INTERNATIONAL J REGISTER "'? ~ OF 0- z )> HEATHER j" :x, NAMES m G) -u, -tm ;tJ 0 Edited for -n The tieather Society mJ: )> by ~ :![ E. C. Nelson & D. J. Small m :tJ -~ \F <." .. Vo!ume 1 r 1 t I (/- H;1.-dyCultivars & · European Species < 0-. ~ 'tJ Q) ~ Part 1: · A-C ..... )> I (') I Volume 1 Hard Cultivars & European Species Part 1: A-C 1 Preamble In 1970 , The Heather Society (founded in 1963) was charged by the International Commission for the Nomenclatureof CultivatedPlants to undertakethe role of InternationalRegistration Authority for a denormnallon class comprising five generawithin Ericaceae, namelyAndromeda , Bruckenthalia, Calluna,Daboecia andEnca These plants are generally called "heathers· or "heaths" in English-speakingregions . The role of an International Registration Authority is defined by the International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants (ICNCP), the current edition being that published in 1995. This checklist of cultivar names within the denominationclass has beencompiled from a numberof sources It has its origins in the work of D. C. McClintock (Registrar1970-1994) whose card files were compiledover many decades and provided an invaluable source of information. The Heather Societyalso acknowledgesthe significant contributions of the following dedicated people; T A. Julian (Vice-president}, the late A. W. Jones (Registrar, 1994--1998), Mrs J. Julian (Registrar 1999-) and R. J. Cleevely (Honorary Secretary). Many other members of The Heather Society,as well as other botanists,horticulturists and individualswith interes1s in, and knowledgeof, these plants, have also contributed. The HeatherSociety also acknowledgesthe substantial assistance given by its affiliated societies and their members, particularlyH . Blum and J. Flecken(Netherlands ), J. Schroder and K. Kramer (Germany}, Mrs B. Johansson (Sweden)and the late A. Dome (U.S.A.). This checklist is derived directly from a computerised database that was devised and is managed by D. J. Small. The entries in the databasewere checkedand edrtedby Dr. E. C. Nelson. MrsA . Small(Administrator ofThe Heather Society), R. J. Cleevely and Mrs Maynard (Secretary to Mr McClintock) provided1nvaluabte assistance at all stages of the editing and productionof this checklist. The research work for this checklist and its compilationwas funded, 1npart , by a generousgrant from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust. Scope of Volume 1 of the International checklist of heather names . Andromeda Volume 1 contains all cultivar names and all botanicalnames that havebeen traced within the genera . , :;i~:;:~i::f:::~yo~t,~ia~~~i~n;~!:~~E~:~:~ :~: ~f:~~~ ~I~ t1~;:t:~:l~~;1~:iiiE~!:? the Canary Islands) and for their hybbriddta';:' f;~i;::~:: in Africa, including the The names of cult1vars and hy n s env~ t~~ ~~~I~~~:~;~~~~:::. so-called Cape heaths, are not included in this volume. These will be listed m vo1 ume 2 . Arrangement . mes are listed in strict alphabeticsequence . When the As this checklist compnses a single integrated hst, nail known uses of the name are listed, their order being same name was used on more than one occasion, a nd then the species to which they belong. When © The Heather Society 2000 determined by the alphabetic sequence of, fi~~ !~~:~~: ~en~mination class, their order is determinedby the the same name has been used at different ran then, the species to which they belong, and, the_reafter, of the © Photographs: Th e H eather Society Slid e Library alphabetic sequence of, first, the ge_nus and, . ies· subforma· subspecies; subvanety;vanety . names of the ranks, as follows - cult1var; forma, s~uterised database, and thus some names composedof This checklist has been generated from a cod p to the inclusion within the epithet of punctuationmarks more than one word may appear out of sequence ue . (e . full stops, colons) and of spaces. tanical epithets from five genera, no _separategenenc Alt~ough this checklist contains cult1v: ;~':~~~~~a singledenomination class within which the duplication All Rights Reserved th listing is attempted_because l e;~~i~~:n (/CNCP 1995, Art. 6). of cultivar names IS express y o No part of thi s publi cation may be reprodu ced, stored in a retri eval system or transmitt ed in . ·ally in the nineteentha nd any for m, or by any means, electr onic , magnetic tap e, photo copying, recording or oth erwis e, Botanical names . klist because, in many instances, espect. nd nameda t some wi thout permi ssion in w riting fr om Th e H eath er Society , All Saints Road, Cre eling St. Mar y , 1pswic h, 1P6 SPJ, England :i;~n:~~~\~~~n:~~~;~~n~~!tt~~::;: :a~::c~:::)d_air:~a;v::.~~;1P:.::~ ~ = = infra-specific rank - gene~~i~!~~ames have their origins as Latin, botam~~:~ea~ not governedor regulated of rank. Thus, numero~:p:ies and their hybrids, subspecies, van~tie:e"n:tthe re~ponsibility of the lntelnaotOCV: Fir st editi on publi shed in 2000 by Th e H eath er Society including the names o I lure tor cultivated plants , an_ a . rd with the current edibon by the International code of nomenc a in Latin form, must be publishedin acco R istration Authonty. These names, (/CBN) . · th checklist,s cooect ISBN 0-9500412-9-7 ln~imational code of botanical nom;;~:~.:ure thai°any botanical synonymyng~';;:; ;m ;;:.,,, tasks in',/ONl!d., Every effort has been ma la e numberof botanicalnames _.a 'thin Andromeda.up-to-dale under the tea: How~:e~Ji~:u:~t~~:~ed: that in som~ :u"t:~ti:!':~~~:'names may notbe COffl!d.or checking eac ~-ne, We also recognise that the sources :C,tions amendmentsand add 1bOOS synonymy is lac ing. Th Heather Society welcomes co , may not be complete. e 2 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES ies Part 1: A-C 3 Cultivar names 12 - Erica camea 12 Cultivar names printed in bold accord with the International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants (1995) N preliminarydesignation : correct name Erica camea 'Rosalie' and thus are accepted. • CloneERi 4; submittedfor plantbreeders · rightsin Germanyby KurtKramer (Edewecht so_. .. _ .. r-~ -• Cultivar names not printed in bold either are of uncertain status or do not comply with the articles of the on 26 June 1990. - """'' · - ..-, ,, International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants (1995) and thus are rejected. The reasons for rejecting m Blatt far Sortenwesen 23 heft 8: 227 (Aug. 1990); _ 24 heft 9: 306 (Sep. 1991). these names is stated (see below}. When an accepted synonym is available for a rejected name, the synonym that should be used will be given in bold. 205 - Erica camea 205 N preliminarydesignation : correct name Erica camea 'Rosantha' The following name, for example, is accepted. • Clone ERi 8; submittedfor plantbreeders ' rightsin Germanyby KurtKramer (Edewecht-Suddorf Germany) on 23 March 1992. ' Balkan Rose - Erica spiculifotia 'Balkan Rose ' ID Blatt fOr Sortenwesen 25 heft 5: 204 (May 1992); _ 25 heft 8: 310 (Aug. 1992). * 'Bloemen roserood in dichte, onbebladerde trosjes ... Afwijkend van de soort door rodere blowmkleur.' Heliotrope flowers, June-July, with dark grey green foliage. 15cm tall, 30cm spread. 226 - Erica camea 226 • Introduced in 1983 as Bruckenthalia spiculifolia 'Balkan Rose'. N preliminarydesignation : correct name Erica camea 'Winterfreude' m Ericultura 52 [incorrectly numbered 51]: 14 (December 1983); DerHeidegarten 23: 32 (1988); _ 41: 16 • Clone ERi 7; submittedfor plantbreeders ' rightsin Germanyby Kurt Kramer(Edewecht-Suddo!f , Germany) (1997) [as 'Balkanrose'J; D. Small & A. Small, Handy guide to heathers : 144 (1998; 2nd edition). on 23 March 1992. (D Basionym: Bruckenthalia spiculifolia 'Balkan Rose'. Alluding to the flower colour and the common name ID Blatt tar Sortenwesen 25 heft 5: 204 (May 1992); _ 26 heft 3: 115 (Mar. 1993). of Bruckenthalia (Balkan heath). When Bruckenthalia was subsumed into Erica , the cultivar name was automatically transferred. 264 - Erica camea 264 N preliminary designation: correct name Erica camea 'Rotes Juwel' The following name, for example, is rejected, and its accepted synonym is provided. • Clone ERi 3; submittedfor plant breeders' rightsin Germanyby KurtKramer (Edewecht-Suddorf , Germany} on 12 February 1990. Ada s. Collins - Erica carnea 'Ada S. Collins' ID Blatt tar Sortenwesen 23 heft 3: 60 (March 1990); _ 24 heft 9: 306 (Sep. 1991). N typographic error and mistaken identification: correct name Erica x darleyensis 'Ada S. Collings' 271 - Erica camea 271 ID B. Proudley& V. Proudley, Heathers in colour. 131 (1974); H. van de Laar, Naamlijst van houtige gewassen : N preliminary designation: correct name Erica camea 'Nathalie' 78 (1985); Yearbook of The Heather Society 3 (7): 72 (1989). • Clone ERi 5; submittedfor plantbreeders ' rightsin Germanyby KurtKramer (Edewecht-Suddorf , Germany) on 31 December 1990. ID Blatt tor Sortenwesen 24 heft 2: 68 (Feb. 1991); _ 25 heft 8: 310 (Aug. 1992). Abbreviations , Symbols and Annotations 283 - Erica camea 283 Personal names N preliminary designation: correct name Erica camea 'Wintersonne' _ AWJ A. W. Jones HJMB H. Blum • Clone ERi 6; submittedfor plantbreeders ' rightsin Germanyby Kurt Kramer(Edewecht-Suddorf, Germany } DJS David Small RJC R. Cleevely on 31 December 1990. ECN Dr Charles Nelson TAJ T. A. Julian m Blatt tar Sortenwesen 24 heft 2: 68 (Feb. 1991); _ 24 heft 9: 306 (Sep. 1991). Abbreviations for colours in descriptions A. c. Johnson - Erica x darleyensis 'A. C. Johnson' , H Heather Society colour chart RHS CC Royal Horticultural Society colour chart N typographic error: correct name Erica x darleyensls 'Arthur Johnson m Bulletin de la Societe des amateurs des Jardms alpms 63. 368 (1967). Other abbreviations ICBN International code of botani cal nomenclature A E Mitchell - Erica cinerea 'A. E. Mitchell' ICNCP Internat ional code of nomenclature for cultivated plants . Erl . 'Mrs E A. Mitchell' ~ =:~h~~=~~;(~rr~o':~~ 985~aDci;~: & A. sm'all, Handy guide toheathers: 69 (1992: 1st edn). The symbols preceding the sections of each entry are as follows: A E Pearson - Erica cinerea 'A. E. Pearson' N reason for rejection: correct name (in bold) .
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