OIMJst Catholic Paper ., Nothing is mo,.c aesi,.6.hle than tna.t Catholic papc,.s ill U"itecl States snould na<oc a la,.ge d,.ca­ Estulisherf lation. so tnat e-oc,.yone October 22, 1831 THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH m.ay n.a<oe good ,.ualng." -Potu Bmeikt IV In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberry; in All Things, Charity. VOL. LXXXXIII No. 17 ClNCINNATI, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924 PRICE SEVEN CENTS HOLY WEEK "THE ROSARY" IMPRESSIVE BISHOP FLOERSH IMMIGRATION STARTLING PROPOSAL EASTERN SCHISM Words of Song Now Credited to a Warns Hi" People Against Fake Urges Discontinuance of British Priest. Solicitors and Pretended Priests. Currency in Ireland. At Vatican and American Church Will Be the Ceremonies Attendant General Agreement That There Americans Soon to Hear Plans Election Clashes. Vatican . Louisville, Ky., Apr. 22.-Rt. Upon the Consecration of Ought to Be Some Basis of of Union Fonned to Heal Letters and Contribution. Boulder, Colo., Apr. 16.-Friends Rev. Bishop Floersh has issued the [N. C. w. C. Special Cable.] of Sister Mary Emily, of Mount St. Msgr. Beckman. following warning, to be read in all Selection. Dublin, Apr. 21.-A startling pro­ Great Breach. Gertrude Academy, a sister of the churches next Sunday. He also re­ late Rev. Thomas Whalen, of Chi· quests the pastors to frequently posal has been advanced in the Irish cago, said last night after Sister call the attention of their parish­ press, urging the discontinuance of Mussolini Exerts Influence. Archbishop Moeller Will Officiate The I ssue Hangs on the Method President of "Cattolica Unio" American Ordained. Mary Emily's funeral, that Father ioners to it in the future: British currency in Ireland and the Whalen was the author of the , at St. Peter Cathedral. "From time to time, word reaches of Restriction . adoption of a purely Irish medium Will Tour United States. words of "The Rosary" generally me, from various sources, that un­ of exchange. It is backed by perfect [N. C. w. C. Special Cable.] credited to Robert Cameron Rogers. known agents are visiting the homes [N. C. w. C. News Service] reasoning, and has created a pro­ [Vienna Correspondent , N. C. W . C.] , . ROME, Apr. 21.-The usual Holy The friends said Father Whalen pOR the first time in twenty-four of our Catholic people in the inter­ wrote the song while attending the years, St. Peter Cathedral is to est of some religious or charitable ASHINGTON, Apr. 21.-De­ found impression. IENNA, Apr. 3.-The work of · Week ceremonials were observ- 9atholic University at Washington, . be, on May 1, the scene of the the " Cattolica Unio," that ed at the Vatican during the enterprise in other parts of the W bate on the immigration bill, The name of the author of this V m memory of his younger sister, splendid and solemn ceremonies at­ country or the world. Sometimes, proposal has not been disclosed, bl,lt international body which has past week. On Monday the pope who became Sister Mary Canisia, tending the consecration of a bishop it is to ask financial assistance for a which will be given its final taken upon itself the task of work· celebrated Mass, at which he distri­ and who died at Mount Carmel, Du- of the Catholic Church. On that struggling mission or institution. threshing out in the conference the N. C. C. W. News Service is in ing for the reunion of the Oriental buted Communion to the lay mem. buque, Iowa, in 1895. Father date Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis Joseph a position to state that the man is bers of the papal court. This was Next, it is to seek subscriptions for committee appointed to compose schismatics with the Catholic Whalen, according to the story, Beckma~, Bishop~elect of ~inc~ln, Church, will soon be brought offi­ rep~ated oll. Thursday for the ecclesi­ some Catholic publication, without the differences Ibetween the two a disinterested Catholic economist, astIcs of the court. submitted the words anonymously Neb., WIll be r aIsed to thIS hI~h proper authorization to do so. with a deep knowledge of Irish finan­ cially to the attention of American to the Washington Post. Mr. Rog- office, and have c?nferred on hIm houses of Congress, has disclosed . On .Tuesday the pope, cardinals Again, it is to sell religious articles, Catholics. Rev. Augustine Galen, ers, they said, clipped the words .P?wers and authOrIty such as we!'e to which special favors are, said to widely varying points of view on cial and commercial affairs. He O. S. B., president of the organiza­ ~n CUrIa, and the court were present from the Post, and sent them to gIven. the ll;postles by Ou!, Lord I.n contends that, by rejecting British m the Throne Room to listen to the be attached, and the profit on the part of legislators. There have tion, is preparing for a speaking Ethelbert Nevin, the composer, who foundmg HIS Church. It I.S for thIS which, it is claimed, goes to the sup­ been those who have approved the currency, Ireland could make an tour which will include most of the last of the series of the Lenten ser­ fashioned the melody. Nevin reason, that the consecratIOn, when mon~. The last. sermon was on the port of some poor mission or other discrimination against the peoples immediate profit of $50,000,000, and Catholic centers of the United t~inking Rogers the writer, credited not on ,a Sunday, takes place on ~n good cause. At other times, it is of eastern and southern. Europe and also would be able to revive her ex­ States. Fath~r Galen is a descend­ PassIOn of . ChrIst by the apostolic hIm with authorship. apostle s feast day, a?? May 1 WIll preacher, F.ather Vittorio da Sestri to collect Mass offerings, etc., ac­ the preservation of the so-called port trade, which at present is par­ ant from a family of the ancient Ponente. It was while grieving over the be the feast of Sts. PhIlIp and James, cording to various other schemes. Nordic stock. There have been oth· alyzed by the high rate of British Westphalian nobility, whose mem· Papal audiences were suspended death of his sister that the words of apostles. "Now, inasmuch as some of these ers who have opposed any restric· exchange with which Irish transac­ bers hold the rank of counts.. He "The Rosary" his titl b' "M Most Rev. ArchbIshop Henry agents give unmistakable signs of tion of immigration. But between tions are hampered. He adds that, was educated as a lawyer; but, 'after from Holy Thursday un.til after Rosary" were' writte e emf tY Moeller, who was the last bishop Easter. 0 being impostors, while others fre­ the two there has been a wide range without Irish currency and a pro­ having completed his legal training, the story here. consecrated at Cathedral, will be At American Church Sist~; M~~; ~!il ~he quently resort to methods that are of opinion. tective tariff, Ireland cannot obtain entered the order of the Beuron was the last of her famil Fathe~ the. conse~ratoI ~f Msgr. Beckman. questionable, or at least unbecom­ Differences Mainly on Method material benefit from the Anglo- Benedictines at Prague. During In the American Church of St. Whalen died in Ch' ·y·1903 It IS all: mte~es~mg ~act that both Irish Treaty.-Cox. ' Susanna, conducted by the Paulist Icago m . are natIve Cmcmnatrans and sons ing, I · deem it my duty to issue a Some have announced their sup· the war he served as a chaplain in Fat.her~ here, there was an extra­ of St. Joseph Parish, which has a solemn warning to our Catholic port of the House bill, although they the Austrian Army. One of Father ord~narIly good attendance at the splendid record in the contribution people against one and all of them, are reluctant to approve the quota Galen's sisters is a nun in the order varIOUS Lenten services. Americans HEALTH CLINIC of its children to the cause of who have not received permission scheme based on the 1890 census. SOVIET OUTRAGE or the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and is and others of the English-speaking religion. from the proper diocesan authority Others have opposed the House bill, stationed at St. Louis, Mo. rac~s predominated in the crowds Rt. Rev. Bishops Joseph Char­ to carryon their work in this dio­ although they approve of the idea Father Galen will lecture on the possibilities for missionary work in WhICh attended. On Good Friday For Parish Schools Founded By trand, of Indianapolis, and Joseph cese. And, as a practical means of of selective immigration. The de­ Against Archbishop Cieplak Re­ · Father Mooney, spiritual directo~ Schrembs, of Cleveland, will be the avoiding deception in such matters, bate, too, has been characterized by the East. Approval and assistance 0:( the North American College the National Catholic Welfare co-consecrators, and at least a score I suggest that everyone make it a rather bitter charges of "racial ading Against Red Regime have already been given to the work preached during the Three Hours: of bishops will assist at the cere­ rule never to contribute to any of blocs" and "racial and religious in Quest for British Capital. of the "Cattolica Unio" by prominent F.ather . Butler, O. S. B., concluded Conference. mony. these causes without first having discrimination." But there has been members of the hierarchies of hIS serIes of Lenten sermons with The officers of the Mass will be consulted his or her pastor.
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