A Vigilant Voice Facts—Opinions for D e m o c r a c y News—Editorials VOL IV; No. 44 FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1M2 TWO CENTS Kingston Fire Co. Ready PICTURE OF A BLACK CAT IN A BUCK-OUT Blackout Successful For Mortgage Burning In South Brunswick Kingston.—Meirbers and sup- of directing the interesting program The Blackout on Wednesday than inane compliance just fot porters of the Kingston Volunteei arranged is L. J. Luck, who will evening throughoul South Bruns- the sake of peace at any price. Fire Company will mark the or- be master of ceremonies. wick Township was a credit to the If any one missed or was over- ganization's liquidation of indebt- Mrs. Frank loveless will lead iii Defense Council and its partici- looked in the distribution of print- edness against its property with a the singing of the National Anthem pants in all branches connected ed directions which were delivered mortgage-burning ceremony and while Joseph Catelli Jr., president This it how your street looked from the air Wed nite. Due to prior- with it. One might say it was 90 by Boy Scouts about a month ago, accompanying program this Satur- of the Fire Company, will relate ities, we didn't have a plane. Because of our own conservation pro- per cent efficient and that for a they may be obtained at the Day- day evening, April 18. the organization's history. gram, we didn't use either film or metal needed in war {plants for giving tryout is about all one has a right ton School and E. C, Pierson's you this picture. But it tells the story and we wager you can find to expect. store. There may be several rea- Firemen's Hall is expected to After the formal program has your house in the left-hand comer if yon look sharp. be filled to capacity on the occa- been completed, professional en- sons for anyone being missed. The There was one light burning in March wind might have whirled it sion, during which Walter H. tertainment will be provided, fol- house in Monmouth Junction but Mathews, former president with the away when left at your home in lowed by dancing. this in all probability was not in- longest record of service behind Committees which will con- Sugar Rationing Registration Plans your absence. him, will perform the ceremony tcntial. Another instance was that duct various functions at the e- of a farmer running a tractor who Movie, April 28 symbolizing the burning of the re- vent include: Sugar rationing registration will gin with S to Z — Register on There will be a moving picture, cently paid mortgage. had not heard of the Blackout. Reception — Paul Hotalen and be carried out on two series of fourth da/. Another family, living near entitled "The Warning," in the In addition to the speakers an- Mrs. James McDonald. Hours Fixed Dayton, which takes a Philadelphia Dayton School Auditorium on the nounced last week — Judge Klem- Refreshment — Mrs. Clarke Tul- dates. Hours '{or registration 'will be paper, but no local paper, had not evening of Tuesday, April 28th. mer Kalteissen, Father Hamilton ler, chairman; Mrs. Herman Krieg, First, on Tuesday and Wednes- There will be no speakei a» and Dr. E. W. Smillie — two more vice chairman; Mrs. Walter Mat- day, April 28 and 29, registration from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m, heard of th« Blackout, Also a per- On registration days, school pu- son living in the Sand Hills had people who are in Defens* are distinguished guests will speak. hews, Mrs. Frederick Bubeck. Mrs. of commercial users and dealers pretty well posted. Accepting invitations this week to Nelson Anderson, Mrs. James O'- mil take place in high schools. pils will be dismissed for the day not heard of it, but when told, be present were William Flemer, Donnell, Miss Viola Okeson, Da- South Brunswick business users of at 12:30. complied promptly. First Aid first president of the Fire Company vid Taglioli, John Green and Char- sugar may visit Jamesburg, Prince- There may have been other iso- Don't think for a moment that and Freeholder Bertrand L. Gulick les Shangle. ton, New Brunswick or any high LOCAL HEALTH HEADS lated instances where people living all persons taking First Aid can of Mercer County, son of the late Servers — Miss Jessie Anderson, school convenient to them. in remote places far from alarms rest on their laurels, because con- Bertrand L. Gulick, who was for Mrs. Chester Potts Jr., Miss Doro- Then on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- FAVOR IMMUNIZATION and do not take a paper, old people stant practice is required to keep many years president of ththee a Pott and Mrs. Rudolph Rey. nesday and Thursday, May 4, 5, 6 living alone, etc., which might hap- fit. Immunization of every infant over pen in any Blackout, trial or real. Kingston Town Improvement As- Ushers — Vincent Petrillo, chair- and 7, registration of consumers Cooperation Required sociation. The Improvement As- will be conducted. Elementary nine months, and pre-school child When one considers South man; Herman Krieg, Frederick 1 Those who have not taken any in this township against smallpox Brunswick ! far flung Territory, sociation fostered the Five Com- Catelli and Theodore Catelli. schools will be used. South Bruns- interest in Defense matters so far pany. wick home consumers of sugar may and diphtheria is the objective of this was no mean achievement. might gather up Scrap, save and Music will be furnished by register at the Township elementary Child Health Day, May I, Mrs. Democratic Process Luck Muter of Ceremonies George Jusko's orchestra of Tren- prepare tin cans. Even though it school closest to them, or any out- Rosamond] Collins, South Bruns- There has been considerable ar- Charged with the responsibility ton. does take time, it is mighty im- side elementary school if more con- wick school nurse, has announced. gument and some misunderstanding portant work and those who are in- venient. The last week in April has been about certain matters in the Defense different will, in all probability, DRIVE FOR BLIND CHAIRMAN SMITH TO BE To Stagger Registration designated as Child Health Week Council, but that is the way things find themselves forced to do things to bring the campaign to a climax. are worked out in Democracies. when the new Defense set-up is New Brunswick — Residents of In order to avoid top-heavy re- Cooperating with South Bruns- Constructive criticism should be ac- 'MARRYIN' PARSON'? gistration on any particular day, completed at Trenton. Middlesex County will this year a- wick health officers are the State cepted in all such bodies rather Chairman Public Relations. gain be asked to "Have a Heart a modified plan of assigning cer- 'Health Department, the State Med- Can't you just hear Chairman and see to it That Others See" by tain persons whose names begin ical Society, the State Health. Of- with particular letters of the al- ACCIDENTS, ILLNESS 0. H. Smith saying, "I now pro- contributing to the fifth annual ficers' Association, and the New UTILITY BOARD STUDIES phabet has been provided. nounce you man and wife"? drive for funds of the Middlesex Jersey Congress of Parents and Marriage ceremonies solemnized County Association of the Blind. 1. Persons whose names begin Marie Thainey nad the misfor- leathers. tune to fall while performing an BUS PROBLEM ,by Township Committee chairmen The drive will culminate on Sat- with A to D — Register on first acrobatic dance and fractured her would be validated by a bill before urday, April 25, when blind mem- day. plan of campaign is to urge wrist. Her brother, Alfred fell South Brunswick residents the New Jersey Legislature. The bers of the association, assisted by 2. Persons whose names begin to have their children im- from his bicycle while delivering fcill is one of 500 placed bwre the Boy Scouts, conduct their annual with E to L — Register on second r private jpliysi- who seek a Route 26 bus line have newspapers and injured his wrist. Legislature^ date. i icg day. (•»" dayv . J ble to Qay.jf*r tri*. had -,'ieir problem recognized, in Each yeaf many curious bills also 3. Persons whose ire ui-gea to con- Mary Nobile is still confined to principle if not specifically, by ore introduced among the great gin with M to R •— Register on I'jt *l mraltn" ofticers. her home with scarlet fever, as the Ne» Jersey Public Utility Com- CHURCH CONGREGATION is Margaret Eichert. aymond Wolfe mass of legislation prepared by third day. \ \ Death Rate Drops mission. senators and assemblymen to feed has chicken jox and Robert Fen- HOLDS ELECTION 4. Persons whose names be- Tentative figures for New Jer- The Commission, in a survey re- the lawmaking mill. Although chel has just recovered from meas- sey' for 1941 show 297 cases and port, has recommended mobiliza- the legislators promised to curtail les. • eight deaths from diptheria. The tion of school and special buses introduction of bills earlier this year At a special congregational SUPPER AT DAYTON death rate from diptheria for 1888 for assignment to regular bus routes £ecause of the war there has been meeting held in the Miller Memor- NEXT THURSDAY was 148 per 100,000 population. to provide adequate service for de- jio noticeable let-up in the number ial Presbyterian Church immediate- P.T.A. SETS APRIL 28 ly following the service Sunday During the decade beginning with fense plant workers. of bills of the crackpot variety in Dayton.—The Ladies' Aid So- 1900 the rate declined from 48 to the Legislature.
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