June 1981 DOT HS-805-941 Final Report U .S Department of Transportation Alcohol/Safety Public Information National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Materials Catalog Number 5 Ann C. Grimm - Kristina R. Huber Public Information Materials Center Highway Safety Research Institute The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Contract No. DOT HS-9-02209 Contract Amount $20,530 ,t This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Govern- ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. Technical Report Docutmentation Pays 1. Rye" Me. 2. G.e.ry.ment Accession Me. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. DOT-HS 805 941 4. Title end Subtitle 5. Report Dot. June 1981 Alcohol/Safety Public Information Mat e ri a l s 6. Per/arming Organisation Code Catalog. Number 5. 6. Performing Organization Report No. 7. Authors) Ann C. Grimm and Kristina R. Huber UM-HSRI-81-17 9. Performing Organisation Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. Public Information Materials Center Highway Safety Research Institute 11. Contract or Grant No. The University of Michigan DOT-HS-9-02209 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 13. Typo of Repo" and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name an d Address 1 July 1980 - 30 June National Highway Traffic. Safety Administration 1981 U.S. Department of Transportation Catalog Washington, D. C. 20590 1d. Sponsoring Agency Cod. 15. Supplementary Notes It. Abstract The Alcohol/Safety Public Information Materials Catalog is designed for use by persons developing public information pro grams on alcohol and highway safety. It lists materials produced for campaigns along with journal articles and reports describing and eval uating such programs. Materials and reports listed in the catalog may be borrowed free of charge. 17. Key words 18. Distribution Statement public information campaigns Document is available to the public drinking drivers through the National Technical alcohol Information Service, Springfield, advertising Virginia 22161 19. Severity Cl.ssif. (.f this report) 20. Security Cl.ssif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price unclassified unclassified 245 i METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS A►►istimats Cssrslsisas to Malik Maggots A►►rssimata Convsrsisas hem Malik Maasaras U Symbol Whom You Know M.lIIply by T. had Symbol symbol whoa Y.u Rasa Maeiylly by Ti had symbol N LEIGH 1EP6TH amt Millimeters 0.04 mates is cm contimaters 0.4 inches it m maims 3.3 in inch" 12.6 cantimstrs an last if at maters h leak 30 centimeters cm 1.1 yards yd hm hilanetr. yd yards 0.0 motors m 0.6 miles ri mi miles 1.6 iilonotrs keen 5. AREA AREA ar^ equal* conlimeists 0.14 squaws inches is2 in2 square Molts 0.6 aquae csnNmetrs yd2 ant m2 qua. meters 1.2 square yards It2 aquae feet 0.09 aquar. motors m2 kt squae iilmotrs 0.4 square miles mil yd2 square yards 0.6 spur. sirs w ha baciwaa (10,000 m21 2.6 sues mil agure miles 2.6 square hilarolrs km3 mass 0.4 hectares be P MASS (waisbl) MASS (wslsbt) 0.036 ci aurtcea i'` 2I Ora.. g 0 Ore" tawces .s 10 kilograms 2.2 pounds lb lb pounds 0.46 kilogram 10 1.1 short tons drat tons 0.9 tames t 1 lames 11000 kg) 12000 lb) VOLUME VOLUME tip tsssposs 6 milliliters ml ml millilitrs 0.03 fluid ounces 1101 Tbsp tablespoons 16 milliliters ml r 1 liter. 2.1 pints a 11 of fluid muter 30 milliliters nil .a - liters 1.06 quarts qt c etpa 0.24 filers 1 w I liters 0.20 gallons 94l pt pints 0.47 that. m2 cubic Motors 36 cubic last h1 41 quads 0.96 liters I m2 cubic sirs 1 .3 cubic yard. yd2 gal gallons 3.0 liters t It. cubic keel 0.03 cubic motels m2 yd3 cubic yards 0.76 cubic stars m2 TEMPERATURE (exact) TEMPERATURE (oast!) .r Celsius 0/5 (time fabrembeil lsmpersture add 32) temperature of fahrritsit 6/91ahr Celsius tainparalwo subtracting temperature OF 321 of 32 01.0 a2 -40 0 .140 60 .120 110 t00 1 I_l..ts iii i so . so it 1 u . 2.61Iu., ell, t.. a.., ..a.:r mare .Yna,lwl table., wee NOS M..[. R.bl. 211W. Uua. eel M.,ynu. s.W Maws, Pica 12.25, SO C,1.1,41 Nu. 012.1 0:266. - 40 -20 • • 70 00 Sc 37 C PREFACE The purpose of the Public Information Materials Center is to foster coordination of public information campaigns and to encourage cooperation among agencies planning campaigns on safety-related subjects. The collection is primarily intended to aid in the design of public education programs by making available materials produced for previous campaigns. We encourage those about to embark on a new program to use this unique Center to see what other organizations have created. Use of the collection should help prevent errors made in the past and also encourage more widespread use of innovative and effective ideas. Users are encouraged to contribute materials to this collection and to refer others to us. This collection serves also as a general resource in the highway safety/public information area. Materials available for loan include those produced for public information campaigns as well as research reports, evaluative and survey reports, and journal articles. i iii INTRODUCTION 1. STRUCTURE OF THE CATALOG A. Promotional Materials (page 1) Part I contains promotional materials. Items are arranged by type of material and prefaced by a subject index. B. Articles and reports (page118) Part II lists articles and reports and is arranged by title. Organization, author, and subject indexes begin on page181. II. PROCEDURES FOR BORROWING MATERIALS S, (Note: Because we have only single copies of most items, materials loaned must be returned. We can refer you to original sources and, in some cases, can provide photocopies.) A. Number To indicate the materials you wish to borrow, send a list of the numbers found to the left of each item to the Public Information Materials Center, Highway Safety Research Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michian 48109. Requests may also be phoned in to Ann Grimm at 313/764-2171- B. By Subject If you want to obtain materials on a specific subject or for a specific audience, briefly describe the subject or audience, sending the description to the above address. C. Type of Material Requests may also be made for a specific type of material -- posters, radio spots, etc. Since many subjects are represented in these groups, indicate the subject as well. You will then be sent a representative sample of materials. III. MATERIALS CENTER SERVICES AND PROCEDURES A. Loan Period Items are loaned, free of charge, for three weeks. -They may be renewed, provided no one else has requested them. Renewal requests should be mailed or phoned in in advance of the due date. B. Literature Searches Literature searches on specific topics can be done. Describe your search request as concisely as possible. You will be sent a list of items found in the main HSRI library. C. Referral If we do not have the information you request, we will attempt to refer you to an appropriate source. V D. Costs Services are free; borrowers of materials pay only return postage and insurance. However, if any item is damaged or lost, you are expected to pay for its replacement. E. COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS Many items listed in this catalog have been copyrighted. Should you wish to reproduce any item for your organization, the sponsor of the material must be contacted before doing so. Names and addresses for contacts within organizations will be provided on request. IV. REQUESTS FOR BORROWER A. Condition of Materials Please keep the materials in good condition. Access to films and tapes should be limited to persons experienced in the use of audio-visual equipment. B. Returning Materials When items are sent to you, a note will be included indicating the manner in which they should be returned. FILMS AND TAPES MUST BE INSURED! vi PART I -- PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS SUBJECT INDEXES Fifteen broad subject categories have been defined. Organizations which have produced materials pertinent to those subjects are listed under that heading. You can then refer to those organizations, listed alphabetically, in the materials section. Subjects: Alcoholism, the Disease (Medical Aspect) Alternatives to Drunk Driving (Stay Overnight, Take Taxi) Drugs Other Than Alcohol Industrial/Organizational Alcoholism (Recognition, Treatment Programs) Legal Aspect (License Sanctions, Court Referral, Police Enforcement) Minority Groups (Spanish-speaing People, Blacks) Need for Public Support of Countermeasures Physiological Impairment (Vision, Coordination) Presentation of General Information (Descriptive Pamphlets, Annual Reports) Licensed Beverage Industries Recognition of Problem Drinking/Alcoholism (By Self, Others) Responsible Drinking/ Know Your Limits (Host/Hostess Responsibility) Social Drinking Threat (of Arrest, of Death, of Penalties) Treatment (Psychological, Medical) Young People ALCOHOLISM, THE DISEASE Alaska Native;Commission on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse ASAP--Boston ASAP--Washtenaw County American Council on Alcohol Problems Canada, Health and Welfare Canada Colorado Division of Highway Safety Health, Education, and Welfare Department Louisiana County Board of Supervisors Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Michigan Federation of Safety Organizations National Congress of Parents and Teachers National Council on Alcoholism (and all branches) NIAAA United States Jaycees, Operation Threshold West Texas Council on Alcoholism West Virginia Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcoholism Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Other Drug Information
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