MOTHE . Melodrama SAY HELLO TO LORDE’S ALBUM BOOKSTAGRAM, WE HAVE ALL BEEN THE SOCIAL MEDIA WAITING FOR FOR: BOOKS. SUMMER . GETTING READY FESTIVALS: TUNES, FOR BAKE OFF. FOOD AND ECCENTRIC COMPANY DIVERSITY TREND: SHOWS BEING CANCELLED. CONTENTS SUMMER 2017 4. Representation is being cancelled. The lack of diversity in our media is alarm- ing—why are we not seeing true represent- ed? And more importantly, why is diversity so quick to be cancelled…. 6. Summer: the time of festivals. The perfect place for bonding over camping, food and most importantly the music 8. Lordes’ Melodrama How has the teen Queen of music developed 8 from her whimsical pure heroine days? 10. A Guide to Bookstagram. The how-to-guide to the small corner of instagram de- voted to book lovers. 14 Food Glorious Food Who would know that June is the supreme month of food! 15 Eating Clean What exactly does this mean 4 16. Philosophical Rambling Our last bit of insight for you before the summer! 18. Keeping our Lady Fingers Crossed We begin to welcome back the GBBO 20. Glass Walls Poetry by Ruth Mitchell-Fox 17 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR It is with a somewhat heavy heart that I conclude this year’s ‘The Mo’ with a final editor’s note, and a fond fare- well. Undoubtedly this has been a year of ups and downs (as cheesy as it sounds) but The Marlborough Oracle has been one thing that has allowed writers to write, thinkers to think and readers to read; but most importantly, it’s pro- vided a way for all students to see what our community of young adults are capable of. It has encouraged our readers to argue, to question, to challenge and to contribute to ‘The Mo’ too. Let it not be said, we are not an “ordinary” school maga- zine, we are so much more. The work that goes into this by the students (who pour blood, sweat and tears into it) and the teachers (who provide advice, guidance and sup- port) is incredible; so let this be an opportunity for me to say “thank you” and for them to have their final bow be- fore the curtains close on another year. However, just because one chapter is ending it doesn’t mean that the story over. As always, this is just one more chapter that builds in to a bigger story. I’m just sad that I won’t be in the story, I’ll be reading it. Yet, I can’t be mel- ancholy as I know that just as the world will continue turning, ‘The Mo’ will continue providing excellent con- tent and continue to improve. So please, enjoy this last edition of ‘The Mo’for 2016-17, then, look back at the year you’ve had with a smile before turning to the future and seeing the amazing opportunities it will hold. To end this year on a high, we’ve knocked out the BEST Philosopher’s Ramblings you’ve ever pondered over; an insight into the creative mind; and what you can look forward to in those scorching summer months. We hope you love this edition, and we hope you have a bril- liant summer holiday, no matter where you are. NC x [email protected] DIVERSITY IS CANCELLED. When it comes to media content, we live in The representation of thought-provoking top- an era where fans of TV shows are clamour- ics was extremely important - especially in a ing for new seasons and new episodes, and world where Donald Trump is the president networks, such as Netflix, are, indulging of the “free world”. Overall, it’s just a great these impulses. TV shows overstay their wel- loss of diverse and unique storytelling with come, either because of the fans’ overwhelm- actors from all cultures and backgrounds - in- ing demand, or network executives refusing cluding Jamie Clayton, an transgender wom- to let a good thing die, preferring to cash in an portraying a transgender character on on a good thing. screen, which believe it or not, is very hard I was surprised, therefore, when Netflix to find. If you are as angered and heartbroken chose to cancel 'The Get Down’ (a music- as I am that the show has ended, and you driven drama that documents the emergence want to take action, you can sign a petition of a new art form in the 1970s) and the sci-fi online at change.org. show ‘Sense8’. Moreover, another loss when it comes to di- The consecutive loss of these two original se- versity in the media is the cancellation of ries shows sends a clear message that ‘The Get Down’- which followed the rise of ‘diversity is expensive’. You might be won- hip-hop through a group of young Black and dering – why I am so angry that a TV show Afro-Latinos in the South Bronx of New has been cancelled? Well, let me explain. York in 1970s. The explanation for cancel- ‘Sense8’ revolved around the theme of con- ling the show was that it was not economical- nection; it was the show’s key theme. Its ly viable (the production was the most expen- characters and storylines extended beyond sive original series- the boundaries such as of race, sex and sexu- ality. - with up to $120 million invested) and it I understand cutting a show when it be- had audiences of only a fifth of those that comes an economic liability instead of an settle down to watch ‘Orange Is The New economic asset, but when did we get to a Black’. The irony is, Netflix promoted point when executives won’t let a one off ‘Orange is The New Black’ which centres series just be a one off? Why are people on a middle-class white heroine, all over still interested in boring and not recom- their company—promotion for the much mended shows when there are amazing cheaper series is everywhere: social media, shows with diversity of both narrative and trailers, billboards, posters etc. In contrast, the representation? Surely if Netflix wanted ‘The Get Down’ had a trailer on Netflix and to cut down a bit on their expenses, why that was about it. To me that sends a very didn’t they cut off shows like ‘Iron Fist’? clear message and explains why it had a Which had one of the lowest ratings and small audience. They can’t complain about views for a Marvel production and was the viewings when they failed to do enough highly problematic. Surely that would have to promote it. been a better choice… or is ‘Iron Fist’ just Moreover, Netflix’s most controversial (and too white? tweeted about) show ’13 Reasons Why’ has Which brings me back to my point - why been renewed for another season. I have to doesn’t diversity sell? Why is diversity say it, after seeing the show’s finale, I am a ‘expensive’? Why is the media so adamant little confused as to how the show could not to included diverse representation? Un- continue. All of the material from the origi- fortunately, until viewers wake up, take ac- nal book by Jay Asher’s novel has been tion and try to bring attention to these injus- covered and Hannah Baker’s suicide has tices, showing executives that diversity happened and been explained. So where ex- does matter and that diverse audiences want actly can the star go from here? Welcome to diverse media representation, change won’t your tape… again I guess. happen. Summer Festivals As I sit here, on a Saturday night, writing connecting with a stranger by singing and this article all I’m thinking about is my mate dancing with them at a festival. Even though dancing alongside 135,000 people to the Foo you have never seen them before, and the Fighters within the world of Glastonbury. In changes are you won’t even know their fact, while I was sitting in my lessons a few name, you suddenly feel a personal connec- days ago, I was thinking the exact same tion with them. Like you, they are there for thing. I began to feel a deep sense of regret at the music. not buying a ticket and missing the insanely talented and diverse line-up including: Laura Some of us are born campers and live for the Marling, Fatboy Slim, Lorde and Radiohead. thrill of setting up a tent and looking like a Instead, I watched my friend’s snapchats of worm as you sleep. Me? I’d rather be cosied the magnificent stages, crazy lounges and ve- up in a warm bed, but when it comes to festi- gan cafés and grumbled, “I wish I was vals, camping is part of the experience. Just there”. as she-pees, wellie boots, denim hats and an all round feeling of love and merriment. For years, in fact, ever since I was six, I've been going to music festivals (and no, I don’t Whether you manage to sleep or not, whether mean camping for five days at Glastonbury). you manage to wash or not, whether you Instead, my family and family friends would manage to catch a person’s name or not is go to Lovebox in London every year, loving irrelevant! If it ends up with you never see- the music, the sense of community, the sun, ing the person you’ve sang with again, it and the many MANY food trucks. When I doesn’t matter - it's a weekend of connec- got older and went to more festivals, I real- tions and a weekend of making memories.
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