Kenilworth Church PC(USA) Faith, Love, Action February/March, 2017 Season of Lent Lenten 2017 A Special Lenten Encounters with Gift he season of Lent T begins next week Jesus ancy Dillingham with the observance of N has given a won- Ash Wednesday. During this derful gift to our time, many people give up some- congregation to help us thing to to remind them of suffer- in our Lenten devotions and disci- ing and being without. More re- plines. An accomplished and cently people have started taking thoughtful poet, she has written a on particular charitable tasks or poem based on the lectionary read- serving others. Whatever the tra- ing for each of the Sundays in dition, lent has been at the time of Lent, Palm/ Passion Sunday, self reflection and looking at our Maundy Thursday, and Easter. She place in the world and our rela- has also provided a prayer for each tionship to God. of these days. Her poems will be A key aspect of our relationship an important part of our worship to God is our prayer life. Scholars each week. who study worship remind us that oin us during Lent as we en- We are also compiling a devotion- there are two types of prayer that J counter Jesus on the way to al booklet with the poems and we engage in. The first is Jerusalem and at the empty tomb. prayers which will be available in kataphatic and the second is the narthex beginning March 1. apophatic. The two terms are Mar. 1 Ash Wednesday Greek. The first term is the prayer Mar. 5 Matt. 4: 1-11…in the We are blessed to have Nancy as that we would be most familiar wilderness part of our congregation and will with. Kataphatic prayer is a very be blessed again by her poetry active form of prayer. In this form Mar. 12 John 3: 1-17...with Nic- during Lent. -Edna of prayer, we come to God with odemus words, request, concepts and the Mar. 19 John 4: 5-24... with the like. Kataphatic prayer is talking woman at the well Ruling Elder to God and waiting for a response. Mar. 26 John 9: 1-41… with the Ordination Apophatic prayer, on the other man born blind hand, is listening for God and waiting for God to speak to us. Apr. 2 John 11: 1-45... with Lazurus During this season of Lent, as we take stock of who we are and ex- Apr. 9 Matt. 21: 1-11 …on amine our faith journey, let us Palm/ Passion Sunday Canta- make a space to listen for God ta and to hear what God is saying to Apr. 13 John 13: 1-17, 31b-35 us in our lives. Perhaps listening …in the Upper Room/ Maundy for God is a good first step in dis- Thursday cerning what we are called to do Apr. 16 Matt. 28: 1-10… at the and who we are called to be. empty tomb/ Easter Betsy Chater, Mary Virella-Minton and - Allen - Edna Mike Cox—February 5 Love God... And Love Your Neighbor Welcome New Members Mike and Marsha Cox ike & Marsha moved to M Asheville in September of 1973 with $300, an old Chevrolet and a new marriage. Mike began his career as an architect specializ- ing in school design. Marsha was a District Representative for the American Cancer Society for 17 western North Carolina counties. In 1981 Mike and partners opened Architectural Design Studio and Marsha began a 29-year career at Buncombe County Health and Human Services. Their plans to have their children move out of the house have been (pictured are Debra (right) and her successful with Jeremy and Erin Picture by Mike Cox daughter, Mary) pursuing careers in St. Louis and Durham. Jeremy works as an ana- ebra Morgan joined KPC (pictured are Madge (center), My- lyst for Boeing and Erin works as on January 29. She was chal Bacoate, grandson (left) and D a transplant coordinator with UNC born in Temple, Georgia and lived Marcia Bacoate, daughter( right) hospitals in Durham. there until she married Andrew adge Murray joined KPC Virella (now deceased) and moved Mike & Marsha joined Kenilworth M on February 19. She is a life to South Carolina. They lived long resident of Asheville. She Presbyterian Church on April 21, there for seventeen years and 2013. Mike serves on the Session graduated from Stephens Lee raised two children, Mary (that is High School and went on to earn a and chairs the Property & Finance our Mary Virella-Minton, a KPC Committee while Marsha assists degree in education from Winston- Ruling Elder) and Joseph. Salem State. with the Period Project. Debra got remarried in 2006 to She says that “many church de- George Morgan. They lost their Mike used to think he was a bass nominations surrounded our cam- home n a fire last year at Christ- fisherman. He now thinks he’s a pus but she was led to the Presby- mas. She is currently living with golfer, but after 44 years, he’s just terian denomination.” Mary and Jason until she and her an architect. Marsha is retired and is having more success playing Madge came back home to Ashe- husband can purchase a new home. Mah Jongg, caring for beagles Jon ville and taught for 34 for Ashe- Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and ville City Schools as an elemen- Welcome to Debra! making frequent visits to Durham tary school teacher. to play with granddaughter Natalie She and her husband [now de- (pictured with Erin holding). ceased} have two children--- Marsha Cox setting up our Marcia Murray Bacoate married to Valentine’s Celebration table. Their Matt Bacoate , and Mark Murray ca- who lives in Minneapolis with his reers wife Jill. She has grandchildren, and Mychal , Matthew. Maya .Mark hob- and Noelle. And, one great grand- bies child , Matt ! con- tinue Madge has visited KPC for some to time and says she is very happy to interfere with their travel interests, belong to Kenilworth Church. but in any given month you can Welcome to Madge! find them traveling the U.S. and abroad. If you need any infor- mation on Disneyworld or Las Vegas, just ask. Love God... And Love Your Neighbor Presented by the Kenilworth Church Choir Sunday, April 9th at 11am Kenilworth Church 123 Kenilworth rd • Asheville, nC 28803 The choir has started their special rehearsals for this year’s Easter Cantata . Join us at 10am in the choir room. All voices are wel- come. - Chuck Love God... And Love Your Neighbor Training at Selma Dental Health Center for Non- Month In February Violence ebruary F was Dental am headed Health Month. Ornamental I to Selma! Our own Kathe- rine Jowers, amid the stubble On February DDS, published an article 26 I will be Of a snow-whitened field “Babies Can Get Cavities, Too? packing up the car and heading to Yes, But It’s Avoidable” in the Alabama to begin my certification Mission Health Blog that should as a Level 1 Kingian Nonviolence The crows sit be read by all parents. To read trainer! I will be attending the the article, click on the picture or Black jewels Selma Center for Nonviolence and copy the link into your browser. will be learning from Dr. Bernard In winter’s eye http://blog.mission- Lafayette, a friend of Dr. Martin health.org/2017/02/13/49035/ Luther King Jr., and a leader of #.WKUSIBZjJv8.mailto the Voting Rights movement. This has been a dream of mine for sev- Thanks, Katherine, for sharing. Soup Donations to eral years and I am honored to be LFR there representing Kenilworth Church. Parkinson Patients When the training ends on Friday, Helped by KPC March 3, I will continue my stay in Selma to attend the Selma hank you to Kenilworth Bridge Crossing Jubilee and for T Church for allowing our additional racial justice work- group of Parkinson Disease (Click shops. As I walk across the Ed- to learn more—PD) patients to use mund Pettus bridge with thou- our wonderful facility to exercise/ sands of other people on Sunday, combat our condition. Usually March 5 you will be there with about 10-12 folks get together in me! I have printed out each of our Kenilworth Center each Tues- your names and will carry you in day at 1 p.m. to do exercises using my heart and in my pocket. routines called Parkinson Wellness Recovery! ( Click to learn more- I feel that having these skills in PWR!). house at Kenilworth will help us carry out our commitment to di- PD affects one’s ability to move, versity and inclusion even more. I but exercise can help to keep mus- cles strong and improve flexibility hank you for the soup dona- can't wait to share my experiences tions for Loving Food Re- with you when I get back. and mobility. Exercise will not T stop Parkinson's disease from pro- sources. Click to learn more For more info on Kingian nonvio- gressing; but it will improve bal- about LFR. lence and the Selma Center please ance and it can prevent joint stiff- ening. Editor’s Verse Pick of the We greatly appreciate the oppor- Month: “1 Corinthians 13:4- click on the logo or put this link tunity to support one another 7New International Version (NIV) into your internet browser: through exercise. www.selmacenterfornonviolence. - Cal 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It org. does not envy, it does not boast, it Editor Note: This is only one ex- For more info on the Selma is not proud.
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