saving faces|changing lives® Office-Based Anesthesia Provided by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Since December 1844, when Dr. Horace Wells, a dentist, and maxillofacial surgeons and found the ratio of office first demonstrated that volatile gases could be inhaled and fatalities /brain damage per anesthetics administered to be used for medical and dental anesthesia, oral and maxillo- 1:365,534. In April 1985, the National Institute of Dental facial surgeons have been the recognized leaders among Research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the the nation’s dental and medical professions for the delivery Food and Drug Administration, and the NIH Office of of safe and effective outpatient anesthesia. In addition, the Medical Applications of Research sponsored a National American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference continues to be consulted by other medical and dental spe- on “Anesthesia and Sedation in the Dental Office.” Its cialties, accrediting agencies and regulatory bodies regard- consensus statement concluded: ing standards and anesthetic safety. Pain is a major factor that brings patients to The history of oral and maxillofacial surgery office-based the dental office, while fear and anxiety about anesthesia parallels the emergence of the medical hospital pain are common reasons patients fail to seek model when, in the early 1930’s, Dr. John Lundy, who dental care. The magnitude of the public-health first developed and used the IV pentothal technique at the problem is indicated by the fact that 35 million Mayo clinic, taught the new IV procedure to Mayo’s Chief Americans avoid dental treatment until forced of Oral Surgery, Dr. Ed Staffney. Dr. Staffney, in turn, into the office with a toothache. The control of ensured that all oral surgery residents at the Mayo Clinic pain and anxiety is therefore an essential part of were taught IV pentothal anesthesia as part of their clinical dental practice… training. The Mayo Clinic's senior oral surgery resident at The use of sedative and anesthetic techniques that time was Adrian Hubble, who went on to teach this in the dental office represents a unique situation technique to oral surgeons across United States. when compared with their use in the hospital Clearly, dental office-based anesthesia is not new; in fact, environment. These differences often are not it actually predates the development of certified registered clearly understood, and as a result, the use of nurse anesthetists. Dentistry, specifically oral and maxil- sedation and anesthesia in the dental office has lofacial surgery, has remained in the forefront of the field sometimes been unduly criticized . of anesthesia. Fearful patients, who are often in pain, are After listening to a series of presentations effectively, economically and safely managed in the oral by experts in the relevant basic and clinical and maxillofacial surgery office with the use of deep seda- science areas, a consensus panel composed of tion/general anesthesia that frequently incorporate agents individuals knowledgeable in medical and dental such as propofol and/or ketamine. Prospective and retro- anesthesiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, spective morbidity and mortality studies of deep sedation/ pediatric dentistry, pharmacology, behavioral general anesthesia in the oral and maxillofacial surgery science, biostatistics, epidemiology, general office reveal an enviable safety record. The OMS Nation- dental practice, dental education, and public al Insurance Company (OMSNIC) Anesthesia Morbidity interest considered all the material presented and and Mortality Data (2000-2010) examined a total number agreed[on the following conclusion:] The use of 29,975,459 in-office anesthetics (conscious sedation, of all effective drugs carry some risk, however deep sedation and general anesthesia) administered by oral small. Available evidence suggests that the use PAGE 1 Office-Based Anesthesia Provided by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon of sedative anesthetic drugs in the dental office by appropriately trained professionals has a remarkable record of safety [Emphasis added]. White Paper The consensus statement concluded the following regard- ing personnel: For conscious sedation, the practitioner responsible for treatment of the patient and/or Office Anesthesia Evaluation (OAE) program every five the administration of drugs must be appropriately years, and maintain malpractice insurance coverage from trained in the use of such techniques. The the OMS National Insurance Company (OMSNIC). minimum number of people involved should The Bylaws of the American Association of Oral and Max- be two, i.e., the dentist and an assistant trained illofacial Surgeons state: to monitor appropriate physiologic parameters. For deep sedation or general anesthesia at least AAOMS fellow/members must have their offices three individuals, each appropriately trained, successfully evaluated and re-evaluated by are required. One is the operating dentist, who their component society every five years or in directs the deep sedation or general anesthesia. accordance with the state law, provided that the The second is a person whose responsibilities are state law does not exceed six (6) years between observation and monitoring of the patient . The evaluations and otherwise meets AAOMS third person assists the operating dentist. office anesthesia guidelines. State or component societies will notify AAOMS immediately of any The American Dental Association Policy Statement on state/component society fellow/member who does “The Use of Conscious Sedation, Deep Sedation and not fulfill this requirement. General Anesthesia in Dentistry;” the 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons [AAOMS] The AAOMS Office Anesthesia Evaluation program is is “Parameters of Care for Anesthesia and Outpatient Facili- not mandated or suggested by any government or outside ties; “ The Accreditation Standards for Advanced Specialty agency. It was conceived, developed, implemented and Education Programs in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; mandated by the AAOMS through its component state so- and the AAOMS’s “Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual” cieties to benefit the public, whom its members serve. The are consistent with the conclusions of the NIH Consensus AAOMS Office Anesthesia Evaluation program consists of Development Conference. Further, AAOMS “Parame- four parts: ters of Care for Anesthesia and Outpatient Facilities” are Part I. An evaluation of the office facilities, emergency reviewed and concurred with by the American Society of medications, and emergency equipment avail- Anesthesiologists. able; The President of the American Society of Anesthesiolo- Part II. A demonstration by the oral and maxillofacial gists has written, surgeon and his/her team of the management of simulated office emergencies; Since members of the AAOMS [American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Part III. A discussion between the evaluators and the oral Surgeons] have a long history of safely using and maxillofacial surgeon that involves a critique general anesthesia in the care of their patients, of the emergency demonstrations and/or facility; it is the feeling of the American Society of and Anesthesiologists that the joint ASA/AANA Part IV. An observation of the anesthesia/surgeries statement [regarding restrictions on the use performed in the office (subject to state laws and of propofol by physicians with no training in patient consent) the performance of general anesthesia] is not intended for these AAOMS members. The AAOMS Office Anesthesia Evaluation process encompasses training and evaluation of office facilities; In order to maintain AAOMS membership, oral and max- equipment and personnel; monitoring; complications illofacial surgeons must complete AAOMS’s mandatory and emergencies, including laryngospasm, syncope, venipuncture, bronchospasm, emesis and aspiration of PAGE 2 Office-Based Anesthesia Provided by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon foreign material, airway obstruction of foreign body, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); management of White Paper blood pressure problems; drug allergies; hyperventilation and convulsions; malignant hyperthermia; and anesthesia for patients suspected of substance abuse. As the surgical specialists of the dental profession, oral must never relinquish our leadership role in providing safe and maxillofacial surgeons are trained in all aspects of an- and effective anesthetic care that is essential to the health esthesia administration. OMS residents complete a rotation and well-being of our patients. on the medical anesthesiology service, during which they train alongside anesthesiology residents under the super- vision of an anesthesiologist. Those who complete an oral References: and maxillofacial surgery residency training program are competent to administer safe and efficient anesthesia in 1. Rules of Tennessee Board of Dentistry. Chapter 0460-2 Rules Gov- the outpatient setting. With their training in both patient erning the Practice of Dentistry. Sept. 2006 (revised). http://www. evaluation and emergency management, they are prepared state.tn.us/sos/rules/0460/0460-02.pdf. Accessed February 12, 2013. to address any situation they may encounter. The ASA, the 2. Anesthesia morbidity & mortality 2000-2010. Rosemont, IL: OMS educational, research and scientific association of phy- National Insurance Company (OMSNIC);
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