r;"AtJTOMOBn.ES. in AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ii?i AUTOMOBILES 112, AUTOMOBILES, DECEMBER 17. 1953 Truofc*, etc. Truck*, fie, Tracks, etc. JTORRANCE HERALD Tritrfy-nln* AtTOMOBILBS 1UAUTOMOBILKS, US I AUTOMOBILES, AUTOMOBILES, Tracks, etc. Truck*, Eta. Tracks, etc. Trucks, Etc. Tom Roady's Belling out hi* f!i lined car*. Wa lie ': ' 'Annual " S t u deb a k e r. I up tha InVan^ry BC . Pre-Christmas Sale VERMONT Trade-Ins WESTERN 1952 COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN 1949 FORD "8" 2-DOOR SEDAN THURS., DEC. 17; FRL, DEC. 18; SAT., DEC. 19; Automagic, heater. 1 $1395 Radio and heater. We have ov 60 $695 and b«t ran tad SUN. DEC. 20; MOtM., DEC. 2 1 ; and TUES., DEC. 22. 1950 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 1947 COMMANDER 3 PASS. CPE. the Boutn Say urt Radio, Very Clean, tho pink slip" on $995 Overdrive, Radio and Heater. $595 can't pty pay ro I960 COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN allpa. W* imut t I Prices Slashed 1947 BUICK CONVERTIBLE cash NOW. Automatic, Radio, and Heater $995 Super. Radio and Heater. $595 Till, stock ot earn Include* . FROM $50 TO $300 . 1950 LAND CRUISER 1949 KAISER 4-DOOR SEDAN 1953 Fords, 1963 Chevrototll. Overdrive, radio and heater. $995 Radio & Heater $495 1953 MO*. '52 Illllman, 1953 Blllck ' Super Convertible. 1963 1950 NASH STATESMAN 2-DOOR 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Bulck RlvUru Hard top, Olrln YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS Overdrive and Weathereye. $895 Heater, and good transportation. 88 Rootet, Mercury station $395 wagon. Chevy club coup* add THIS GIGANTIC SALE 1949 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE 1946 BUICK CLUB COUPE 4 door. Bo Bofo Convertlbtiw Radio, hea.ter, and automatic Radio and Heater. $395 I9'48 BUICK SEDANETTE windows. others Including StudDtmkera I960 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE $895 1941 PACKARD 4-DOOR SEDAN from 1947 to 1953 models. If Radio, heater, white wall tires, CONVERTIBLE COUPE. Radio, all you want A good car and a bar- original paint. Only I950'FORD TUDOR SEDAN Clipper model with radio. $95 $698 leather interior, white wall tires. Only $1048 Radio, heater, and overdrive $795 one. Our, Mlesmen win tell you 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN 1939 DODGE COUP? 1951 OLDSMOBILE '.'88"CLUB COUPE very clean. what we W6U14 like to »ct. Raclio and heater. Only . Radio, Hydramatic transmission. I960 CHAMPION 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater, $95 but you tell us what you'll pay $998 Overdrive. Very nice. $795 and how you'll pay It 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Original interior. Only $1648 1941 COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio and heater. Only $998 1951 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE CLUB 1949 COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, radio and heater. We'll Mil them on time on Overdrive, radio and heater. $95 liberal paytnents wllh a tnlni- 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE COUPE. Radio, heater, directional $795 1938 BUICK 4-DOOR CLUB COUPE signals. Only $1298 1948 CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE Radio and Heater. $95 tereat. Radio, custom seat covers. Only $1098 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR Overdrive, Radio and Heater, $695 TRUCKS Com* , on In NOW while th*e 1953 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN, SEDAN. Radio, heater, Gyromatie trans­ 1949 FORD 8 CLUB COUPE . nlmitlott l« oomptote. TfiMH Radio, heater, sun visor, low mission, white wall tires and new paint. $998 Radio and Heater. $695 1948 STUDEBAKER 1 l/2-TON ear* will poiltlrely be liqui­ mileage. Very clean. Only 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK Cab and Chassis dated thla month e»en If Tte $1698 1947 COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN $295 hava to wlioleaale thorn to deal - 4-DOOR SEDAN. Heater, gas-saving 1940 HUDSON PICKUP era and let them ke a ftub- t95l CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN overdrive. Only Overdrive, radio and heater. $595 Heater, original interior. Only $1798 1/2 TON atantlal profit on , 80 don't $1198 $95 delay. ACT H iWI 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, h.eater, fluid drive, SEDAN. Radio, heater, Gyromatie white wall tires. Only CARL P. PURSCHE CARL P. .PURSCHE transmission, turning lights. Very clean. ; $948 Sales STUDEBAKER Service Les Bacon 1952 DQDGE 2-DOOR SEDAN Sales STUDEBAKER Service Only $1048 OTUDBBAKBR DEALER Heater, directional signals arid ' 16317 S. VERMONT " ' 15525 SO. 'WESTERN 1200 Pacific Coast Highway 1949 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR new paint. Only $1298 PL 6-2060 Gara'ena ' MEnlo 4-6603 MEnlo 9-4561 Gardena . MEnlo 4-6603 Rermosa Beach SEDAN. Radio, heater, twin spot lights, 1950 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR sun visor, and white wall tires. Spark-t SEDAN. Gyrorrtatic transmission; ling black finish.' Only $898 heater, turning lights and custom seat Moran Outdoor Show Room 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN covers. Original paint and very HARBOR MOTOR Pascal Dilday CLUB COUPE. Radio, heater, over­ clean/ Only $1098 Santa Claus Specials drive and white wall tires. Only $798 1948 NASH "600" 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio and overdrive.' Makes into a bed Why Wait until '54 1952 PQNTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN For the r: COMPANY Radio, heater,' hydramatic tram- for that camping trip. Only $748 Wife and Kids When you can buy at mission. Low mileage. Clean car. Only $1698 1948.OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN , '54 prices at Dilday's I95'2 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic trans- --$698- From the Finest Selection of Used Cars ___Prices Slashed Sharp black finish, radio, heater, 7-tnissipn andiuii visor. Only" " '""r NOW Powerglide transmission, twin spot 1947 PACKARD CLIPPER 4-DOOR Our Entire £tock lights and sun visor. Only SEDAN. Sparkling black finish. Very 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN $1548 clean interior. Radio and heater. Only Radio and Heater. 2200 Miles. of Extra Clean 1952 Mercury 4-Door Sedan 1951 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE $498 Very Original Santa Claus Special Radio, heater and white COUPE. Dark blue finish with white top. 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAJ. DELUXE ' 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater, and Used Cars wall tirei Powerglide transmission. Radio and $1695 turning lights. Only $1448 sun visor. Only $898 MUST BE SOLD 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 1949. DODGE MEADOWBROOK -$898- JVicei!995_ ~4-D00R-SEDANrRadibTlDnly 1951 MERCURY CLUB COUPE radio and turning signals. Only 1(798 1949'PACKARD 4-DCpR SEDAN Radio, Heater and Hydramatic Check These Prices 1949 Lincoln -Cosmopolitan Overdrive and heater. Only $698 A Sport Car to be proud jaf I9'5I MERCURY 4-DOOR 1951-WILLYS PANEL TRUCK Top Quality Santa Claus Special Very clean and really economical 1946 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive Only SHARP $1495 - Price $595 to operate. Only $748 Radio and hearer. $398 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE "8" ' .1946 FORD "6" 4-DOOR SEDAN $1445 1951 HUDSON COM. 6 4-DOOR I960 Plymouth Special 4-DQOR SEDAN . ' A very clean car. Good transporta- Radio, heater, overdrive tioni Only .....UKE. NEW ____ _____._.. Deluxe Club Coupe Radio and heater. Only __ _ $598 1950 FORD CUSTOM 2-D0GR - " ~ One Owner Car 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio and Heater. Very low mileaje I9SO OLDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE '.. WitJi radio. Only Radio and heater. Only Original upholstering showing the Radio; heater, hydramatic $398 |2| 1939 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR firfest of care. Santa Claus Special CLEAN ' $1395 Price $985 1946 FORD V8 STATION WAGON SEDANS. Will make somebody a I960 OLDSMOBILE 88 CLUB SEDAN A good fishint) and hunting car wonderful work car. for only $945 Rdaio, heater, hydramatic 1951 Pbntiac Convertible $449 1947 DODGE PANEL SHARP r $1245 -lydramatic, radio and heater 1947 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE Wonderful motor and clean COUPE. Radio and heater. Only exterior. Only 1949 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR 1951 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE $398 $498 Coupe. Radio, heater & powerglide 194.2 DODGE i/2 TON PICKUP * Rocket Engine. A Beautiful Family Car Price$l595 1948 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN I000's"6f miles of service VERY CLEAN A wonderful transportation car. Only Only $448 $198 1951 PLYMOUTH. CRANBRK 1946 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN 1942 NASH 4-DOOR 4-Dr. Radio, heater For only A dandy work car. Only $118 $895 EXTRA NICE $1195 Pascal Dilday $428 1941 PONTIAC 4-DOOR LINCOLN-MERCURY 1947 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE Only $98 RONALD E. MORAN 1949 OLDSMOBILE 76 CLUB SEDAN CLUB COUPE. Radio and heater. 1939 PONTtAC 4.nnnK______ -$78- " ORIGINALRadio, heater, hydramatic -Motor jmt overhauled. Only = Only OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC Phon* TErminal 4-6114 1950 STUDEBAKER '% TON PICKUP 25 Pacific Coast Highway 26 1948 BUICK 4-DOOR Wilmin'gton 1953 STUDEBAKER l/2 TON PICKUP Overdrive. Only ' $898 Overdrive. Only $998 Hermose Beach FRontier 4-3436 Radio, heater 1946 INTERNATIONAL i/2 TON 1949 FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP NICE CAR $595 PICKUP. New paint. Only"my ' $398 Heater. Only $698 1947 HUDSON 4-DOOR 1948 Ford Radio, heater, overdrive VERY CLEAN $375 Here'i a 2-door that has a TOM ROADY TOM ROADY |2-tone color combination DODGE PLYMOUTH IF YOU LOVE HER 1946 FORD 8 2-DOOR I that's completely different A perfect 2nd car $3451 and on* that we think you'll ... at much at . like, Excellent upholstery, 15201 SO. WESTERN AVE. Many More To Choose From tirei, fog lighti, .radio, heater. Not just another (Corner of South Western Ave. arjd Compton Blvd.) x You Say You Do 10 Free 1000 Mile Lubrication* H48, this one is outstand­ Phone MEnlo 4-7906 Open Evenings and Sundays Phone MEnlo 4-7906 With Each Used Car Sold ing because mechaically Why Not Buy Her everything worb and in The Be>ss Says . What She'd Really Lite LOW DOWN PAYMENTS^- appearance, It's ai you SPECIAL BUYS want It, too sharp. Easy To Have for GMA£ terms. OLDSN Move em out 1950 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN Christmas , Radio, heater, and overdrive. only"..... $465 1941 Cadillac 62 1947 Chevrolet Club 4 Door Sedan. New paint, Ooupa. Vary cl«an.
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