University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Kenna Record, 1910-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-27-1921 Kenna Record, 05-27-1921 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/kenna_news Recommended Citation Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White. "Kenna Record, 05-27-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/kenna_news/377 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kenna Record, 1910-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. L7 F71 o) (f0(fTjP i n) n aia . VOL. 16 KENNA, ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921 NO. 10 MME. CURIE HARVEY TO ACT IN CHIEF JUSTICE WHITE IS DEAD Tires and Tubes Accessories X. WAS HEAD OF SUPREME Boots and Patching SILESIA PARLEY and Supplies COURT ELEVEN YEARS. Phone 42 His Ascension to the Bench Waa the 1.. '.v,,:: NEW AMERICAN ENVOY TO Climax of a Long Career With ENGLAND SPEAKS AT THE Many Honors Attained. P. & R. GARAGE PILGRIM BANQUET Washington Edward Douglas Elida, New Mexico White, chief Justice of .the United PROMINENT KQBLEMEN SPEAK States supreme court, died at a hos- pital, where he "submitted to an oper- Acetylene Welding W. E. LUCAS ' ation. He was 76 years old. y He Spoke Expert Mechanics PROPRIETOR of the League of Nations The chief Justice was unconscious and Made a Strong Plea for the for several days, when acute dilation Close Between of the heart occurred. ' Up to that Our Two Great Countries. time the attending physicians had London. The dinner of welcome by the Pilgrims Society to the American ED. J. NEER, ambaosador, George Harvey, was en- Undertaker and Embalroer Mme. Curia, discoverer of radium, veloped in far deeper interest than hat been presented with a gram of the usually attends a reception to a new LICENSED BY STATE BOARD precious by women element the of ambassador by this international club. nweredMa7 or nlyht. Office America. ,9" phone 67 two fine. Not only- - was it Mr. Harvey's first Residence, 67 three, ring Arent for Roswcll and Amaiiilo public appearance since his appoint- Greenhouaea. PorUlea, New Mexico, BORAH WINNING IN CONTEST ment to the post, but there was gen- eral expectation that he would reveal Complete Line of Caskets and Robes something of the, new administration's i2SS32SEHJE PRESIDENT HARDING MAY policy toward European affairs. h AGREE TO PLAN The ambassador did not disappoint WBEBBSESET. his audience, for he sharply brushed aside any lingering illusion that the Heads of Administration Come to Sup- United States would have any relat- DRUGS, DRUG SUPPLIES port of Idea as They Communl. ing whatever with the league of na- 6 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES cafe With Senate. tions. He also announced his appoint- ment to represent the president in the1 ..... if supreme council In the discussion over '4 Your Mail are Washington Senator Borah of Ida- r t Orders Solicited Silesia. ho and those associateed with him In Are the senate on questions of naval pol- His Words Plain. icy, virtually won their fight for Incor- Mr. Harvey's plain word3 on t'aa poration In the 1500.000.000 naval ap- league were a revelation, and his pies propriation Dill of the llorah amend- Cor the closest between tut patjeopfcw da'jC ment requesting the president to call the two great English speaking coun- a naval disarmament conference of tries was Impressive. ROSWELL, N.M. the United States, Great Britain and The British prime minister made an vi Japan. eloquent speech, but rather disappoint-- ' If Senator ' Poindexter, republican, ed those who hoped for more of inter- Washington, In national plain speaking, is charge of the naval which the 1 bill, and other administration leaders, fashion of the moment. The premier 1 suddenly and unexpectedly came to described the plight of Europe, en- GO TO the support of the amendment and meshed in ancient feuds, and gave leaders generally joined In predictions warm welcome to the new Edward Douglas White ot adopting ofxtbe disarmament pro- of America in world affairs. hoped for a rapid recovery after an KEMP LUMBER posal. The Duke of Connaught presided, eperaton for bladder trouble CO. and Lord Desbrough read a message Harding Heard From. After the unexpected relapse ths ELIDA, N. M. Although from the American pilgrims. Senator Poindexter and foreign fhyBiclans did not expect the chief republican Lord Cruzon, secretary for other leaders said they spoke briefly humorously justice to live. had not heard affairs, and For Wire, Posts, Cement, Lumber and Building further from President referred to the league of nations by Death was. said to he due directly iHarding regarding his to- Material. Saab Doors and Hardware attitude wish Cecil one to complications which developed aft- ward the Borah porposal, were the that lord Robert there of the chief supporters of that or- er the operation. reports that both by letter and tele- ganization was In his shoes. Justice McKenna and of Mr. phone president had been In com- other the were 350 diners, among them supreme G. BRIDGES, Manager. munication with republican leaders, There White's associates in the a the Duke of York, and many mem- court called at the hospital when it i Both in senate debate and In a bers of the peerage and representa- became known that his condition was formal statement to the press, Senator tives of the American colony". serious, but did not enter the room Poindexter annonnced his Intention as the chief Justice was unconscious. to vote for the Borah amendment PLEADS FOR BIG AfiMY CUT Chief Justice White of the United and also hold a preliminary point of States supreme court was regarded order against it which would have as the embodiment of' his high office. required a two-third- s vote for its America Urged To Take Lead In Ask In the earlier days of his occupancy adoption. After this announcement Ing Disarmament In Speech. of the bench, he had the reputation of Curtis, republican whip, 'IA BANK TRUST COMPANY. Senator being a fastidious-- dresser; and cou- k pas.Sd the word among republicans Chicago. America was urged to pled with this human trait, he waa to vote as they desired on the Borah take the lead in effecting reduction ol fond of outdoor exercise. provisions. Senator Lodge of Massa- armament of all nations, at a mass He was a Roman Catholic in relig- Kenna, Now Mexico. republican leader, said Jen-nnig- chusetts, the meeting addressed by William s ion, having graduated from the Jesuit that he would vote for the amend- Bryan and others in, the final college In New Orleans, and at and he expected general re- ment that two-day- congress on Georgetown, District of Columbia, uni- support session of the publican for It. limitation or armaments. Mr. Bryan versity. His other studies had been Borah Is Gratified. made the closing appeal for world pursued at Mount St. Mary's near g, The change in the situation oc- eace, declaring his mottoa to be "dis- Maryland. casioned considerable and, to armament by agreement If possible, His ascension to the bench was the surprise many Senator Borah, muoh gratification. by example if necessary." climax ot a long career in which After a conference with presi- The purpose of the entire confer- honors had been attained. Licensed the by supreme court dent. Senator Poindexter announced ence waa summed up in a resolution to practice law the 1868, was reoently that the president preferred adopted earlier in the day and pre- of Louisiana in he elected not to have Borah amendment sented to the assemblage urging to the state senate in 1874, and fotir the asso- adopted. republi- Harding to Brit- years later he was appointed while Senator Hale, President call Great supreme can, Maine, who accompanied Senator ain and Japan into conference looking ciate Justice' of the court of OOOOOOO Poindexter, also had to reduction of naval armaments by Louisiana. said that he a num. understood the president regarded it agreement. He occupied the bench for of years. In 1891, however, ho s "unnecessary." America, Mr. Bryan bef said, was the took his seat la the United SCatea Despite the developments In the dis- only great nation which set an ex- senate, having been elected as a dem- armament controversy, o progress ample in mobollzation for war, but ocrat, Louisiana. was on King, Bow, he added, "she get from made the bill. Senator can't out of While serving in the senate, he was democrat, Utah, and Lafollette, re- war." He ridiculed the law which re- appointed by President Taft, in 1910 publican, Wisconsin, again spoke at quired two-third- s vote in congress to to be Chief Justice of the United V length in the criticism of the appro- ratify a treaty but permitted declara- Supreme court, and took his program, tion t)f war by a majority States priation but tomorrow' it was vote. seat December 19 of that year. expected that the senate would get Matthew Woll, vice president of the down to disposition of many amend- American Federation of Labor, ex- ments proposed by the naval tended the "helping hand of the RETAIL FOOD PRICE DROPS American labor movement," to the congress in their proposal for arma- During April Decline Showed 2.7 Per SETTLE THETAX'QUESTION ment limitation. He asserted labor's cent Over March. stand for peace, but declared labor had no regret for the part it took in Washington Retail food prices de Tax Is Not Exempt According Estate the world war.
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