Eastern Illinois University The Keep September 1949 9-28-1949 Daily Eastern News: September 28, 1949 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1949_sep Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: September 28, 1949" (1949). September. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1949_sep/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1949 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. rsenic and lace'· cost chosen • • • • Eastern State News Eastern 13 Quincy· 19 "Tell the Truth and Do�'t Be Afraid" (See page 6) EASTERN ILLINOIS ST ATE COLLEGE ... CHARLESTON WED NE SDA Y, SEPTEMBER 28, 1949 plans construction of two new dormitories New dormitories abbard picks ·Union, League lists specific regulations lay cast of 14 for frosh initiation T FOR "Arsenic and Old e,'' the homecoming play . SPECIFIC RULES governing the ction scheduled for N ovem- inititation behavior of fresh­ 8 and 4, was picked last Fri­ men have been announced by Ray ' after two nights of try-outs. DeMoulin, president of Men's Union and Jahala Foote, president earsals have been underway · last Monday night. "Arsen­ of Women's League. cast of 14 was selected by 'Rules are as follows: E. Glendon Gabbard, East- 1. Men must wear green caps clirector of dramatics, from a and women must wear green rib­ group of aspirants. bons until November 5. les of Abbie and Martha 2. Freshmen must stay out of ...to be located in outlined by circle ster, -the two nice old ladi�s circle in front of Old Main. area like to serve- poisoned wine 3. Freshmen must not use the their elderly gentlemen board­ front door of Old Main. will be portrayed by Mary Upperclassmen are urged to Photograph deadline rook and Mary Patton re­ Housing piogrom calls for 'vely. cooperate in enforcing these .ini­ tiation regulations, although any "l'eddy Brewster, who charges for 1950 'Warble{ undue "hazing'' is prohibited. irs, thinking he is Teddy · velt at San Juan hill, is In the event that freshmen men set for next Monday re-location of 1 T roilerville ed by Jerry Robinson. Teddy are unable to purchase green QUite happy digging canal locks caps from Dean Anfinson's office NEXT MONDAY has been set as ves) in- the cellar. they must buy and wear a green the dead-line for student pict- ribbon where it can be easily seen. · 1 architects· prepare blueprints; e part of Mortimer Brewster, ures for the Warbler. • draI!jL critic, is tak,en by Dick Approximately 220 green caps To aid and insure Warbler dis­ have been sold to date. ·de. He is the supposed tribution before dismissal of clas­ construction to begin 1n ·spring hew of Abbie and Martha, and ses in June, students are asked to siderably disturbed when he CONSTRUCTION OF two new dormitories, expected to begin have their pictures taken at vers. his spinster aunts have APO meets tonight; sometime next spring, will necessitate moving the east­ · d 12 bodies in the cellar. R}"an's Studio by October 3. ern half of TrailerviHe to another site, as yet undetermined, ine, Mortimor's girl friend invites boy scouts Pictures must be taken at said President Robert G. Buzzard in a statement to the News. lives next door, goes to June Ryan's, for Mr._ Ryan has the Decision was made at a meeting of the Teachers College "bb. She is perhaps the only ALPHA PHI Omega will hold an contract for photography for the board in Springfield, September 19. Blueprints are already person in the play; her on open social meeting at 7 tonight Warbler, and all head sizes and !Off romance with Mortimer nearing completion. in the men's corrective gym. backgrounds for the pictures must d tire any Iess determined The board a p p o i n t e d I According to Jack Henchen, be uniform. Schaffer, Hooton and Wilson APO president, invitations have If the student expects to grad­ Petitions due Thurs. of Bloomington as associate than Brewster will be play­ uate after next summer's term but by already been sent to about 200 architects, employing the men to Bob Stuckey. Except for be­ at ·present is a junior, he should for League, /Union, prospective pledges. serve in drawing up plans and a homicidal maniac, he is a inform Mr. Ryan of this situation. 1 Any student who was or is at specification for construction of sadist, who as a child liked Failure to do this may cause his . Council offices t worms in two with his the present time a member of _the the two dormitories at Eastern. picture to a12�ear in the junior � Boy Scouts of America and earn­ section of the Warbler. "PETITIONS FOR candid tes to Cost will come from $900,000 fund appropriated at · the 66th pleasant little cohort, , Dr. estly desires to carry on the pro­ To avoid- the chance of a picture fill five college offices must be · general assembly. Full,cost of each , will be characterized by gram of service by affiliation with having been lost, students are ask­ turned into Dean Elizabeth K. dormitory will be $448,750, said Zimmerman. He likes to Alpha Phi Omega is eligible to ed to check with the list of names up Lawson's office by noon tomor- President Buzzard. 'eople's faces with a scape!. join and is cordially invited to at­ outside the Public Relations of­ row," said Jim Gire, chairman of his last job left Jonathan ,look­ tend this get-together, whether fice. If a student has had his pict­ Both dormitories, though sep­ thing like Boris Karloff. or not an invitation was received. ure taken and his name does not election committee. arate, will be built as a joint pro­ ydon Brandt has the role of Rudolph B. Anfinson's barber­ · appear on this list, he should re­ Offices to be filled are fresh- ject, thus conserving on materials and adding to uniformity of con­ r O'Hara and Don Roths- . shop quartet will entertain and port this in the News.and Warbler man leader, two union representa­ struction. has the part of Lieutenant rereshments will be served. office in Main building. tives to Women's League, sopho­ ey. more representative to Men's Another meeting will be held in · arper will be played by Unii>n, and independent represen­ Charleston on October 24, at which the administrative board will work r Alljson; Mr. Witherspoon tative to Student Cpuncil. Gillis smashes car, vertebra; out plans for letting bids and get­ Richard Wilkin; officers Blank petitions ate available in hy ting th project underway. and Klein to John Sim­ Dean Lawson's office. Fifteen e and Eugene Mazoni; and the ' ' ' signatures are required on these Re-location of Trailerville is the of Mr. Gibbs, an intended vic­ says I ll be back next. year petitions. most immediate problem facing of Abbie and Marth, goes to Eastern administrators; new Election of candidates will be a Tucker. SOME AREN'T so fortunate. 'site must be chosen. and prepared October 6 from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Some survive months, even years; without succumbing prior to moving the trailers. in Main hall. to the law of chances and becoming a victim of the speedways. Several factors determined Junior representative positions Eddie Gillis, business education major from Danville, is 5ust the choice ·of the proposed lo­ tter is greeter; to be elected were vacated by one of those who fell ·by the wayside tol the top of his profes­ cation for the new dorms. It Ilene Bush and Yvonne Land is in accordance with East­ sion. Scruggs who did not return to ern's long-range 25-year­ kersley, Curtis "A midget race driver school this quarter. Sophomore plan; site is close to the cam­ representative to Men's Union starts with the realization pus proper; it will concen­ was left by Harry Bauler who did Gillis that accidents are to be ex­ trate hou_sing in one area. cted assistants not return to Eastern this fall. pected. It was no different Also, with the necessary appro- · METTER, sophomore with ipe. Although I had no fear, priation now at hand, building can ************************ m Charleston, was elected I kne\v from watching many of commence without actually abol­ II greeter in an all-school my friends meet with serious ac­ ishing Trailerville. 'l:.he trailer "on held last Thursday. cidents that it could happen to Class of '50 graduates housing unit is the most readily sen as · assistant greeters me. It did," reviewed the recently transported, being much easier )losemary Jobe Curtis, injured Gillis. must complete forms than attempting a re-location of more from Charleston (re­ Less than five weeks ago Gillis by Oct. 8-Registrar the ban-acks. y of Greenup), and Rosemary crashed his midget headon into Both dorms are intended for ersley, junior from Assump- the retaining wall at Macon, Ill., ALL CANDIDATES for gradua­ men, but one will be as temporary going through the fence and over­ tion in the class of 1950 should housing facilities for women, in­ Metter is a speech major volving only a small change in turning. The 22-year old youth fill out an application form in the tiemb_er of Sigma Sigma Sig­ plumbing. This decision was made was rushed to a Decatur hospital Registrar's office by October 8, �ial sorority. where it was discovered he suffer­ in view of the fact that 100 girls according to an announcement .
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