FRONT PAGE A1 TOOELETRANSCRIPT GHS takes home three individual state titles; SERVING team takes second TOOELE COUNTY SINCE 1894 See B1 BULLETIN TUESDAY October 13, 2015 www.TooeleOnline.com Vol. 122 No. 39 $1.00 Tainted soil in LEARNING TO PREVENT Stockton to be FIRES BRINGS taken away COMMUNITY Town meeting Thursday will help set ENJOYMENT PHOTOS parameters for EPA and state project SUE BUTTERFIELD by Jessica Henrie Agency and Utah Department of STAFF WRITER Environmental Quality will hold a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. State and federal officials will Thursday in the Stockton Fire be in Stockton this week to pres- Station, 207 N. Connor Avenue. ent their mine and smelter waste During the meeting, they will cleanup plan and accept public discuss their proposed plan to comment. clean up contaminated soil at Officials from the Environmental Protection SEE SOIL PAGE A12 ➤ School district sends out pamphlet on proposed bond by Tim Gillie tions that specifies a plan of STAFF WRITER finance that includes the specific projects that will be funded by A pamphlet that explains the bond. how the Tooele County School Once the bond passes, the District will spend $49 million if law requires the school board voters approve the district’s bond to “ensure that qualifying gen- request in November’s election eral obligation bond proceeds started to arrive in mailboxes last are used to complete projects weekend. in accordance with the plan of State law requires that school finance.” boards distribute a voter infor- mation pamphlet for bond elec- SEE BOND PAGE A9 ➤ Voters to decide if more sales tax can help pay for roads by Tim Gillie 0.25 percent to the local sales STAFF WRITER tax to be used for transporta- tion projects — but only if voters Tooele County voters will be approve the additional tax. asked at the polls on Nov. 3 if Tooele County commissioners they want to pay more in sales approved putting the sales tax tax to help with roads and other increase on the November bal- transportation expenses. lot at their Aug. 28 meeting. It is The 2015 Utah Legislature called Proposition 1. SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE passed legislation that autho- UV INDEX The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 7:39 a.m. 6:51 p.m. rized county commissions to add SEE TAX PAGE A9 ➤ Thursday 7:40 a.m. 6:50 p.m. Friday 7:41 a.m. 6:48 p.m. Saturday 7:42 a.m. 6:47 p.m. Sunday 7:43 a.m. 6:45 p.m. Monday 7:44 a.m. 6:44 p.m. W Th F Sa Su M Tu Tuesday 7:45 a.m. 6:42 p.m. The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Wednesday 9:07 a.m. 8:02 p.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Thursday 10:03 a.m. 8:39 p.m. Very High; 11+ Extreme Friday 10:59 a.m. 9:20 p.m. Saturday 11:54 a.m. 10:05 p.m. ALMANAC Sunday 12:47 p.m. 10:56 p.m. Statistics for the week ending Oct. 12. Mostly sunny and Mostly sunny and Not as warm; a p.m. A couple of showers Chance for a couple of Monday 1:36 p.m. 11:52 p.m. Partly sunny and nice Sunny Temperatures Tuesday 2:23 p.m. none beautiful pleasantly warm t-storm in spots and a thunderstorm showers High/Low past week 84/47 Three-year-old Conway Thomas (top) and Tooele City Firefighter Adrian First Full Last New Normal high/low past week 69/44 Baum target shoot with the fire hose Saturday at the Tooele City Fire 79 54 78 52 75 56 68 55 68 52 62 44 64 43 Average temp past week 62.0 Normal average temp past week 56.4 Department open house. George Bromley (middle) finds just what his TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low son Samuel has been dreaming of — a fireman’s hat. Rachel Lunsford Oct 20 Oct 27 Nov 3 Nov 11 Shown is Wednesday’s (left) learns about fire safety. Kids (above) try on some of the gear their Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are Wednesday’s highs and dads use as Tooele City firefighters. AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 Wednesday night’s lows. FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Meadow Lane near Rush Valley was recently resurfaced. Road construction projects UTAH WEATHER are one of the beneficiaries if voters approve Proposition 1 on this year’s ballot. Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan BULLETIN BOARD A8 Grouse 78/39 Wendover PrecipitationAIR QUALITY (in inches) INSIDE Creek 76/51 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point Tuesday CLASSIFIEDS B5 76/39 76/51 77/52 77/56 HOMETOWN A10 Ogden Stansbury Park Good Tooele Tooele beats Bear 79/51 Erda 78/56 photographer River in third OBITUARIES A6 Vernal Grantsville 79/55 Pine Canyon Wednesday Salt Lake City 74/43 80/55 69/49 OPEN FORUM A4 Tooele 81/53 Bauer wins international region win 79/54 Last Normal MonthGood Normal Year Normal SPORTS B1 79/54 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D Provo Roosevelt 79/54 contest 75/42 See B1 78/47 See Stockton PollenThursday Index Price complete 79/52 See A2 78/47 High Good Nephi forecast Rush Valley 80/47 79/47 Ophir Moderate on A9 73/48 Source:Low www.airquality.utah.gov Delta Manti Absent 81/51 81/45 Green River Tu W Th F Sa Su M 82/46 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 78/51 83/47 Moab 74/52 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 82/49 Beaver 80/47 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Monday 81/44 Ibapah 78/49 24-hour 80/45 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 1.03 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 82/44 80/49 at Grantsville 1.34 none 91/62 Kanab 84/44 Eureka 73/47 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 4190.89 A2 A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY October 13, 2015 Local woman takes top honors for photographing wild horses by Jessica Henrie invited, not just to enter, it’s just my love,” Jay said. “It’s been 10 STAFF WRITER an amazing feeling.” years now that I’ve been photo- Jay said she has done pho- graphing the same herd of horses. A Tooele City woman recent- tography generally all her life. I’ve been doing it so long they’re ly became one of the top five However, she didn’t start photo- almost like family to me. winners in an international art graphing wild horses until she “I try to go at least once a week,” contest — and she was the only moved to Tooele County from she added. “I work at Dugway, so American who placed. Indiana. Since she started photo- it’s easy to get off work, turn right Last November, wild horse graphing the horses in September and go out into the wilderness. photographer Kelly Jay received 2005, she has developed a pas- Even in winter, I go, unless the an invitation to enter the contest, sion for it. road is too dangerous because it’s sponsored by Equus Film Festival. “The wild horse photography not paved.” She and about 100 other artists — is what I’m known for, and that’s [email protected] including painters, sculptors and photographers from around the world — submitted three works each for a popular vote. A panel of judges from the film festival then chose the winners from the 10 most popular entries, SR-36 RENEWED Jay said. “I was the only person from PROJECT UPDATE America that won in the top five,” she said. “I was also the only wild The Utah Department of horse person that won top any- Transportation’s reconstruction thing, so this is a huge honor.” of SR-36 from Stansbury Park The other top finishers were through Tooele City continues COURTESY OF KELLY JAY from Ireland, Canada and France. this week. Motorists should antic- Utah Avenue to 520 South Kelly Jay’s photograph of a wild horse in Skull Valley recently won a contest sponsored by Equus Film Festival. The image is ipate delays and some changes Jay was the only photographer to UDOT anticipates paving to win, she said. featured on a poster for the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign. in the traffic flow as workers pro- ceed on the project. reach 200 South by the end of As part of her prize, the film this week. Crews will begin to festival used her photo to create a ness for wild horses,” she said. the Equus Film Festival together from the American Wild Horse With school back in session, remove asphalt from the south- campaign poster to sell, benefit- “That is my driving force for try- in New York City on Nov. 20-21. Preservation Campaign. all motorists and students are bound lanes between 700 North requested to pay extra attention and Vine Street on Wednesday. ing the charity of Jay’s choice. Jay ing so hard to win the contest, so Jay will have a gallery at the fes- “A girl from Tooele having a for safety. chose the American Wild Horse it’s not just Kelly Jay winning a tival and be able to view the films little gallery in New York City is Temporary driveways will be Preservation Campaign.
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