ll ;¡ I tl ¿¡ lr ,'.r lloc¡ciy of Soc ¿l St ¿,rwyefs issue 20 a utu []n '93 f 2,50 l'.. Ir q MIKE MANSFIELD Runciman: rights at risk ó. DAMIAN BROWN l.r Human rights & the ILO ^L HALDANE SO CIETY socìôl¡st lawyer --ì contcnt3 Socløllsl of Social¡st L awyers LAWYER The Haldane Society was founded in 1930. It is an organisation which provides a forum for the discussion and analysis of law and the legal system, both nationally and internationally, from a socialist perspective. It is independenr ofany political party. Its membership consists of individuals who are lawyers, academics or students and legal workers, and it also has trade a union and labour movement affiliates. I PRESIDENT: John Platts-Mills, OC VICE PRESIDENTS: Kader Asmal; Fennis Augustine; Jack Gaster; Tony Gifford, OC; Tess Gill; Helena Kennedy, OC; Dr. Paul O'Higgins; Albie Sachs; Michael Seifert; oa David Turner-Samuels, QC; Professor Lord Wedderburn, QC. SOCIALIST CHAIR: Bill Bowring LAWYER: rnsr g hr Cover Photo: UNHCR SEGRETARY: Nadine Finch Millions of refugees in Af rica are ISBN No - 09 54 3635 parl¡amentary lobby 4 living in camps and settlements TREASURER: Keir Starmer in a state of limbo, with little 21 years of FRU 4 prospect for a decent future. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARIES: Steve Cragg, Daniel Machover, Nick Toms. EDITORIAL a green vacat¡on 5 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Diamond Ashiagbor; Richard Bielby; Stephanie Harrison; CO]4MITTEE: Steve lllingworth; Phillippa Kaufmann; Kate Markus; Piers Mostyn; Diamond Ashiagbor, Helen Mountfield; DebbieTripley. Steve Illingworth. Lisa Connerty, Simon As a memberof the Sociery, you will receive 3 free copies of Socialist Laulereachyear. You will be informed of the Society's f e r es Curran, Sarab Goom, Catrin atu public meetings which are free to all members. You will also have access to one or more of the sub-committes which meet Lewis, Nathaniel Matthews, specÍal human rights issue regularly. Through those sub-committees you will have the chance to participate in and organise incernational delegations. D E.J/ G N + PRINT: human rights: can human rights fill the gap? Join the Haldane Society now! Please fill out the slip on ¡he back cover - Simon Collins 07l -7384645 B¡LL BowRtNc 6 For further details please contact Nadine Finch, telephone07l254 1280. human rights: a perm¡ssible ... human rights abuse? COVER PHOTO: DANTEL MAcHovER 9 UNHCR legal education: one Iaw for the rich Haldane Society Sub-Committees CONTRIBUTIONS GEORGE BURN 1 3 are very welcome. If you are human rights: labour rights and human rights ,.4 interested in writing articles DAMIAN EROWN At the heart of the work of the Haldane Society lie the various sub-committees, which cover a broad or reviews and would like to Runciman comm¡ss¡on: Runc¡man r¡sks rights discuss your contribution range of issues and whose work includes campaigning as well disseminating information and MICHAEL MANSFIELD QC 16 further, please contact: env¡ronmental law: stimulating discussion on the particular area. All members of the Society are encouraged to join one Diamond Ashiagbor - a or more of the committees or to form new ones. We would in particular like to revive the Housing on 071-249 9721 or Steve contam¡nated land tox¡c time-bomb Illingworth on 071-583 8233 sEAN HUMBER 20 and lmmigration Sub-Committees and would welcome suggestions. Below are listed details of the human rights: proact¡ve legal observing different committees, including the relevant contact person. For details of recent activities please ADVERTISINC CRAGG 22 see Haldane News on page 27. R,4TEJI publ¡c Iaw: victims of public pol¡cy 'TEPHEN Socialist Lawyer welcomes srEVE GREENFTELD advertising. & GUy osBoRN 24 Grime - Members are welcome ro join the committee's mailing list for details of future work The rates are: & events. Conznnors: Victoria Tegin, nl: 07 I 583 8233 and George Grosz, tel: 07 I 831 I 750. Full page &250 a lnternational - Meetings, with an inviteo speaker, are on the second Tuesday of each month Half page 5,125 page S 75 at 2 Field Court, Gray's Inn, London WCI at 7pm. Convenor: Bi// Boaring, te/. 071-405 6114 Quarter revtews Eighth page S 40 Lesbian and Gay - Conoenors: Tracq Payne and StuartWalþer, l,lìtre House Cltambers, rev¡ews 25 44 Fleet Street, EC4. 07 1-583 8233 The rate for classified adver- appall¡ng v¡stas 26 Trade Union and Employment Law - Meetings take place on the third Tuesday tlsing is 25p per word. haldane news, noticeboard 27 We can disribute inserts for of every month. Convenor: Steue Cibbons, te/: 07 I -254 9t533. Ê100 for voluntary organ- Northern lreland - Comtnor: Cath Casserly, te/: 071 353 1633. isations and Ê250 for com- Mental Health - Conaenor: Fenella tVonis, tel: 07 1-797 776ó. mercial undertakings. Concessionary rates are avail- Women - Convenor: Sonali Naiþ, clo I I Doughty St, WCI N zPG. able for advertising on an Environmenl - Conz-tenor: Simon Cunan, tel: 07 I-622 I401. annual basis. Student & Trainee - Conoenor: Richard Bielby, te/: 071 274 0850. Contact Lisa Connerty or Nathaniel Matthews, "lel: 081-764 7649 Sociôl¡st Iawyer - AUTUMN 1993 <2> <3> A Green Vocation As orynniser of the llaldane environrnental lirw g(x¡p, I was invited to run a serninar at lhe Critical Parliamentary Lobby not only legal education, but higher education as a l-egol Group annr¡al corrferÞnco, held in March at whole. Warwitil< Univensity. We vuele asked to addrcss the Ahhough only establ¡shed in March of this year, the The lobby, to be held in conjunctíon with the Critical question,'l{our can law protect the environment?' Haldane Society's Student and T¡ainee Grcup has Legal Group, will take place on the afternoon of seen its rnembelship morc than treble to nearly 90 Wednesday, 24th November, traditionally a time Environmentalists tend to be either very cynical membens- free of lectures. about whatthe law can do,to protect the envi ron ment Keynote speakers approached to speak include Ann unaccompanied by radical cultural changes, or else Now, with experience of campaigning to expose the Taylor MP, Labour Education Spokesperson, Helena they demand, rather simplistically, ever more and exploration of the uses and abuses of strict liability; crisis in funding students legal for all undergoing Kennedy OC and Keith Vaz MP. Also invited is the ever stricter legislation. There is a need to explore the pros and cons of public hearings; the practicality education, planning the Group is a lobby of Secretary of State for Education, John Patten. the l¡mitations and possibilities of law within a more of an environmental bill of rights; and the extension Parliament. Leaflets and petitions to support the lobby will be rigorous and sophisticated theoretical structure, of the fiducia ry d uty of co rporate d i recto rs to protect They hope lobby pressure the will increase the on circulating around colleges and universities in time probably focusing on the concept of sustainable the environment. politicians to introduce a fairer and more accessible for the start of the autumn term. development. These were some of the themes and ideas discussed system of legal education. All Haldane members are Anyone wishing to attend or support the lobby A left-wing, green lawyers'agenda, might include at the seminar; They might also serve as an initial urged to support this lobby, which is just part of a should contact the Student And Trainee Group, tel monitoring the effectiveness of legislation such as agenda for the Haldane environment group. The wider campaign to reverse the 14 years of crisis in 071 27 4 0850 the Environmental Protection Act; evaluating the first meeting willtake place in the autumn. Allthose Richard Bielby need for a special environmental court or tribunal; interested please contact me. considering an extension of the tort of nuisance to 2'l Years of FRU include a concept of aesthetics - along the lines of Simon Curran constitutional provisions in some U.S. states; an 59 Crescent Lane, London SW4 gPT 071 622 1401 This year sees tlre Free Reprc.sentation Unit marking its coming of age with a move to larger orffices at Bedford Row, the employment of a full-time solicitor and f{re launch of its new'Chambets Scheme'. representatives can handle and as its reputation has I F'-Ç61 grown the scope and complexity of cases referred to SEMINAR: REMEDIES SWEET & it has increased. This has led FRU to launch its AGAINST RACIAT IMAXWELLS Chambers Scheme through which sets of barristers DISCRIMINAilON A]\[D EUROPEANI Chambers undertake to represent a certain number RACIAL ATTACKS HUIvTANRIGHTS- of cases for FRU per year. COLLECTED TEXTS ln orderto enable more senior barristers to represent Friday 19th November 1993 I^aw Society, Chancery l^ane, London WC2 A practical suide to Eu¡ouean FRU cases the Unit is employing a full-time solicitor Hnmat frights Materiäls who will prepare those cases up to the point where One of seven seminars taking place in European they are sent as a briefto Counsel, thus cutting out Communiry countries on this subject during1993/ EDITOR: P.J. DUFFY the time consuming preparatory and interlocutory 4. Each will examine the international obligations o Brings together all key documents of the state to protect residents from race FRU exists to provide representation in Tribunals work which a normal FRU rep has to undertake. The' o Reproduces full text of the Convention on Human discriminationand racial attacks and how to use Rights where Legal Aid is not available. FRU is committed intention is that this will encourage established national law to give effect to those obligations.
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