventy-one Seniors received their tinued in th~ position of Registrar for the school, lives.dilmsfo Tr te Cl.F dT M ph athe om George's-,-Dr. ~ ~~~~Andover has been good to us and we have enjoyed diplomas feomersehs moredn. Mutgerph atetheuCrn- Eccles will succeed Mr. -VeIr eatlyd-the-advantages-of-being a part of the com- ecmetxrisshimong.Aloehroehudd .. 1 and ninety-three Seniors graduated. Col. Murphy gave out J. Vaughan Merrick, mnunity. Thie normal regret of eaving so ovely a place, the diplomas in place of Col. Stimson who was unable to be who has been head- has been accentuated by the cordial and sincere expres- present. The Seniors' march was led by the class officers, T. J. master of the forty- sions of goodwill from the members of the Academy as _____________ Hudner, Craig Gilbert, Richard seven-year-old prepara. well as the people of the town. I am happy to have this Muia lbEetos Duden, Thomas H-aymond, and Cal- torythe school for o~~~~~~~~~___qPportUnityto tell everyone how xchwie-shalL-miss -v tabnuthl in Bur-rows,-and-The--president--of- - --- t -15 years. ForD~~~~~~~~~~7~~~ them, and to extend our best wishes._ the Upper Middle lass, Lou Hud- Eccles it will be his (ind Commons last Sunday, the fol- ner. The -ear of the line was third position in an (ind lowing were elected officers for lwought up by the C Laude academic Institution. WILLET L. ECCLES netya:members. During thetime he ____________________________________________________ President:B eeni a mlTwentyTwetywnew mCumLaudemmem was studying for his ~A S M E Brewster, Jr. of Nashua, N. H bers were initiated to make the- graduate degrees and SECOVN DJ P. A. SU M E S SIOIN Vice-President: F. Stnle total for the year twenty-four. The -until 1930, when he Dickey of Rockville Center, N. other four were initiated in Febru- came to - Andover, Dr. COMM ENCES LAST DAY OF JU~N E Y., Secretary-Treasurer: Sher I ary. For the names or the new Ecoles was assistant to- wood 'B. tockwell of Hamilton I reteso h u ad o Dean Hawkes of On June 30, the second Andover services. Boys who are planning to Librarian: Frederick S. Pratt of citsepae2 Columbia University, Summer Session will open, with enter Andover in the regular Chestnut Hill. eTyhe page ofe2.jo ie in hewhich capacity ~~~~197students and 40 instructorsscolyanetFlcngtex prizes for his year were an- serv'~~~~d in the Admis. ~~~~~~~carrying on the plan which was~~.crdt y tedngteS I CL S A A unced by Dr. Fuess. For the de- sions Office, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~startedlast June. The main change e gulapr studefr tdyar e oails of the prizes and the names Dr. Eccles' associa- that has taken place is that Mr. givene for study. The wpportunity Blackmer of the English Depart- largest number are those who are 2ftewnesse h o.npg tion with Columbia ex- ment has taken over Mr. Bender's in some way affected by the draft, GREAT S U CCESS Aends over a period of ~~~~~~~~~~~and-can receive war diplomas In Arnold Heads Board; Dr. Mcronaughy Speaks tendsof over a period ~~~~~~~~~~~positionat the head of the summer teWnrTrm oth scoolTh gusspaeatGrda manyyears. Hegradu- ~~~~~~~~school.With a near capacity enroll- teWne emo h hTegetsekra rda ated from the univer- ment already da~eesdcr erb tedn umrsho. Giyes Yariety Show tion was Dr. James L. leyauni-, sity1922, inand re-DR. WILLET L. ECCLES riculum, the second session s well The daily program differs some- This year the Class Day Commit- former president of WeslynUi sity in 1922, and re- hat from that of the regular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ersity.He is' cur-rently head of celvedof Arts his degree Master on its way to repeating the suc- whtfo tat ftergur tee consisted of Charles Arnold, UntdCiaRle. celvedof Arts his degreeMaster ~~~~sessesof last year. scasses willte hreldfasi a15 aimn Wlia JckoHsUntdCiaRie. in 1925, followed by a Ph.D. in 1927, Sesiosesol.lf beakfast a15 aimn Wlia JckoHs A precis of Dr. McConaugby's ad- both from Colambia. His brother, Athletic Elections The purposes of the Ssinti week for four hours in the morn- torian, Craig Gilbert, Prophet, John dress follows: Commander Henry E. Eccles, who At banquets held last Sn- year are three-fold. For those who ingrronassmblatoi':1. The opoeadmite, com The world my generation lived in addressed the students of Phillips day in the Commons, Arthur K. are about to be Inducted, It offers Hegwitoassmblratt1:1.LemncCmosrThe madSmuelhsvnse.Yu eeainms Acadmydrin theWiner TrmMoher of Wellesley Hills was courses to repare them for the -Contlnued on Page 4 with the aid of Mr. Cook and Mr. fight the war and then live in the focademy iingrthen Wirte tierm elected Captain of Baseball, builtnarou ntedCas Haistoy andw Peace. Your world will be different servceFr Estern waers is William T. Woodrow of Cincin- bitaon h ls itr n from ours. You will work harder for ServicFrin Eastrn waei-s, nati, Ohio, was chosen Manager a graduate Pohc.Ametnwamdef es aerlrwrs.Yu ut of the Naval Academy of that sport, and Victor K. Pephen W htrrench Te cher Prohcyu s mapenins madeiofthesmtra ead.Yums 'but entered Columbia with the Kiam of Greenwich, Conn., was i -e school life, and after, of "Joe Phil-lertamokwhohrntis Class of 1921. Dr. Eccles' wife, the picked as Captain of Tennis for 7TI lips", the spot was turned first on adohrknso epewti formerC. Da~~Yl~Kveyi Miss Dorothy o e r, To Jon . S. A-rmy one side of the stage, then on the our own land. The standard of liv- a alumna of Barnard, Columbia's LetSrn.ourHudner, theerPresidentmaofbtheoe ";sister" college; and his son Law- LuHdetePeieto h rd u o a aei iei rence is a freshman at Columbia. Genir ClsshavegheooenHalld-spiritual, idealistic standards. Dr. Eccles prepared for college G a hn tnH l dress, after which the 8in octet Tets fyu-Advrcus at Trinity School in New YorkS en sang the Phillips Hymn while mem- will differ from the tests faced by grdatnro ht nttuininS e e f-Phy ers of the cast paraded pas re- your predecessors. Book learning ceiin their diloa i okalone will never save the world. We 1918. While a student there, he Last evening as part of the Comn - grce in . pma in oc knew more about more than any was ocatain the shool'smencemnto one execisestwo oduc- In this way, eight skit wr generation in the world's history - athletic teams. His brother, Coin- tions were staged in George Wash- it -wr and looathersl.Yum tue niander Eccles, is also a Trinity ington Hall.wasAtok9:00ethelt.Dramaticus presented. Thefiswaa prepping graduate. Dr. Eccles' son Law- -Club presented the one-act, play by scene, starring Stan Wald, Dick yourtes at Andovger and youreen aence was a member of the gradu- Thornton Wilder, "Happy Journey." Mr. Stephen Whitney, Duden, Buster Brown, Phil Kemp, motsan infcollegetonwtsupplemn ating class of Phillips Academy At 9:30 excerpts from Gilbert A. M., Instructor In ". and Cy Brockway. It concerned the fcand inomtnwthdel last year. & Sullivan's "Mikado" were re- French since 1936, who eoto apewenakdt ad redeiosor gradagrclassr To both the students and the sented by the P. A. Glee Clubs- will be inducted Into carry a lamp by a slightlyview smallerinalrcdehstyhdagetr into challenge, or a greater opportunity. faculty of this school he has al- "Happy Journey" Is the story of t h e Army sometime sno.Tescn ways been a familiar figure and a a a family who make a trip to see an next September. - the doings of the infamous P. A. Dr. Fuess Taiks to Seniors true friend. For most stu- older married sister. It s full of Book-Stealing Syndicate. In this Dr. Fess, addressed a brief dentsthe homey he will philosophy be remembered of the asmoth- one, Palmei', SantoPalmerDomingomi speecheeto thethemmentessofftheeSenn dthe ifie and remelyeedar te Asepiopyo the mother-Bese White, and Coulson, acted the ior Class, the first class, as he men- late gentleman who read the vani- was excellent. Pa was Fred Herber- cokwowr ial agt ind olv hog netr Oils noticesArthur, Inthe the young daily son,Assembly. was ich, The third washeahir shorts glimpsei yearyeof warwpreparationonin aaqqar- outeo n tht sdaill josblas aick Athonurl,the young erwa into one of Andover's chief occupa- ter of a entury. hghlyimodtat sitilo as egis-d augtr, arElihe, taheeyoachtr tions, dicking. On the right side of "It will be your war to win," he highlydaughter, important was Elihuthe-position as Regis- stageLTankrTowsend was oldathe Sniorso"ansuponwyo trar, to which Dr.
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