INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Compiled by ANN PARRY February 2011 – January 2012 Harrison, Pete. Compare the weather - simples! Taste of gliding for Leading Edge. 4.53 3.8L Piggott, Derek. Review of Ryan’s Soaring Hilton, Doug. Formation flying. 1.42 beyond the clouds 5.68 Hilton, Will. Junior gliding. 5.46 Pirie, Bob. Sword formation flew to Items are indexed by issue and page number, Hingley, Helen. Enterprise. 5.30 commemorate D-Day. 2.6L so 2.38 means issue 2 page 38. Holborn, Dave see Halliburton, Richard Powell, Michael. Is your airfield protected? 3.12 L indicates a letter. Hood, Jez. Shark bites at 18m Nationals. 6.12 Puttock, Don. Transformed! 2.10 Hope, D.M. Why don’t British pilots use Author Index FLARM? 6.6L Randle, Alison: Club management and Hurd, Adam. Soaring above all disabilities. 6.28 treasurers’ forum. 6.68; Clubmark Abercrombie, Rich. Club focus: Borders. 4.64 accreditation is a first for gliding club. 5.7; Allan, John. RAFGSA formation flying. 2.7L Jefferyes, Mike. League champions 1.53 No CASC status? 4.12; What can we do to Auchterlonie, Keith: From the ski slopes. 1.35; Jessett, Andy. Ventus vs Harrier. 3.38 combat churn? 1.10; What is your club for How do you know if your number is up? 3.6 Jessop, Paul. Where do we fly in the UK? 4.14 and how does it work? 6.7 Johnston, Ed. Pociunai: 2011 Flapped Redstone, Ian. Cross-country lessons learnt. Baines, Colin & Smith, Pete. Lottery funding Europeans. 6.38 4.28 boost for club’s kit list. 3.7 Jury, Alan. Memories of the Wave Project Roberts, David. Cotswold GC simulator takes Balkwill, Andy. Not so happy landings. 1.22 and Singapore. 3.9L gliding to the MEPs in Brussels. 4.7 Barr, Leslie. ‘Wow’ factor. 1.46 Roberts, Phillipa. Enterprise. 5.32 Bird, Mike: Hownottodoit? 5.48; Making a Kahn, Wally: A century of gliding? 4.18; Roche-Kelly, John. Club focus: Norfolk. 5.64 stand for the written word. 5.6L; On Being HCN (Nick) Goodhart. 3.70 Ruskin, Paul. Taking notice. 1.44 a Wills: revisited. 5.49 Kellerman, James. Risk of spinal injury. 6.6L Russell, Iain. Skylark surfs Cheviot wave. 5.34 Bowden, Chris. Options to fund flying. 6.32 King, Diana. Winter warmer. 1.34 Brown, Ken. Windicapping in days before King, Phil. How not to be an April fool. 2.36 Saundby, Peter & Segal, Tony. Initial care of a computers. 4.9L Kingwell, Peter. Gliding in Aden in 1967: 2.48 spinal injury. 5.20 Browning, Hugh. Five years on: safe winch Saw, Graham. Formation flying. 1.42 launch initiative. 3.28 Lang, Lewis. Options to fund flying. 6.33 Segal, Tony: Reply to Risk of spinal injury. 6.6L, Lazenby, Phil. Slingsby Week. 6.63 see also Saundby, Peter Carr, Simon. Derek Piggott in the Cayley Long, Adrian. Instruments: time to give your Simons, Martin: Austria hosts 2011 VGC Rally. glider. 5.6L panel an update. 6.16 5.50; Reflecting on a stormy ride. 1.36 Chilcot, Dan. Junior gliding. 5.47 Longland, Steve: Instruments: total energy. Small, Lara. Inter-unis 2011: 5.42 Claxton, Christopher. Oh my Omarama. 3.48 1.16; Swinging the compass. 2.22 Smith, Darren. Press-on-itis. 3.22 Coates, Andrew. What’s the best position for Luton, Chris: Flying the LS10. 4.44; Reply to Smith, Martin. A recycled sim. 2.14 Smith, Pete see Baines, Colin cable release? 4.9L In defence of the LS10. 5.6L Smith, Peter. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? 1.14 Cockerell, Andy: Junior Worlds. 6.20; Juniors Lynn, Steve see Stuart, Trevor Stephenson, Bruce: 100 years of modern set to take on world. 4.32 gliding. 2.54; Innocence lost? 3.54; Return Collett, Mike. In formation. 1.38 Macfadyen, Tim. Variety on an ASW 20 to the Olympic fold? 5.54; Vintage options. Conran, Paul. Skilled flying inside the box. 6.22 theme. 3.18 1.48 Cook, Matt. Nitra: 2011 Unflapped Europeans. Maddocks, Roddy. BGA sim. 5.10 Stevens, Philip. Military matters. 3.30 6.42 Marshall, Bruce: The early days of Scottish Strachan, Ian: BGA 2011 waypoint list is Cooper, Bruce. A cracker of a Christmas Day. soaring. 4.48; First Scottish soaring published. 3.4; The history of 1.28 flights. 3.42 handicapping. 3.45; Reply to Windicapping Cooper, Chris: BLESMA flies at Burn GC. 6.30; Martindale, John. Club focus: Lakes. 2.64 in days before computers. 4.9L Burn GC fights to stay at its airfield. 3.6 Masson, Pete. Island flight. 2.31 Stratten, Pete: Airspace, responsibility and a Cooper, Jane. Jump to it with gliding theme. McCloud, Nick: Dear Santa. 6.50; Sick and great year ahead. 1.7; Regulatory news. 1.50 tired. 3.24 4.6; Reply to Why don’t British pilots use Cooper, Sam. Junior gliding. 5.46 McWilliam, John. Ticket to Ryde 2.28 FLARM? 6.6L; Review of Marriott’s Miller, Andy. Formation flying. 1.43 Aerotowing gliders. 4.51 Davey, Geoff. Club focus: Trent Valley. 6.60 Moorehead, Peter: Radios: usage and abusage. Stuart, Trevor & Lynn, Steve. Picture this. 5.38 Duncan, Maria. ‘Wow’ factor. 1.47 5.24; Sound advice on aircraft radios. 4.30; Sturley, Phil. Grand Prix experience 2.44 Top 10 ways to infringe airspace. 2.33 Swallow, Phil. Twins’ Trust triumph. 6.35 Eckey, Bernard. Flying the ASH 30 Mi. 5.12 Moyse, Richard. Chris Wills Memorial Day 5.53 Ellis, Chris. Why did catapult disappear? 4.8L Murdoch, Iain. Hours on the ground count. 1.7L Thomson, John. Club focus: Highland. 1.62 Evison, Graham. Yorkshire initiative. 4.34 Ewald, Jochen. Idaflieg 2010. 1.24 Naegeli, Patrick: Conference is a highlight of Valentine, Ashley. Club focus: Banbury. 3.64 the year. 2.8; From the Games to junior gliding. 5.8; Olympic challenges and Fairston, Basil. Finishing touch. 1.12 Whitehead, Pete. Soaring the Helm Wind. honours. 4.10; Optimism, challenges and Faulkner, Rob. 16th Camphill Vintage Rally 5.53 2.38, 4.8L an MBE. 1.8; A source of inspiration to Foltin, Vladimir. In defence of the LS10. 5.6L Williams, John. A cracker of a Christmas Fox, Mike: Get your kit off. 2.46; A graphic look our sport. 3.10; A year of success and Day. 1.28 at NOTAM data. 6.10; Taking notice. 1.44 challanges. 6.8 Wills, Justin. Enterprising. 6.24 Nash, Jane. Women’s World Gliding Withall, Carr. Airspace, airspace, airspace. 2.34 Halliburton, Richard & Holborn, Dave. Cayley Championships. 5.22 Woodsend, Hugh. Airprox trends. 5.44 glider returns to sky. 4.22 Newby, Susan. A perfect date. 4.24 Wright, Matt. I do like to be beside the Hamilton, Ian. Reducing rehabilitation time. Newton, Nick. Chris Wills. 3.69 seaside. 4.38 6.31 Nicholas, Chris: FES: the future? 5.16; Fitting Hammerton, Jim: Looking after aged aircraft. the FES. 1.20; In support of effective Žnidaršic, Luka. Lindbergh prize for FES. 4.8L 5.52; Reply to What’s the best position for lookout. 3.34 cable release? 4.9L Harrison, Jack. Swinging the compass. 3.8L Perkins, Andy: Options to fund flying. 6.32; Subject Index cross-country flying 3.22, 4.14, 4.28 Goldsworthy 5.70; HCN (Nick) Goodhart 3.70; Conrad Greaves 1.69; Lu Kennington accidents: summaries 1.66, 2.68, 3.68, 4.66, Darlton Gliding Club 3.10 1.69; Peter M Kingwill 3.71; Donald Leslie 4.69, 5.66, 6.64; winching 3.28 Dartmoor Gliding Club 2.10, 2.14 Mallinson 4.70; James Walker McLeod Aden (Yemen) 2.48 deaf pilots 6.28 1.71; Ian Nelson McRae 5.70; Julian AERO 2011: 3.14 dehydration 3.24 Oswald 6.70; Ray Parkin 2.71; Richard aerobatics 6.22 Prestwich 1.70; Ben Rood 4.70; Stefan Udo aerotowing 1.38, 6.5 EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) 1.5, Ruff 6.71; Fred Samways 2.71; John Turner Air League 2.4, 3.7, 4.4, 4.53, 5.46, 6.33 4.4, 4.6, 6.4 2.70; Mark G Verden 4.70; Chris Wills 3.69 airfields, protecting 3.12 equipment 2.46 Olympics, airspace 2.4, 3.4, 5.28 Airglow 6.4 EuroFOX 6.5 airproxes 5.44 European Parliament 4.7 Perkins, Andy 4.4, 4.10 airspace 4.6; Airspace Safety Initiative 1.7; Philip Wills National Enterprise Trophy 2.4, 6.24 infringing 2.33, 2.34; Norwich 5.4; FAI (Fédération Aéronautique International) 4.4 pilot ratings 6.45 NOTAMs 1.44, 4.4, 6.10; Olympics 2.4, 3.4, FES (Front Electric Sustainer) 5.16 pilots 3.24, 6.28 5.28; RA(T)s 2.34 field landings 1.22, 4.28 Platypus (Michael Bird) 2.5, 2.8 Airspace Safety Initiative 1.7 FLARM collision avoidance system 3.35, 6.6L Poland 6.22 anemometer masts 2.4 flights: for disabled 1.46; Isle of Wight 2.28, Argentina 1.28 2.31; London TMA, around 5.38; record Quintus M: 6.5 ASW 20: 3.18 1.28, 2.5, 3.4, 4.4; S&G editor 4.24; seaside Australian Centre for Field Robotics 4.4 4.38; stormy 1.36; wave 2.5, 5.34; writing radios 2.4, 4.6, 4.30, 5.24 Austria 5.50 about 5.48 RA(T)s (Restricted Airspace (Temporary)) 2.34 flying, practice 1.7L rehabilitation, patients 6.31 Banbury Gliding Club 3.64 Flying Monsters 3D 1.5, 1.14 rigging 2.36, 4.50 Bedford Aerodrome 4.4 forecasting 3.8L Royal Aero Club 1.4, 3.7, 4.4 Berblinger Flight Competition 3.17, 4.8L formation flying 1.38, 1.42, 2.6L, 2.7L Royal Aeronautical Society Centennial Fund BGA (British Gliding Association): badges 6.32 1.68, 2.70, 3.71, 4.69, 5.70, 6.70; books 2.5; Geissler, Hilmer 2.4, 4.71 Royal Air Force 3.5, 4.34 chairman’s report 1.8, 2.8, 3.10, 4.10, 5.8, Germany 1.24, 2.54, 3.14, 4.32, 5.12, 6.20 6.8; Conference and AGM 2.16; gifts 6.50 safety issues: airproxes 5.44; anemometer development news 1.10, 2.10, 3.12, 4.12, glider types: ASH 30 Mi 5.12; ASW 20: 3.18; masts 2.4; conspicuity 6.5; cross-country 5.7, 6.7; personnel 1.64, 2.66, 3.66, 4.68, Cayley glider replica 4.22, 5.6L; LS10: 4.44, 3.22; dehydration 3.24; EASA 1.5, 4.4, 4.6, 5.69, 6.66; regulatory news 4.6; trophies 5.6L; Quintus M: 6.5; Shark 304SJ 6.12; 6.4; field landings 1.22; lookout 3.34; 2.20 Taurus Electro 3.5 rigging 2.36; safety plan/partnership Bird, Michael (Platypus) 2.5, 2.8 gliders: airworthiness 5.52; conspicuity
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