33_783641 bindex.qxp 3/20/06 7:33 PM Page 295 Index See also separate Accommodations and Restaurant indexes at the end of this index. accommodations (Montréal). See also General Index Accommodations Index, Montréal bed-and breakfasts (B&Bs), 90 • A • best room at best rate, 90–93 boutique hotels, 89 AAA, 91, 285 chain hotels, 90 AARP, 37, 53, 91 independent hotels, 90 accommodations. See also kid-friendly, 100 accommodations (Montréal); kitchen in, 90, 99 accommodations (Québec City); luxury hotels, 89–90 Accommodations Index, map, 96–97 Montréal; Accommodations rates, 90–94 Index, Québec City reservations, 91–93 bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), without reservations, 93 90, 211–212 accommodations (Québec City). See best, 11 also Accommodations Index, boutique hotels, 89 Québec City budget for, 33–34 bed-and breakfasts (B&Bs), 211–212 chain hotels, 90 Internet access, 211 contact information, 292–293 kid-friendly, 220–221, 223–224 cost-cutting tips, 37 map, 216–217 dollar-sign rating, 2–3 rates, 214–215 Eastern Townships, 185 airlines. See also airports gay and lesbian travelers, 57 carry-on luggage, 70, 72 Internet access, 211 contact information, 291–292 kid-friendly, 100, 220–221, 223–224 fares, 44–45 with kitchen, 37, 110 lost luggage, 65–66 Laurentian Mountains, 184 reservations, 45–46 luxury hotels, 89–90 security measures, 69–70 Montréal, 89–103 COPYRIGHTEDairports. MATERIAL See also airlines Ottawa, 181 currency exchange and ATMs, 78 Québec City, 215–226 Jean-Lesage International Airport rack rate, 2, 91, 94 (Québec City), 43, 44, 207–208 rates, 90–94, 214–215 Pierre Elliott Trudeau International reservations, 91–93 Airport (Montréal), 43–44, tipping, 36, 291 78–79, 208 without reservations, 93 transportation from, 46–47, 78–79 33_783641 bindex.qxp 3/20/06 7:33 PM Page 296 296 Montréal & Québec City For Dummies, 2nd Edition Alouettes (football team), 148–149 Parc Aquarium de Québec, 248 American Express, 285 Parc de la Chute-Montmorency, Amtrak (train service), 47 248–249 amusement park (Montréal), 138 Parc Jean-Drapeau, 141–142 antiques Planetarium de Montréal, 145 Montréal, 153, 159–160 Québec City, 247–249 Québec City, 257, 260 Santa Claus Parade, 28 April, 24, 29 for teenagers, 250–251 area code, 285 Terrasse Dufferin, 249 art galleries attractions (Montréal) Montréal, 153, 160 churches, 147–148 Québec City, 257, 260 Downtown, 134–135 arts and crafts (Montréal), 160 East Montréal, 139 Assemblée nationale du Québec five-day itinerary, 166–168 (Québec City), 249 guided tours, 149–151 ATMs, 39–40, 78, 285 kid-pleasing, 143–145 attractions. See also attractions (kid- maps, 134–135, 137, 139 pleasing); attractions (Montréal); museums, 145–147 attractions (Québec City); day spectator sports, 148–149 trips; guided tours three-day itinerary, 161–166 budget for, 35 attractions (Québec City) Eastern Townships, 185–187 historical, 249–250, 253–256 Laurentian Mountains, 181–184 kid-pleasing, 247–249 Ottawa, 178–181 map, 242–243 attractions (kid-pleasing) military, 249–250 Basilique Notre-Dame, 132–133 strolling streets, 251–252 Biodôme de Montréal, 133 for teenagers, 250–251 Centre des Sciences de Montréal, 144 Atwater Market (Montréal), 128, 160 Centre d’Interprétation de la August, 26–27, 30 Côte-de-Beaupré, 247 Avenue Cartier (Québec City), 262–263 Ferry Ride, 247 avenue de l’Esplanade (Montréal), 175 Festival de la Gastronomie de avenue Laurier (Montréal), 175 Québec, 29 Fête des Neiges (snow festival), 23 Galeries de la Capitale, 259 • B • Geordie Theatre Productions, 189 babysitting services, 52, 285 Great Pumpkin Ball, 28 bagels, 83, 126 IMAX Theatre, 144 Baldwin Barmacie (Montréal), 200 Insectarium de Montréal, 144 ballet (Montréal), 190 La Biosphère, 144–145 Bank of Canada (Web site), 38 La Fête des enfants de Montréal, 27 Barfly (Montréal), 197–198 La Ronde (amusement park), 138 Barraca Rhumerie & Tapas Lachine Rapids, 138 (Montréal), 202 Montréal, 143–145 bars and clubs (Montréal) Musée de Cire (Wax Museum), 248 about, 190–191 Musée McCord d’Histoire brewpubs, 203 Canadienne, 141 cafes and bars, 199–201 Observatorie de la capitale, 248 33_783641 bindex.qxp 3/20/06 7:33 PM Page 297 General Index 297 comedy clubs, 204 Boulevard St-Laurent (Montréal), concert venues, 199 133, 158–159 dance clubs, 195–197 boutique hotels, 89 gay and lesbian, 57, 204 Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel! (Montréal), 203 live music, 197–199 brasserie (French cuisine), 116 lounges, 201–202 breakfast, 110, 127–128 neighborhood, 202–203 Breakneck stairs (Québec City), 256 pool halls, 203–204 brewpubs, 203 bars and clubs (Québec City) Bring Your Own Bottle (BYOB) dance clubs, 268–269 restaurants, 130–131 live music, 269, 272–273 brunch, 109 neighborhood, 273–274 brunch, tams-tams, and beyond baseball team (Montréal Expos), 282 itinerary, 173–176 Basilique Notre-Dame (Montréal), Brutopia (Montréal), 203 132–133 bucket shops (consolidators), 44–45 Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Québec budget for trip. See also money (Québec City), 241, 255 accommodations, 33–34 Basse-Ville (Lower City) (Québec City) ATM withdrawal charges, 40 described, 207, 209 attractions, 35 nightlife, 266–267 cost cutting tips, 36–37 restaurants, 232 dining, 34–35 bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs) hidden expenses, 35–36 Montréal, 90 nightlife, 35 Québec City, 211–212 shopping, 35 beer, 25, 278 taxes, 35–36 Benjo (Québec City), 264 tipping, 36 bicycling, 86, 213 transportation, 34 Bike Fest (Féria du vélo de burgers Montréal), 25 Montréal, 125, 126 Bily Kun (Montréal), 170, 202, 283 Québec City, 239 Biodôme de Montréal, 133, 165 bus service Bistro Scanner Multimédia (Québec to Eastern Townships, 185 City), 269–270 Greyhound Lines, 47, 55 Black and Blue Festival (Montréal), to the Laurentian Mountains, 182 28, 57 in Montréal, 85–86 Blizzart (Montréal), 195 to Montréal, 47 Blue Metropolis (Montréal literary Montréal to Québec City, 80–81 festival), 24 in Québec City, 212 blueberries from Lac St. Jean, 279 to Québec City, 47, 208 boat tours and cruises from Trudeau Airport, 79 Montréal, 47, 150–151 bus tours Québec City, 47 Montréal, 150 Bonjour Québec (Web site), 71 Québec City, 253 books, recommended, 17–18 business hours, 152, 258, 286 bookstores BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) Montréal, 153, 156, 160 restaurants, 130–131 Québec City, 257–258, 260, 261 ByWard Market (Ottawa), 180 Boudoir (Québec City), 268 33_783641 bindex.qxp 3/20/06 7:33 PM Page 298 298 Montréal & Québec City For Dummies, 2nd Edition Carrefour international de theatre • C • (Québec City), 29 cabanes à sucre (sugar shacks), 29 carry-on luggage, 70, 72 Cabaret à Mado (Montréal), 204 Cartier de la Lune (Québec City), 268 Cactus (Montréal), 196–197 Casa Del Pololo (Montréal), 198 cafes, Montréal, 199–201 cash, carrying, 39–40 Cafeteria (Montréal), 200 Casino de Montréal (Montréal casino), calendar of events 133, 135–136, 167 Montréal, 23–28 Casino du Lac Leamy (Ottawa), 181 Québec City, 29–30 Casse-Crêpe Breton (Québec City), 240 camera repair, 286 cellphones, 66–67, 111 Canada Border Services Agency (Web Centaur Theatre Company site), 78 (Montréal), 189 Canada Customs (Web site), 36 Centre Canadien d’Architecture Canada-U.S. border, driving from, 78 (Montréal), 136 Canadian currency, 37–39 Centre des Sciences de Montréal, 144 Canadian Museum of Civilization Centre d’Histoire de Montréal, 146 (Ottawa), 180 Centre d’Interprétation de la Côte-de- Canadian Museum of Contemporary Beaupré (Québec City), 247 Photography (Ottawa), 180 Centre Infotouriste Montréal, 293–294 Canadiens (hockey team), 148, 167 Centre Infotouriste Québec City, car, driving 209, 212 from Canada-U.S. border, 78 chain hotels, 90 to Eastern Townships, 185 Champagne Le Maitre Confiseur from Jean-Lesage airport, 208 (Québec City), 265 to Laurentian Mountains, 182 Changing of the Guard, 12, 178 in Montréal, 84–88 Chantecler ski resort (Laurentian to Montréal and Québec City from the Mountains), 182 south, 46 Chapelle Notre-Dame-de Bonsecours Montréal to Québec City, 80, 208 (Montréal), 147 Ontario to Montréal, 80 Chapelle/Musée des Ursulines (Québec to Ottawa, 178 City), 244 parking and, 62, 85, 87–88, 213, 291 Charlotte Lounge (Québec City), 272 in Québec City, 213 Château Frontenac (Québec City), to Québec City, 208 244, 262 rules of the road, 62, 87 Château Ramsey (Montréal), 163 from Trudeau Airport, 79 cheese, unpasteurized, 278 car rental Chez Dagobert (Québec City), 269 agencies, 293 Chez Maurice Night Club (Québec budget for, 34 City), 269 discounts, 63 Chez Son Père (Québec City), 272 gasoline, 34, 87 children. See also attractions insurance, 63–64 (kid-pleasing) Jean-Lesage airport, 208 accommodations, 100, 220–221, Trudeau airport, 79 223–224 Carnaval de Québec (Québec City), 29 babysitting services, 52 French language and, 52 passport for, 61 33_783641 bindex.qxp 3/20/06 7:33 PM Page 299 General Index 299 restaurants, 124, 236 concert venues, Montréal, 199 shopping with, 259 Concordia University (Montréal), 282 traveling with, 51–53 consolidators (bucket shops), 44–45 Chinatown (Montréal), 82 consulates and embassies, 287 chocolate, 240, 261, 265 convention centers, 286 Chocolatier Cupidon Château (Québec cost-cutting tips, 36–37, 110 City), 240 credit cards, 40, 41–42, 286 Choco-Musée Erico (Québec City), 240 crêpes, 240 Christ Church Cathedral cruises (Montréal), 47 (Montréal), 147 cuisine churches, Montréal, 147–148 bagels, 126 cidre de glace, 278–279 brasserie (French cuisine), 116 Cirque du Soleil (Montréal), 189 breakfast, 110, 127–128 City Hall (Hôtel-de-Ville) brunch, 109 (Montréal), 163 chocolate, 240 classical music (Montréal), 190 crêpes, 240 climate overview,
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