Record number Object simple name Brief Description Image Current location AMATL: 2014.419 j_ 1 The Mine Explorer. The journal of the Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society. Volume 5 - - - - -- --- - - r.S1, storaqe box 1 The Mine Explorer. The journal of the Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society. Volume 6 -- --- -- AMAi L: LU14.4L1 Slate from Coniston. A history of the Coniston slate industry by Alastair Cameron. ~ AMATL: 2014.422 ---1S. late from Honister. A history of the Honister slate industry by Alastair Cameron. SS1, storage box 1 - -·- f---- AMATL: 2016.89 map RH129 copy of original mine plan of no 9 and 1 O pits, Old no 1 pit at Knockmurton SS1, Planchest A -- - -- -- -- - AMATL: 2016.90 map RH3 copy of original mine plan of abandonment plan showing Kelton No 3 Pit, 75 fm level Mr W L Brooksbank's Royalty SS1, Planchest A - - - AMATL: 2016.91 map RH2 copy of original mine plan of abandonment plan showing Kelton No 3 Pit, 75 fm level in Lord Lonsdale's Royalty SS1, Planchest A - - - -- - AMATL: 2016.92 map RH130 copy of original mine plan of abandonment plan showing Kelton No 3 Pit, 100 fm level in Lord Lonsdale's Royalty rsS1, Pla~chest A ~ -- - - - - - - - --- - - AMATL: 2016.93 map RH5 copy of OS map showing shafts and levels at Kelton Knockmurton mines SS1, Planchest A -- - ---- - AMATL: 2016.94 map RH23 tracing of a section of Brandlehow Mine [ssi. PlanchestA - - -- ·- - -- --- ---- AMATL: 2016.95 map RH21 sketch map showing position of mines near Keswick ~S1, Planchest~ - --- -- - -- -- AMATL: 2016.96 map RH22 tracing of a section of Brandlehow Mine SS1, Planchest A ------ 1 - - - - ---- -- -- - AMATL: 2016.97 map RH32 plan and section of Low and High Levels at Greenside Lead Mine SS1, Planchest A - - - - - ~ AMATL: 2016.98 map RH27 i plan for-proposed enlarqernent of the lo~er washing floor of Goldscope Mine, Newlands SS1, Planchest A AMATL: 2016.99 map RH33 plan and section of Nab Gill Mine showing incline and Whillan Beck Lode SS1, Planchest A -- ~ - - ---1 AMATL: 2016.100 map RH79 [geology of Silverband and Dun Fell Mi.:;;- SS1, Planchest A --- - - - AMATL : 2016.101 l map RH30 Unidentified mine - Barrow? SS1, Planchest A - - - - AMATL: 2016.102 map RH29 Section of Yewthwaite Mine showing Trustee's Level SS1, Planchest A AMATL: 2016.103 map RH28 Section of Yewthwaite Mine below Adit Level -_ +:s~PlanchestA _ -f- - AMATL: 2016.104 map RH20 Tracing of a section of Force Crag Mine SS1, Planchest A -- - AMATL: 2016.105 map RH26 Plan of unidentified area of Goldscope Mine, Newlands fss1, Planchest A - AMATL: 2016.106 map RH25 Wad Mine Borrowdale 6 vertical sections sheet 2 R311C SS1, Planchest A 1 7 AMATL: 2016.107 map RH19 plan of Thornthwaite Mining Co's sett I SS1, Planchest A AMATL: 2016.108 map RH24 Wad Mine Borrowdale general underground plan sheet 1 R311C SS1, Planchest A 1 AMATL: 2016.109 map RH34 Section of Boot Mine i SS1, Planchest A- ---j AMATL: 2016.110 map RH1 plan and section of Brundholme Mine, Glenderaterra nr Keswick at scale of 100ft to 1 inch SS1, Planchest A AMATL: 2016.111 map RH18 plan of levels in Gategill Mine, Threlkeld I SS1, Planchest A 1 1 AMATL: 2016.112 map MP141 Greenside Lead Mine underground plans 70 ft sub level and Alma, Glencoyne, High Horse, Low Horse, Lucy Tongue, Hick's Sump - I SS1, Planchest A I 20fm, 40fm, 90fm, 120fm, 135fm, 150fm, 175fm. Set of 12 small drawings AMATL: 2016.113 map MP145 a key plan of Marton/Lindale Moor area, showing Derby Royalties, Poaka Iron Works etc. Set of 7 small drawings ! SS1, Planche~ -- - I modes AMATLall Page 1 complete Record number Object simple name Brief Description Image Current location AMATL: 2016.114 map MP132 Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine clear trace of original longtitude section on Harding vein in 1981 to scale 1 :500 and size 45"x12" SS1, Planchest D - ~ AMATL: 2016.115 map MP134 -- - Greenside Lead Mine plan of levels by Basinghall Mining Syndicate giving vein widths, and results of diamond dorehole survey. Sizer - SS1, Planchest D ---J 96"x16" Scale 50ft to 1" AMATL: 2016.116 map MP135 Greenside Lead Mine plan of levels by Basinghall Mining Syndicate giving details of slopes mostly below Lucy Tongue level. Scale SS1, Planchest D 50ft to 1". Size 77"x16" -- AMATL: 2016.117 map MP137 Force Crag Mine section showing no.1,2,3,4 & 5 levels to scale of 12fm to 1" and size 23"x15" ~ ! SS1, Planchest D ~ AMATL: 2016.118 map MP139 Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine section on Harding vein to scale 1 :500; size 40"x14" SS1, Planchest D 1 ----~ AMATL: 2016.119 map MP153 Borrowdale Wad Mine Hetherington's map Clack Lead Mine Cumberland i SS1, Planchest D - -- - -- ~ - AMATL: 2016.120 Imap MP157 Yewthwaite Mine section June 13th 1870 . -~- -- ¥.S1, PlaoohestD ~ AMATL~ 2016.121 tmap_MP162_-- Brandlehow Mine section and plan S1, Planchest D -- --- - -- --- --- --- - - -----, AMATL: 2016.122 map MP162 plan of Goldscope Mine washing floor in 1858 S1, Planchest D - - f--- - -- - -- -- AMATL: 2016.123 map MP168 Threlkeld Lead Mine tracing ND A and B tS1, PlaoohestD---:: - -- ·-- - - ----- AMATL: 2016.124 map MP179 Ruthwaite Lead Mine, Helvellyn longtitudinal section SS1, Planchest D - ~ -- --- -- - - AMATL: 2016.125 map MP180 Hartsop Hall mine section SS1, Planchest D ----- 1 AMATL: 2016.126 map MP222 plan of workings for Loweswater Mine ~1, Planchest D-= - -- AMATL: 2016.127 map MP319 Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine section of southern stopes I SS1, Planchest D - - ~ AMATL: 2016.128 map RH14 drawing of new primary crusher and bin at Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine I SS1, Planchest A - -- ------l AMATL: 2016.129 map RH4 vertical section of Harding Vein Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest ~ - -- AMATL: 2016.130 map RH10 section on Emerson and Harding vein of Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest~ - -- - AMATL: 2016.131 map RH13 revised drawing for the foundation for the new crusher house and trestle supports at Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest A ~ AMATL: 2016.132 map RH11 drawing for the foundation for the new crusher house at Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine -~ --l-ss1, Planchest A ~ AMATL: 2016.133 map RH12 drawing for the foundation for the new crusher house and trestle supports at Carrock Fell Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest A - f--- --- -- AMATL: 2016.134 map RH15 OS map of Caldbeck sheet NY 33 SW with mines pencilled in SS1, Planchest A - -- - --------i AMATL: 2016.135 map MP114 plan of Rachel Wood Mine at Thornthwaite. An abandonment plan to scale 30ft to 1"; size 26"x12" SS1, Planchest D 1 AMATL: 2016.136 map MP115 plan of Kinniside Mine to scale 1 chain to 1"; size 47"x12" SS1, Planchest D I-- AMATL: 2016.137 map MP116 longtitudinal section of Paddy End vein; scale 1 0fm to 1 "; size 4 7"x29" I SS1, Planches~ AMATL: 2016.138 map MP117 Force Crag Mill Buildings; plan of 1984 survey showing a plan and section to a scale of 1:100; size 29"x17" 1 SS1, Planchest D -- AMATL: 2016.139 map MP118 Force Crag Mill buildings; plan of 1984 survey amended to 1986 plant of New Coledale Mining & Milling Co., showing a plan and SS1, Planchest D section to a scale of 1:100; size 29"x17" AMATL: 2016.140 map MP119 Borrowdale Wad Mine surface plan to scale of 4 chains to 1 "; size 22"x14" SS1, Planchest D -- - 1 AMATL: 2016.141 -map MP121 Kinniside Mine plan of whole mine. Reduced in 1925 from 1858 survey. Scale 25" to 1 mile; size 23"x18" I SS1, Planchest D- modes AMATLall Page 2 complete Record number Object simple name Brief Description Image Current location AMATL : 2016.1421 map MP123 .. Borrowdale Wad Mine surface plan to a_:Cale of 4 chains to 1 "; size 25"x19" SS1, Planchest D AMATL : 2016.143 map MP124 I Tilberthwaite Mines sketch plan to scale 8ft to 1 "; size 29"x21" SS1, Planchest D AMATL: 2016.144 I map MP125 I Borrowdale Wad Mine surface plan to scale 40yds to 1"; size 31"x21" SS1, Planchest D ------ AMATL : 2016.145 map MP126 surface plan of Borrowdale Black Lead Mines to scale 1 :2500 showing levels and boundary marker stones; size 32"x23" SS1, Planchest D AMATL : 2016.146 map RH6 surface plan of Carrock Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest D AMATL: 2016.147 map RH? ~---+g- eneral underground plan of Carrock Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest D AMATL: 2016.148 map RHB section on Emerson vein of Carrock Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest D ------- AMATL: 2016.149 I map RH9 plan of Hastings South Side (Coombe) vein of Carrock Tungsten Mine SS1, Planchest D -i AMATL: 2016.150 map RH31 surface plan of Greenside Lead Mine dressing floor SS 1, Planch~D ---, 1 ---- ----- ---·- l AMATL: 2016.151 map RH84 Endeavour level at Potts Gill Barytes Mine SS1, Planchest D --- - - --- ---- -- AMATL: 2016.152 map RH86 Potts Gill Barytes Mine SS1 !'lanchest D _J - ~ . -- - -- - AMATL: 2016.153 map RHB? Potts Gill Barytes Mine by Willy Shaw SS 1, Planchest D -- - -- - - - -----, AMATL: 2016.154 map RH89 Greenside Lead Mine plan OPU 9 SS1, Planchest D - -~ - -- - -- - AMATL: 2016.155 map RH91 Potts Gill Baryte vein SS1, Planchest~ AMATL: 2016.156 map RH92 Potts Gill Barytes Mine Nicholsons cross cut at 5fm to 1 inch SS1, Planchest D -~ -- - - - AMATL: 2016.157 map RH97 Carrock Tungsten Mine Harding vein south plan and section --- ---- -- -fst1, Planchest D __j AMATL: 2016.158 map RH98 Carrock Tungsten Mine Harding vein north plan and section S1, Planchest D ~ - - -- - AMATL: 2016.159 map RH99 Carrock Tungsten Mine Smith vein north and south plan and section SS1, Planchest D --- --- --·-- ------ AMATL: 2016.160 map RH106 Carrock Tungsten Mine Smith and Wilson veins north and south plan and section -i- SS1, Planchest D~ -~ - AMATL: 2016.161 map RH108 Kinniside Lead Mine plan at 50 links to 1 inch SS1, Planchest D -- ------ -- --- -- - -, AMATL: 2016.162 map MP70 Greenside Lead Mine original surface plan with levels from High Horse down to 175fm superimposed; size 32"x17" on scale 1:2500 SS1, Planchest D l AMATL: 2016.163 map MP71 plan of Drygill Lead Vein from original to scale 30' to 1" of size 14"x11" SS1, Planchest D AMATL: 2016.164 map MP72 plan of umber vein, Harestones at Caldbeck to scale 30' to 1" of size 17"x11" SS1, Planchest D --- --- ----i AMATL: 2016.165 map MP73 plan and section of Goldscope Mine main lolde.
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