October 10, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9539 the hard work of these agencies; but we SECTION 1. TIME ZONE ESTABLISHED. the name Chamorro. The time zone will know that much work needs to be (a) IN GENERAL.ÐThe first section of the honor the historic unity of Guam and done. Act of March 19, 1918 (15 U.S.C. 261; com- the Commonwealth of the Marianas monly known as the Calder Act) is amend- H. Res. 575 will not stop criminal ac- and the people who live in the region. tivity. It will not protect our citizens edÐ (1) in the first sentence, by striking ``eight I congratulate the gentleman from from sinister behavior, but it does take zones'' and inserting ``nine zones''; and Guam (Mr. UNDERWOOD) for his work on this important step: it brings to light (2) in the second sentenceÐ this bill; and, of course, I congratulate the relevant issues facing Internet (A) by striking ``; and that of the eighth'' his staff and all the staff members that usage, and hopefully it will help edu- and inserting ``; that of the eighth''; and have been involved in this. cate the American people of the need (B) by inserting before the period the fol- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of to be watchful of Internet activity, es- lowing: ``; and that of the ninth zone on the my time. pecially as it affects our Nation's chil- one hundred and fiftieth meridian of lon- Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I continue dren. gitude east from Greenwich.''. to reserve the balance of my time. (b) NAME OF ZONE.ÐSection 4 of the Act of We have an obligation, indeed, to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 educate the American people about ex- March 19, 1918 (15 U.S.C. 263; commonly known as the Calder Act) is amendedÐ minutes to the gentleman from Guam isting problems of Internet use. This (1) by striking ``and that of the eighth'' (Mr. UNDERWOOD). resolution will help. It is an extremely and inserting ``that of the eighth''; and Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I important one, and I urge all Members (2) by inserting before the period the fol- thank the gentleman from New York to support it. lowing: ``; and that of the ninth zone shall be (Mr. TOWNS) for yielding me this time. Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- known as Chamorro standard time''. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to self such time as I may consume. (c) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.ÐSection 7 of support H.R. 3756, a bill to name the Mr. Speaker, I will just sum up brief- the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. 267) ninth time zone under U.S. jurisdiction ly with our congratulations to the au- is amended by inserting ``Guam, the Com- for Guam and the Commonwealth of thor of the legislation, the gentleman monwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- lands,'' after ``Puerto Rico,''. the Northern Mariana Islands. from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE). As the I would also like to take this time to other speakers have said, the Internet The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- thank my distinguished colleagues who provides a great upside opportunity for ant to the rule, the gentleman from have worked to get this bill to the education, entertainment and the like, Ohio (Mr. OXLEY) and the gentleman but it certainly has its dark side as from New York (Mr. TOWNS) each will floor: the gentleman from Virginia well. Those of us who worked on the control 20 minutes. (Mr. BLILEY), the gentleman from Child Online Protection Act under- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Michigan (Mr. DINGELL), the gentleman stand how difficult some of these cir- from Ohio (Mr. OXLEY). from Ohio (Mr. OXLEY), the gentleman OWNS cumstances can be with children hav- GENERAL LEAVE from New York (Mr. T ), the gen- ing access to some of this terrible ma- Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP), terial. imous consent that all Members may chairman of the Corrections Day Advi- While the Child Online Protection have 5 legislative days within which to sory Committee, and the gentleman Act, which passed virtually unani- revise and extend their remarks and in- from California (Mr. WAXMAN), ranking mously in the 105th Congress, is now sert extraneous material on H.R. 3756. member of that same committee. undergoing judicial review, whether in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Wherever the U.S. flag flies, there is fact we are successful or not ulti- objection to the request of the gen- a title for each time zone in which it mately in getting that legislation to be tleman from Ohio? flies, whether it is in the Virgin Islands considered constitutional the real issue There was no objection. and Puerto Rico with its Atlantic time is how do we deal in the meantime with Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- zone; this city, with its eastern time educating our children to the potential self 1 minute. zone; Chicago, with central time; Den- dangers of the Internet. That is why Mr. Speaker, this bill is simple and ver, with mountain time; Los Angeles, this legislation has such importance, straightforward. The legislation estab- with Pacific time; Honolulu, with Ha- has such broad-based support from lishes a separate time zone for Guam waii standard time; Anchorage, with both sides of the aisle. and the Northern Mariana Islands by Alaska standard time; and even Amer- So that is why it is important that increasing the number of standard time ican Samoa, with Samoa standard we pass this legislation today. zones in the United States from 8 to 9. time. But there is a ninth time zone Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance This new time zone will be known as where Guam sits and the Common- of my time. the Chamorro time zone and will be re- wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- quired to observe daylight savings sits as well; and where there is no offi- BONS). The question is on the motion time. cial title for this time zone. Not that offered by the gentleman from Ohio The gentleman from Guam (Mr. there is no time there, obviously, but (Mr. OXLEY) that the House suspend UNDERWOOD) deserves praise for his te- that there is no specific title for this the rules and agree to the resolution, nacity on this issue. It is a simple time zone. H. Res. 575, as amended. measure without controversy, and I Perhaps this is an oversight. The fact The question was taken; and (two- urge all of my colleagues to support it. that this ninth time zone is on the thirds having voted in favor thereof) Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of other side of the international dateline the rules were suspended and the reso- my time. and could appropriately claim the title lution, as amended, was agreed to. of being the first American time zone, A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- could get the competitive spirits of the table. self 2 minutes. Mr. Speaker, let me convey how those in the Atlantic time zone f pleased I am to support this legisla- aroused. But when information is being ESTABLISHING A STANDARD TIME tion. The bill corrects current law by sent out about changes in national ZONE FOR GUAM AND THE MAR- recognizing that there is a ninth time time or announcements concerning IANA ISLANDS zone in the United States, namely the time, this ninth time zone, in geog- Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to time zone followed by the people of raphy going west but first in terms of suspend the rules and pass the bill Guam and the Northern Marianas. time, frequently gets ignored. (H.R. 3756) to establish a standard time My colleague, the gentleman from After all, the Calder Act, which pro- zone for Guam and the Commonwealth Guam (Mr. UNDERWOOD), I want to sa- vides for the designation of names of of the Northern Mariana Islands, and lute him today, has corrected this time zones under U.S. jurisdiction, for other purposes. oversight with this bill and has also only names eight time zones. The Clerk read as follows: given the time zone a name, Chamorro This bill fills the void of the ninth H.R. 3756 standard time. time zone under U.S. jurisdiction, cor- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Chamorro refers to the indigenous rects this oversight, and appropriately resentatives of the United States of America in people of the area, and I salute my col- designates each and every American Congress assembled, league for his creativity by choosing time zone. VerDate 02-OCT-2000 06:11 Oct 11, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10OC7.051 pfrm01 PsN: H10PT1 H9540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 10, 2000 The unique feature of this particular (b) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.ÐSection 9 of The gentleman from Florida (Mr. piece of legislation is that it is respon- such Act is further amended in subsection (b) MCCOLLUM) and I believe that the Su- sive to a quandary that does not quite by striking ``are hereby authorized'' and in- preme Court Police should continue to exist in the other time zones. We have serting ``is authorized''. provide off-ground security to protect two jurisdictions with two distinct The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Justices and guests of the Court. names. We could call it the Guam time ant to the rule, the gentleman from Given the fact that the Court's police zone, the Guam/Marianas time zone, Florida (Mr.
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