RADIO DAILY, Tuesday, April 15! Blast FM 'Delinquent! production. He declared that when lishing Co., New York; Roy L. Albertson, WBNY- Hofheinz Demands uthe American public today buys "a FM, Buffalo, N. Y.; Armine E. Allen, Philco Geo. Sterling, 1 Corp., Philadelphia; Addison Amor, NBC Radio- QuicU Action On radio without FM it is buying some- Rccording Div., N. Y.; John Andrew, Associated thing already obsolete." Program 'Service, N. Y.; John Edward Arens, Lauds Progret Leonard Marks, general counsel of WFAS and WFAS-FM, White Plains, N. Y.; Construction Leonard L. Asch, WBCA, Schenectady; Bill Of Medium, the FM Association, urged the mem- Bailey, FMA, Washington; Stuart Bailey, Jan- (Continued from Page 1) bers to use the national headquarters sky & Bailey, Washington; David Baltimore, Supply Corp., Rochester, N. Y.; The as Hofheinz, of Houston, Texas, de- of the organization at Washington as WBRE and WBRE-FM, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Graeme McNulty, president, WMCP, Baltimori clared that there were some "hip a clearing house for their problems. C. Bannerman, Mayer, Bannerman & Rigby, W. K. Macy, vice-president, WFSS, Washington; William L. Barlow, FMA, Wash- N. Y.; J. Woodrow Magnuson, WBEN-F pocket" licensees bent on waiting Leonard Asch was general chair- ington; Ellis Barrett, WPTL, Providence, Rhode falo, N. Y. until the new system of broadcasting man of the sessions. Island; Joseph Behr, WREL, Long Island City, Leonard H. Marks, general counsel was in full swing, and then hoping Practically all large receiver N. Y.; A. G. Belle, WSYR-FM, Syracuse, N. Y.; Washington; William Maron, WTOE, El to obtain quick and easy profits. His manufacturers had elaborate dis- Walter Bligh, WNDR, Syracuse, N. Y. N. J.; B. M. Marshall, WHWL, Sunbu J. Gerald Mayer, Radio Consultants, Incj scorching address, made at the plays of FM sets. Clayton Boddy, FM Station WLOB, Claremont, ington, D. C.; Edward L. Merritt, WF^ luncheon session, climaxed a morn- New Hampshire; Willard E. Bowman, Radio Bedford, Mass.; Felix Meyer, program su| Sterling's Address Projects, Inc., Newark, N. Y.; Cyril S. Braum, WFIL-FM, Philadelphia, Pa.; Robert' ing of enthusiastic reception for a Chief, FM Section, Engineering Dept., FCC, number of speeches which pointed George E. Sterling, chief engineer Moore, vice-president, Transradio Pre designate of the FCC, said in part: Washington; G. H. Browning, president, Brown- vice, New York; N. Blair Munhofen, sc •to the speed with which FM is being ing Laboratories, Inc., Winchester, Mass.; Louis WFSS, Coram, Long Island, N. Y.; Louis accepted publicly. "The rapid growth of FM can be G. Buisch, WWHG, Hornell, N. Y.; Clifford M. ray, manager, WPAM - FM, Pottsvilli seen from the following statistics. At Chafey, manager, Station WHEP, Reading, Pa.; Horace W. Nichols, commercial manager, Hofheinz called upon the FCC to the present time 530 FM construc- Sol Chain, manager, WBIB, New Haven, Conn.; FM, Greenfield, Mass.; Morris Novik closely scrutinize every applicant for Anton Chmela, WTOE, Elizabeth, New Jersey; consultant, New York, N. Y.; A. Willian tion permits have been authorized Edward Codel, publisher, FM Business, New er, associate editor, Tide Magazine, Ne' a license and urged that the govern- and an additional 208 conditional York; Peter Corson, WKWC, Lockport, N. Y.; N. Y.; Sol Paul, advertising director, mental 'body act to cancel construc- grants have been made; together W. R. David, general sales manager, Broadcast casting Magazine, New York; W. N. tion permits within a period of from with the 53 pre-war FM licenses and Equipment, General Electric, Syracuse, N. Y.; chief of bureau, Associated Press, 30 to 60 days in cases where no evi- Everett L. Dillard, president, Commercial Radio N. Y.; Leon Podolsky, WBRK, Pittsfield, construction permits this totals 792 Equip., Washington and KOZY, Kansas City, L. R. Rawlins, manager of industrial rc dence is shown of the licensee going FM stations now authorized. 227 ap- and WASH, Washington; John Doane, FM Sec- Westinghouse Radio Stations, Inc., Phila ahead. tion, Engineering Dept., FCC, Washington; Pa.; Carl Rice, secretary, WHWL, Sunbu plications for additional FM stations N. S. Rounsley, manager, WEEX-FM, The president of the FM Associa- James B. Dunbar, WHAV-FM, Haverhill, Mass.; are pending before the Commission, Hudson Eldridge, business manager, Commercial Pa.; Ed Sandford, president, New I tion asserted he knows of several of which 110 are hearing cases (due Radio Equip., Washington; Richard Evans, presi- Broadcasting Service, New Rochelle, Frank A. Seitz, vice-president and mi large manufacturers 'who have low dent, WJZZ, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; H. J. Frank, principally to more applicants than director, WFAS-FM, White Plains, N. Y. WSLB, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; Arthur Freed, vice- cost FM sets beyond the blueprint channels in some cities). Approxi- Shriver, Altec Lansing Corp., New York, president, Freed Radio Corp., New York; E. R. stage and called for concerted efforts Edmund Sieminski, treasurer, WFMO, mately 200 stations are now on the Gamble, WBTA, Batavia, N. Y.; C. E. Gatchell, of licensees to promote FM to the City, N. J.; George L. Sisson, Jr., genere air, and this figure is increasing manager, WGAN-FM, Portland, Me.; Bert ager, Narragansett Broadcasting Co., Fal fullest extent. weekly. The 14 stations in four Georges, general manager, WFMI, Portsmouth, Mass.; Milton B. Sleeper, publisher, FM Officers Elected cities that were in operation on al- N. Hamp.; Stanley Gerstin, editor, FM Business, vision. Great Barrington, Mass.; James L. Officers of Region No. 1 elected New York; Norman R. Glenn, publisher, Spon- manager, WBEC, Pittsfield, Mass.; Geo ternate channels before the war had sor Publications, N. Y.; Jack Gould, radio editor, Steffy, vice-president, Yankee Network, yesterday are: Chairman, Leonard L. no apparent difficulty from interfer- New York Times, N. Y.; Rev. R. F. Grady, S. J., Mass. Asch, WBCA, Schenectady; vice- ence. The post-war FM standards de- director, WFUV, Fordham University, N. Y.; Emlyn Griffith, WRUN-FM, Rome, N. Y.; Wal- George E. Sterling, chief engineer-del chairmen, Helen Wood, WIBX-FM, veloped during ithe 1945 engineering ter Griswold, program director, WIBX, Utica, Utica; John C. A. Watkins, Provi- Federal Communications Commission, W hearings also proposed alternate N. Y.; Frank A. Gunther, vice-president, Radio ton, D. C.; Al L. Taylor, Jr., program d dence, R. I. Journal; Richard G. channel operation, and it appeared Engineering Laboratories, Long Island City, WHAV- FM, Haverhill, Mass.; S. P. Evans, WIZZ, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; sec- that receiver manufacturers and N. Y. manager, Distributor Sales, Western retary, James A. Hardman, WMFM, Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.; Thomas B. others were satisfied that it would John W. Haigis, Jr., manager, WHA1-FM, station manager, WJLK, Asbury Park, North Adams, Mass. be satisfactory. Accordingly, this Greenfield, Mass.; James A. Hardman, WMFM, Mrs. Thomas B. Tighe, WJLK, Asbury ' Nearly three hundred men and North Adams, Mass.; Robert Hardman, WMFM, N. J.; Edgar H. Twamley, manager, \ standard of separation was adopted North Adams, Mass.; Arthur Hull Hayes, mana- women interested in FM broadcast- by the FCC in September 1945. FM, Passaic, N. J.; Fritz S. Updike, ger, WCBS-FM, CBS, New York; Alvin Hirsch- manager, WRUN-FM, Rome, N. Y.; ing registered for the regional Little Interference Reported mann, vice-president, WABF, N. Y.; E. J. Hodel, Valerius, manager, WKNP, Corning, meeting, which was the first of eight manager, WCFC, Becklev, West Virginia; Thomas Edward Volz, radio editor, Retailing Hon to be planned for immediate organ- "Since that time a considerable C. Holston, president, WLEB-FM, Lebanon, Pa.; nishings, New York, N. Y.; M. J. Warner, number of stations have been placed Josh L. Home, owner, WCEC-FM, Rocky Mount, ger, WCEC-FM, Rocky Mount, N. C.; ization. Region No. 1, comprises the North Carolina; Herbert House, chief engineer, in operation on alternate channels, Waterbury, treasurer, WOPT-FM, Oswego, New England states, New York, New WMBO, Auburn, N. Y.; James L. Howe, presi- Carl M. Watson, station relations, N Jersey and Pennsylvania. and at this time total some 34 stations dent and general manager, WCTC, New Bruns- Broadcasting Co., N. Y.; Charles M. in 13 cities. While the Commission wick, N. J.: Earl C. Hull, general manager, time-buyer, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., Ne* At the morning session Dr. Edwin WHLD-FM, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Ed. James, has received few reports of inter- N. Y.; David Williams, executive repri Howard Armstrong, inventor of FM, New York Editor Broadcasting Magazine, N. Y.; ference immediately upon receipt of tlve and radio editor, Associated Pre; compared the progress that has been Sydney Jurin, sales promotion manager, Pilot bany, N. Y.; Francis Carter Wood, Jr., the first reports that some difficulties Radio Corp., Long Island City., N. Y.; Frederick made in the new type broadcasting dent, WFMO, Jersey City, N. J., and were being experienced because of L. Keesee, general manager, WMBO, Auburn, Wood, managing director, WIBX-FM, since the first experimental station N. Y.; Robert A. Kelley, sales manager, WFMI, N. Y. alternate channel operation Mr. Portsmouth, N. H.; George B. Kelly, president, was built 15 years ago, and provided Braum, chief of the FM division, WRNY-FM, Rochester, N. Y.; James Gordon the audience with demonstrations of aided by John Duane and other Keyworth, WMFM, North Adams, Mass.; L. D. actual broadcast pick ups of pro- Kimble, assistant to the publisher, Corning members of his staff initiated studies Leader, (WKNP) Corning, N. Y.; Lewis A. King, grams by a chain of stations, after having for their purpose the extent, vice-president, WFMO, Jersey City, N. J.; Jo- Only WTAG cover which H. C. Bonfig, vice-president of cause and remedy if one was nec- seph Koehler, editor. Sponsor Publications, New the Zenith Radio Corp., spoke on set York; Melvin Lahr, WSAR, Fall River, Mass.; Central New England essary.
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