VOLUME VII—NO. 36. OCEAN GROVE TIMES—SATURDAY, SE P ! EMBER 9, 1899. Subscription $1.00 per year. ST. PAUL’S SILVER JUBILEE TEM PLARS FIELD DA’S AUDITORIUM CHOIR BANQUET SPLENDID MOVING PICTURES PERSONAL AN3> PERTINENT PROF. MORGAN AT PITTSBURG Everything lu Readiness lor an Elaborate Ocean Grove Treated to a Sight-of the Covers Laid for Five Hundred Persons In Entertainmen? to be Repeated With Pleasant Penclllngs About lbs People, Chris Magee Holds Out Inducements to Celebration of the 2Sth Anniversary. Knights on Parade.' • Hie rating People’s Temple.- Change ol programme. Place and properly.; Have Him locate There. at. Paul’s Silver Jubilee promises to Monday was, Knights Templa; .Field A n indispensable supplement to the >‘,'he mo vlng; pictures exhibited by Sun baths are popular. Prof. Morgan mado a flying trip to bo a big event The celebration ol it D a y : ip A sbury P aJk , T he g ran d offi­ summer's work of- the Auditorium the American Biograph Company ) at The organ fund Is booming. Pittsburg, leaving here Saturday •will engage tbe atten tio n ol local cers of tho State were; present, and Choir la the annual banQuet, undoubt­ the Auditorium on. Thursday evening, morning last aati returning Monday Township, schools open next Thurs­ 'Methodists all.ot next week. In addi­ five hundred uniformed Sit-Knights, edly one of the most pleasant and sat-, th- auspices of the Ocean Grove day.. morrJng Mr, Morgan Is under en­ tion to tha two sermons on Sunday, representing .Jersey City, Hoboken, .lsfactpry gatherings of all the year,. f Board of Trade, were the finest ever gagem ent to conduct the- muelc in the there will be a special sermon every Kewark, Elizabeth,! Plainfield, yi’ren- This choir banQuet, with; all ita at­ seen in this locality. The pictures There were six straw rides on Mon­ Second Presbyterian Churr-h in that evening during the week, except ton, -WashlnEtsB, Paterson, Borden- tendant good feilowahljs and cheer, ware all clear and distinct, and the day evening.. city. Rev. 8. Edward Young, formerly, T hursday, w hen tfaete -will be a m usi­ town and Asbury Park, were in the was served la the.-Young People's Tem­ largo audience .thoroughly enjoyed The banks and postofflce were closed of Asbury Park, 1b pastor of ihe cal entertainment, under the direction parade, which took-place la the liter- ple on Friday evenln;,' of last week. them. The view, of jibe Atlantic City Monday—Labor Day. church. of Mies 0. Blanche Bennett, who also noon. The fenlghts marched through' Guests to the number of flve hundred •fire department showing tho engines Miss Anna Beegle is. visiting friends While in Pittsburg Mr. Morgan waa •will h a i'e charge of th e m usic of the the streets at Asbury Park and. Ocean or more were present, going to a fire, 'was truly, a marvelous in New. York for a week . w aited i : on by a representative of entire celebration. Then -on Sunday- Grove, and presented a fine appear­ Tho Temple wsa tastefully.decorat- ■dace of w ork. In th is p ictu re one of Chris Magee—tho gentleman who prac­ ance. ;- .' ■ ed with flsgsi, bunting, Japanese lan­ the teams besome,; unmanageable and Amateur photographers are still tak­ tically owns the Smoky City—for the of-next week there'.will bo two inore ing snapshots of the Auditorium. sermons. All these sermons will be. After the'parade the commanderles terns, palms and flowers. Regarding riiAp, away; the. biograph instrument purpose of Inducing, If possible, the .preached by ministers who have Occu­ formed In front of the Ocean Hotel, In the menu, it is enough to say. that. It la standing tight in its path, and into ..; Bishop FitzGerald has taken his de­ versatile Morgan to locate permanent­ pied St. Paul's pulpit in -the past. W ith Aaburk Park, where. they were in­ was . gotten up and served by Day, a thh the horses dash full tilt; the In- parture for St, Louis, hit?, episcopal ly iu that place; or, if not perma­ the return temporarily of all of St, spected,by,Right BmSsis'nt Grand Com- name that always guarantees . excel­ stijim en t Is wrecked but fortunately residence. nently, then during the summer Paul's former pastors the celebration mander Peter McGill, of Lambertvllld, lence. That the wishes of soma of our. the film is'preserved intact, and this Apparently; there was no diminution months. 3trong inducements were' will also partake of the nature of a and. reviewed by the . State officers. readers, who desirg to know what there results; in one of the - most realistic In-tho boardwalk erow'ds oa 3unflay held nut. Mr. Morgan declined alt of­ reunion. Among the prominent visitors In line was to sat, may be gratified, we w ill pictures ev er taken. The- w hole'scene evening last. fers lo o tin g to his rem oval froim Ocean Tomorrow (Sunday)- morning • the were Right Eminent Grand Command­ say that there was put upon the tables, Is sreproduced as It . actually occurred, Miss Laura Matthews, of this ,ilace, Grove. He will give them a day or sermon will be by Rev. D B. Harris, er George Nicholson, of New .York; In Quantities to satisfy everybody'to and the spectators are held in b reath - Is visiting friends in Philadelphia and two e.r-h week—no mor*i. Next May of Bridgeton. He will preach upon Right, Eminent Grand Junior Warden the full, creamed oysters, chicken and lee# suspense to the end. - Camden for two weeks. ,' ho wlil organize a big festival cborua William J. Maxwell, of .New York; lobster salads, sandwiches, assorted This exhibition of moving pictures there. -"Christ revealed by the Holy Ghost,”; The members of 'the West Grove M: from John xvi, 13-16. In the evening Past Grand Commander Wilson G. cakes, ice cream, coffee, nuts and con- wa| one of the most taking enter­ On "unday evening service was held Fox, of New York, and Grand Sword fectSoas. ' tainments of the season. It was with E. Sunday School will picnic >i* Shark - Rev. W. S. Barnhart, ot South Amboy, river, next Wednesday. by Hev. Young in Sohenley Park at­ Will preach from 1 Kings 5:13, his Bearer John Little, of Nes Yorlt, Bishop FitzGerald presided, and led a s|gh of regret, that the'.audience wit­ tended by 6,000 people. The Dispatch, topic being "Do Som? Great Thing." There were about five hundred uni­ oil' the «peechmaking with several nessed the end. .... Pier fishermen have' met with fair referring to tho, singing, sayy The sam oa on Monday evening will formed Knights inline of parade. As vory excellent .stories. He w as' fol­ In response to universal reQuest the luck during the week. Ths principal “The Binging, on the contrary, seem­ be by Rev. Levi Larew, of Oceanport, they marched through Ocean , Grove, lowed hi-- Colonel James Matiack Sco- B op (I of Trade baa, decide,* to repeat catch has bees Sounders, ed to be wafted by the breeze Into tho the topic of which has not been an- by way of the boardwalk and up Main. vel, who paid a glowing tribute to the the exhibition, with an entire change, ■Mr. George p. Heale, clerk at he distant corners of the park, and tho oounced. ■ . avenue, they were loudly cheered. moral Infiuence of womanhood. What of "^program this ' (Saturday) evening. Alaska House, - has Been :, vlsitlne vocal sola of Mrs. J. Sharp McDonald On Tuesday evening Rev, William Corson Commandery ". was especially i.iie Colonel p articu larly likes about The admission will be but sen cents; friends at New Haven, Conn.. rcached many of those who were near T, A bbott, of O cean Grove, -will - oc­ remembered. The line wae made up Ocean Grove, Is that here mac and wo* -with e-faw reserved seats 3t twenty- Mrs. L. B. Chapin, contralto soloist, th e conservatory. A cboruo of 160 cupy the pulpit, and preach, upon the as follows: man stand on an eQuality. No place flvif cents. Tickets may be proeurefl has been filling professional engage­ voices, under the able direction of subject of “Practical Goodness,” from Hugh de Payens of Jersey City, 21 delighted him so much as the Audi-; at |he Auditorium cfP.c today ments fit Philadelphia and Bristol this Prof. Tall Esen Morgan, stirred swnv, Jam es 4; 17. swords, Eminent Conjmande; George torlum. He likened Prof,' Morgan’ to week. already affected by the strong; words tho Italians; who "stormed the aides Presiding Elder Roe,; of Asbury V Lafarge. ' ' Another Lively Runaway. Some noticeable improvement:? have or the preacher, * anti tbe only thing Park, will be the preacher on Wednes- Damascus of. Newark, 80 sworda. with their music.".. that kept the people from joining Dr. J. B. Price thoroughly £-idorsed It. is an exceptional week that Ocean been made at the'cottage of Mrs. E, E. ■ day ovening. Eminent. Commander Samuel Smith. Grove does not have one-or more rat; Boyd at the corner-of Central and Em­ unanimously In the choruses was the Rey. Milton Relyea, of Clayton, will Do Molay ot Washington, N, J., 10 Mr. Scovel’g remarks, He told one or; bury avenues. strangeness of the situation outdoors.” two witty stories. He -was afraid that awiiys. The- latest runawa’i occurred preach on Friday evening. The topic, swords, Generalissimo Willard Alilger. on jMonday. A horse attached to. one The Times says: of his discourse will be 'Uncharitable St.
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