The quarterly journal of Oregon field ornithology Volume 21, Number 4, Winter 1995 The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee, 1994-1995 103 Harry Nehls A message from your president 105 Mike Patterson Nineteenth Upper Nestucca Christmas Bird Count... 106 Larry R. Scofield Oregon's CBC Record High Counts 108 Alan Contreras Eastern Oregon's Heermann's Gull Records 112 Mike Denny Update on the Breeding Bird Atlas project 113 Bird Distributions from Oregon Breeding Bird Survey Routes 114 Paul R. Adamus Crossword for OB 21(4) 116 North American Migration Count: Clackamas County Observations 117 Darlene Philpott National Fish & Wildlife Funding Initiative Launched In Oregon 117 Claire Puchy NEWS AND NOTES OB 21(4) 118 Where Did the Birds Go Last Winter? 120 Project FeederWatch FIELDNOTES, Spring 1995 122 Eastern Oregon, Spring 1995 123 Paul T. Sullivan Have you seen a radio-tagged Mallard hen? 126 It was aGyr 126 Western Oregon, Spring 1995 129 Gerard Lillie COVER PHOTO Northern Saw-Whet Owl, 26May 1995, Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co. Photo/Tim Janzen. CENTER 1995 Oregon listing report form • Oregon's Christmas Bird Counts • OFO membership form • OFO Bookcase • Complete checklist of Oregon birds • Oregon Rare Bird Phone Network • Oregon Birds is looking for material in these categories: Oregon Birds News Briefs on things of temporal importance, such as meetings, birding trips, The quarterly journal of Oregonfield ornithology announcements, news items, etc. Articles are longer contributions dealing OREGON BIRDS is a quarterly publication of Oregon Field with identification, distribution, ecology, Ornithologists, an Oregon not-for-profit corporation. Membership in management, conservation, taxonomy, Oregon Field Ornithologists includes a subscription to Oregon Birds. behavior, biology, and historical aspects of ISSN 0890-2313 ornithology and birding in Oregon. Articles cite references (if any) at the end of the text. Editor Owen Schmidt Names and addresses of authors typically Assistant Editor Sharon K. Blair appear at the beginning of the text. Associate Editor Jim Johnson Short Notes are shorter communications dealing with the same subjects as articles. Short Notes typically cite no references, or at OREGON FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS most a few in parentheses in the text. Names President Mike Patterson, Astoria (1995-96) ; /.iiirsso : authors appear at the end of Secretary David R. Copeland, Keizer (1995-96) the text Treasurer Barbara Combs, Eugene (1995-96) "where to find a Past President George A. Jobanek, Eugene Bird Finding Guides Directors Ted Ernst, Corvallis (1995-97) in Oregon" (for some of the rarer Cindy Lawes, Beaverton (1994-96) birds) and "where to find birds in the Paul T. Sullivan, Beaverton (1994-96) area" (for some of the better spots). Sandy Thiele, Corvallis (1995-97) Reviews for published material on Oregon birds or of interest to Oregon birders. Photographs of birds, especially photos OREGON BIRD RECORDS COMMITTEE taken recently in Oregon. Color slide Secretary Harry Nehls, Portland (1994) duplicates are preferred. Please label all photos with photographer's name and Members Tom Crabtree, Bend (1995-97) address, bird identification, date and place the Colin Dillingham, Brookings (1995-97) photo was taken. Photos will be returned;, Jeff Gilligan, Portland (1993-95) contact the Editor for more information. Jim Johnson, Portland (1993-95) Nick Lethaby, Santa Clara, CA (1994-96) Deadline for the next issue of Oregon Birds — Larry McQueen, Eugene (1994-96) OB 22(1), Spring 1996 — is 20 January 1996. Craig Roberts, Tillamook (1993-95) The next issue should get to you by the first week Skip Russell, Beaverton (1995-97 of March 1996. Material can be submitted any Owen Schmidt, Portland (1994-96) time, and the sooner the better. Please send materials directly to the Editor, 3007 N.E. 32nd Alternates Richard Hoyer, Corvallis (1995) Avenue. Portland. OR 97212, 503-282-9403. Kamal Islam, Corvallis (1995) Gerard Lillie, Portland (1995) Oregon Birds Board of Editors: Ron Maertz, Glide (1995) David A. Anderson. Range D. Bayer, Charlie Kevin Spencer, Tulelake CA (1995) Bnice. Tom Crabtree, Stephen Dowlan, Jeff Gilligan. Steven G. Herman, Mike Houck, George A. Jobanek, Jim Johnson, CD. Littlefield, Roy Lowe, David B. Marshall, Harry Oregon Birds B. Nehls, Mark Stern, Paul Sullivan, Clarice Watson. OREGON BIRD RECORDS COMMITTEE © 1995 OREGON FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS P.O. Box 10373 Eugene, OR 97440 Printed on Recycled Paper. Oregon Birds 21(4): 102 The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee, 1994-1995 Harry Nehls, Secretary, Oregon Bird Records Committee, 27$6 S.E. 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 From October 1994 to October 1995 the Oregon Bird Records Committee vember 1993 (photos (OBRC) completed the records reported below. The first group of records by CD). are those for which a written report and/or photographs or specimens sup• ported the stated identification and are accepted records.If photo(s) or speci• Brown Thrasher men is indicated for a record it was accepted as verified. Other records were 705-93-17 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 accepted as sight records. bird on 13 June 1993 Of the 32 records reviewed by the Committee and the 6 records brought (MMa, DeM). up for reconsideration during this period, 21 were accepted and 17 were not accepted.At theApril 1995 OBRC meeting all records of theAlder Flycatcher Blue-winged Warbler were brought up for reconsideration and were rejected.The Alder Flycatcher 641-93-04 Page Springs CG, has been removed from the official state list. Harney Co., adult male Information presented below for each species includes location of sight• on 29 May 1993 (TMi). ing, number of birds, sex and age if known, special information (such as col• lection and museum number) and date(s), initial of the observer(s) submit• Northern Parula ting written or other evidence for accepted records, and the OBRC record 648-93-21 Mouth Winchuck River, file number.The OBRC record file number reads as follows: the first 3 digits Curry Co., 1 male on are the AOU number for the species, the second 2 are the year in which the 17 June 1993 (CD). record was observed, and the last numbers are the consecutive numbers for the records as they are filled. Chestnut-sided Warbler The members of the OBRC for 1995 are Tom Crabtree, Colin Dillingham, 659-92-26 Frenchglen, Harney Jeff Gilligan, Jim Johnson, Larry McQueen, Nick Lethaby, Craig Roberts, Skip Co.,1 fall adult on 19 Russell, and Owen Schmidt.The alternates are Gerard Lillie,Kamal Islam,Ron September 1992 (TG). Maertz, and Kevin Spencer. The OBRC thanks the following organizations for having made financial Magnolia Warbler contributions in the past year to help with expenses: Cape Arago Audubon 687-93-22 Indian Ford Creek, Society, Corvallis Audubon Society, Grant County Bird Club, Lane County Deschutes Co., 1 male Audubon Society, Grande Ronde Bird Club, Rogue Valley Audubon Society, on 31 May 1993 (GG). and Umpqua Valley Audubon. Cape May Warbler RECORDS ACCEPTED 650-93-09 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 bird 3-4 October Yellow-billed Loon Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1993 (JC.TMi). 008-92-27 Waldport,Lincoln Co., 387-93-14 P Ranch,Harney Co., 1 1 bird on 13 March bird on 10 June 1993 Blackpoll Warbler 1992.(RHo,HGrI). (DAI). 661-93-28 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature on 1 Black-vented Shearwater Costa's Hummingbird October 1993 (CD). 093-92-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 430-93-24 Florence, Lane Co., 1 661-93-29 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 22 November adult male 2-12 Sep• immature on 3 Octo• 1992 (GL). tember 1993.(ZS,TMi, ber 1993 (CD). AMi, photo by BS). Broad-winged Hawk Indigo Bunting 343-92-05 Roaring Springs, Least Flycatcher 598-93-18 Alvord Ranch, Harney Harney Co., 1 imma• 467-92-26 FS Road 62 at Little Co., 1 male on 12 June ture on 23 May 1992. Deschutes R., 1993 0Jo). (DoB, photos by BA). Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 19 June 1992 (TMi, Dickcissel Bar-tailed Godwit AMi). 604-93-08 Eagle Point, Jackson 250-93-13 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 female 20-29 Oc• Co., 1 bird on 8 July Tropical Kingbird tober 1993 (HS). 1993 (RL). 446-93-14 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 16 No• Oregon Birds 21(4): 103 Clay-colored Sparrow RECORDS Nor ACCEITED 561-93-29 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature 29-24 September 1993 (photo by CD). Mottled Petrel 561-93-30 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature 1-3 Octo• 099-72-11 Off Columbia River Mouth, Clatsop Co., 1 ber 1993 (photo by CD). bird on 30 September 1972. Not accepted 561-93-31 S. OfWinchuck River mouth, Curry Co., 1 as report was ambiguous as to actually be• immature bird on 11 October 1993 (CD). ing in Oregon waters and if report was written from notes taken at the time or Great-tailed Grackle from memory. 512-93-10 Fields, Harney Co., 2 adult males on 15 May 1993 (TJ). Masked Booby 512-93-11 Mann Lake, Harney Co., adult male and an 114-92-01 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 bird on 18 June adult female on 4 June 1993 (WT). 1992. Not accepted as description did not 512-92-12 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult rule out other species. male on 27 June 1992 (photos by TMi, 114-92-02 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co.. 1 adult on 26 AMi). June 1992. Not accepted as description too brief and did not rule out other species. Common Grackle 511-93-11 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 female 6 June to Little Blue Heron 13 July 1993 (photos by CD,APf). 200-91-06 Upper Yaquina Bay. Lincoln Co., 1 imma• ture bird on 29-30 August 1991.
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