THE STANDARD SOUTHERN ' 'NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION mmA Sunday^ eairl«-r delivery, 12 c*t\t» we«tely. Vol. _No. 5. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1914.—TWELVE PAGES. copies on tfc* BtrwtB and «t newastands> B cvatn. Over 200 Die in Flames CONDUCTOR KILLED Atlanta Boy Wins Laurels Still Hope For Mediation, While Entombed in Mine BYSfpGiNE In Role of Leading Lady Declares Minister Naon Following Gas Explosion John B. Shumate, Railroad Man for 38 Years, Meets After Trip to Washington Tragic Fate in the £outh Of 50 Rescued From Cana- Yards of Southern Railway Argentine Mediator Re- dian Colleries, 36 Succumb MEDIATION IS OFF turns to Niagara Falls to Injuries—Dead Under John B. Shumate, a yard conductor After Conferences With for the Southern railway, and a rail- Tons of Debris. road man for thirty-eight years, met Wilson, Bryan and Agent APPROVESREFORMS almost Instant death, early Friday UNLESS MEXICANS morning" when struck by a switch en- of Constitutionalists. gine as he was standing on the track WIVES OF THE VICTIMS Two Atlanta Men in List of In the south yards of the railroad. RELINQUISH HOPE AS The accident occurred near McDaniel YIELDTODEMANDS DECLINES TO STATE Officials to Be Elected. street crossing". * CRIES FOR HELP CEASE Bennett Choice for* Presi- The ifrwer part of his body was wan- WHETHER NEW PLAN gled and by the time that yard em- Lamar's Memorandum an dent. ployees could reach him he was dead. HAS BEEN DEVISED It is believed that Shumate was Ultimatum Which Must 350 Miners Succeed in Mak- waiting for his own engine to come Savannah, Ga., June IB.—The Geor- along, as it was d ue to appear when Be Accepted or Conference ing E s c a p e—-Explosion gia Bar association late this afternoon the other engine hit him. Bryan Asserts Satisfactory adopted that part of the repert Hostler A. P. Paden had charge of Ends Today or Monday. Shakes Countryside and of the permanent commission on the engine which struck him. He was Progress Is Being Made. judicial reform providing- for quarterly backing from the coal, chute to the Destroys Buildings-Work sessions of superior courts and plac- shop. ' Rebel Agent Tries to Con- ing the bar association on record as AMERICAN DELEGATES of Rescue Begins. Shumate's funeral will be held at ceal Meeting With Minis- favoring no jury trial in any court ex- 9.30 o'clock Sunday morning from his FIRM IN THEIR STAND cept it be demanded in the regular residence, and burial will follow at ter Naon. Lethbrid-ge. Alberta, June IS.—A petition. West View cemetery. He was 62 years mighty explosion today entombed 250 The report of the nominating com- old. He lived at 461 South Boulevard. mittee was unanimously adopted and He Is survived by his widow and five miners employed in mine No. 20, of the Was-liliiKton June 11>—Hope that thn tomorrow the following officers will be children, Mrs. F. P., Folger, D. F./F. Tell the Mediators Their \\a\erins mediation pitmr.im still Hillcrest Collieries, Limited. Of the elected: H., C. R. and Chalmers Shumate. might brill;; pe.u-e to Mo\uo \\.is i-x- fifty miners rescued, only fourteen were President, E. S. Bennett, Albany; first Position Has Not Been presbcd hei e l^tc tonight b\ Aicpn- living tonight. vice president, George "W. Owens, Sa- tina Minister Naon as he took the Despite the efforts of two score mine vannah ;secon4 vice president. Judge Changed in View of Villa- train for XiH£T.ir<i Kali*,, after a sei K s experts laboring amid the poisoned A. P. Daley, WrightsvIHe; third vice M.J. GILL SECURES SEAT Carranza Split. of conferences with President Wilson president, Dwight Willingham, Albany; and Secretarj Bryan ami I^uls Cabre- gases and debris, hope of rescuing fourth vice resident, H. H. Swift, Co- ra, of the Washington agencv of the alive the 200 men yet in the mine was lumbus ; filth vice president. "W. H. Niagara Falls. Ontario, .Tune 19 — constitutionalists remote. Barrett, Augusta; secretary, Orville A. OF L C. DYER IN HOUSE Justice Lamar's memorandum to Kml- Neither Mr Naon i.or an\ of those Tlie effects of the disaster were: Park, Macon; treasurer, Z. IX Harrison. llo Rabasa, head of the Mexican media- with whom he had cunfoiieii v,otild Men in mine when explosion oc- Atlanta; executive committee, Z. B. Democrat Wins Over Repub- tion delegation, announcing that the say whethtr an> n<'\\ plan h.id been curred, 600, of whom 350 escaped. Rogers, Blberton, and Eugene Black, United States must insist on the accept- de\ iseil to break the s,-emi ti/^lv lin.il Number rescued. 50. of Whom 36 died Atlanta. lican in Missouri Elec- ance of its plan for the pacification of deadlock at Niagara Fal's in offn l.tl Mexico is an ultimatum Unless the later. tion Contest. quarters however, it \\,i<; m uie known Huerta delegates yield mediation will that theie had been no chanKc in the Miners still entombed, 200, probably 33 Rings Are Found end tomorrow or Monday. This is the position of the United Htat'-s that onlv hilled by fire, which followed the ex- Washington, June 19.—L, C. Dyer, of firm determination of the United States a constitutionalist could be accepted to In House of Negro St. Louis, republican, representing the plosion. as conveyed to the mediators today. head the proposed provincial govern- twelfth Missouri district, was unseated WIVES OF MINERS Ambassador I>a Gama. of Brazil, and ment in Mexico Cltv Held in Heavy Bond by the house late today by a vote of Minister Suarez, of Chile, asked the REBEL AGENT DENIES GIVE UP ALL HOPE. 147 to 98. His election was contested American delegates if their position VISIT TO LEGATION. At dusk a group of women stood at Tom Tolbert. negro, living at 225 by Michael J. Gill, democrat. had changed in view of the Carranza- the mouth of the mine, which had been Edgewood, arrested last Sunday by De- Then by a vote of 126 to 108, a reso- Mr Naon arrived here erulv in the Villa split, and the reply was no. dav fiom New Knprland, whcie he had closed by the explosion, still hopeful tectives Wiley and Barker In connec- lution declaring Gill legally elected It was an informal talk, but served to gone to receive honorary uni\etsU\ that the cries for help that issued from tion with a number of burglaries and was adopted. Mr. Gill immediately highway robberies, was bound over took the oath of office. advise the mediators that the published degrees He flrbt consult* d with the the Inner workings earlier in the day under bond of $5,000 Friday afternoon The house had previously voted statements of the American and Huerta secretary of state, and thi-v conic-lied might be repeated. Later, however, for two hours Late 111 the evening by Recorder Pro Tern. Preston. He down, 136 to 107, a minority resolution delegates, with opposite views on the type of man to be selected for provi- the Argentina minister returned to his many of the women dispersed, express- will be tried under two charges of bur- proposing further investigation of the sional president defined clearly the un- legation and there met Mr Cabrera, Ins the general feeling that the situa- glary and one of highway robbery. contest. alterable attitude of the American gov- with whom he talked for'two hours tion of those imprisoned was hope- At the time of Tolbert's arrest the The house was treated to the rare Mr Cabrera sought to conceal his detectives found upon searching his scene of being addressed in Its own hall ernment. less. house thirty-three rings of all descrip- by a man not a member. GUI. who, Jnst what would be the American visit to the Argentina legation, and The explosion, aboiit 9 a. m., shook tions, a number of bracelets and neck- under the rules, has the right to policy if mediation fails or what dis- later denied that he had been there the countryside, lifted roofs from many laces, twelve pocketbooks. thirteen speak for himself, took the floor position it would make of the American He no sooner had left than SfCreUirv cabins and demolished numerous small pairs of scissors and other valuables. and made a. brief speech sup- troops at Vera Cruz Is not known even Bryan arrived and took the minister Later the detectives found a. diamond jpoftiag his claims to Dyer's seat. to the white- house , ""buildings. A moment after the ex- to the American delegates. The Huerta ring estimated to be worth *l;SO(fc" He declared he had, been an "honest, Following the conference with the plosion a score of panic-stricken eur-' The alleged thief was connected with life-long, hard working democrat" and commissioners say they do not know president. Minister Naon sard there face workers rushed from the mine, two burglaries and one highway rob- resented any Intimation, that hie rep- what course of action General Huerta still was encouragement for medi.i- followed by a dense cloud of smoke bery, and the detectives say that they resentatives had tampered with the may pursue. tion, and Secretary Bryan ieiter.it,,i are gaining: evidence against him ballots. -"Sfi^ Xo Formal Session. and poisonous fumes. whereby he will be directly connected Although many election contests have again his declaration that mediation Appeals for help were dispatched to The mediators held no formal ses- with a dozen or more of the recent been tried in the house, it has been Top: Henry Powers Elliott, as he looks off the stage; big picture, Elliott, was progressing satitfactoi ilj .\,, sion today because Minister Isaon, of many towns, and residents oigamzea holdups and burglaries which have baf- several years since a contestant has In role of Priscilla.
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