Government of 'Mizoram 'PART I J Appointment 'Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and other Personal • Notices and Orders. , NOTIFICATIONS No. MAP. 39/72i69, the 20th Nov. 1978: In pursuance of the D.O. letter No. 109/Secy/78 dated 39.1978 from Lok Sabha conveying the sanction to the exten- sion of the period of deputation of Shri DC Pande, permanent Under Secretary ry and officiating senior Personnel & Executive officer, the Lt Governor (Admi­ nistrator) of Mizoram is pleased to extend the period of deputation of Shri D.C, Pande as Secretary, Mizoram Legislative Assembly for a further period from 17.9.1978 to 31st January 1979 'on usual terms and condition of deputation. L.S. Saito, Under Secy. to the Govt. of Mizoram, Tel. No. 549 No. F/MRP/285/98, the 21th Nov.'78. Under C.C.S.leave Rules 1973, Shri Sheo- baran Singh Dy. SP. (on deputation) j, granted anotl.er 15 days E.L. wef. 15.11, 78 to 29. 11. 1978 in extension of previous leave already granted to him vide this Hqrs.' No F/RpJ285j94 dated 5.10.78. Tire officer wouldhave contined to hold the post but for his proceeding on leave. for Inspector General of Police Mizoram. Aizawl. 2 No. MAS. 20177, the 24th Nov., 1978. Shri R. Laltluanga, Librarian, Mizoram Legislative Assembly Library is granted under C.C.S (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time 10 time Earned Leave for 20 days with effect from 27.11.78 to 16.12.1978 with permission to prefix Sunday the 26tb November, 1978 and suffix Sunday, the 17tb December, 1978. The officer would have continued to bold tile post but for his proceeding on leave and there is every expectation of his. return to the post from which he proceeded on leave. L. C. Thanga Under Secretary, Mizoram Legislative Assembly. No. FAT 141Pfl7815, the 22nd Nov, 1978. 00 his services having been placed at the disposal of this Administration under Office Order No. 140 dt. 16.10.78 issued under Memo No. Estt-I/Deptn/MIZ/78/3199-3201 dt, 16.10.78 issured by the Accountant General. Assam etc. The Lt. Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Shri P. R. Deb, Accounts Officer in the Office of Accountant Generalal Assam etc. as Deputy Director of Accounts & Treasuries, Aizawl temporarily on Special terms of deputation prescribed under Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 14023/6174-MZ dt. 24.8.76 against the post created under letter No. FE 321 76/9 dt. 27.4.76. C. Lalchhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. ABR. 142/77159, the 24th November, 1978. In pursuance of the Govt, of India's letter No.1l01l114/75 - Finance dated 16.1.1976 read with Govt, of Indio's letter No. U-1404612176 ~Z dated 4.121976, the Lt. Governorior (Adminis-minis­ trator) of Mizoram is pleased to declare the post of Superintendent in the Sec­ retariat in tile scale of pay of Rs. 550.25·750-EB-30-9DOI- as Gazetted ones with effect from the date of issue ofthis order. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their D.O. No. FIN(E)126/78 de. 12.10.1978. Surendra Nath, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram No. ESS. 151178/6S-A the 23rd Nov 1978. The Lt. Governor of Mizoram is plea­ sed to appoint Shri Rim Kumar Thapa as lecturer in Physics, Pachhunga.. Collegege on 1 temporary basis with effect from the date of his joining and until further orders against the temporary post of Lecturer in Physics. created with the con- 3 currence of Finance Department under Government of Mizoram '8 order No.ESS. 199/78/B/7 dated 1.8.1978 in the scale of pay of Rs, 700-40.900-EB-40·lIllO-5Q-1300/- pm. plus all other allowances as admissible in Mizoram under the Rules. The appointment is made on adhoc basis for a short period subject to regu­ Iarisation in accordance with the Recruitment Rules to be approved by Govern- ment in due course, Bod such an appointment will not bestow on the per~o.n ,8 claim for regular appointment and the count service rendered on adhoc basis 10 the grade would not count for the purpose of Seniority in that Grade. L.N. TLUANGA, Joint Secy .to the Govt, of Mizoram, Education & Social Welfare Deptt. No. EBT. 42/78/1, 23rd November, '78. On his services having been placed at the disposal of this Administration under Office Order No. 141 dt. 16.10.1978 issued under Memo. No. Estt-l/Dpt/MIZ/78/3218/3220 dt. 16.10 1~78 Lt. Gover­ nor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Sari S.K. Dutta, a Sectional Officer in toe Office of Accountant General, Assam etc. as Assistant Director ofAccounts & Treasuries, Aizawl temporarily on special terms ofdeputation prescribed under Ministry of Home Affair's letter No. 14023/6/74-MZ dt. 24.8.76, Vice Shri Lalrina Sailo, Asstt, Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Aizawl granted leave with effect from 1·11.1978 under Notification No FAT. 8/PF/76-77/5 dt. 1.11.1978. No. FBT. 42/78/1 A, On his services having been placed at the disposal of this Administration under Office Order No. 141 dt, 16.10.1978 issued under Memo No. Bstt·I/Dpt/MIZ/78/321~·3220dt. 16.10.1978 Lt. Governor of Mizoram is , pie ..ed to appoint ShriR.L. Nath, Sectional, officer,in the Office ofthe Accountant General. Assam etc.• as Assistant Director of Accounts & Treasuries temporarily on special terms of deputation. prescribed under M.H,A's letter No. 14023/6/74.MZ dt. 24.8.1976.Vice K. Zachhunga AssistantDirector, Accounts & Treasuries trans­ ferred. No. FBT. 42/78/1 B Lt. Governor of Mizoram is pleased to transfer Shri K. Zachh.mga, Assistant Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Aizawl as Treasury officer, Aizawl Vice Shri Lalvuana, Treasury officer, Aizawl transferred a- Asstt, Director. Shri. K. Zachhunga is to hand over charge to Shri R.L Nath, Assistant Director, attachedto the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries. On being relieved by Shri K. Zachhuuga, Shri Lalvuana... Treasury Officer, Aizawl is to take over charge of the post of Asstt. Director Accounts & Treasuries against the post created under letter No. FE 32/76/9 dated 27.4 76. In the interest of public service the post is attached to the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries. No. FBT. 42/78/1 C: Lt. Governorof Mizoram is pleased to transfer Shri Lalrina Sailo, Assistant Director, Accounts & Treasuries, granted leave under Notification No. FAT. 8/PF/76-77/5 dt, 1.11.1978 as Finance & Accounts officer, in the Office of the Director of Education, Mizoram Vice Shri Zobialzauva, transferred as Treasury Officer, Champhai. In the interest of Public Service the Officer is allowed to join at Aizawl and attached to the Aizawl Treasury, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Finance Department, No. MHE. 1I3}75.76{I3, the 21st. November. 1978: In partial modification to Government's Notification No. MHE. 1I3175-76{13, dated 12.10.1977, 'the Lt. Governor is pleased to order that the period of one year extension of service of Dr. R.Doliana who is now holding the charge of Medical Superintendent, Ai· zawl Civil Hospital will take effect from 1st March, 1978 which is the date on which he shall retire from service on superannuation had his service not been extended, and not from 31st, January, 1978 previously mentioned in the said Notification. No. AAG. 122{77{65 : the 23rd Nov., 1978 Under rules 8 and 15 of the Rules for the regulation of the procedures of Officers appointed to administer justice in the Lushai Hills. published vide notification No 253 (a) A.P. dated 25th March, 1937, the Lt. Governor (Administrator) of the Union Territory of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Shri Vanhela Pachuau, I A.S. Sub-divisional Officer (Civil), T1abung (Demagiri) as Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei District, and further to invest under rules 9 of the aforesaid Rules with the powers analogous to the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of the first Class as defined in the Cede ofCriminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No.2 of 1974) Further, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) and (4) of section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No.2 of 1974), read , With the notification of the Govt of India, Ministry of Home Affairs No. U· lI01lf2{74·UTL (Iii) (S.O. 185 (E) dated the 20th March, 1974. the Lt. Governor (Administrator) is pleased to appoint Shri Vanhela Pachuau, I A.S. as Executive • Magistrate in the Lunglei District and also as Sub-divisional Magistrate for Tlabung Sub-division, Lunglei District. By order, etc. M. Lalmanzuala, Secretary to the Government of Mizoram No. PHE. 34/73{64, the 23rd Nov 78, Shri P.E. Varghese S.D.O. PHE lnves- tigation Sub-Division Lunglei is hereby granted Earned leave for 36 days with effect from 16.1l.78 (both days inclusive) on private affairs Under Re­ vised Leave Rules t972 as amended from time to time. The officer should have continued to hold the same post but for his pro­ ceeding on leave and there IS every likelihood of his returning to thee samepost from Which he proceeded on leave. The officer is allowed to avail L.T.C. faci-.. lities as per rules for the block of the year 1978-79. No. PHE. 34{73/64-A Duong the 'eave period of Shri P.F.
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