34th Clergy-Laity Congress Orlando, Florida VOL. 63 NO. 1146 JUNE 1998 http://www.goarch.org/goa/observer E-mail: [email protected] Dimitrios Couchell Patriarch Bartholomew Visits USA, Ordained to the Episcopacy Receives Honorary Doctorate at Yale PHILADELPHIA Archbishop Spyridon BRIDGEPORT, Conn. During a brief ordained Bishop-elect Dimitrios Couchell of sojourn in the New York area before begin- Xanthos to the episcopacy at St. George Ca- ning his first official visit to Canada, Ecumeni- thedral on Sunday, May 31. cal Patriarch Bartholomew celebrated Divine Bishop Dimitrios, 60, was elected by Liturgy at Holy Trinity Church on May 24, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarch- and received an honorary Doctor of Divin- ate on May 18. ity degree from Yale University on the 25th. His Grace is a 1963 graduate of Holy His visit to Bridgeport coincided with Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Holy Trinity parishs 85th anniversary. and has served the Church in various ca- pacities, most recently as executive direc- By Jim Golding tor of Orthodox Christian Mission Center in St. Augustine, Fla., since 1981. Archbishop Spyridon and more than 20 hierarchs and priests also took part in the nearly six-hour service attended by as many as 1,000 persons, and that included an artoclasia blessing to commemorate the anniversary. A beacon of Orthodoxy According to an English translation of the seven-page homily that His All Holiness delivered in Greek, the Patriarch praised the ARRIVAL IN AMERICA (top) community for maintaining the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartho- faith and likened it to a lighthouse which lomew, escorted by Arch- the love of God has placed here for the past bishop Spyridon, shortly after his arrival at Westchester D.Panagos photo 85 years...to guide those who sail ill-advised County airport in New York. Participating with Archbishop Spyridon on the sea of life. in the ordination were Metropolitan Silas of The theme of his sermon focused on PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW Saranta Ecclesion, and Bishops Paisios of the love of the Holy Trinity and the impor- and officials of Yale University Tyana, abbot of the Monastery of St. Irene tance of maintaining a pure Orthodox faith. at the ceremony where His All Chrysovalantou in Astoria, N.Y., Philotheos The Patriarch warned them to guard Holiness received an honorary of Meloa and Vikentios of Apamia. against adulterating the Orthodoxy faith and degree on May 25. (right) As a young altar boy in his native South not to be influenced by messages from other (N. Manginas photos) groups that appear to be Christian on the Carolina, Bishop Dimitrios was tonsured by Message to youth After the service, Archbishop Spyridon Archbishop Athenagoras. surface, but which can lead people astray. offered a brief message to the faithful on After graduating from the seminary, His He called on them to reject the non-Or- Patriarch Bartholomew also spoke unity, saying that it is through the Eucha- Grace served the Church in several other thodox teachings that we hear, even if they briefly in English to the young people of the rist that we partake of unity with Christ,... capacities, including youth and campus min- proclaim that they are Orthodoxy, but which community. in the unity of the Holy Spirit we find love, istry, English editor of the Orthodox Ob- come from authors who do have spiritual Not a day goes by that the youth of the same love that inspires unity with one server, and administrator of the St. Photios communion with the Mother Church, be- the Church are not in my prayers, he said. another. National Shrine. cause he who accepts them may not be able His All Holiness told the young people Following a welcoming message from In his ordination address, Bishop to discern where the snares and errors are. of the importance of loving Christ and one Dimitrios expressed gratitude to Ecumeni- He also advised the faithful to know the another in a harsh world that forces them to Holy Trinitys pastor, Fr. Demetrios A. cal Patriarch Bartholomew and the Holy Faith. If we really want to become, as indi- leave childhood and become adults too Recachinas, and an exchange of gifts, a re- Synod for his election, and to His Eminence. viduals, little lamps issuing forth the pure light quickly. He also stressed the significance of ception took place in the parish hall for the His Grace said, in part, I know that I of Christ,, he said, we ought to all the more the Eucharist as a perfect model of the feast Patriarch, his entourage and other clergy. am not worthy to consider myself a succes- study Orthodox books, partake of the worship of love, and to keep in your minds the im- U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd offered welcom- sor to the Apostles. I tried my best to avoid of the Church and Its mystical life and struggle age of unity with Christ and to give Him ing remarks to His All Holiness at the re- this call of the Church. Nevertheless, I stand to perform the commandments of God. space in your life to walk with you. ception. Also attending were two Members before you now praying to hear the voice of of Congress from Connecticut, U.S. Reps. God say to me, as He did to St. Paul, Do Religious Education Holds Christopher Shays and Barbara B. Kennelly. not be afraid; but speak, and do not keep Among the other hierarchs in atten- silence, for I am with you, and no one will dance were Metropolitans Paisios, Nicho- attack you to hurt you. Prominent Place at 34th Congress las of Amissos, and Silas; Bishops Metho- In his homily at the service, Archbishop dios, Alexios of Troas and Philotheos of th Spyridon said, in part, Your election by His Delegates to the 34 Clergy-Laity Con- context of Orthodox faith and ministry. Meloa; and bishops-elect Dimitrios Couchell All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartho- gress will have ample opportunity to par- To accomplish this, a number of work- and George Papaioannou. lomew, and the Most Reverend members take of the Religious Education program shops have been scheduled beginning Mon- Hierarchs from other Orthodox juris- of the Holy and Sacred Synod lays upon you planned for this years congress in Orlando. day, July 6. (See pages 8-9, 17 for complete dictions and the Roman Catholic bishop of a sacred and holy obligation. For your ordi- Following the theme of One Faith, One times and listings). Bridgeport also attended. nation to the episcopacy makes you a living Family, One Future: Together to a New Mil- Presentations to be covered include par- Reflecting to the Patriarchs visit to his link in that great chain of faith which lennium, Archbishop Spyridon has directed ish ministry, marriage, spiritual life and com- parish, Fr. Recachinas said it was a very stretches back to the very Apostles, and the Religious Education Department to help munications. beautiful visit. His message is always very which holds the Church in place as the pil- delegates understand the theological, ecclesi- Speakers will be the Revs. Mark Arey, inspiring and he has a way of touching lar and ground of truth. astical and societal underpinnings of various Christopher Bender, Economos P. Botsis, people. ...you join that honorable company priorities and areas of growth for the Church. John Chrysavgis, Paul C. Costopoulos, See VISITS USA on page 3 whose virtues are praised most especially on The educational component of the Con- Demetrios Demopulos, George Economou, this day, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers. gress will aim to enhance delegates under- Charles Joanides, Demetrius S. Kavadas, AN INTERVIEW These Bishops of the Church confessed and, standing of the faith as expressed through Nicholas Krommydas, Stephen H. Kyriacou, with his Eminence and in Orthodox worship, to examine the Frank Marangos, Jon Magoulias, Nicholas J. for our sakes, defined as much as is humanly Archbishop Spyridon of America possible, the Orthodox Faith in an All-praised, family as the source and focus of the Ortho- Pilavas, Peter Salmas, Constantine L. Sitaras Consubstantial and Thrice-Holy God. dox faith and to look to the future as the and Steve P. Tsichlis. appears on pages 6-7 PAGE 2 ORTHODOX OBSERVER JUNE 1998 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS Archbishop Spyridon Hosts Patriarch Ilia of Georgia NEW YORK - His Beatitude Ilia II, Georgian people and a faithful nation and, Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, was the through you, I greet His All Holiness Ecu- guest of honor at a doxology and dinner menical Patriarch Bartholomew. Emphasiz- hosted by Archbishop Spyridon on May 21 ing the historical relationship with the Ecu- at the Archdiocese. menical Patriarchate, His Beatitude contin- In welcoming His Beatitude to the ecu- ued.... the Georgian Patriarchate is always menical gathering in his honor, Archbishop for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. and we also Spyridon said, You find in us, an assembly so highly value Your Eminence and your of brothers and sisters committed to the great ministry. Reflecting on the Feastday well-being of the Georgian people. In the of Sts. Constantine and Helen, His Beatitude chapel a few moments ago, I spoke of the said: You may not be aware that (St.) resurrection of Georgia after decades in the Constantine gave to the Georgian people the tomb of totalitarian oppression. It truly is a nails discovered in Jerusalem by his mother, cause of joy. But, as we all know, such re- (St.) Helen. birth does not come without its trials. And In a formal exchange of gifts, His Emi- it is as you go through these trials that we nence presented His Beatitude with a silver find ourselves in solidarity with you.
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