"For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-Jews or Greeks, slaves or free-and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, 'Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body, ' that would not make it any less a part of the body. .. .If the whole body were any eye, where would be the hearing?" (1 Corinthians 12.13-15,17). This man wants a word with yOU. TITLES FEATURING SOUTH AFRICAN CHURCH LEADERS 000 ....ds of Change 46 minutes, color VIdeocassette or 16mm film EcumeDlcaIIy produced In 1984 for NorIII Americall Cllrlstlans Why do black South African church leaders call apartheid a heresy, and what do they think of U.S. policies toward their white government? "Winds of Change" combines edited interviews and a printed guide in a three-session study program on apartheid and the churches. This is the most theo­ logically oriented of any media title available on south­ ern Africa and can be used by viewers who have no prior knowledge about the situation. Two of South Africa's best known black church leaders-Desmond Tutu, newly elected bishop of Jo­ hannesburg and winner of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, and Allan Boesak, campus minister at the University of the Western Cape and president of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches since 1982-describe the apartheid system in the light of Scripture and tackle many of the questions that North Americans find most difficult. The accompanying 50-page reflection/action guide outlines three discussion models to assist viewers in studying and responding to apartheid from a Christian perspective. The guide also includes a transcript, glos­ sary, bibliography and list of action resources as well account is striking for its lack of any bitterness toward as suggestions for discussion leaders who need not the police. His family's perspective is shared by Mrs. have any expertise on the subject. Regina Farisani, who recalls the ordeal of those waiting Parts 1 and 2 of the interviews, which are 23 at home month after month, wondering whether they minutes each, should be followed by discussions of ap­ would ever see their husband and father alive again. proximately 40 minutes. The third hour of study should be entirely devoted to discussion. lWO TITLES ON NAMIBIA 000 The DevIl'. Circle 28 minutes. color Videocassette Produced In 1983 for TV Channel 4, London What has a black pastor in South Africa learned about the cost and calling of discipleship? T. Simon Farisani, a dean of the Evangelical What exactly is going on inside Namibia, and Why Lutheran Church of South Africa, sued his government do church leaders there complain of such injustice? for damages he sustained while detained without charge ''The Devil's Circle" introduces the social and and tortured in police custody. Seeking to avoid unfa­ political situation inside a territory illegally occupied by vorable publicity, the government settled with him out South Africa's government of white supremacy. It was of court. secretly produced for a British television audience and Now one who considers just being alive "a mir­ can be used by viewers who know nothing about the acle of God's grace" tells his chilling story firsthand. The situation in Namibia. After an orientation from the nar- rator, various interviewees describe the poverty and ter­ ror which black Namibians face under white rule. A journalist, a doctor, social workers and a politician-all paint a dismal picture. Most disturbing are the accounts of torture which some pastors report that their parish­ ioners have experienced. ''The Devil's Circle" is depressing for its por­ trayal of blacks as victims ofa hopeless situation. Those who use this program should plan also to view "Nami­ bians in Exile." It illustrates a positive dimension of con­ structive hope which is so critical to Namibia's future. Namib....In ExIle: BuDding fOl'the Future 37 minutes. color Videocassette or 16mm film Produced In 1983 for the Holland Committee on Southern Africa What happens to thousands of Namibians who have fled the violent situation in their country? "Namibians in Exile" was filmed almost entirely inside refugee centers in neighboring Angola, including the Natalia Mavulu center for children. Many North Americans associate refugee camps with depressing and desperate circumstances. However, this film doc­ uments the constructive training offered by the South­ West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) in prepar­ ing Namibians for the day when they can return home to a free country. "Namibians in Exile" surveys how SWAPO responds in difficult circumstances to the hous­ ing, health, education, food and spiritual needs of its people. Viewers unfamiliar with the internal situation in Namibia, also called South-West Africa, will want to study some basic information before viewing "Namibi­ ans in Exile." "The Devil's Circle" is one of several pro­ grams which can provide an introductory orientation. Scene from "Namibians in Exile" AVAIIABIUTY OF THE 4 TUiLES LCA RESOURCE CENTERS For Rental of 16mm Films Caribbean Synod, Ms. Marysol Diaz, PO Box 14426, 415 Bellavista Only three of the four titles-"Winds of Change," "Namibians Street, Monteflores, San Juan PR 00916; 809/727-6015. in Exile" and "Torture ofa South African Pastor -areavailable Central Canada Synod, Ms. Marlene Schlippert, 2281 Portage Ave­ as 16mm rental films. Cost is $25, includinQ shipping. nue, Room 211, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3J OM1; 204/889­ To make a rental reservation, wnte or calf toll free: 3760. LWM Media, 10466 Plano Road, Dallas TX 75238; 800-527­ Central Pennsylvania Synod, Ms. Janet Fitch, 900 S Arlington Av­ enue, Room 208, Harrisburg PA 17109; 717/652-0580. 3211. In Texas call 214/340-2579. For Canadian rental infor­ Central States Synod, Ms. Janet Taylor, First Lutheran Church, 6400 mation, contact LWM at 360 Park Avenue South, NewYork NY State Line Road, Prairie Village KS 66208; 913/362-4150. 10010; 212/532-6350. Eastern Canada Synod, the Rev. Albert Lorch, 50 Queen Street N, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2H 6P4; 519/743-1461. For Free Loan of Videocassettes Florida Synod, Ms. Grace Little, 3838 W Cypress Street, Tampa FL All four titles are available on free loan on videocassettes­ 33607; 813/876-7660. Illinois Synod, Ms. Wynn Klein, Fortress Film Library, 36 S Wabash '/2-inch VHS color. Copies are available through a network of Avenue, 9th Floor, Chicago IL 60603; 312/263-6787. audiovisual resource centers of the American Lutheran Church, Indiana-KentuckySynod, Ms. Mary Ann Spengler, 5110 E 71 st Street, Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches and Lutheran Indianapolis IN 46220; 317/842-1717. Church in America served by Lutheran World Ministries. Check Iowa Synod, Ms. Susan Stroud, 3125 Cottage Grove Avenue, Des the following list to locate a center in your district or synod. Moines IA 50311; 515/279-9795. Maryland Synod, Ms. Ellen Spies, 7604 York Road, Baltimore MD ALC RESOURCE CENTERS 21204; 301/825-9520. Central District, Ms. Pearl Goldenstein, 4200 Vine Street, Lincoln NE Metropolitan New York Synod, Ms. Rosemarie O'Neill, 360 Park 68503-2898; 402/466-9753. Avenue South, New York NY; 212/532-6350. Eastern District, Ms. Sharon Koziak, 8301 Liberty Road, Baltimore Michigan Synod, Ms. Joyce Cain, 19711 Greenfield Road, Detroit MI MD 21207; 301/922-3137. Mr. Bob Wandersee, Camp Koinonia, High­ 48235; 313/273-3506. land Lake NY 12743; 914/557-8335. Minnesota Synod, the Rev. Paul Krupinski, 122 W Franklin Avenue, Illinois District, Ms. Ruth Larson, 1908 Weeg Way, Park Ridge IL Room 600, Minneapolis MN 55404; 612/870-3610. 60068; 312/823-7890. Nebraska Synod, Ms. Dorothy Hansen, 124 S 24th Street, Suite 204, Iowa District, Ms. Sonnee Steveson, 630 Highway 18 W, PO Box 45, Omaha NE 68102; 402/341-4155. Clear Lake IA 50428; 515/357-4451. Clay10n County Lutheran Area New England Synod, Ms. Edie Heilman, 71 Lancaster Street, Worces­ Ministry, Ms. Muriel Johannessen, PO Box 36, Saint Olaf IA 52072; ter MA 01608; 617/791-1530. 319/783-2409. New Jersey Synod, Mr. Barry Jones, 1930 State Highway 33, Trenton Michigan District, Ms. Judy Couzens, 21900 Greenfield Road, Detroit NJ 08690, 609/586-6800. MI 48237; 313/968-5450. North Carolina Synod, Ms. Betty Munday, PO Box 2049, Salisbury Minnesota-Northern District, the Rev. Milam Davig, PO Box 678, NC 28144; 704/633-4861 . Moorhead MN 56560; 218/233-5030 or 299-3019. Thief River Falls Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Ms. Darlene Koch, 4865 Ham­ Conference, Ms. May isaacson, 505 N Main, Thief River Falls MN ilton Boulevard, Wescosville PA 18106; 215/395-6891. 56701; 218/681-3048. Ohio Synod, Ms. Rita Osborne, PO Box 720, Wittenberg University, Minnesota-Southeastern District, Ms. Betty J. Fousek, 105 W Uni­ Springfield OH 45501; 513/327-7324. versity Avenue, Saint Paul MN 55103; 612/224-4313. Pacific Northwest Synod, Ms. Joleen Lokken, 5519 Phinney Avenue Minnesota-Southwestern District, Ms. Debbie Habbena, 414 SW North, Seattle WA 98103; 206/783-9292. Becker Avenue, PO Box 773, Willmar MN 56201; 612/235-5525. Pacific Southwest Synod, Ms. Claudia Shigemitsu, 1340 S Bonnie North Dakota-Eastern District, Ms. Solveig Bartz, PO Box 207,1325 Brae Street, Los Angeles CA 90006-5416; 213/387-8183. 11th Street S, Fargo ND 58107; 701/232-3381. Red River Valley Synod, Ms. Shirley Prescott, 1351 Page Drive, Suite North Dakota-Western District, Mr. Stan Knudson, PO Box 370, Bis­ 320, Fargo ND 58103; 701/237-6444. marck ND 58502; 701/223-5312. Rocky Mountain Synod, Ms. Jill Nelson, PO Box 6820,240 Josephine North Pacific District, Ms. Janet Harris, 766-B John Street, Seattle Street, Suite 202, Denver CO 80206; 303/322-7733.
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