Racins ".* Bowling £> 'Cross-country Running ** Soccer jj Other Sports many successfui yeara before bhn aa ;> manage* fr.un the bench. Me bnowfl Belmont Gives Valuable haaelrall aa John .1 McGraw and Connle S IN DEAD Hffl Maeh know it He is bold and fearleaa iu iiis methods. aad, i.etter yet, perhapa Stallion to Government be has the bappy faeulty of Inaphing BMB wlth niu.'h of hifl own dash and Barden and Jordan Tie in also at Owners See a their to Breed* Octagon. Mr. Belmont's stalllon, National League splrit, Whlle cummundiuK respeet Dandy Rock Goes horses more I'rank Farrell can COO- Fixture. Front Royal. has produced and confldence. Morningside offlcers than for WcstcncL Baseball sultable for the use of oflctcl, New Light. i'ider lilniself loitunate lf ha «ets, gfl BOU ing Farm of Uncle Sam tztav&v a man of the eallbre of troopers ln the service. seems assiir.fl, Dandy Prank Chance t<> nt*.g* bla team. The THIRD at Fort Royal, Va. While Mr. H.-lmont has glven future for the Yank.-.s HARRY LUCAS CLOSE to Fncle Sam, the French Rovern- A WELCOME FOR CHANCE looka haight out his made at the BOOh ("arrylng promise ment has Just paid him 80,000 francs for lt is hard to know whether to P'ty Jo* aportamen'fl dlnner laat year to ghre a Octagon-Amlcitia, and K«.<-k Band coits tha eott Amoreaux, by Tmker or to coneTatutat* bhn. Tbe Cin¬ McOann Leads Field Home with Bumbar ef Btattkma Hastlngs. Amoreaux was on Live Stutes government lor OUt of Fides, by News and Views Topics cinnati "tans" are m.t aasy io aatlafy. to the Unlted UteW from thls country. and Burning Pace in Monarch August Belmont an- asportad ln Amateur They made life eabaarabla for Clark hffoedlng purposes. won numerous raees of lmportance of the Day, Both OOUnced that he had shlpp-d has Uiiftith and Hank d'hay, and they aill Athletic Club Run. yesterday on the French turf. and Professional. from Ky., te the Bjaeernment .- m.t bealtate to go after Tlnker If he faila Lexlngton, is drawn here to ahOW -k Thomas J. Barden, a i..-nt _.'.|in.-itiuii farm at Kn.nt H.,yal, Va., the brown The comi arison to net reaulta so as axpected. is to Il tfl look as if tbe club ..wners aale.ly c'lub. and Beeh Band.Donne that the 1-Veiich Kovf-rnment WtUlng bBfldna AuKust Hernnana neltber money te the Irlflh-Amerloan Atluetk eott Dandy Boeh, by American ttalttona in the National LflflsflTttfl bad seen a new apored Kdward Jordan, track captain of the Mla, the dam nt Mlzz. n. Dandy Boeh pay BBIBB amounts for nor to land him. and ¦nCOOOdod only the l.'nlted States Bov.Tiimt'iit can¬ liKht, .or In any caae that tho spanklng pains \.i\i.-r Athletic Aaeodatkm, BaJahfld m a was a stalile cornpanlon of Boeh Vb-w. Whlle after a deal, the ramiflcationa Ot Wblcb such unleaa thay are adminlstered to Ilerr Horace Fogel had iiea.i in 'uaaa .wamlrf He is bniil and wall suited to not afford luxorlea GUNNERS MAKE BW SCORES ineiudcd two etuba in tha aaaarlcaa heat the Uivltatloai eompaetly American hreedem. bad a most wh..l. some effect. Charlea mu of Athletic club yea¬ ba 1,1, ,1 fa eavalry naoaata pi.-s-nt.il grattfl b] II it is then tbal the fruits tba MorniiiK.si.ie Shoot w.-l.h will not stop talking. It League. boped The two atlrietflfl raced down tha Larchmont Marskmen Murphy thereof will be palatable. terday. -.ond nature for him to seek pub- iinishing Btrateb abreauat, n.-ither giving aa Under Conditions. for or his club, no matter mlles Splendid ,..ty himself inch. The three and three-(|Uarter that were ldeal for the or to tha Na¬ foot* of 11 T'nder conditions Critics Did Not Believe He what the cost to baseball it atrikea ma that the Prtnceton ttaii araa eavatad la the faet time of the Larchmont but hla utterances are well in "Hobey" IEADS sport the trapshooters tional League. hall did electliig ':'.< FIVE players nilnutes BBOBBtBB IN SHH IIE some remarkable Defeat Jim eiiEiWm Club made Could volce Vacht Flynn. likely to be less vlrulent and his Haker eaptain of the elev.-n for next y. ar. Harry Lucas, one of the atrongest mem¬ lt was scores at their regular weekly leas raucous, at least for a tlme. He ln a qulet sort of fellow, hut full of bers of the Moriilngslde squad. was a yesterday Charlea shoot. There was a larger attendance rubblng lt on pretty thiek to have that determlnatlon which meana BO much <|..se third, belng in the fore throughout. Tail-Enders Last Year Show than slxteen men faclng the tTBPfl H. Ebbets, of Brooklyn, nomlnate in writing the word success after any un- Thlrty-three athletes. n-preseiiting eb-v.-n St. George and Celtic Elevens .al. SOON TO MEET AL PALZER as presi¬ in most of the rnatches conterUed. Thomas J. Lynch for re-electlon dertaking. I am told hy a man who clubs, went over tbfl CflflUB8 in Uarlem. and the mo* Score One Goal Way in Bowling Tourney. Honors were pretty evenly dlvided be¬ dent, and for Murphy to second OUght to know that Haker kn.w llttle all flnlshed. Apiece. had been aUlfld down the tween L. Spotts. D. F. McMahon tion. inasmuch as they Hun.. atiout drop kickiru? when the last Soon after the slait Barden took the After h.-ittllng ninety minutes up and Atthoagh bahJIng taU-end Raiph "Packey" McFarland Ready to of the National Athletk Bowl* an.l A. U. Alley, each of whom won two against the executive football season opanad than the eerteat bad, wlth Jordan, Lucus and Hobert down the BOeear gridlron at Kdison Fleld, berth when laat eeaaoo'a Jack two years ra<-e the In addltion to being "high gun" Take On Britton League over elnce his election tyro Ho used to go out to the Beld tliirty ll.it, of the 22.1 H.cnneiit Athletic As¬ lirooklyn, yesterday afternoon in a tlrst ing Loaajua ehamplonablp ended, contests. can be said, At f'l.liimhian ('liil,, of _B8t <>ranj*e, now for tho wlth a score of 140 out of th. ago. One thing, however. or mlnuUs before the refcular time sociation. bunch.d ten yurds b.-hind. divlsi-m HOW York State chanipionshlp day, at Garden A. C. a fellow forty has the of the list, contest. Charley Ebbet. la the kind of wlth an annful of f""t- tlM two-mile turn for home Jordan the and N*e\r York BBttefOetloa hcadlng possll.le |H in the scratch Spotts wh.ii Luther MeCarthy, the staiwart ln for reportlng, COOteat, St. llcorge won and ln the open when t-ettlcd in <ii"p- an.l for ¦ half mile they with wlth a Htandlng of five gBWIBB also the winner of th-- Bfteen* boxer of who flghts baiis and practtoa aii by hlmaelf eaughi Harden, CeltlC elevens walk.-d off the field have proved beavyweigbt bpttagfaM, Mo.. it Ib a BBTe thing soon hla Oaa kWt noeaTllla and J.-rs.-y City "blrd" H.ratrh event McMahon won both the bls convictlons, and goals from the tleld. POT BOm* dajTB ran togethar. Barden taated one aach to thelr eredtt The oon- Btoppad Jlm Klynn, "Pueblo Flre- ln belleving that pini? bad goal won four and lost two, while N'.-wark and the flret "take that he was slncere lt was the ordinary thlng for him ..pporient wlth a aprlnt, and galned 8 t.st was B fast one from start to llnish, the visitors' trophy man," ln afarteoa rounda, he perfbrmM best man to con- (juite a aarlea to roO, and Mr Lvnch was the miss tleven out of twelve, and tbe feW Of ten yards. but Jordan agaln cam. who Bay, baelng poetponed home" trophy, both wlth full s.ores, ,i f.at whleh most critics belleved to bfl else he would t«, and the three theoaand apeetatora atanda on its Brat weaafa eflort "f two linue as head of the League, who him were to declar* aloosfltae .f his opponent a half bbIIb the inih.siiie Brara well rawarded. he made a run of sixty OOnflflCUtlVfl iar beyond his aapablMtlea Klynn, a maklng the walohad g.ih-k Bllad WOn and a slngle def.-.-it. not have etultined hlmself by better It as a bad from and alternated ba tbe bad breaks in theae and in one other mat'h. reteran of altnost dfteeo years expen- what pnssure was that he had glve up botne, The llne-np: As usuitl, the Kosevllle team BhOWfl the nominatton, no matter was not easlly until tha iinai daafa to tha Bnlab. A. H. Alley, in the 10>-target haBdlCap, ence in the ring. was BBpoetBd to wade of com¬ Job. Haker, however, -l lieorge Y. C <t). PeaitlOU. N Y. OflttlCfl ill. way in team average, its preaant mark brought to glve the impression but nona tiie leea The anmmary foUowa: j.n.. .«i. Daily with a handl.ap of m, returned a fuU through the yo.ithful cowpunther ln le*a dlaiinuraged siowiy, Wa of HU ea.sily laadlng all ntliers. In fact, plete barmony, the reward for Po». Niin... aad lub 'i"'"' Napier .lt. n. acore of at.d iie aJao ahenred goo.i form than no time. "White bopea" Indeed, _ he and have HBj surely, lmproved, a C B» Mlln.a .
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