App le A!UXOp erating System Ve rsion 1.1.1 •® Terminal 2 B:iot: laKbHs t2Q5pmY :O:O: :/:/bin/sh rootcsh : tap944urhN 1A5:0:0: :/:/bin/csh roo tksh : zamVt daemon : xxxxxXf--------------------------�� Terminal 1 bin:xxxxxxxxx # Is / sys : xxxxxxxxx FILES etc/ lost+ found/ nextun ix un ix* adm : xxxxxxxxx bin/ examp les/ mnt/ tmp / users/ uucp : : 5: UUC dev / I ib/ newun ix u/ usr / I p : xxxxxxxxxx5: • ftp : xxxxxxxxx # 0 who : : 22 : 0:who nobody : xxxxxx start:PG /qLJa startksh :PG/q star tcsh : PG /q cad : 7FgU4zB /Y Chooser mac : /F tp7SMP2 Select a LaserWri ter: x : tEsECuEp . Et � · ---"-· � HyperWri ter l@Gill5 LQ AppleTal... Mike's LW+ Mi J I ... AppleTalk Background Printing: AppleT alk Zones: CC3-6th/South CC3-7th/North CC3-7th/South CC3-Bth/North Overview The Apple® A/UX® operating This industry-standard multi­ Version 1.1.1 enhances the system is a full implementation tasking operating system pro­ usefulness of A/UX by allowing of AT&T's UNIX® System V, vides higher education, govern­ more Macintosh applications to Release 2, Version 2 (with BSD ment, engineering, scientific, and runin the A/UX environment, 4.3 extensions) forthe Apple OEM/VAR users with excellent and by broadening the range of Macintosh® II familyof CPUs support for software develop­ platforms it supports to include and the Macintosh SE/30 ment; research; computer-aided the Macintosh Ilci and Macintosh personal computer. design, engineering, and manu­ SE/30. It also supports the op­ facturing; technical publishing; tional X Window System add-on office productivity; and database product and conforms to the applications. POSIX Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). Features Benefits .,. Apple Tape Backup 40SC tape .,. Enables local tape backup using subsystem support standard UNIX utilities, which provide flexiblearchival and restore facilities . .,. Apple Macintosh desk accessory .,. Allows users to set parameters and support select network printers forMacintosh and A/UX applications by using the Chooser and the Control Panel. .,. File transfer between Macintosh and .,. Allows users to move their data files A/UX filesystems and applications between the Macintosh and A/UX environments . .,. Macintosh video driver support .,. Allows use of compatible video cards and monitors without requiring special drivers . .,. Support forthe AppleCD Sc™CD-ROM .,. Allows inexpensive mass distribution of drive large A/UX file systems on compact discs . .,. Other software enhancements .,. Incorporates the latest functions of BSD networking (Version 4.3) and NFS (Version 3.2) . .,. Provides disk input/output up to two and a half times fasterthan the previous version; quadruples SCSI throughput to 1 megabyte per second . .,. Multiple-user AT&T UNIX license .,. Each binaty copy and software update of A/UX Version 1.1.1 includes a 16-user AT&T UNIX license. Features Benefi ts Ability to run many 32-bit-compatible Enables users to run both UNIX and Macintosh� applications Macintosh� applications in the same operating environment. Support forcolor through the Macin­ Enables display of 256 colors froma tosh� Toolbox and X Window System palet� te of 16 million colors. Runs HyperCard®Version 1.2.2 Allows users to organize informationby � asso� ciation and context. Lets users create and manage informa­ tion� using virtually any medium. Allows for high-speed information search� es. Support for POSIX Draft 12 and FIPS Provides application portability by � following� the standard guidelines of the Federal InformationProcessing Standard (FIPS) #151 for UNIX systems, enabling federal government buyers to purchase A/UX systems. XWindow System Version 11, Release 3 Allows programs written for the X (optional� add-on) Window� System to run and/or use display service in the A/UX environment. Multiple screens and color displays are supported. Serial Line/Internet Protocol (SL/IP) Enables internet access to A/UX support� ser� vices such as Sun Microsystems' Network File System (NFS) and standard BSD networking facilities over serial lines. AppleTalk®forA/UX Version 2.0 Allows any A/UX application­ (included� with A/UX Version 1.1.1) Macintosh� or UNIX-to share Apple LaserWriter® and ImageWriter® printers over the AppleTalk network system. These printers can also be shared by Macintosh computers running the Macintosh operat­ ing system. Product Details Macintosh Applications AppleCD SC Support Text Editing and Processing Execution The AppleCD SC drive can be Text editing and processing NUXVersion 1.1.1 allows used as a read-only NUXfile utilities include vi, ex, ed, many 32-bit-compatible system of up to 500 megabytes, ditroff, nroff, tbl, eqn, and pie. Macintosh applications to run giving information systems NUX also includes Adobe in the NUX environment. providers an inexpensive distri­ Systems' Transcript utility for Macintosh applications that bution medium. formatting output to the Apple adhere to the specificationsfor LaserWriter printer. the Macintosh 32-bit environ­ Multiuser and Multitasking ment, as documented in the Support Programming Inside Macintosh series, run in A/UX supports multiple NUX offers an assembler, a the NUX environment without processes per user, enabling C compiler, debuggers, the change. Most Macintosh one interactive application to Source Code Control System Toolbox features-including run many subtasks at once. (SCCS), and related tools to color and printing-are Applications that don't use the assist in developing new supported. Sound and direct screen, such as network applications or porting existing hardware access are communications and printing software to NUX.It also not available. functions, can also run invisibly includes a set of UNIX libraries behind another application. that allow C programs to access POSIXSupport With term or the optional X the functionality of the Macin­ NUX is compliant with both Window System add-on, tosh Toolbox, so that NUX the Federal Information multiple interactive programs applications can present the Processing Standard #151 may run simultaneously. NUX graphics-based user interface (FIPS) and the POSIX Draft 12 also supports multiuser activity familiarto Macintosh users, in standard. The federal govern­ via two back-panel serial ports addition to the traditional UNIX ment created FIPS for POSIX or via third-party add-in boards. appearance. Numerous other Draft 12. POSIX is the trade languages and tools are name of the IEEE Pl003 Communications available fromdev elopers. standard forthe UNIX op­ A/UX provides standard UNIX erating system. communications such as cu System Administration and uucp, as well as more NUX simplifies configuration Apple Tape Backup 40SC advanced UNIX facilities such and recovery. It automatically Support as Berkeley Networking configures the smallest kernel NUXsupports the UNIX Services, NFS, Yellow Pages, possible, and simplifiesthe archival utilities, including tar and Mail. Serial, Ethernet, and manual addition of new drivers. and cp io, for the Apple Tape TCP/IP support are provided. In addition, NUXkeeps redun­ Backup 40SC, which uses AppleTalk forA/UX Version 2.0 dant copies of crucial filesso preformatted DC2000 1/4-inch supports AppleTalk printing that, in the event of a damaging tape cartridges in QIC-100 over LocalTalk™ and EtherTalk™ system crash, it can automati­ format. networks. cally return the system to a networkable state. System Requirements To use the Apple A/UX A Macintosh SE/30, Ilci, IIx, For Ethernet connectivity, operating system, you will or... Hex computer with a the... Apple EtherTalk NB Card or need: minimum of 4 megabytes of equivalent for the Macintosh II, RAM or a Macintosh II , IIx, Ilcx, or Ilci. For the computer with a minimum of Macintosh SE/30, an Ethernet 4 megabytes of RAM and an interface card is required. Apple Paged Memory Manage- ment Unit (PMMU) Optional Equipment An Apple hard disk (mini- Additional memory mum... 80 megabytes) or the ... An Apple Tape Backup equivalent 40SC... or the equivalent An Apple or equivalent An AppleCD SC drive ...monitor that is compatible ... with A/UX Version 1.1.1 Technical Specifications Portability standard Communications Apple enhancements AT&T UNIX System V, Network access via Ethernet Access to Macintosh Release... 2, Version 2 or... serial lines using TCP /IP or Toolbox... forA/UX applications Compliant with the System SL/IP protocols, or via direct and Macintosh applications V... Interface Definition (SVID), serial or modem connections Automatic recovery of files and conformsto the System V File transfer, terminal in... case of a crash Verification Suite (SVVS) emulat... ion, and electronic mail Automatic reconfiguration 4.3 BSD extensions (includ- with UNIX systems via uucp of... device drivers ing... signals, job control, groups, protocols File transfer utility that sockets, TCP/I P, subnets, and Local area networking over converts... Macintosh files to domains) Ethernet... with the EtherTalk NB A/UX files Compliant with FIPS #151 Card or over serial lines using AppleTalk printing support ...and the IEEE P1003.1 (POSIX SL/IP over... Loca!Talk and EtherTalk Draft 12) standard Transparent file sharing networks. (EtherTalk printing over... Ethernet or serial lines to LaserWriter and ImageWriter Shells (command-line using NFS Version 3.2 printers requires an EtherTalk- interpreters) Remote log-in and execu- to-Loca!Talk router such as the Bourne, Korn, C tion,... resource sharing, file AppleTalk Internet Router.) ... transfer, and electronic mail Development tools with Berkeley Networking Editors (vi,
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