SERVING LOGAN & McPHERSON COUNTIES THE STAPLETON FOR OVER 100 YEARS SinceLOGAN 1912 COUNTY, • creativeprintersonline.com STAPLETON NEBRASKA 69163 (USPS THURSDAY, 518780) JUNE 10, THURSDAY, 2021 JANUARY 5, 2017 NO. NO. 1 23 Logan Co. landowners see Siegels hang up cleaning rise in irrigated land values The Logan County Asses- residential property value $575 per acre for all supplies after 32 years sor has sent out notice of approved by the Tax classes. valuation changes for the Equalization Review Dryland acres remained 2021 valuation of real es- Commission is 100%. A the same as last year. tate, improvements and county-wide reappraisal Irrigated had some improvements on leased of all improvements has classes of land values that lands in Logan County. been completed. New res- raised due to sales in Counties are mandated idential improvements, as those areas, and included: by Nebraska Statutes to be well as any upgrades or 1A1 - $3,100 to $3,675 within a specified range remodeling, were added per acre of value for each class of to the real estate cards for 1A - $3,100 to $3,675 property. Residential and 2021. 2A1 - $3,100 to $3,500 commercial property Logan County commer- 2A - $3,100 to $3,500 must be within 92% to cial property remained 4A - $2,485 to $2,600 100% level of market value the same unless new im- All other classes re- and agricultural land provements were added. mained the same. must be within the range There was only one com- With the current agri- of 69% to 75% of market mercial sale. The current cultural valuation adjust- value. Logan County commer- ments in place, Logan Logan County had an cial property, approved by County agricultural land outstanding active market the Tax Equalization and has been approved at 75% for residential property in Review Commission is by the Tax Equalization 2020. Market studies are 100%. A reappraisal for and Review Commission. completed on all Logan the 2022 tax year will be A reappraisal of agricul- County residential prop- conducted. tural improvements for erties, including mobile There were nine quali- the 2022 tax year will be homes and acreages, for a fied sales of unimproved conducted. period of three years agricultural land in the 3- The Logan County Com- starting October 1, 2017 year study period begin- missioners will meet as to September 30, 2020. ning October 1, 2017 to Board of Equalization at There were 12 sales in the September 30, 2020. 10:00 a.m. on June 16, residential sales file for Grassland values raised July 7 and July 21, 2021. 2020. The current level of from $525 per acre to MARCIA HORA - THE STAPLETON ENTERPRISE Logan County man Louie and Polly Siegel have hung up their cleaning supplies and equipment after a 32-year stint at Stapleton Public Schools as custodial and maintenance. The Siegels were hired by the school in January of 1989 and eventually formed Spiffy Cleaners and arrested for burglary took on other custodial jobs in the area. The Siegels have taken great pride in keeping the school building clean and running efficiently over the years. The Logan County Sher- of a black Dodge Dakota has been set for August iff’s office has arrested a pickup. 10. Recalling names of stu- least nine superintend- in school. The staff even Logan County man for A search warrant was Accidental Shooting dents, administration, ents that followed, some- threw a 50th anniversary burglary and possession obtained and Sheriff Car- Logan County Deputy and teachers, who have times pausing to party in the Bronco Room of a firearm by a prohib- son, Logan County Wood also reported he come and gone, was part remember if they had for the Siegels, complete ited person after being ad- Deputies Dalen Wood and was notified by Great of the conversation as them in the correct order. with a cake and gifts. vised on an incident Hansel, and Thomas Plains Health, North Louie and Polly Siegel sat “I’ve learned more peo- Louie served four years within the Stapleton vil- County Sheriff Joseph Platte, of an apparent ac- down for an interview, ple skills in this job than I in the U.S. Navy (1968- lage limits. Smith went to the Schell cidental shooting. The ac- May 27 before heading could ever imagine and 1972) in Vietnam and the Logan County Sheriff residence located at 102 cident took place Sunday, out the door of Stapleton realized I could work couple worked at the Sean Carson received a County Road 50 to serve May 27, when Shad Streit, Public Schools as custo- alongside anybody. I have Johnny Walker Boys call at 9:30 p.m., Saturday, the warrant and conduct 41, 14 Avenue 70, Staple- dian and maintenance for become a lot more organ- Ranch in Trenton, for Bob May 29, from Daniel a search. ton shot himself in the the last time. ized and also learned to Long and Don Hatch in Kanirie, 402 G Street, Sta- An ammo can was dis- foot. Deputy Wood con- The day signaled the pick priorities,” Louie McPherson County, and pleton. Kanirie reported covered in the hayloft of ducted an investigation to end of their tenure at the added. “We’ve had several they were working for the locks on his residence the red barn. The pistol make sure it was acciden- school that began in Janu- really good workers who Kenneth Brosius when had been changed and he was not recovered. It was tal, seized the firearm, ary of 1989. have helped us over the they started at the school. could not get in. He had verified by Kanirie the and the investigation con- “We were hired and years, and we’re really Retirement will see rented the house for sev- ammo can belonged to tinues. worked for the school as thankful for that.” them continuing to live in eral months from Austin him. Drug Bust On Hwy 92 janitor and mainte- Along with maintaining Stapleton. Their first trip Schell of Stapleton. Austin Schell was ar- Another drug bust on nance,” Louie said. Stapleton Public Schools, was to Florida to see their Kanirie was advised of rested for burglary and Highway 92 took place The stint eventually they also cleaned at Hall son, Cori and two grand- the landlord-tenant law in possession of a firearm by Sunday, May 27. At ap- evolved into Spiffy Clean- School, the Logan County children, and their Nebraska and that he had a prohibited person (first proximately 1:00 p.m. ers and they later con- Courthouse, and Louie daughter, Roxanna. the right to enter the offense) and taken to the Deputy Wood stopped a tracted with the school for will continue to clean Louie hopes to be able to house. Kanirie was able to Lincoln County jail where Minnesota plated mini their services. Community First Bank in pick and choose jobs and find another way in. bond was set at 10% of van at mile marker 237 “There was always a lot Stapleton one day a week. do them at his own pace. Sheriff Carson received $50,000.00. for speeding and he noted to do and in the begin- Louie and Polly agreed He probably wouldn’t another call at 11:30 p.m. It was later learned the marijuana on the floor- ning there were two boil- they have enjoyed living have retired had it not from Kanirie and was told regulator had been taken board of the vehicle. ers, in addition to lawn in Stapleton and working been for a broken ankle an ammo box can with a 9 off the propane tank at Deputy Wood was as- care, watering, mowing, at the school. There have he sustained August 10, mm pistol had been the house located at 402 G sisted by the Nebraska trimming trees, moving been ups and downs, but 2020. stolen from the house. Street and 100 gallons of State Patrol and searched snow, electrical, plumb- they have gotten to know “I broke my ankle in Security cameras on the propane emptied from the vehicle where 5.92 ing, refinishing the gym- many students and have three places and it really roof of the Logan County the tank. The water had ounces of marijuana, nasium floors, and of now been able to see set me back and helped Courthouse were re- been shut off to the resi- methamphetamine, and course keeping the school three generations pass hurry my decision to re- viewed and camera num- dence and inside doors prescription medication clean. You name it and we through the halls of SHS. tire,” Louie said. ber eight, which has a had been barricaded. was found. tried to do it,” Louie said. Their daughter, Rox- Although the Siegels view of 402 G Street, Kanirie said his employ- Julia Franco, 22, of Min- In addition to refinish- anna (Siegel) Early is a didn’t want a lot of fan- showed a black Dodge ment with Schell had nesota was arrested and ing the school gym floors, 1992 SHS graduate and is fare after 32 years, they Dakota pickup pull up to been terminated Friday, taken to the Lincoln Louie also hired out and now a teacher in Florida. received recognition from the residence and back May 28, over an incident County jail where she was refinished the floors at Daughter, Lucinda the school and lots of well into the driveway at 4:45 when Schell would not held on 10% of $50,000 the Stapleton Community (Siegel) Easter is a 1987 wishes on their last day.
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