Index Cranberry Muffi n, 261 • A • Microwave Cornbread, 260 airports and airlines, 58 Sweet Potato Muffi n, 264 albumin, 66 Yellow Squash Muffi n, 263 Almond Balls, 247 bakeware, 72–73 Almost Instant Ice Cream Sandwich, baking, 81 269 Banana Berry Wrap, 272 Almost Reuben, 175 Banana in a Bun, 91 amino acids, 26 Banana Wrap, 96 ammonium hydrolyzed protein, 66 bananas, leftover, 300–301 animal compassion, as reason to BBQ Pasta, 195 become vegetarian, 22–23 beans, as meat substitute, 324–325 appetizer recipes beating/whipping, 82 Cranberry Cups, 256 berries, leftover, 301 Goat Cheese Spread, 252 BigOven.com, 294 Greek Bruschetta, 255 Black Bean Tortilla, 161 Hot Artichoke Parmesan Spread, blanching, 82 257 blended breakfast beverages, 97–100 Mushroom Squares, 258 Blue Cheese Bonanza, 158 Pesto Rolls, 253 Blue Cheese Fettuccine, 221 Super Spaghetti Sauce Spread, 254 boiling, 82 appetizers, 251, 314–315 bone ash/char, 66 Apple Crescent Rolls, 287 bone meal, 66 Apple English Muffi n, 114 braising, 82 Apple Tarts, 281 breading, 82 Apple Waffl es, 128 breads. See also baked goods apples, leftover, 300 microwave, 259 artichoke hearts, leftover, 294–295 old, using, 306 Athena’s Potatoes, 215 Breakfast in a Cup I, 92 Avocado Pita, 149 Breakfast in a Cup II, 93 avocados, pitting, 140 Breakfast Pizza, 108 Breakfast Polenta, 120 breakfast recipes (20 minutes) • B • COPYRIGHTEDApple MATERIAL Waffl es, 128 Bagel Deluxe, 132 Bagel Broil, 109 Breakfast Polenta, 120 Bagel Deluxe, 132 Cherry French Toast Sticks, 122 baked beans/chili, leftover, 296 Coconut French Toast Casserole, Baked Edamame, 249 121 baked goods, 259 Eggs a la King, 133 baked goods recipes Eggs in a Roll, 134 Caramel Rolls, 266 Fried Bananas, 118 Cheese Biscuits, 265 Fruity Chimichanga, 125 Chocolate Muffi n, 262 226_9780470942918-bindex.indd6_9780470942918-bindex.indd 331331 44/28/11/28/11 33:49:49 PMPM 332 Student’s Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies breakfast recipes (20 minutes) omelets, 126 (continued) preparing for guests, 315 Garden in a Mug, 129 quick-cook, 101–116 Mediterranean Omelet, 127 savory, 126–137 Mock Sausage Gravy, 131 sweet, 117–125 Potato Melt, 135 20 minutes or less to prepare, Scrambled Tofu, 136 117–137 South of the Border Omelet, 130 wraps, 88–89 Spiced Fruit, 123 Broccoli Couscous, 222 Trail Mix Couscous, 124 Broccoli Slaw Sandwich, 147 Waffl e Sandwich, 137 Broiled Open-faced Sandwich, 159 Waffl es with “Ice Cream,” 119 broiling, 82 breakfast recipes (grab ’n’ go) brown rice, 203 Apple English Muffi n, 114 Brown Rice Cereal, 113 Bagel Broil, 109 Burger a la Greque, 176 Banana in a Bun, 91 burgers and sandwiches, 169–180 Banana Wrap, 96 Burrito Roll, 153 Breakfast in a Cup I, 92 butter alternatives, 37, 326 Breakfast in a Cup II, 93 Breakfast Pizza, 108 Brown Rice Cereal, 113 • C • Cheesy Eggs, 106 Cabbage Hash Browns, 234 Chocoholic Pancake Sandwich, 103 Caesar Salad Deluxe, 209 Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal, calcium, 28–29 112 calories, on nutrition label, 69 Cinnamon Almond Milk Toast, 110 campus, dining out on, 54–55 Date Roll-ups, 95 Caramel Rolls, 266 Deluxe PB&J, 102 carbohydrates Egg-cellent Wrap, 116 diabetes and, 43, 46 High Protein Shake, 99 on nutrition label, 69 Lemon-Filled Pancakes, 111 carminic acid (Natural Red Dye #2), Microwave Oatmeal, 105 66 Morning Rice Salad, 104 carrots, leftover, 297 Pancake Roll-ups, 115 casein, 67 Peanut Butter Stick, 94 catered events, 55–56 Protein Punch Smoothie, 100 celiac disease, 40–41 Quick Grits, 107 chat rooms, 14 Ran-Out-of-Cereal Breakfast, 90 cheese Raspberry Smoothie, 98 as meat substitute, 325 breakfasts old, using, 303–305 blended beverages, 97–100 substituting for, 37 emergency treats for, 88 weight loss and, 47 food categories, 88 Cheese Biscuits, 265 garnishes, 319 Cheesy Eggs, 106 grab ’n’ go, 87–116 Cherry French Toast Sticks, 122 importance of, 87 Chocoholic Pancake Sandwich, 103 no-cook, 88–96 Chocolate Croissant, 279 226_9780470942918-bindex.indd6_9780470942918-bindex.indd 332332 44/28/11/28/11 33:49:49 PMPM Index 333 Chocolate Muffi n, 262 Chocolate Croissant, 279 Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal, Decadent Peanut Butter Squares, 112 288 cholesterol, on nutrition label, 69 Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips, chopping, 82 283 Cinnamon Almond Milk Toast, 110 Fruited Parfait, 274 Coconut French Toast Casserole, 121 Fruity S’mores, 276 collagen, 66 Graham Apples, 277 convenience meals, 65 Honey Bars, 275 conventions, this book, 2 Lickety-Split Lemony Tart, 271 cookbooks, 80 Molasses Bars, 282 cookies. See also desserts Nectarine Crisp, 284 baking, 278 No-Bake Cookies, 280 leftover, using, 308 Peanut Butter Quesadilla, 273 cooking Raisin Bread Pudding, 285 gadgets, 74–75 Vegan Peanut Butter Praline Pie, 289 kitchen space and, 76–81 Walnut Honey Sundae, 270 methods, 81–83 White Chocolate Cookies, 286 preparation, 12 desserts cooking tools cookies, baking, 278 bakeware, 72–73 garnishes, 320 extra, 74 healthy, 268 gadgets, 74–75, 78–80 leftover, 307–308 picking out, 71–74 preparing for guests, 318–319 pots and pans, 72 quick, 267–277 storing in kitchen, 78–80 ready-to-consume, 268 utensils, 73–74 special, 278–289 crackers, leftover, 306–307 Deviled Egg Delight, 144 Cranberry Cups, 256 diabetes Cranberry Muffi n, 261 blood pressure readings and, 44–45 Cucumber Dilly Delight, 143 dealing with, 42–46 cystine, 66 type 1, 43–45 type 2, 45–46 dicing, 82 • D • dietary resources, 12–13 dairy products, substituting for, dietary veganism, 19 37–38 dining clubs, 56 Date Roll-ups, 95 dining out dating, 52 on campus, 54–55 Decadent Peanut Butter Squares, 288 at catered events, 55–56 Delectable Dates, 245 dealing with, 11 Deluxe PB&J, 102 at dining clubs, 56 dessert recipes excursions, 52–56 Almost Instant Ice Cream Sandwich, at friends/family, 55 269 at restaurants, 53–54 Apple Crescent Rolls, 287 vegetarian restaurant locators Apple Tarts, 281 for, 15 Banana Berry Wrap, 272 226_9780470942918-bindex.indd6_9780470942918-bindex.indd 333333 44/28/11/28/11 33:49:49 PMPM 334 Student’s Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies dinner recipes (30 minutes) dinners Blue Cheese Fettuccine, 221 from around the world, 218 Broccoli Couscous, 222 garnishes, 320 Cabbage Hash Browns, 234 with grains, 226–229 Mediterranean Medley, 232 organization, 217 Micro-boiled Veggies, 236 pasta, 191–202, 218–220 Pilaf Florentine, 227 potatoes, 208 Potato Broccoli Bake, 231 preparing for guests, 316–317 Pseudo Zucchini Parm, 233 rice and polenta, 203–207 Quick Vegetable Soup, 238 snacking before, 226 Ratatouille Stew, 235 vegetables, 208 Reeling Rice and Beans, 228 veggie-based, 229–240 Rice Noodle Caboodle, 219 dishes Slow Cooker Potatoes, 239 selecting, 75 South of the Border Pasta Dinner, storing in kitchen, 80 224 drinks, garnishes for, 319 Soy Sauce Pasta, 223 Sweet Potato Special, 230 Undercover Veggie Pie, 237 • E • Zucchini Alfredo, 225 Easy Quesadilla, 182 dinner recipes (grab ’n’ go) egg replacer, 36 Athena’s Potatoes, 215 Egg-cellent Wrap, 116 BBQ Pasta, 195 Eggless Tofu Salad, 168 Caesar Salad Deluxe, 209 eggs Feta Stuffed Chili Peppers, 210 aging, using, 305 Garlic Gnocchi, 199 benefi ts of, 36 Garlic Pasta with Peas, 198 excluding, 36 Green Beans with Macaroni and food label terminology, 67–68 Cheese, 194 hard-boiled, 101 Layered Dinner Salad, 205 omelets, 126 Lazy Day Ravioli Casserole, 193 Eggs a la King, 133 Mashed Potato Combo, 216 Eggs in a Roll, 134 Mexican Medley, 200 elastin, 66 Noodles and Asparagus à la Crème, enchilada/taco sauce, leftover, 295 197 Onion Soup Pasta, 220 The Orient Express, 196 • F • Pasta with Cottage Cheese and fats Spinach, 202 diabetes and, 43, 44 Pasta with Lentils, 201 in healthy diet, 23 Pronto Polenta, 206 on nutrition label, 69 Shepherd’s Pie, 212 fatty acids Smothered Potatoes, 211 on food labels, 66 Spinach à la Spaghetti Sauce, 214 function of, 33–34 Stewed Vegetable Dinner, 240 types of, 33 Stir-fry Sensation, 204 Feta Stuffed Chili Peppers, 210 Tex-Mex Rice, 207 Yamburger Casserole, 213 226_9780470942918-bindex.indd6_9780470942918-bindex.indd 334334 44/28/11/28/11 33:49:49 PMPM Index 335 fi ber garnishes, 319–320 adding, 42 gelatin, 66 defi ned, 41 gluten-free products, 41 sources of, 23, 42 glycemic index (GI), 43–44 types of, 41 glycerines/glycerol, 66 fi res, stovetop, 187 Goat Cheese Spread, 252 fi sh oil, 66 Graham Apples, 277 fl exitarians, 18 grains, 226 folding, 82 grating, 82 food allergies Great Granola, 250 eggs, 36 Greek Bruschetta, 255 list of, 35 Greek Hummus Wrap, 150 milk, 36–38 Green Beans with Macaroni and peanuts and tree nuts, 38–39 Cheese, 194 soy, 39 grocery store layouts, 63–64 vegetarian diet and, 35–42 wheat and gluten, 40–42 food labels • H • egg terminology, 67–68 hard-boiled eggs, 101 illustrated, 70 health, as reason to become meat product ingredients, 65–67 vegetarian, 23 nutrition fact comparison, 68–70 heat-it-and-eat-it lunches, 152–162 food storage, 76–77 High Protein Shake, 99 forums, 15 Homemade Microwave Popcorn, 244 Fried Bananas, 118 Honey Bars, 275 friends/family Hot Artichoke Parmesan Spread, 257 communicating vegetarianism to, Hot Black Bean Soup, 189 49–52 Hummus Wrap, 148 dining out at, 55 Hurry Up Hero, 145 fruit leftover, 299–303 type 2 diabetes and, 46 • I • Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips, 283 ice cream alternatives, 38 Fruited Parfait, 274 icons, this book, 5 Fruity Chimichanga, 125 ingredients Fruity S’mores, 276 bad mixes of, 293 frying, 82 knowing which are changeable, 292 Funky Fudge, 246 leftover, using, 293–308 substitute, 321–326 • G • substituting, 292–293 iodine, 34–35 gadgets, cooking. See also cooking iron tools best sources,
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