WBY (FM )-See Washburn. prog: Jazz 10 hrs, farm 1 hr wkly. Terry Havel, gen mgr; Ray Keeler, opns dir; Denise Voss, prog dir; Chris Wisconsin Radio Johnson, mus dir; Gretchen Hess, prom mgr; Chad Auburndale Gapinsky, news dir; Brian Fitch, chief engr. WLBL(AM) -1922: 930 khz; 5 kw-D. 3319 W. Beltline Hwy, Madison (53713). (608) 273 -5500. State of Wis., Chilton Eagle River Education Communications Bd. See 'WERN(FM) 1 -D. Madison. WMBE(AM )-May 25, 1984; 1530 khz; 250 w -D. Box WERL(AM)-May 23, 1961: 950 khz; kw Box 309 30 (53014). (414) 849 -9064. Maszka Broadcast Enter- (54521). (715) 479 -4451. Nicolet Broadcasting Inc. prises. Net: CNN. Format: Polka, big band. Bob Art, (acq 3 -85). Format: Big band. Spec prog: Ger 2 firs Baraboo gen mgr; Andy Bilodeau, gen sis mgr; Daryl Schroe- wkly. Roger Utnehmer, pres; Jim Zache, gen & gen der, prog dir; John Murphy, prom mgr; Betty Schilling, sls mgr; Steve Walrath, prog dir; Chris Oatman, news WILV(FM) -See Madison. Michael Krein, Rates: 15; 15; 15. news dir; Bruce Herzog, chief engr. Rates: $6.30; dir; chief engr. $15; WRPQ(AM) -June 1967: 740 khz; 250 w -D. Box 456, 6.30; 6.30; -. WRJO(FM) -Co-owned with WERL(AM). July 31, Hwy 12 (53913). (608) 356 -3974. Baraboo Broadcast- 1971: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 245 ft. Prog sep from AM. ing Co. (acq 7- 1 -81). Net: SMN. Format: Adult Format: C &W. Rates: $16; 16; 16; 16. contemp. Robert A. Jones, pres; Jeff Smith, gen Chippewa Falls mgr, prog & mus dir.. Rates: $5.40; 5.40; 5.40; -. WAYY(AM )-Sep 7, 1958: 1150 khz; 5 kw -D. 100 1/2 Eau Claire N. Bridge St. (54729). (715) 832 -1530. Central Com- Beaver Dam munications. (acq 8- 1-84). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz, VWfXX(FM )-February 1965: 104.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant HyettRamsland. Format: Oldies.. David L. Nelson, 1,830 ft. Stereo. Box 6000 (54702). (715) 832 -1530. WBEV(AM 21, 1951: 1430 khz; 1 kw -U, )-March pres; Keith Jones, gen mgr; George Roberts, gen sis Central Communications Inc. (acq 8- 1 -84). Net: ABC /I. DA-N. Box 902 100 Stoddart St. (53916). (414) mgr & prog dir; Robin Scott, mus dir; John Murphy, Rep: Katz, Hyett/Ramsland. Format: Country. Spec 885 -4442. Beaver Dam Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq prom mgr; Marian J. Owen, news dir; Dick Lasiuk, chief. prog: Farm 15 hrs wkly.. David Nelson, pres; Keith 2- 1 -73). Group owner: McNaughton Stns. Net: ABC /I. engr. Jones, gen mgr; Martin Green, gen sis mgr; Tim Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Wilson, mus dir; Roger Rippunger, prom mgr; Marion W. John Klinger, pres & gen mgr; Norm Gray, sports VWU X(FM )-See Eau Claire. J. Owen, news dir; Dick Lasiuk, chief engr. Rates: dir; Frank Beres, prog dir; Larry S. Cohen, gen sis $90; 68; 78; 32. mgr; Steve Sabatke, news dir; Allan Johnson, chief WCFW(FM)-Oct 20, 1968: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 engr. Rates: $14.75; 14.75; 11.75; 11.75. ft. 1034 1/2 Warren St. (54729). (715) 723 -2257. WBIZ(FM) -Listing follows WJJK(AM). Roland L. Bushland dba Bushland Radio/WCFW. Net: 1937: 790 khz; 5 -U, DA-N. Box WXJO(FM)-Co -awned with WBEV(AM). July 15, CNN. Format: MOR. Roland L. Bushland, gen mgr; WEAQ(AM )-May kw 1 (54702). Inc. 1968: 95.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from Patricia Bushland, gen sis mgr.. Rates: $11; 7.50; 11; (715) 832 -3463. Broadcaster Services AM. Net: ABC /E. Format: Modern country.. Rates: 7.50. (acq 11- 1 -59). Net: NBC Talknet, NBC. Rep: Ewing Same as AM. (Minneapolis). Format: MOR, news, talk.. Charles R. Dickoff, pres & gen mgr; Don Smith, sis mgr; Rick Cleveland Roberts, prog & mus din; Steve Dickoff, opns mgr; Beloit Kathleen Dunn, news dir; Bill Holden, chief engr. WKTT(FM) -April 25, 1985: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 327 Rates: $20.50; 9.80; 11.70; 8.80. `WBCR(FM) -Nov 30, 1965: 90.3 mhz; 100 w. Ant 44 ft. Stereo. One Washington Square (53015). (414) ft. (CP: 130 w). Beloit College (53511). (608) 365 -9734. WIAL(FM)-Co -owned with WEAQ(AM). 1948: 94.1 693 -3103. WKTT Inc. Net: MBS. Rep: Weiss. Format: Beloit College. Format: Ed, div. Carl Belson, dir of mhz; 85 kw Ant 350 ft. Stereo. Format: CHR. Rates: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly.. Don Flick, gen & radio-TV. $21.50; 16.60; 19.50; 5.90. gen sls mgr.. Rates: $16.50; 16.50; 16.50; 16.50. WBEL(AM) -(South Beloit, III.) 1948: 1380 khz; 5 WISM(AM )-April 1948: 1050 khz; 1 kw-D, 500 w -N. kw -U, DA-N. Box 27, 504 West Grand Ave., Beloit, (CP: 900 w.) Stereo. 1819 Mitchell St. (54701). (715) Wis. (53511). (608) 365 -6641. Salter Broadcasting Co. Clintonville 836 -9476. Dri -Five Inc. (acq 12- 31 -85). Net: US1. (group owner). Net: UPI. Rep: Roslin. Format: Adult Rep: Mkt 4. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Jazz WFCL(AM) 28, 1983: 1380 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 contemp. Spec prog: Farm 3 hrs, Black 1 hr, C &W 10 -Feb 5 hrs wkly. Dale Ganske, pres & gen mgr; Bill Bro, hrs wkly. Joseph E. Moen, pres & gen mgr; Iry kw -N, DA-2. Box 269 (54929). (715) 823 -5128. Sail gen sis mgr; Dan Miles, mus dir; Kevin Voit, news dir; Andreoni, asst & sls mgr; Rick Nest, mus & prom dir; Communication Corp. (acq 5- 1 -86). Net: MBS. Format: Jon Zecherle, chief engr. Rates: $13; 11; 13; 5. John Weitzel, news dir; Chuck Ingle, chief engr. C &W. Spec prog: Farm 14 hrs wkly. E. James WJJK(AM)-Nov 11, 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw-U. Box 24, Rates: $23.50; 20.25; 23.50; 20.25. Verkest, pres, gen & gen sls mgr; Steve Bruse, prog dir & prom mgr; Tim Arrowood, mus dir: Grace 619 Cameron St. (54702). Sage Broadcasting Inc. (acq Net: MBS. Rep: WGEZ(AM) -Sep 26, 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. 622 Kirchner, news dir; Jim Zastraw, chief engr. Rates: WJJK/WBIZ Corp 6-30-86). Masla. Format: mgr; Brian Public Ave. (53511). (608) 365 -8865. Seehafer Broad- $8; 8; 8; 4. C &W Jerry Schnacke, gen casting Inc. (acq 7- 1 -85). Net: CBS. Format: Solid gold Ketz, prog dir; Tom Allen, prom mgr; Mike Sullivan, oldies. Don Seehafer, pres; Bob Jung, gen mgr; Ruth WJMQ(FM)-Co -owned with WFCL(AM). Oct 27, sports & news dir; Jim Casey, chief engr. Rates: Carlson, sls mgr; Allen Brewer, prog dir; Joe McComb, 1986: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from $14; 12; 14; 10. AM. Adult contemp. news dir. WBIZ(FM)-Co-owned with WJJK(AM). December 1967: 100.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 740 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Berlin Delafield from AM. (715) 835 -1007. Net: ABC /C. Format: Top -40. Rates: $22; 20; 22; 18. WISS(AM) 28, 1971: 1090 khz; 500 w -D. Box -June WVHAD(FM)-May 30, 1948: 90.7 mhz; 79 kw. Ant 700 'WUEC(FM) -1975: 89.7 mhz; 740 w. Ant 630 ft. 5, 112 N. Pearl St. (54923). (414) 361 -3551. Kingsley ft. 732 N. Midvale Blvd., Madison (53706). (608) University of Wisconsin -Eau Claire (54701). (715) H. Murphy Net: Format: progsv, farm. Jr. UPI. C &W, 266 -0036. State of Wis Educational Communications 836 -4170. Bd of Regents, U. of Wis. Format: Div. Spec Spec prog: Sp 1 hr wkly.. Kingsley H. Murphy Jr., Bd. See'WERN(FM) Madison. prog: Class 14 hrs wkly.. Dr. Robert L. Bailey, gen pres; Steven W Handrich, gen mgr; Wendy Schukraft, mgr. gen sis mgr; Rob Shannon, prog dir; Sonny Williams, mus dir; Pat Siegmund, chief engr. Dodgeville 1972: 102.3 mhz; kw. 155 ft. Fond du Lac WISS -FM -July 31, 3 Ant WDMP(AM)-No' 1, 1968: 810 khz; 250 w -D. Box 58 (CP: ant 176 ft). (53533). (608) 935-2302. Dodge -Point Broadcasting KFIZ(AM) -July 6, 1922: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. 254 Co. Net: SMN. Format: Nostalgia. Spec prog: Farm 9 Winnebago Dr: (54935- 6767). (414) 921 -3770. Inde- Black River Falls hrs wkly.. Louise E. Hamlin, pres; Richard A. Carroll, pendence Broadcasting Corp. (acq 11 -87). Net: MBS. gen mgr; Kim A. Marten, gen sls mgr; Wendell F. Rep: Masla. Format: Adult contemp, C &W, talk. Spec WWIS(AM)-Aug 23, 1958: 1260 khz; 1 kw-D. Box Hamlin, prog dir; Brian Jeffries, mus dir; Robert prog: Farm 10.5 hrs wkly.. Donald G. Jones, pres; 277 (54615). (715) 284 -4391. WWIS Radio Inc. (acq Brainerd, news dir.. Rates: $6.55; 6.55; 6.55; -. Michael Casper, gen mgr; Rose Halbut- Bertram, sls 5- 1 -68). Format: Variety. Robert E. Smith, pres; mgr; Joe Goeser, prog dir; Mike McCauley, news dir; WDMP- FM-Nov 1, 1968: 99.3 mhz; 1.1 kw. Ant 460 Nelson Lent, VP, gen mgr & chief engr; John Simpson, Bob Schaeffer, chief engr. Rates: $28; 24; 27; 26. ft. Stereo. Net: ABC/D. Format: C &W Spec prog: Farm sis mgr; Mike Stephans, mus dir; Pat Flugstad, news 9 hrs wkly.. Rates: $8.95; 8.95; 8.95; 8.95. WFON(FM) -Oct 5, 1967: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 312 dir. Rates: 9; 9; $9; -. ft. Stereo. Box 1195, 103 W. Scott St. (54935). (414) 921 -1071. Independence Broadcasting of Wisconsin Brute Durand Corp. (acq 11 -87).
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