MANAGING TERMINOLOGY PROJECTS AT THE TRANSLATION CENTRE Maria José Palos Caravina Terminology Team, Language and Technology Support Section Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU 28/02/2013 General introduction • The Translation Centre’s mission • CdT’s stakeholders: EU Agencies and Bodies • CdT’s products and services • Type of documents • Client Portal • Translation volume • Source and target languages • Translation workflow • Organisational chart • Staff Terminology management • Terminology team: staff and main tasks • EFQM @ CdT • Terminology workflow • Quality Assurance • Terminology Projects – priorities 2013 Terminology tools • Search tools (for Translators) • Terminology Management & Term Extraction (for Terminologists) • Quality Assurance (for Terminologists & Translators) • ECHA TERM CdT’s role in IATE • IMG and interinstitutional terminologists’ meetings, Term Portal proposed by the EP • CdT and agencies’ collections in IATE • Interinstitutional updates in IATE • Current perspectives • Conclusion The Translation Centre’s mission Established in 1994, agency governed by European public law, with legal personality, Has its own financial resources: • payments from the agencies, offices and institutions in exchange for services provided, Is managed by a Management Board and a Director. MISSIONS 1st mission: meet the translation needs of the other decentralised Community agencies, institutions and bodies. 2nd mission: actively participate in the cooperation between the EU’s translation services by • rationalising working methods • harmonising procedures • making overall savings in the field of Community translation THE TRANSLATION CENTRE’S STAKEHOLDERS At present, the Translation Centre has cooperation agreements with 58 EU bodies and Institutions LIST OF CLIENTS (1) Name of client Acronym Cooperation since Subject area: Education / Employment / Culture European Training Foundation, Turin ETF 1996 European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Thessaloniki Cedefop 2001 European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and CCE-EMPLOI 2003 Equal Opportunities, Brussels Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Brussels EACEA 2006 Subject area: Transport European Aviation Safety Agency, Cologne EASA 2003 European Maritime Safety Agency, Lisbon EMSA 2003 European Railway Agency, Lille-Valenciennes ERA 2005 Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency, Brussels TEN-T EA 2008 Subject area: Networks & Joint Undertakings European Network and Information Security Agency, Heraklion ENISA 2005 European GNSS Agency, Brussels GSA 2007 Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, Riga BEREC Office 2011 European Union Satellite Centre, Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) EUSC 2007 ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking, Brussels ARTEMIS JU 2010 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, Brussels FCH JU 2010 SESAR Joint Undertaking, Brussels SJU 2009 Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, Brussels CSJU 2009 ENIAC Joint Undertaking, Brussels ENIAC JU 2010 Subject area: Research & Innovation Research Executive Agency, Brussels REA 2005 European Research Council Executive Agency, Brussels ERC 2009 European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Budapest EIT 2008 Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, Brussels EACI 2006 7 LIST OF CLIENTS (2) Name of client Acronym Cooperation since Subject area: Social Affairs European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Bilbao EU-OSHA 1996 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Eurofound 1998 Dublin European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna FRA 2007 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon EMCDDA 1999 European Institute for Gender Equality, Vilnius EIGE 2009 Subject area: Environment / Energy / Chemical European Environment Agency, Copenhagen EEA 1999 European Fisheries Control Agency, Vigo EFCA 2008 European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki ECHA 2007 Fusion for Energy (European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of F4E 2008 Fusion Energy), Barcelona Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, Ljubljana ACER 2010 Subject area: Property Rights Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs), Alicante OHIM 1996 Community Plant Variety Office, Angers CPVO 2002 Subject area: General (Legal / Political) European Commission – Directorate-General for Translation, Luxembourg and CCE-DGT 1996 Brussels Council of the European Union, Brussels Council 1998 Committee of Regions, Brussels CoR 2000 European Economic and Social Committee, Luxembourg EESC/CESE 2012 Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg CJEU 2001 European Ombudsman, Strasbourg Ombudsman 2005 European Data Protection Supervisor, Brussels EDPS 2010 8 LIST OF CLIENTS (3) Name of client Acronym Cooperation since Subject area: Budget / Financial European Central Bank, Frankfurt a. M. ECB 1997 European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg ECA 1998 European Investment Bank, Luxembourg EIB 2001 European Securities and Markets Authority, Paris ESMA 2011 European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, Frankfurt a. M. EIOPAPA 2011 European Banking Authority, London EBAPA 2011 Subject area: Foreign and Security Policy / Police and Judicial Cooperation European Police Office, The Hague Europol 1996 European Judicial Cooperation Unit, The Hague Eurojust 2002 European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External FRONTEX 2005 Borders of the Member States of the European Union, Warsaw European Police College, Bramshill Cepol 2006 European Defence Agency, Brussels EDA 2007 European Asylum Support Office, Valetta EASO 2010 Agency for the Operational Management of large-scale IT systems in the area of IT- Agency 2012 freedom, security and justice, Tallinn Subject area: Public Health / Consumer Protection European Medicines Agency, London EMA 1997 European Food Safety Authority, Parma EFSA 2002 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm ECDC 2005 Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, Luxembourg EAHC 2007 Innovative Medicines Initiative, Brussels IMI 2010 N.B. The grouping of clients according to subject area is informal and is for internal organisational purposes only. 9 The Translation Centre’s services Translation Amendment/Modification Editing Revision Standardisation Terminology Term lists TYPE OF DOCUMENTS Community trademarks and designs Cutting edge technical reports Medical and scientific reasoned opinions Legal and litigation texts Press releases Financial, accounting, budgetary documents Documents for Management Board meetings Annual reports and work programmes Guidance documents Inspection Reports VOLUME OF TRANSLATED PAGES (2012) 1995-2012 7 532 637 pages 900 000 Total: 735 007 pages 800 000 700 000 Community trademarks and 600 000 designs: 435 981 pages (59,3%) 500 000 Pages 400 000 Documents: 299 026 pages 300 000 (40,7%) 200 000 100 000 0 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1996 2001 13 Distribution of Languages by source AND target Plus translations from and into non-EU languages (Norwegian, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Icelandic…) 14 TRANSLATION WORKFLOW Client Request Feedback Invoices Technical help & Translations CLIENT PORTAL Qs & As on original Request Technical help & Translations Feedback Invoices External Relations & Demand Communication Finance Helpdesk Management (Client Coordination) Layout and Document Feedback completeness analysis check Feedback Translation Internal Client (internal or revision Qs & As external) Coordinators on original 15 ORGANISATIONAL CHART 16 Staff members 215 209 205 199 198 202 175 165 186 139 130 147 122 141 104 44 24 1 2012 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 17 Terminology Team – main tasks 2 + trainees COORDINATES MULTILINGUAL TERMINOLOGY PROJECTS FOR ITS CLIENTS CONTACT POINT TERMINOLOGY AT INTERINSTITUTIONAL LEVEL IATE MAINTENANCE CDT DATA THE TERMINOLOGY TEAM COORDINATES THE WORK OF THE 24 IATE TRAININGS AT CDT TERMINOLOGY COORDINATORS AT LANGUAGE LEVEL AND ASSIGNS IATE SUPPORT AT CDT TASKS THROUGH FLOSYS TECHNOLOGY WATCH EFQM @ CdT The EFQM Excellence Model The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) is: - the most widely used organisational framework in Europe - used both as an assessment tool and as a management model At the Translation Centre: Various processes describe and standardise the Centre’s core activities, i.e. translating a document, planning and managing translation resources, invoice management, terminology, etc. T13 – Creating a new specialised terminology collection Terminology project – Project definition/Term extraction DEFINITION INCOMING REQUEST OF THE PROJECT GATHERING OF CORPORA DEFINITION OF THE TOOLS SELECTION OF CONCEPTS – TERM EXTRACTION IN SOURCE LANGUAGE CdT - Terminology group Terminology project – Validation source terms VALIDATION BY 2- VALIDATION BY CLIENT 3 TRANSLATORS COORDINATOR FORMAL CHECKING BY EN TERMINOLOGIST (IATE RULES) FEEDBACK PROCESSED GLOSS BY TERMINOLOGY EN GROUP VALIDATION BY CLIENT FEEDBACK PROCESSED BY TERMINOLOGY CdT - Terminology group GROUP Terminology projects – Multilingual phase PREPARATION OF MULTILINGUAL CORPORA TERMINOLOGISTS PROVIDE EQUIVALENT INTO TARGET LANGUAGES FEEDBACK PROCESSED BY TG AND VALIDATION OF TERMINOLOGISTS TARGET LANGUAGES (EU/local terminology) NFP CdT - Terminology group Terminology projects – Publication of data IMPORT INTO IATE INTERNAL PUBLICATION IN OSS (INTERINSTITUTIONAL
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