Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1986-03-19 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1986). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2470. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2470 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. What Did' You Do ··.For-Spring Break? seepage3 Volume.71, Number 22 Xavier University, Cincinnati; Ohio Wednesday, March 19, 1986 $haring SuCcesses: Entrepreneurs Meet At Xavier 4f Workshops field At Xavier Over Break . ··. histOry. The 4 7 workshops included the presentations _by successful entre­ By Paul Blalr ptesentations by · successful entrepre­ preneurs and remarked about the high · •· What .is an .entrepreneur? ~~yonc - neurs, 'ski!Js development sessions and quality of the program. "There's a present on Xavier's campus on Marth .• panels of entrepreneurs from particular ·real difference between book learning 13 and 14 'Would have been able to . industries. Forums on topics of special and practical experience," he said. learn the answer to this quCstioii fust interest were also presented by experts Benjamin· Bernstein, .owner of sev­ hand. Nearly 300 entttpreneurs and on student, women, . family and mi­ eral Cincinnati restaurants including persons intettStcd in entttpn:neurship nority entrepreneurship, new business the Mike Fink and El Greco, reacted gathered at Xavier University :for. the. formation and corporate ;"intrapre­ favorably to the conference. ''I applaud first annual "Entn:preneurial Experi- neurship.". the opponunity. that allows people to ence~" .. · , ·.. - '· · An exhibitor's hall at the program rub off old-timers like me as well as The tw0-day cOnrcn:nce was ·de­ featured displays by 36 area businesses their contemporaries," . he s:tld. Bern­ signed· to provide stan-up infunnation; . and organizations· offering ·products stein mentioned that the opponunify tips fur tilming ideas into ~nue and . and services fur the entrepreneur. to profit from the experience of others . .presentations by succcsdUI entrepre- EUstis commented on the enthusi­ was not available when he was build- neulS::' · · · asm Of the participants. '/The bigge5t ing his business. U.S. ·Senator HOwanl Mctzenbaum complaint I'Vc hcanl from everybody i:ielive,red the kcy'nC>te ·a4c:ltm at the . is too much, too many workshops to Marty Poorman, financial marketing conference- ori Friday. night. Mctzen­ ·attend,'' said EUstis. 'Four or five work­ manager fur Ameristaff, panicipated baum1 ttvicwcd .. his can:cr as a small . shops were offcred during each time in the workshops and managed a dis­ l>usin~lllan and· rcaffinned hiS coni­ slot. ,, play booth. "I've heard nothing but mitmc;rit: _to goycnunent suppon<fur Everett -Gregoty, a Xavier graduate positive comments,'' she said~ "The. Xavier Breaks Entrepreneurial Gmund small.;busincss~ He urged the audience snident, was especially_ interested in only negative was the parking situa­ to bCCome involved in the political tion.'' Poorman was enthusiastic about New Center Begun In Business School proc~:n> matte :thc.'sys!Cm deli~i. · the. opl>ominity offered by the con- . m· Andrew EUstis Of Xavier's Cen­ fen:nce fur networking among the par~ other hand, is based on the belief that ter•' fufManagement arid·· ProfmiOria.I ticipanti·and exhibitors and the new By Paul Blair "you can and should provide educa- Development· chaired ... the steering contacts the confc.tcnce provided. "I am a lucky man. Not many tionally relcvant.ext>erienccs fur entre- 'cotnmittet'-"'fur·lhe'""'~nt~~-wrudrwas"'·: -,.-.. · ,. According · to ,Eustis, the · program · .people. get' td 'SpClld theidives doing · preneurs." · · · · · spon50red by. Xavier ·. Uru¥ersity; the · · · paid ~r · it5clf. and' gcnciatcd a small what they feel is .most .imponant.'' The Entrepreneurial. Center is Eus- Univef.Sity of Ciiicirinati, .the City. of amoilnt of profit fur the university. Xavier's new Entrepn:neuriaJ Center tis' brainchild. "A healthy entrepre­ Ciiicinnati; the U.S.· SJnall Business Current plans include making the. En- · is the object of Dr. Andn:w Eustis' neuriaJ community is absolutely critical Administration' and the Cincinnati trepreneurial Experience an annual enthusiasm. The ·center, created this to the }iealth of our community," Eus­ Chamber of CommeR:e. Accoiding to event, with the University of Cincin- past summer, offers entrepreneurial tis said. "Any growth in our economy EuStiS, _Xavier took the !cad in otgan­ nati acting as host in 1987. education suppon services to individ- is coming from new and small busi­ izing. the ewint ·•arid· took on a large · uals in the community who ·presently nesses.'' Eustis developed the idea of Three new centers offering entre­ own a business, to those contemplat- the center out of his conviction of the proponion of it5 risks arid n:wanls. ·· · · preneurial services played· an impor­ An entn:preneur, according to Eus­ ing starting a business or to ·people importance of the role of the enuc­ tant role in the event. These are. the involved in initiating "intrapreneu- preneur. tis, is: a pcrs0ri who takes initiative to Xavier Entrepreneurial Center, the En­ bring resources to bear on creating new rial" activities among corporations. The center was funned after con- terprise Center at the University of Eustis is the director of the center. sultationwith the dean of the College wealth. in innovative ways. This docs Cincinnati and a greatly expanded not necessarily require· that one own a Because the center is· located within of Business Adffiinistration and the Networking Center at the Cincinnati the university, the opponunities it of- department heads in the. college. bu5incss, he said. "The difference be­ Chamber of Commerce's Cincinnati tween an entrcpren~ur and a manager fers extend not·only to the community "This was something that everybody Insititute of Small Enterprise. · but also into the curriculum of un- agreed would make philosophical and lies in taking initiati~. arid being in- In recognition of the contributions novative," . · · · dergraduate and graduate programs. economic: sense," Eustis said. "I am made by entrepreneurs to the Greater ''For our ovln degree students we have expected at the end. of the year to The event was the first in the area Cincinnati community, Cincinnati succeeded in creating the kind of show that I have been a net generator aimed at education fur entrepreneurs Ohio senator Howard· Metzenbaum Mayor Charles Luken declared the course sequence needed fur those in- of revenue fur the university.'' Any and .was the largest gathering of the · spoke before .a group of entrapre­ . week of March 10-17 "Entrepreneurs terested in entrepreneurship," Eustis . programs run by the center must pay area's entrepreneurial community in neurs March 14. Week." .. said. for themselves; · ~:: For graduate students, a concentra- The. center shares space with the tion in entrepreneursh.ip has· been Center fur Management and Protes­ added to the· Master of Business sional Development (CMPD) on the Administration program. In addition, first floor of the College of Busine5s ·.. \\ffiOWilfBe Tbe,·LastJesuitl undergr:lduates may choose a degree Administration building. CMPD, in general . business suited fur those which Eustis also directs, was rounded ressor of finance and. management, interested· in entrepreneurship and in 1972. It offers a 'schedule ofpublic By Carolyn f)artrldge Marquette University; assistant to the pre-law. seminars, consulting and in-house .• Two more ofthe five finalists in the president, Loyola Marymount Univer­ - According to Eustis, the scrvice of- training services and rents· its. facility searth fur the noo ·president of Xavier sity, Los Angeles, Calif.; and head­ fered by the· center is unique in the to other organizations wishing to hold University will ~e interviewed this master, Campion Jesuit High School, area and has not Y.et. become common prog~ams. "Until they built this build­ week. · . Prairie du Chien, Wis. across the country. Other organizations ing; it [CMPD] was almost invisible. · The. Rev. Thomas E Gleeson, S.J., · The Rev. Daniel A. Degnan, SJ., have offi:red information or consulting . There was one classroom in the base­ will viSit the Xavier camp!JS Marth 17 and the Rev. William C; Mcinnes, services in the past, but not education. ment of Logan Hall where we held and 18 and on. March 20. and 21, the SJ., were interviewed at Xavier the This reflects a common belief that programs for the community. When Rev, Alben). DiUlio; S.J., will be in _ week of Marth 3, 1986. The fifth and entrepreneurship' cannot be taught, they built this building, the activity Cincinnati for interviews. ·final candidate will be announced Eustis said. Xavier's cen~er, on the of the center instantly tripled.'' Fr. Gleeson is rector of·~e Jesuit · prior •to his visit: in early April: ,._ ·PM Magazine · C:overs::Xa\lier the main bulletin board in the Alter . Hall lobby, for the name and office of '.The CreW of television's PM Mag- ·their advisor. Undeclared students azine· was on carripus last Monday,' should consult the Rev. D. Foley, S.J., Marth 17. The show, h0sted by
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